Build Madness

Chapter 240: Xingyue Bay Sports Center in Yun County, fully started

The company is running at full capacity, and Ge Xiaotian is not idle.

Chatted with Li Xiuxiu and the younger sister who came back from shopping, and opened the laptop to log in to ERP and email.

The first is the Yun County project.

Real estate development is a very complicated thing, with high investment, high profits, and high turnover, the benefits generated affect the nerves of countless people.

If there is a transaction, there will naturally be a value-added tax; if there is a profit, there will naturally be an income tax.

Both belong to Dongshan, Tiancheng belongs to Jishi, and Yun County belongs to Heshi.

For cross-regional operations, if a project department is set up, the leader of He City, C, who is sold out, will dare to come to him.


Use other people's land to earn other people's money, but pay the tax to Jishi, can people not be in a hurry?

When opening a branch office, the value-added tax can be paid in Heshi, but the income tax has to be aggregated to Tiancheng Headquarters and paid in Jishi.

Real estate profits are so high, can He City agree?

Therefore, if you want to enter the entire He city through Yun County, it is necessary for Brother Hao to become the legal representative and register a subsidiary.

In the past few months, Tian Cheng has also obtained a lot of qualifications.

For example, Lao Zhu's earthwork.

For example, the masonry, concrete, steel bars, water and electricity, etc. left behind by the boss of the four gates in the southeast, northwest, and west of Xiangxian County.

For another three to four million yuan, He City can be sent a fully qualified third-level construction company.

At that time, progress contracts, loans, benefits, subsidies, support...

Of course, it depends on Brother Hao's communication skills.

Ge Xiaotian didn't mention any idea of ​​entering He City.

Brother Hao is not a time traveler, vision, thinking, and ability all need to be cultivated, and the extent to which the subsidiary company develops depends entirely on him, Xiaolan from the intelligence department, and those top students from the Sancha Township Office.

If He City can be conquered by the end of the year, this will be the vanguard army marching into other provinces!

Ge Xiaotian lit a cigarette, entered the administrator password in the ERP, and clicked on the 'Yun County Project', Note: Additional investment of 30 million!

Subsidiary subsidiary, with a son, must be the son of the head office.

Dad is rich now, so he naturally needs to give some living expenses.

In addition, it can be regarded as a cheer for Brother Hao.

because it's a bit poor...

In fact, in the early 1990s, He City was not poor.

On the contrary, there are two railway stations in the city alone, as well as several national highways, which are the foundation of development.

However, because He City is located in the innermost part of Dongshan Mountain, the first ray of spring breeze of reform and opening up failed to blow in. In addition, the local area was eroded by Liangshan culture and Confucian and Mencius thoughts. Studying but failing to pass the university entrance examination, which led to the gap gradually widening with the surrounding cities in the mid-to-late 1990s.

A railway station was directly abandoned, the national road was in disrepair year after year, people were stuck, and investment attraction became decadent and powerless...

During this period, it almost became the epitome of poverty in southwestern Shandong.

For the people of Yun County, building a two-story building facing the street, opening a shop on the first floor and living on the second floor, is a very decent life. Come to greet a guest, drink a big bowl, eat meat, what kind of building do you live in?

Therefore, there is almost no real estate market in Yun County.


At the end of the 1990s, Jishi changed to Shaobaitou, and Heshi also changed to C and sold out.

No matter how people evaluate the two in the future, the word 'courage' definitely exists.

As long as it can develop, real estate will definitely make money.

After all, if you have money, if you don’t buy a car or a house, should you deposit it in the bank?


"Ah Choo!"

In the early morning of the second day of the Lunar New Year, Brother Hao walked out of the house with his bald head.

No. 111 S600 has been waiting for a long time. Xiaolan is sitting in the car holding a boiled egg and gently rolling it around her eyes.

"Hey, why are your eyes so swollen? Did you quarrel with your little girlfriend?"

"Unlucky, don't mention it!" Xiaolan threw a cigarette over, "A year ago, the boss asked me to go to Huanggang to catch a ruffian named Chen Ergou. Damn it, the whole scene was like a landmine war, with thunder, firecrackers, and two kicks." Feet, wearing a sky monkey... It's a hat, it was almost thrown into the cellar by that guy, and it will flood the Seventh Army!"

"Caught it?"

"No! Chen Ergou ran away on the first day of the new year. I heard that he was working in an electronics factory in the south. Forget it, let's not talk about it!"

"Hey, that kid is really capable! Why didn't you bring rhubarb?"

"Eh..." Xiaolan was slightly taken aback, and immediately regretted, "Damn!"

"Haha!" Brother Hao took off his tea-brown eyes and wiped them. He straightened his dark blue tie in the mirror. He might feel the heat in the car, so he unbuttoned his black woolen coat. "How about this suit?"

Xiaolan curled her lips, "You can't grow hair on your forehead, and you don't look like a boss no matter how well you dress!"

"Tsk tsk!" Brother Hao took out the wig from his arms.


"Actually, the Yun County project is not difficult!" Brother Hao combed his hair, "The land is not expensive, it belongs to the replacement of the ancient city project, the location is close to the center of the county, the county hospital is diagonally opposite, the station is directly opposite, the primary school is on the left, and the right On the side is a park to be developed, and hardly needs too many supporting facilities.”

Xiaolan smiled slightly, but said nothing.

Both are the chief of the intelligence department, and the brothers are either Hunliang County (Xiao Zeng), Hunxiang County (Xiao Hong), or Hunji City (Xiao Lu), and one of them has become the general manager of the personnel department (Xiao Huang), Immediately took charge of the Wen County project, but he stayed in Sancha Township, and had no chance to show his fists except for catching hooligans.

The first time she heard that the boss was going to let her go to Yun County, Xiaolan sent her subordinates there immediately.

Not only Yun County!

There are also Cao County and Shan County under the jurisdiction of He City.

Then, he realized... the fat wig next to him must have offended the boss!

Brother Hao saw that Xiaolan was silent, and continued on his own: "The boss added another 30 million in funds last night, and we currently have 50 million in our hands. I feel that it is a loss to use this money to only set up a Yun county! Why don't we register the subsidiary company, let's mortgage the company, and then talk to the leader of the Shan County Investment Promotion Office?"

"I'm only in charge of finance and personnel affairs, and you can decide the rest!"

"The leaders of Yunxian County often come to Xiaoqingshan to study. The two sides are already familiar with each other, and there is an ancient city project going hand in hand. I can ask them to help out with a loan of 20 million. When the funds for the pre-sale of Xingyue Bay in Yunxian County are in place, and the boss will add more The investment is almost 100 million, and 500 million is announced to the outside world, marching into Shan County with great fanfare!"

"You really learned the essence of the boss!"

"As long as we can handle the real estate market in Yun County and Shan County, we can replicate the Xingyue Bay model to He City in the third quarter. With the boss who has made a big name in Dongshan, earning 500 million before the end of the year is not a problem. !"

"You think too much!"

The car drove into the main road of Yun County, and Xiaolan opened the car window, revealing the county town that resembled Xiaohu Town, and a team of donkey carts driving bricks into the city beside the road.

Brother Hao: "..."

"come on!"


at the same time.

Xiangxian Crescent Plaza, Tiancheng Office.

Xiao Huang accompanied the secretary of the new general manager, visited all the departments, returned to the general manager's office, and poured him a glass of water very enthusiastically.

"Sister Xu, the boss seldom comes here, but Tiancheng and the branch's important documents, plans, and files are all here. The boss likes to work online, which is our customized ERP system."

"What about the daily signature?"

"The structure of our Tiancheng company is a little different from the outside world. The project approval and signing is for the planning department, the capital turnover is for signing by Director Sun, and the personnel transfer needs at least three of my five secretaries to sign. Advertising and after-sales processing also have their own departments. The supervisor is in charge. Building materials and building materials are ordered from ERP, Ge Damao... oh, you should have used it!"


"In terms of procurement, it is the same as the ERP used by Mr. Qin. After the quotation is generated, it is classified into a project, signed by the planning department, and Director Sun allocates funds!"

"Why do I feel that our boss is usually idle?"

"Actually very busy, the boss is in charge of the general direction!"

"for example?"

Xiao Huang looked around, coughed, pinched his waist with one hand, and pointed to the huge map of Dongshan on the wall with the other, "Well, I have studied it recently, Wen County will usher in new development, and the real estate market in the next few years will have a good prospect. Huang, take two engineering departments, go to the suburbs to get a piece of land, talk to the leaders about the progress contract, bus, shipping, all of them will be laid out, first earn me 200 million!"


"Just kidding!" Xiao Huang laughed, "Assistant Xu, let's deal with the recently started project as soon as possible!"

"Okay, tell me, I'll remember, I'll deal with it later!"

"First of all, our Tiancheng's biggest project..."


After Ge Xiaotian finished handling the affairs of the Yun County subsidiary, he clicked on Tiancheng's biggest project: 'Sports Center'.

After more than a month of preparation, the seven connections and one leveling were gradually completed, and various basic building materials were also in place.

200 heavy trucks, 50 bulldozers, 30 excavators, 50 tower cranes, more than a dozen conveyor belts, and several gantry crane combinations, all gathered at the construction site.

The groundbreaking ceremony will be held at 12 noon on the seventh day of the Lunar New Year.

At that time Dongshan Yu Zong, Dongshan Vice President, Dongshan Provincial Association, ..., Jishi Shaobaidou, Sun Bureau, Industrial Bureau, ..., Jifu Steel Plant, Taishi Steel Plant, bank leaders, chamber of commerce representative Shu Dahong, Both Lin Yang and President Qin will participate.

Since he could not be present, Xiao Huang gave a speech on his behalf, and the new manager of the publicity department was in charge of hosting.

After the ceremony, Lao Zhu's earthwork team was fully activated.

Complete all earthwork projects such as sports venues, swimming pools, badminton halls, etc. within one month.

Finish all the foundation piles of the stadium before May,

Construction of the zero floor in July,

Construction on the first floor in August,

Construction on the second floor in September,

Four floors of construction in October,

The hoisting ceremony of steel components will be held at the end of October.

In November, the main concrete structure was capped,

The next year, that is, in January 2001, the steel structure was welded together.

In February 2001, supporting facilities were installed.

Estimated overall completion time: May 2001.

The start time of the Provincial Games is October 19, 2002.

Project leader: Ge Xiaotian.

Sub-item leaders: Zhu Changfa, Hong xx, Hu Wen (Professor Hu of Design Research Institute)...

Construction department: Tiancheng Engineering Department No.2, No.3, No.4, No.5, Machinery No.1 and No.2, Planning Department, Transportation Department, Purchasing Department, etc. Total staff: 3,200 people.

Carefully looking through the schedule, Ge Xiaotian took a deep breath, entered the administrator password, and transferred the 200 million yuan of the second batch of funds from Jishi City and the 300 million yuan of the one billion loan to the project account.

Up to now, the city is 2+2, Tiancheng is 3+3, with a total investment of one billion yuan.

There will be another 600 million in the follow-up city, for a total of 1.6 billion, including the UFO stadium.

After careful calculation, Tian Cheng can earn back 300 million...

That is to say, for this project that claimed 200 million yuan, the city gave 1 billion yuan, Tiancheng invested 300 million yuan, and got the right to operate it for 30 years.

Of course, that's not how it works out.

The land in the Xingyue Bay EFGH area of ​​Ji City is given away at a low price, and Tiancheng of the four communities can earn at least 600 million.

As for where did the money go?

Haven't handed over yet!

Didi Didi...

The phone rang.

Little yellow!



"Your secretary is here. I just brought her to familiarize herself with the company and the work process. Do you have any orders?"

"Oh?" Ge Xiaotian laughed suddenly, "Let her answer the phone!"


this voice...

Tsk tsk, it sounds good!

But why is it so familiar?

"What's the name?"

"Boss, I'm Xiao Xu!"

Xiao Xu?

Which Xiao Xu?

Ge Xiaotian was very puzzled, and stretched out his hand to flick the cigarette ash, always feeling that the name seemed familiar.

"Boss, I feel that there is something wrong with the small commodity market project!"

"Oh? Tell me!"

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