Build Madness

Chapter 248 Banquet Visit Chen Feng

Six consecutive groundbreaking ceremonies were successfully concluded.

The leaders and the audience in front of the TV not only appreciated Tiancheng's work style that keeps pace with the times, but also deeply appreciated Tiancheng's hard power!

Advanced technology, innovative ideas, good management, dare to think and do!

It is in line with the reform trend!

So much so that after attending the hoisting ceremony of the last flying saucer gymnasium, on the way back to Xiaoqingshan, Mr. Yu changed the itinerary and decided to lead the generals under his command to visit the Tiancheng headquarters.


Arriving at the destination, there are ruins in front of my eyes!

Tiancheng's headquarters has moved out!

After receiving the news, Ge Xiaotian was a little embarrassed, driving a wheelchair, and received many leaders who were still full of wishes at the Guyue Qingshan store.

In the past, the girls in the customer service department thought that the big boss was like an Avanti, so they went to the commercial street in District D to buy a winter hat that was oversized and fat, wrapped it in a bandage and put it on the head, and put a folded black strip on the legs. Wool blanket, arms covered by suits, such a dress, it doesn't look so bad.

"Look at our up-and-comer Dongshan, who is ready to sit down and welcome you!" Mr. Yu was in a good mood, joking with the two vice presidents, and pressed Ge Xiaotian, who wanted to stand up, "How is your recovery?"

"It's okay, I should be able to get rid of the name of Ge Er Cripple!"

"Ha ha!"

A group of people talked and laughed, and introduced each other to the "Love My Motherland" banquet hall.

Stepping into the door, classic music sounds.

‘The rivers and mountains are only in my dreams, and the motherland has not been peaceful for many years, but no matter what I can’t change my heart for the motherland...’

‘Even though I wear western clothes, my heart is still the heart of my motherland...’

The classics are not only reflected in the melody, but more importantly, the meaning and feelings expressed in the lyrics.

Humming a few words subconsciously, everyone couldn't help but came to a collective chorus.

Meanwhile, the waiter served the food.

During the Spring Festival, I ate too much fish and meat. Today, I will have some vegetarian food to change my appetite.

The name is: Quan Su Zhai!

What you see is nothing, what you eat is nothing, all exquisite dishes made of vegetables!

Sitting separately, there is a chorus as a foreshadowing, but it is also very enjoyable.

After three glasses of wine, President Yu whispered in his ear.

"Why do you buy so many tanks?"

"Huh?" Ge Xiaotian didn't expect the big leader to ask this at all, he thought that the other party wanted to hear about Tiancheng's capital chain.

"Although those iron lumps are not self-made, many properties are... somewhat complicated."

Ge Xiaotian must know this, so he didn't insist on looking for Lao Yang to cancel the order later.

Otherwise, wait a little longer, even if you have money to buy it, you may not necessarily sell it.

And as the laws gradually become complete, if a license can be obtained during this period, it will definitely be the only one in the near future, without a semicolon.

Just like the old saying, if you miss this village, you will lose this store!

"Leader, what do you mean?"

"Listen to the song!"

Ge Xiaotian's eyes lit up, and two words came to his mind.

However, before he could speak, President Yu patted him on the shoulder, "Write an application in person, and submit it to the Jinxiuchuan special team as soon as possible, and the content of the application will be according to... Well, the atmosphere at the banquet today is very good, let's have a drink!"


Toasted for a while, chatted with the vice president, the association, and the united front, and became familiar with each other, Ge Xiaotian took the initiative to give up the position of the main companion to the young white-headed leader.

With so many projects, Mr. Yu must have orders.

After leaving the table, he drove the wheelchair to Ju Sun's side, and looked left and right for no one.

"How did it look a year ago?"

"I planned to go to Jifu to check it out. I heard that your hospital opened, so I came to try it. Hey, I didn't expect that a pair of traditional Chinese medicines..." Sun Ju's face was flushed, and his smile was brighter than before. Check it out, your sister-in-law may really be pregnant!"


"Drink and drink, by the way, your sister-in-law has always wanted to see Xiuxiu, let her go and chat some other day, the farm is not far from the family courtyard, walk around more!"

"Look at my memory, I planned to let her go several times a year ago, but a car accident happened, and I was busy next year, so I almost forgot!"

"It doesn't get in the way, it doesn't get in the way, I'm worried that she'll be bored at home during pregnancy, so she can chat with someone, go shopping, and relax."

"Well, why don't you come to Xiaoqingshan to live for a while? There is a farmhouse next to it that is still empty, and it is also close to the hospital. If you have anything to do, talk to my mother, aunt, and aunt. There are many handicrafts and weavers in the village. Let's go. You can talk for half a day anywhere!"

"Then I won't be polite!"

"Why are you being polite!"

Director Sun looked around, "Have you heard about the park area?"

"Slightly heard!"

"Two hundred acres, starting at 100 million yuan, equivalent to 500,000 acres, for public auction! But I had a negotiation with Commodity Construction Engineering and gave the reserve price for the auction. However, I need to help Jishi build a pedestrian street. If Tiancheng wants it ..." Director Sun stretched out three fingers, "We talked about it years ago, but you didn't want it at the time, think about it now?"

Ge Xiaotian picked up a piece of spinach vermicelli and savored it carefully.

When chatting with Chen Feng before, he thought about it.

The central area is indeed attractive, with its own park, complete supporting facilities, and mature businesses around it.

three fingers...

Three hundred thousand and one mu, sixty million!

Tiancheng's funds were tight, but the funds from Tianzhu and Tianheng were sufficient.

However, this matter was placed three months ago, and he would ask for anything, even if he didn't give it, he could still get it.

But now the real estate value of the Canal CBD is no lower than that of the park area!

The most important thing is that if the park area is really won, there will be a need for public transportation. At that time, the Shunhe Commercial Building, the Shunhe 4S Store, and the Changfeng Commercial Building that will start construction will all benefit.

This is completely throwing away the root and chasing the end... No, this is completely an act of capitalizing on the enemy!

The Canal Development Zone is so big, and there is a lot of open space around it. If you want to make money, just circle another piece!

Three hundred thousand and one mu?

Throw out a...

What else is missing?

Parks, fitness squares, zoo and botanical gardens, water entertainment city, sports center...


Well, donate a library and get cheap land again!

It's just that now Tiancheng has no shortage of land or projects, so let's finish the first three quarters first.

"Forget it, let others do it, Tian Cheng is not suitable for the central area."

Director Sun nodded, "I feel the same way. As long as we finish the project of the Canal Development Zone, there is no need to go to the urban area. At that time, with various advantages, we can directly plunder the housing buyers in other areas, or attract customers from the townships below, and earn money." The money far exceeds the park area!"

"Then...who is this land going to be for?"

"The leader said that Wei Changfeng's psychological price should be 300 million yuan, so throw it out if it suits you!"

"When will the filming start?"

"After the Lantern Festival, seventeen or eighteen!"

"I'll go and see then!"


The banquet lasted until half past eight in the evening.

In order to demonstrate the Xingyue Bay system, Ge Xiaotian did not arrange the rest place at the Guyue Qingshan Store, but asked the leaders to go to the No. 2 Guyue Store, Commercial Street, District D, Xiang County.

The supporting facilities over there are already mature. After dinner, take a stroll, look at the most prosperous areas in the local area, and visit Crescent Square and Crescent Lake, which can be regarded as helping Xiangxian County.

After arranging the reception, Ge Xiaotian returned to his ward.

Open your notebook and start writing your application.

Dear leaders:

Tiancheng is a large-scale comprehensive enterprise developed from a township enterprise, focusing on local development and devoting itself to solving employment...

As the saying goes, education is the foundation, science and education rejuvenate the country...

According to...statistics, the dropout rate of junior high schools in townships...the dropout rate of high schools...fights, picking quarrels and provoking troubles happen frequently...

In order to respond to the call of China's reform, to cultivate technical jobs in the new era, and to cultivate the correct values ​​and outlook on life of young people in the new era... Tiancheng invested heavily in the establishment of Dongshan Vocational Technical Secondary School.

Generally speaking, graduates from private technical secondary schools are basically unable to enter military camps.

However, every good man has a dream of joining the army. In order to let the teenagers who are in the rebellious period of youth feel the atmosphere of the military camp more intuitively, study hard, improve their own quality, and have better binding force in entering various basic positions in the future, our school He spared no expense to purchase 20 iron lumps, implemented the "Dream Realization Plan", and conducted military training for half a year...

At that time, people from all walks of life will be invited to supervise and guide...

———A person who failed to fulfill his dream of joining the army, my respect!


Early the next morning.

Ge Xiaotian didn't go to Auto Trade City immediately, but came to visit Chen Feng in the next ward.

This old guy drank a bowl of noodles, but suffered a big crime.

The wound burst, internal bleeding, stitches were removed, another cut was made, and the second suture...

If you don't die, you will die!

When Ge Xiaotian drove the wheelchair to the ward, Chen Feng was wearing an oxygen mask, staring at the light bulb on the ceiling.

"How about it?"

"I can't die!"

"I want to ask you something, I owed Wei Wei 20 million before, why didn't Wei Changfeng mention it again?"

"one million!"

"Hey!" Ge Xiaotian reached out and pulled out the oxygen tube.

Chen Feng's face changed, "Ge, you are going too far!"


"I said I said, plug me in first!"

"Say it!"

"Phew... the 20 million, Tian Cheng may not win the lawsuit, so Wei Changfeng is going to sue directly at the right time!"

Ge Xiaotian nodded, took note of the matter carefully, and changed his voice, "What business does He Shun secretly have?"

"That's more, imported electronic products, imported clothing, imported piano instruments..."


"That's what our industry calls 'foreign garbage'!"

Ge Xiaotian was stunned. He had heard Xiao Lu say "foreign garbage" before, but he didn't listen carefully. "The city is investigating him recently. Is it possible to catch him?"

"It's hard! Because he is a middleman, the goods are transported from Western Europe to the southern coastal cities, and a dealer picks them up before transporting them to the mainland. He doesn't need to be personally involved, he just calls the factory to receive them, simply processes them, and directly delivers the 'new products' 'Shipping to the capital or other metropolises, and selling to those fashion brand stores, there is basically nothing to do."

"This guy's way of life is quite wild, no wonder the security office investigated him!"

"What do you think? With just daily necessities and hotel dance halls, he can become the top ten in the city?" Chen Feng seemed to think of something, "Is your car accident really an accident?"

Ge Xiaotian sighed, "It was indeed an accident. The perpetrator had just gotten married, and Dong Pinxi borrowed 300,000 yuan to buy a rear eight-wheeler. He thought that if he worked hard in the future, he would be able to bring his new wife to live a good life. This shit happened. The young couple were honest and didn’t run away. They were going to sell the car and house to compensate for the damage caused by the car accident. I thought about it, forget it, don’t sell the car and house, both of them should come to our company to work. "

Chen Feng felt a little emotional, he couldn't lift his arm, and he still gave a thumbs up, "I admire you for this, but even if it's really an accident, you should pay more attention!"


"He Shun's hands are darker than your heart!"

Ge Xiaotian raised his hand and rubbed the stubble on his chin, "If you dare to do this, your hands must be black!"

Chen Feng took a deep breath, glanced at the oxygen tank, "You fucked me up again!"

"My heart is dark?"

"No, you are a good person!"

Thanks for the rewards of "Zabayi's Small Wine Tank", I will add more later.

In addition, I helped recommend two books, a new urban book "I am a grassroots policeman", and an old book "All Heavens Return to One" that the book circle owner asked me to recommend before, but I didn't know whether to recommend it.

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