Build Madness

Chapter 257 Hoisting of Steel Structure of UFO Gymnasium

After finishing the canal CBD project, Ge Xiaotian handled a few more important emails, and then left the work to the new Dao Erseng Er.

Look at the time, it's already eleven o'clock at night.

Li Xiuxiu's text message was delivered on time.

"Guess what holiday it is today?"


Ge Xiaotian looked at the calendar, it was the tenth day of the first lunar month.

What holiday?

The Spring Festival has just ended, and the Lantern Festival has not yet arrived. There seems to be no festivals in between?

Could it be...

Xiuxiu's birthday?

Ge Xiaotian was blessed to the heart, while arranging the staff of the farm to buy flowers and cakes as quickly as possible, and on the other hand he quickly replied: "Happy birthday!"

Immediately afterwards, another post was issued, "Too busy with work today, I almost forgot. In fact, I had someone prepare the cake a long time ago, but unfortunately I couldn't deliver it myself."

"???" After chatting for so long, Li Xiuxiu has learned to ask questions.

"What's wrong?"

"Today is Valentine's Day!!!"

Valentine's Day?

Look at the calendar again, isn't it, February 14!

This...another time and space has been single for too long, and I even forgot this festival!

Although this time and space is not very popular, boys and girls always have some longing...

Anyway, we also have girlfriends!

Ge Xiaotian took a deep breath, rubbed his throbbing right eyelid, pretended to be stupid and said in a daze, "Isn't Valentine's Day the Qixi Festival?"


Across the screen, Ge Xiaotian felt the murderous intent, and quickly edited the text message, "It's just a foreign imported product, a product of business hype, you know, I am more traditional, and I only care about our traditional Chinese festivals! Like Western Valentine's Day, lover, Mistress, lover, how ugly? Are you going to be a little girl?"

"Fuck you!" Li Xiuxiu sent another post immediately, "I also feel that this festival is a bit awkward, so I asked you at such a late hour, I didn't plan to do this in the first place."

"That's right!" After the crisis was resolved, Ge Xiaotian praised himself for his wit.

"But here comes the question, Ge, when is my birthday?"


Ge Xiaotian was stunned.

When is Li Xiuxiu's birthday?

I have no impression at all!


Early the next morning.

Before dawn, Ge Xiaotian didn't even eat breakfast, so he hurriedly drove his wheelchair into Daqingshan.


How can it be!

Miss Xiu is a good, reasonable girl!

He came to the construction site so early to check the progress of the project!

Pass through the colorful gate of the construction site of the UFO Gymnasium and look around.

Eight kilowatt iodine-tungsten lamps illuminate the surrounding area as brightly as day, and three tower cranes and two crawler cranes work non-stop around a circular building that has begun to take shape. The tens of meters high building is buzzing, Blossoming electric flowers popped up from time to time.

On the ground, countless workers come and go, a scene of enthusiasm.

After waving to Tianwei on duty, Ge Xiaotian took Li Hu to the 'command headquarters' to signal him to continue to stand guard.

Along the way, there are many safety slogans posted around, including: the responsible person's public notice board, the construction progress small blackboard, the morning and evening shift schedule, what to eat in the past few days...

Walking into the headquarters, there was no one there.

Check out the sign-in sheet.

Nong Yi, the general manager of the project, was busy from 8:00 am yesterday to 2:30 am this morning.

This should be sleeping.

Ge Xiaotian didn't bother, but summoned the person in charge of the sub-item who was on duty.

The hoisting link is similar to the main project of high-rise buildings, and it is the top priority of the UFO gymnasium.

If all goes well, the venue will be completed.

If there is an accident, there may be hundreds of millions of red notes in vain...

Therefore, he may not be able to come here in the early stage, but now he must pay close attention.

While waiting, Ge Xiaotian picked up the desktop telescope in the headquarters to check the construction site.

The steel structure part of the flying saucer gymnasium is composed of pipe trusses (similar to beams), steel roof, mast membrane structure cable canopy, etc. The central area can be expanded and moved, and can also be combined with rain protection. It is not the "fixed roof" of traditional basketball stadiums.

Before the hoisting ceremony began, the formwork, concrete supports, and scaffolding of the civil engineering part had already been removed.

Inside the UFO Gymnasium, the backfilling should be backfilled, and the bulldozing should be flattened, leaving the largest working surface for the 50T automobile tower crane.

In addition, a wide road needs to be paved around the periphery of the gymnasium as a driving route for crawler cranes to work around the 'O'-shaped building.

A brief review of the construction process in another time and space.

The first is the installation and retesting of embedded parts.

This project needs to be done well in advance, and the test results should be reported to the supervisory unit.

The next step is the actual steel member hoisting.

Just take the main pipe truss as an example.

It consists of eight diameter-like plane trusses, transverse truss members, and supporting folded plates, and three major components.

Specific parameters……

For example, the main truss numbered HJ1 is 26500mm long and weighs 35 tons. After installation, the truss material is added, and the total weight is 75 tons.

The rest vary in length and weight according to the design drawings.

The main pipe truss is made of parts, and after being assembled into a whole on site, it is connected with the cables at high altitude.

The construction process adopts the 'four-point hoisting method', and a hand chain hoist is also set for adjustment.

Two 50-ton truck cranes, two 150-ton crawler cranes, and a special long-arm tower crane are required to assist the operation.

Specific construction steps:

To put it simply, the scene is like building a tower of blocks.

The 50T car tower crane entered the UFO Stadium.

First build a main support frame in the central area of ​​the gymnasium, and install a gear-like steel roof core component on the top of the main support frame.

Then, around the main support frame, build a circle of support frames A1, A2, A3... in accordance with the construction drawings.

Between the A-series support frame and the top of the main support frame, the main truss is laid to connect the 'steel roof core components' to form a 'small pot cover'. (It's like laying horizontal lines between the inner circle of the circular character "Hui" and the center point)

After the small pot cover was formed, the 50T tower crane located in the UFO Stadium withdrew from the site, and the 150T tower crane outside the site began to operate.

Around the 'small pot cover', that is, outside the A series of brackets, continue to build a circle of B1, B2, B3, etc., B series brackets, and then continue to lay the main truss to connect the small pot cover and the outer circle of the gymnasium. Concrete columns, repeating the first construction session, form the 'medium pot cover'. (It’s like laying horizontal lines between the outer ring and the inner ring of the circular character ‘Hui’)

At this stage of construction, the gymnasium looks like a circular building without eaves, referred to as 'bucket' for short.

The next step is off-site construction.

In addition to the twelve concrete columns poured around the gymnasium, continue to build C1, C2, C3, etc., C series brackets, and connect medium-sized pot lids with ring trusses to form a 'big pot lid'. (It's like drawing a lot of horizontal lines that expand outward around the round character "Hui", which is simply the eaves)

After finishing these, the hoisting is over.

Among them, the connection method of the ring truss in area C of the outfield and the medium-sized pot cover in area B can also be omitted according to the building type, and the small pot cover can be directly made into a large pot cover, and finally the important "steel structure closing".

(Most venues do this, but there are also super large stadiums that are constructed from the outside in.)

After the hoisting is completed, it is necessary to carry out repeated tests and inspections, and submit various reports to the supervisory unit.

Then disassemble!

What is dismantled is not only the main support frame, the three series of support frames A, B, and C, but sometimes the middle 'small pot cover' is also removed or cut off.

The appearance formed afterwards is the future steel structure football field.

However, the flying saucer gymnasium is a basketball gymnasium, and the amount of work is relatively small. Guide rails will be installed on the cover to continue to build a raised 'flying saucer roof'.

The weather was fine, and the top of the flying saucer moved towards the mountain, revealing the stands and the competition field inside.

When encountering wind and rain, the top of the flying saucer returns to its position through the guide rails to cover the open-air part.

The hoisting work of the flying saucer gymnasium started in the afternoon of the seventh day of the seventh day, and the construction was carried out around the clock. Up to now, the small pot cover in the inner circle has only gradually been completed.

It's a little slow!

After Ge Xiaotian checked the progress of the project with a telescope, twenty foremen on the night shift and five sub-project supervisors arrived at the headquarters one after another.

And another team of managers who were about to start the day shift also rushed over.

Among this group of people, there are strong men with rich experience, master masons with high comprehension, high-achieving students from the civil engineering college, electric welders, crane masters...

The engineering department is full of elites! (construction elite, not elite troops)

When Tiancheng's technicians and construction machinery were nervous, this team was the first thing Ge Xiaotian thought of.

Two hundred people were transferred to serve as foremen, a wave of strong men was exploded, and a batch of machinery was driven away, almost ten engineering divisions could be formed.

But in this way, the construction period of the UFO stadium will be extended, which will directly affect the basketball game plan.

As for adding strong men here...

For a large steel structure, he would not dare to use a newcomer. If something goes wrong, the loss is next, and it will be fatal if it is injured!

"Is there any way to speed up the construction progress under the premise of ensuring safety?" This is the only way Ge Xiaotian can think of at present.

Get the Saucer Stadium finished ASAP!

One less big project can free up an elite team.

Nong Yi thought for a while, "Boss, the current six-hour working system is implemented in four shifts, with more than 100 people in one rotation. If it is changed to an eight-hour working system, three shifts are implemented, with nearly 200 people in one rotation. Save... two weeks!"

The steel structure is not a building, there is no need to wait for the cement to solidify, and there is no need to move bricks and ash. Most of the steel components are operated by tower cranes and cranes. The personnel are only responsible for welding and assembly, which requires low physical strength. As long as the work is careful and strictly in accordance with the regulations operation, there will be basically no errors.

"Eight hours!" Ge Xiaotian thought about it seriously, "During this period, can everyone guarantee their concentration?"

"This..." Nong Yi exchanged glances with the other persons in charge, a little unsure.

"The most important thing is the tower crane master, the crane master, and the welding master. The attention is highly concentrated for eight hours in a row, and even the king of soldiers may not be able to do it!" Thinking of this, Ge Xiaotian suddenly remembered another time and space Comrade Ge Feng implemented in order to meet the construction deadline. A shift system, "Eight-hour work system, with four hours as a round, ABC and ABC are rotated, which is equivalent to six shifts. The difference between morning shift A and evening shift A is eight hours, and the same is true for BC, enough rest! "

"Then I order to go down?"

"Wait, in terms of wages, the six-hour work system is still used, and the extra two hours are overtime work, ten yuan an hour!"

"Good boss!"

Ge Xiaotian spread out the construction drawings and was just about to chat with the technician about some construction tips when his cell phone rang suddenly.

I thought it was Li Xiuxiu who came to visit me, but I never thought it was Xu Ling, my new secretary.


"Boss, early this morning, a man threw a kraft paper bag at the front desk, claiming it was yours!"

"Huh? Who?"

"I don't know each other, the front desk said that the other party left without leaving a name!"

"What's in the brown paper bag?"

"Wait, let me see..." The next moment, Secretary Xu tremblingly said, "Old...boss, it's a bullet!"


Ge Xiaotian frowned slightly, "Have you adjusted the surveillance?"

"The computer department is checking..." After more than ten seconds, Secretary Xu said again: "The other party is about 1.8 meters tall, wearing sunglasses, can't see his face clearly, and has a bloated figure. He probably has something hidden in his arms."

"What about other monitoring?"

"The other party left Crescent Square and went straight to the old town of Xiangxian County. We didn't install surveillance there."

"Don't be nervous, it was easy for us to deal with Shangwu three months ago, let alone a trick of sending bullet threats?!"


Putting down the phone, Ge Xiaotian lit a cigarette, and issued a warning order to the system personnel.

Who will it be? !

Martial remnants?

Ge there someone from Xiangjiang?

Or He Shun?

Thinking of Chen Feng's reminder the day before yesterday, Ge Xiaotian rubbed the button of Bird 818 and dialed He Shun's number.

"Yo? Boss Ge, is your leg okay?"

"I'll take you to the canal to take a bath tonight, believe me?"

"Uh...haha, just kidding, just kidding, why do you call me when you have time?"

"What do you say?"

"Huh? What do you mean?!"

"This metal shell, five yuan a piece, right? I'll get someone to send the money to you later?"

"What metal shell?" He Shun paused for a few seconds, finally understood what the metal shell meant, and hurriedly said again: "Boss Ge, people can dig randomly, but you can't talk nonsense!"


Listening to the blind tone on the phone, He Shun looked suspiciously at his loyal subordinate, "Did you send a metal shell to Ge?"

"No, didn't we say that one blow is fatal? I contacted the South Vietnamese killer, and it will take at least a week for the other party to come over!"

"This is a little strange!" He Shun was puzzled, "Don't do anything! The Ge has offended a lot of people, so he must be another deadly enemy!"

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