Build Madness

Chapter 262 Brother, your story is a bit fake!

"Brother, something is really wrong!"

"You really think too much!"

"No, brother, didn't we talk about buying a house with a loan? Why did it become two houses of 80 million yuan and buy a house with all the money?"



With a guilty conscience, I forgot the business!

He thought it was natural for Teddy to find out that half of the people on the Datai Road Bridge...

Ge Xiaotian ignored the little star, and lighted a cigar given by Lao Hong to hide his embarrassment, "Eighty million, it's a bit difficult!"

"Where is the difficulty?"

"Loan!" Ge Xiaotian took out a pen and paper, "According to the 20% down payment, you can probably buy... a house worth 400 million yuan, with a loan of 320 million yuan, can you get it?"

"What the fuck!" Teddy was startled, "Why the hell am I buying so much?"

"Well, I'll do the math for you!" Ge Xiaotian took out a new piece of paper again.

Teddy suddenly had a bad feeling.

In the past, every time I saw my eldest brother take out a pen and paper, someone would bleed profusely.

And today, it's my turn again!


Why add another?

"Brother, stop talking!"

"No, let me give you a stroke first, so you don't have to say that I cheated on you!"

"No, how is it possible, brother never cheated on me!"

"Listen first!" Ge Xiaotian put down his cigar, "Let's start talking from the early 1990s, and take Xiang County as an example!"

"In 1993, the per capita salary was 260, and the house price was 100 yuan."

"In 1994, the per capita salary was 360 yuan, and the house price was around 200 yuan."

"In 1995, the per capita salary was 420, and the housing price... was in an economic crisis at that time, so it didn't rise much."

"The economic crisis lasted until 1998, during which wages and housing prices increased by tens of dollars every year."

"Until 1999, the per capita salary was 580 yuan, and the house price was 700 yuan."

"From here, you should be able to feel that the house price has surpassed the per capita salary!"

"This year, we are all engaged in construction work and prices, and you should understand it!"

"That is to say, in the millennium, the per capita salary will rise to 680, or even 700, and the house price will exceed 1,000!"

"According to this trend, the per capita salary will increase by 100 per year in the future, but the house price will increase by 200, or even 300! Well, we need to use a formula!" Ge Xiaotian turned on his laptop, created a form, and entered the data.

"However, you have to consider that in the next year or two, China may join the WTO, and many places will start to integrate with the world."

"In other words, after 2005, the per capita salary will no longer increase by 100 per year, but by 300, or 500!"

"Wait 10 years, and the per capita salary can reach 2,500."

"In 15 years, the per capita salary may exceed 4,000!"

"After this, let's look back at the price."

"Wages have risen, prices have risen, costs have increased substantially, and land has become more and more expensive..."

"By 2005, the housing price of Xingyue Bay in Xiangxian County will exceed 1,500."

"In 10 years, it will break four thousand and five!"

"In 15 years, it will rise to 6,000, or even 7,000!"

"I won't talk about it later, tens of thousands are possible!"

"Now you have bought a house with a loan, and you need to repay each house on average every month. Well, do the math... Loan 200,000, 20-year term, 6.02 interest rate reduced by 10%, 5.42, 130,000 interest, a total of 330,000, the same amount Principal and interest, the monthly payment is almost 1,370!"

"For comparison, ten years later, the per capita salary will be 2500 yuan, and the house price will be 4500 yuan! 120 square meters, 540,000 yuan!"

"Carry it for ten years, sell it, and you can earn 110,000 yuan!"

"Of course, you can rent it instead of selling it!"

"According to Xiang County's current development, employment, environment, etc., ten years from now, the per capita salary and house price will definitely exceed our estimates. 120 square meters, no matter what, the monthly rent will be 1,500 yuan."

"So, when the time comes, you won't have to pay back the mortgage, and the rent will be used against the loan!"

"In another three to five years, wages will rise, prices will rise, and rents will rise, but the mortgage will still be around 1,000 yuan. You're just making money!"

After Ge Xiaotian finished speaking, he listed the housing prices and wages for 20 years, pointed to the huge gap above, dragged the form into the trash can, and then emptied it.

Then pick up the white paper next to it, turn on the lighter and light it.

Let Teddy buy a house, not because his house cannot be sold.

but feeling...

Tai Tai is rich!

Pen, ink, paper and inkstone, plum, orchid, bamboo, and chrysanthemum are not for rigid needs, but for the high-income class. Since you meet rich people, why not slaughter them?

Ge Xiaotian picked up the cigar, took a sip, and slowly spit it out. He looked at Teddy and the little star, and nodded his head, "Only people with great wisdom can see through this kind of law. I won't tell ordinary people!"

The latter two looked at each other...

There is a kind of crap that looks at mung beans...


Ge Xiaotian was startled, wouldn't there be sparks?

"I'll buy it!" Teddy gritted his teeth and took out his phone without hesitating for too long.

"It's a bit difficult, 400 million real estate, 80 million down payment, 320 million loan, probably no bank will grant you a mortgage loan!"

"It's okay, I'll call my godmother!"

"Huh?" Ge Xiaotian just took a sip of his cigar before he spit it out. He almost choked up tears when he heard the word "godmother" at first, "Your godmother?"

"Yes, the president of Dongshan National Bank!"


You are awesome!

No wonder in another time and space, Datai Construction is getting bigger and bigger in the real estate industry...

If Tian Cheng fights to the death with the two grandfathers, maybe he really can't win.

After all, Datai Construction has never been short of money from the beginning to the end!

Thirty million was spent in Xiang County, thirty million in Liang County, why should we spend 50 million in construction funds first, right?

By the way, the first 50 million loan was taken by the card owner...

mmp, maybe it's not because the bank has no quota at the end of the year, but because of this!

"Why do you look at me strangely?"

Teddy couldn't bear the scrutiny of the big brother and the little star, "It's not that I recognize it! It's the daughter my grandfather recognized when I was a child. They can't have children..."

"Wait!" Ge Xiaotian felt that he had discovered a shocking secret, "You two grandpas can't have children, so what about you?"

"Old man!" Teddy rolled his eyes, "My father was weak and sick. He married my mother at the age of fifteen, but I died before I was born. When I was three years old, my mother commanded the construction truck, and the foundation pit suddenly collapsed... ... went too."

"..." Ge Xiaotian patted him on the shoulder, brother, your story is a bit fake, it can't be true that he was adopted?

"I was only three years old at the time, and my two grandpas were very busy at the bank... Oh, at that time, the construction was not underway, and both of them were public officials. In order to take care of me, they recognized a daughter, who usually helped take care of me, until I I was in the fifth grade of elementary school. When the two grandpas retired, they felt that their godmother’s future was delayed, so they tried to send her to the bank... Later, the two grandpas established Datai Road Bridge. Road repairs required advances, and loans equaled business... Well, During those few years of reform and opening up, Datai Road and Bridge developed rapidly, and her godmother was very capable, and the two grandfathers used to have quite high positions in the bank, so she was gradually promoted to the current position..."

When it came to the end, Teddy's face was serious, and his expression was very serious, "I am not adopted, I am my own!"

"En!" Ge Xiaotian and Xiao Xingxing nodded together.



Teddy: "..."

Ge Xiaotian patted him on the shoulder again, "I'll talk to your two grandpas about the acquisition of Datai Construction, you make a phone call, let's chat online!"

"All right!"


According to the information collected by Xiao Zeng in Liang County.

After Datai Construction quit Liang County, many personnel were transferred to Datai Road Bridge, and the construction project was almost paralyzed.

The two old foxes also thought about regrouping, recruiting workers and technicians, contracting construction business, and even winning a piece of land with a superior geographical location in advance.

However, the technicians in Liang County were wiped out by Tiancheng, and the two Shangpin Construction Engineering projects urgently needed to be started, so they went to Tai City to recruit, so that Datai Construction could not gather enough manpower in a short time.

No one can start work, and the contracted business is put on hold, and it becomes a loss-making business.

If the machinery is not used, it will rust sooner or later, and the maintenance cost of tens of millions of steel giants is not cheap...

In addition, the cost of land demolition also requires a lot of money...

No matter how rich Datai was, he couldn't bear such waste.

Therefore, seeing the revival of Dataai Road and Bridge, and obtaining the three roads of Tiancheng (Sancha Township to UFO Stadium, Xiangxian Railway Station to Hub Project and then to Crescent Square, Canal Ancient Town National Road to Lotus Sports Center), there is no need to worry about future development. Now that Tian Cheng wants to take over Datai's construction, the two old foxes naturally have everything to do.

After chatting for a long time, the price is about the same as what Teddy said.

However, due to the fact that the real estate is offset by funds, the acquisition procedures are very cumbersome. Specifically, the capital verification and account auditing require the Finance Department to form a special team to go there.

How to apply for a mortgage in the future needs to be discussed with the Planning Department, Finance Department, Datai Road and Bridge with ICBC.

Moreover, the two old foxes are still at the foot of Dongyue Mountain in Tai City, and have won a piece of land with a progress contract, with a total area of ​​500 mu!

Datai Construction has been acquired, what will happen to this project... Let Director Sun chat with the leaders there.

However, there is little hope.

Liang County returned to Ji, Tian Cheng had cheated him.

Let it go!

In general, Tian Cheng paid... no, it was selling!

Sell ​​almost ten buildings in exchange for Datai Construction and 30 million funds, and it is possible to get a piece of high-quality land in Tai City with a progress contract and a total area of ​​about 500 mu.

It’s really fun for a while, and I’ve been cheating all the time...

Ge Xiaotian was a little bit sorry, "Xiao Di, big brother will definitely build you a magic car that can rely on inertia to drift and corner!"

Teddy grinned and stared, his face full of surprise, "Inertial drift? Thank you, brother!"

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