Build Madness

Chapter 291 XBA Gameplay

Hot pot with white wine is really easy to drink.

Planned by Shuai Bo, the lead singer of the little star Tongying, and the two teachers Chen and Zhu starred in the first party of the UFO Gymnasium. It only lasted until 8:30, and a group of people fell down.

As for how many are really drunk and how many are fake, that's unknown...

Anyway, Ge Xiaotian clearly remembered that the leader of the horse rode his bicycle and said he was going to the Green Lake to get some fresh air, while the leader of the township got into Director Shang's brand new small sidecar and said he was going to pull a few white radishes from the east field to solve the problem. liquor……

This is Daqingshan!

Who knows if they'll ever get home tonight.

Still sober, Ge Xiaotian arranged for a few vigorous elite guards to quietly follow behind them as protection...

That night.


Living in the first renovated room of the Holiday Inn, Ge Xiaotian was awakened by the rapid ringtone of his mobile phone, and was in a daze, as if he heard screams from the distant mountain road.

Pat ears, humming.

"Strange! Could it be that he got angry?"

Look at the phone number.

Xiang County No. 4 Middle School, the teaching director of the local sports school.

Ge Xiaotian was slightly impressed.

During the Sancha Cup football match, the slightly fatter shot put champion of the 94th Provincial Games led the team of teachers and students of the sports school and almost won the championship.

Later, seeing the superb football skills of the strong men, they begged Tiancheng's sports department for a long time, but in the end they failed to realize their dream of leading the team to play in the China Super League.

Could it be...

Is this leader still not giving up?

Ge Xiaotian wanted to hang up, but felt a little impolite.

"Good morning, Director!"

"I'm sorry, Mr. Ge, calling you so late, did you delay your rest?"

"It's okay, I haven't slept yet, what are you?"

"Mr. Ge!" The dean's tone suddenly became very serious, "Sports competition can bring us closer to nature, tap our potential, and enrich social interactions. The free and open spirit of sports competition makes it a good way for people to live in harmony. It can not only improve people's life style, but also play an important role in promoting the quality of modern people!"

Ge Xiaotian's face was full of confusion.

Are you calling me late at night to teach me?

But I am not a sports student!

"Mr. Ge, the fairness, justice, and openness of sports competitions can cultivate people's spirit of fairness, law-abiding, openness, and cooperation, and help develop modern people's sense of competition, cooperation, and ability. And use the social function of sports to improve and Strengthen interpersonal communication and make up for the limitations of modern people's occupation and living environment."

If he hadn't heard Mr. Ge's three words, Ge Xiaotian would have suspected that the other party had made a wrong call.

"Therefore, the behavior of the XBA Men's Basketball Professional League not being made public is completely inconsistent with the spirit of sports competition!"


What the hell? !

Ge Xiaotian was shocked, when did you guys know about the big XBA plan? !

"Mr. Ge, I, and the Xiang County Sports Bureau severely criticized Tian Cheng's behavior!"

"Yes, leader, you are right to criticize, we will rectify it immediately!" Ge Xiaotian knew that this dean was also working in the Sports Bureau of Xiang County, and the county magistrate was not as good as the current supervisor. When Ji City leapfrogged Tiancheng to improve the construction qualification of the gymnasium, this If it is serious, it may really cause trouble.

Hearing the good attitude, the dean's tone immediately became extremely gentle, "Actually, it's not a big deal. Tiancheng is a model company in our Xiang County, a leader in economic development, and Mr. Ge is a legend in our Xiang County. He started from nothing. I am not in a position to criticize you as a role model."

"Leader, you are too modest!"

"This is Mr. Ge, our No. 4 middle school teacher-student basketball team plans to participate in our XBA men's basketball professional league this year. Can you give us a spot?"

"Huh?" Ge Xiaotian was confused.

Regardless of how the big XBA plan was leaked, but you can't participate!

If you really participate, I'm afraid...

Do you still want to play ball in the future? !

"Mr. Ge, I know that XBA already has 15 participating teams, and the lesser places are given to professional teams. Don't worry, we won't cause trouble for you. Sixteen to eight, we and the Jishi Sports School team Participating together, we can implement the system of 18 to 9 and one team bye, don't worry, we will absolutely strictly follow the rules of the game..."


Ge Xiaotian was even more confused, where did the professional team come from?

The lesser quota is the Tiancheng executive team, okay?

The broken leg will be completely recovered soon, and the competition will start next month, and the support will just be removed. I will participate with Brother Hao, Xiao Huang, Da Mao, Zhu Changfa, and Hong XX. I haven’t been together for a long time. Are you entertaining?

Besides, with 16 teams, 15 awards, and hundreds of millions of bonuses each, how could I let others enter the top 15?

Even if you want to participate, the 18 teams will be ranked according to the score difference. You estimate... at most the 16th.

Moreover, the XBA gameplay is a points system!

Every company that wants to name a team can have 10,000 initial points after paying the sponsorship fee for this season.

Then select the players you want from the player trading market that has not yet been built.

For example, player No. 1, height, weight, speed, skills, specialties...

To sign the player, you need to pay 1,000 points.

The trading period ends, and after the team is formed, if the company wants to change players, it needs to negotiate privately with other companies in the form of points...

For example, company A is dissatisfied with player No. 1 and wants player No. 2 of team B. Company B is also dissatisfied with player No. 1, so company A proposes player No. 1 + 500 points in exchange for player No. 2.

This rule prohibits the use of cash. Once discovered, the naming rights will be lost forever, and it will be jointly attacked by Tiancheng, Tiancheng Chamber of Commerce and XBA Enterprise Alliance.

At the beginning of the season, every time the team wins a round, they will be rewarded with certain points according to the point difference.

At the end of the season, various companies exchanged a large number of points for what they needed.

For example, building factories, building stadiums, commercial rent-free, discounts on raw materials, etc., are all free.

After that, the points will be cleared, and each team will adjust the naming fee for the next season according to the winning rate.

The company doesn't need to spend money to support the team, what Tian Cheng pays is nothing more than advertising fees.

There is no financial burden, as long as you want to play, you can join regardless of the size of the company.

Ge Xiaotian's big plan.

In the first session, the Tiancheng companies, the Tiancheng Chamber of Commerce, and allies with good relations were used as experiments.

In the second session, the team will be expanded to 32 teams, the old top 15 will be retained, and the bottom 15 will openly bid for naming rights, and a three-round elimination system will be implemented.

The third session will continue to expand, with 64 teams, the strong teams will be handed over to enterprises, and the weak teams will be handed over to localities, schools, etc., adding preseason and playoff games.

In this way, Tiancheng can not only get a huge naming fee, but also own all the advertising spots in the competition, including broadcasting fees...

As for the competition ranking rewards.

The "gimmicks" set up to promote XBA, selling points, and things used to attract public attention, except for the XBA championship ring, will have notes in the naming contract.

What? false promotion?

All the teams belong to Tiancheng, and the money will naturally belong to Tiancheng. It's nothing more than going out with the left hand and going in with the right...

Moreover, the bonus is only temporary. After the XBA becomes famous, the most important thing in the game is glory, it is the championship gold ring, and it is an excellent basketball player!

For example, the No. 1 player, Huohu, when the team fell behind by a large score and was about to lose the game, suddenly broke out and played a miracle of 35 seconds and 13 points... It is called the Huohu moment!

For example, the xx enterprise team is weak as a whole, but the No. 24 player is very good, often one-on-five, and can get 50+ every game...

For example, the xx enterprise team likes to run and bomb tactics...

For example, the xx enterprise team likes the twin-tower tactics...

How it will be played depends on the players' study, imitation and understanding of basketball skills in the past few months.

But in any case, due to the point system, this kind of gameplay is not suitable for other teams to join...

Of course, if there are athletes who want to participate, they can also sign up for the sports class of Tiancheng Technical Secondary School. As long as they pass the grades, they can enter the rookie selection.

After all, no matter how awesome the elite arms are, they will retire, be fined by the boss to move bricks, and be permanently banned for various reasons...

The reason it's called a grand plan is because...

The popular football stars will do various advertisements for Tiancheng.

Li Brothers sports shoes, sports clothes, drinks provided by the Nanwa Animal and Plant Breeding Base, cars driven by superstars, high-end villas where they live...

Playing basketball in the basketball hall in summer, playing football in the football field in winter...

The two large-scale competitions can not only drive the operation of Tiancheng Sports Division's arena, but also bring inestimable economic benefits...

‘Fuck me, who leaked it to me? '

Ge Xiaotian intentionally declined the dean's request, but last time he asked his school teacher to help him referee in the football match, the debt he owed must be repaid, right?

However, returning favors in the way of 'abusing' others...

"Mr. Ge, save face!"

Well, it was all about saving face, Ge Xiaotian thought for a moment, and felt that since the other party brought Jishi with him, he also had the same idea over there, but Tian Cheng had helped Jishi too much, so it was inconvenient to speak over there.

"Okay, Director, you and Jishi should get ready early!"


Putting down the phone, Ge Xiaotian scratched his scalp, and found that the wound left by the car accident was scarred!

Take off your winter hat and look in the mirror.

Handsome little bald head!

Tut tut!

Didi Didi...

The phone rang again.

Look at the number, Qinggang Sino-Ocean Trading, that is, the boss of Qinggang Auto Trade City.

A firm and steady ally!

"Brother, why are you calling at this time?" Ge Xiaotian said, looking at the time, it was ten thirty in the evening.

"President, are you still asleep?"

"Just woke up!"

"Haha, that's it. I have a friend who heard that the XBA professional league we have been preparing for a long time is about to start, and he wants to join."

"Good thing, I'll arrange it for him right away with a two million naming fee."

"No, President..." Qinggang Automobile Trade boss was a little embarrassed, "I must know how our XBA is played, old friend wants to use his own team to participate. Once, when Sino-Ocean Trading was founded , He helped me a lot, this time he came to the door... Sigh, President, I will pay for the naming fee! Don't worry, I know the strength of our XBA team, they can't take any bonus!"

"???" Ge Xiaotian frowned, what happened tonight? "A team?"


"This hole is not easy to open!"

"I also know it's difficult, President, you have a lot of ideas, give me face, don't worry, I will help our chamber of commerce win over his business!"

"Yes!" Ge Xiaotian grinned, "Let them prepare as soon as possible!"

"Okay, thank you President!"

Put down the phone, the ringtone will ring again.

The old man of the Veterans Affairs Office, the one who gave him the saber.

"Grandpa, haven't you rested yet?"

"Oh my god, it's like this, there is a team from the Dongshan Military Headquarters that wants to participate in the XBA..."

"..." Ge Xiaotian was completely dumbfounded, but he knew that Tian Cheng owed this old man more things, such as exercises, military training at two colleges, and the purchase of tanks and armored vehicles, "Well, I have nineteen teams here, plus one more, Just twenty to ten!"

Didi Didi...

Mr. Lin from Linyang Tractor Sales Center.

What is this guy doing for fun?

"Oh my god, it's like this. There is a team in Jiangnan who wants to participate in the XBA, find my son-in-law, and then pass it to Yang Dingfeng, and then..."

This guy's daughter and son-in-law are indeed engaged in auto trade in the south, with hundreds of millions of tens of millions at every turn...

Ge Xiaotian feels a little...

What the hell happened?

Turn on the computer, search for news...

Before the page popped up, Lao Hong suddenly called.

"What's wrong? The other leg hasn't been delivered to me yet?"

"Boss, deliver it early tomorrow morning! That's right, my old leader's daughter is going to college in Xiangjiang!"

"I know, I am engaged in remote control!"

"Yes, yes, her daughter's boyfriend's... what, also wants to participate in XBA!"


Has this matter spread to Xiangjiang?


At this time, the webpage pops up...

"Ge Baiyi spent 100 million yuan to host the XBA Men's Basketball Professional League..."

'Who will win the 50 million yuan, and which team will win the championship, please...'

'In the battle for flying saucers, the Red Eagles League once again demonstrated its strength, defeating Tianyu Advertising Media in just two hours, proving that the flying saucer is a basketball stadium built by Tiancheng with an investment of 200 million yuan! '

‘It is reported that the XBA Professional League will be held at the UFO Stadium! '

'The UFO incident was spread abroad through the Shenlong Legend Forum, and North America was shocked! '

"A bonus of 100 million has attracted the attention of many professional teams..."

"No wonder!"

"Wealth touches people's hearts!"

After reading the news, Ge Xiaotian suddenly remembered something, turned on the ERP system, and saw that the XBA plan had been launched.

And besides the fifteen teams of our own side, the extra team...

It was the Magic City Dongfang team where Dayao belonged!

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