Build Madness

Chapter 305 Old Yang Genius

UFO Gymnasium Office.

Ge Xiaotian dialed Lao Yang's phone...

Facts have proved that Lao Yang is a restless person.

In other words, he is used to the life atmosphere of Ice Bear, liquor and loneliness, flesh and blood and guns...

Otherwise, he is a person who washes his hands in a golden basin and doesn't care about Jianghu affairs. He should be teasing his grandson to plant land in his hometown, so why did he rush to attend the award ceremony? In a hurry to help Tiancheng buy an iron lump transport plane? And help Tiancheng lease more than two million mu of barren land?

Ge Xiaotian suspected that this old guy just wanted to find a reason to stay in Ice Bear.

After all, his children are doing very well in Huangjiang, and his grandson Yang Lin and his in-law Lin Yang also joined Tiancheng Chamber of Commerce and started a serious business.

When helping Lao Hong handle the suitcase, Ge Xiaotian generously gave Lao Yang 1% of his hard work fee, almost 400,000 Franklin.

They are all people who have been mixed, so they naturally know what it means.

Lao Yang didn't delay, nor did he change the money into red notes, but started business again in Bingxiong, opening a bar and an Internet cafe respectively.

There are connections, as long as the money is in place, this is a trivial matter.

However, Lao Yang gave 80% of the shares to Tiancheng, leaving only 20% to be responsible for management and operation, and said that if he opened a branch in the future, he would make additional investment or dilute the shares according to the total assets.

Recalling the old sheep head and brother in Lao Yang's mouth...

Ge Xiaotian guessed.

Open a few bars and Internet cafes, affiliate with Tiancheng, and search for those old people who have worked with him for half their life, and there will be a happy ending in the future...

Perhaps, he had another kind of concern in his heart.

Therefore, Ge Xiaotian also counted the 20 million yuan that Lao Yang gave before into the shares of Tianyu's Bingxiong Far East Company.

As for Tiancheng's lease of Amur Farm, apart from arranging a few personnel from the planning department, Lao Yang helped take care of most of the matters.

In the past few years, the Ice Bear's economy has been bad, and the unemployment rate has been extremely high. Whether it is labor dispatch or professional immigration, visas are very troublesome.

Moreover, Amur will not accept too many people, and having him there will undoubtedly solve a lot of troubles.


It must be violent.

Ge Xiaotian opened the system map.

The strong men carrying sedan chairs in the center of No. 3 town have already penetrated into the Siberian mountains and are about to reach the Kolyma River.

Further north is no longer part of Amur, but the Arctic Country.

Well, that's right, a country!

Member of Ice Bear.

It is the second largest gathering place of yellow people in the world besides Huaxia, and their appearance is almost the same as that of Huaxia people.

Ge Xiaotian wanted to leave the sub-base here a long time ago as the rear area.

Siberian farm?

It was just an accident!

The total area of ​​the Arctic Country occupies 20% of the Ice Bear, about 3 million square kilometers, from Amur in the south to the Arctic Ocean in the north.

The temperature in January is -27°C~-50°C, the temperature in July is 2°C~19°C, and the lowest temperature on the east side can reach -70°C.

There are about 900,000 people, 600 gold mines, 40 tin mines, and the same number of coal mines, oil and gas, mica mines...

Put the base here, planting, animal husbandry, tourism...

It’s definitely not okay to come secretly, we have to be legal.

After saving a sum of foreign exchange, in May, he took a money box and a team of bodyguards, and as a well-known developer in China, he parachuted into Yakutia.

Waving banknotes in one hand and flowers in the other: 'Invest! invest! Joint development! Develop together! '

When the time comes, draw a circle on the map and announce to the public that animal husbandry will be planted first, and further development will be made after twenty years...

In fact, he is a tyrannical man, cutting wood, quarrying stones, stealing resources...

However, after implementing this plan, it is estimated that Maozi will really treat him as a fool with a lot of money...

"Forget it, just be stupid, for resources, for spectacle, for entering the next era!"

Ge Xiaotian instructed the strong man from the map to find a hidden and flat place for the center of the town in the ravine to settle down and mine on the spot.

A strong man is not a robot, but his physical fitness determines his cold resistance. Wearing thermal underwear and down jackets, with proper protection, minus 30 degrees is not a problem.

Glance at the slowly rising stones...


Ge Xiaotian rubbed his eyes.

'Gold Mine +1'

'Stone +1'

'Gold Mine +1'

'Stone +5'

'Gold Mine +25'

"What the hell...there's money all over the place!"

"It shouldn't be against the law to pick it up, right?"

"Well, there is no place to stay for thousands of miles, so picking up a few stones at random is definitely not breaking the law!"

Ge Xiaotian found a reason for himself, and called Lao Yang's number who was not connected again.

At this time, a series of prompts popped up in the eyelids again.

'Gold Mine +50'

Fifty grams = 1 system gold mine, equal to five thousand red notes.

In such a short while, three to four hundred thousand in hand?


"Huh? Is there someone who greets you like this?" After the call was connected, Lao Yang was very upset when he heard the exclamation.

"No!" Ge Xiaotian took a deep breath, saw the +99 that popped up again, suppressed his excitement and turned off the system, "You may not believe me, I just picked up two pieces of gold!"

"What I can't stand most about you Tiancheng is this kind of shit luck that comes at any time! Lao Hong is like this, and you are like this too... Dududu!" Lao Yang hung up directly.


Ge Xiaotian couldn't bear to turn on the system again, but after watching it for five minutes, he couldn't see the gold mine prompt again.

etc! its not right!

If you bring back the dog head gold and sell it, its own value is definitely more suitable than recycling...

Unfortunately, there is no option to reserve resources in the system command...

"Oh, this is life!"

With a sigh, Ge Xiaotian continued to call Lao Yang.

"You kid is angry with me, aren't you?"

"How is it possible? Let's get down to business!" Ge Xiaotian asked solemnly, "Mr. Yang, how is the business over there?"

"According to the planning department's plan, spend a small amount of red money to buy food and building materials from Huaxia to increase the export volume of Tiancheng Chamber of Commerce.

Then he helped Hailanpao build an office building, and used the project money to deduct the expenses of house rental, water, electricity and heating.

Then, in the name of an improved version of the "collective farm work point system", the local governor of Amur easily accepted this system and hired labor who liked to play Ula legend to help build it.

Then promote Ula Legend, through game recharge, game point cards, cheap food recycling work points, or recycling local specialties, electrical appliances, and antiques, and import them to Heilong to exchange for food...

During this period of time, we spent 200,000 red notes and did tens of millions worth of things. We also added a bar, an Internet cafe, an office, and local support, and got discounts for China's import and export trade!

In addition, with Ula Legend's agency fee this year, we exchanged 50,000 hectares, 750,000 mu of wasteland..."

As Lao Yang said, he let out an exclamation, "Damn, what a hell, I still haven't figured out what's wrong!"

"Uneducated, it's terrible!"

"Beep beep..."


Why is she addicted like a pissed off daughter-in-law? !

Ge Xiaotian called again, but the phone was turned off...

Instead, he dialed Tiancheng's office in Amur, and found Lao Yang easily.

"Master, help me!"

"That's how human it is!"


Ge Xiaotian didn't dare to talk to the old man anymore, and finished talking about the GLONASS navigation system in a few words, "Can you persuade me?"

"Satellite? You kid is getting bigger and bigger, but I like it!"


"Don't worry, all the airports of Ice Bear Far East are out of service in winter, and they can only operate again at the end of May. Mr. Governor can't go there!"

"Is it?"

"Sure, if you don't believe me, check the news and flights!"

"All right!"

Ge Xiaotian put down his phone and checked it carefully, it was really like what Lao Yang said.


He always feels that something is wrong...


Amur, the state capital compound.

Mr. Governor was quick.

After putting down the phone call with Ge Xiaotian, while coquettishly walking around, he asked the secretary and relevant personnel to quickly contact the embassy and Jishi.

As the governor of Ice Bear's third largest city in the Far East and in charge of customs and trade, Mr. Governor still has some status.

Compared with Huaxia, limited by factors such as population, power, and GDP, it is not as good as the total, but it is almost on par with the young and white-headed leaders.

Coupled with the word "international"...

All I can say is that this is a grand event.

So, everything went smoothly...

After the secretary was busy with all this, he suddenly reported, "Mr. Governor, I'm sorry, the airport is closed!"

"You stupid bitch, cross the Heilong River and go to Heihe International Airport! We are going to Huaxia itself, we don't need to go around Vladivostok, go straight to Heilong Ice City, transfer to Jifu, Feiji City, and we can arrive tomorrow night , and free air tickets!"


UFO Stadium.

The audience, who were shocked by the push-in seats, did not disperse for a long time.

And the pop music that has never been heard echoing in the loudspeaker also makes many people immerse themselves in it...

If there is no Tianwei security, it is estimated that this place will soon become a super dance floor.

Ge Xiaotian temporarily put down the GLONASS navigation system, sent the leaders away one by one with a smile on his face, and then returned to Xiaoqingshan in the dark.

Tomorrow will be a rest day, and the official competition will be on the 25th.

He was going to find the old village head to drink some time tomorrow.

However, after entering the ancient city of Qingshan and passing by the Tianyu film and television base, Ge Xiaotian suddenly found a sharp brother wearing a black down jacket with an unshaven beard squatting at the door.


It shouldn't be!

Group performers now have associations. The several companies acquired by Tianyu set up separate departments. Directors and scripts are reserved. It’s like net fish, relying on large and small green hills and surrounding towns to shoot various TV dramas. As long as they are group performances, basically There is work to do.


Some time ago, the old businessman had a chat with him.

Recently, many "beggars" have come to Sancha Township, without identity or place of origin.

According to the past practice, it is loaded on a truck and pulled to another area. Once people are lost, what happens to them.

Wait for someday to run back, gather a wave and then load the car, continue to throw other boundaries...

But what did Tian Cheng do?

If you can't move bricks, you can always clean public toilets, right?

If not, being a sanitation can support yourself.

Work during the day and study thinking lessons at night...

So far, nearly a hundred beggars have been rehabilitated.

As for the mentally abnormal...

Is Qingshan Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital just a decoration?

If the real treatment is not good, then arrange to go to the "weaving courtyard" and learn how to weave bracelets, bracelets, sweaters, scarves from professional doctors every day...

No matter what, there will be hope in life!

Ge Xiaotian took out two cigarettes from his pocket, walked up to Brother Xili, and squatted side by side with him, "How old is it?"

Brother Xi Li still copied his hands and replied without raising his head, "36!"

"You have arms and legs, why do you want to do this?"


"Hey!" Ge Xiaotian lit a cigarette, "Aren't you afraid that Tianwei will take you away?"

"I have an identity certificate, a professional assessment, and research results, why arrest me?"

"Oh?" Ge Xiaotian suddenly felt that maybe the truth is not what it seems, "Let's talk?"

Brother Xi Li shook his head, "You are not from Tianyu International, if I tell you, you won't understand!"

"I'm Ge Xiaotian!"

"..." Brother Xi Li was stunned, looking at the bald young man who was chatting with him for the first time, and then looked back at the video played in the lobby of Tianyu, "It's...really!"

"Aren't you going to chat?"

"Ge...Mr. Ge, I...I...I!" Brother Sharp stood up straight away.

"Am I that scary?" Ge Xiaotian held out the cigarette again.

Brother Sharp took it this time, took out a match from his pocket tremblingly and lit it, "Sorry, I'm so excited!"


"Actually, I am a programmer. I graduated from Ocean Science and Technology University. I am familiar with graphics engine, sound engine, physics engine, and game engine. I have taught myself artificial intelligence, game logic, and game development tools..."

"It's a talent!" Ge Xiaotian frowned, "Do you know Ge Wangwang?"

Brother Xi Li thought for a moment, "The network manager of the Internet cafe opposite the school?"

"Yes, he opened an Internet cafe!" Ge Xiaotian thought of his investment.

"He is my student and the best student I have ever had!"

"Really?" Ge Xiaotian was a little skeptical. In another time and space, Ge Wangwang didn't fix anything except playing games.

Brother Xili was a little distracted, took a deep breath, and exhaled slowly, "They all say that I have a mental illness!"


"I feel that it is, because when I think about things, time always passes quickly. Sometimes I sit in front of the computer and obviously only think about one problem, but five or six hours have passed."


"It's the same when teaching class!"

"Go to the hospital and see? I'll give you free!"

"I've been there!" Brother Xili smiled bitterly, "I've been to many hospitals, I've worked for so many years, all my savings have been spent, and the house has been sold, but I haven't found any symptoms. Now my wife and children have no place to live, so I can only Arrange for them to return to their hometown..."

Ge Xiaotian threw away the cigarette butt, took out the check that the big boss should have had long ago from his document bag, and wrote a few strokes, "I will go to Qingshan Hospital to see it later, it is free. In addition, for the sake of the teacher, I will subsidize you for three years." Wan, go home and build a yard, plant the land, don't be discouraged, there is always hope in life!"

"No, Mr. Ge, you misunderstood me, I'm not here to ask for money!" Brother Xili took out a thick stack of crumpled A4 papers from his pocket, "I want to sell this game design plan to Tianyu International !"

"Oh?" Ge Xiaotian took the paper and found that it was densely packed with codes and formulas, which he couldn't understand at all.

"I had an idea for this game as early as when the chat room appeared. After many twists and turns, I started writing the code and developing the corresponding game engine about two years ago. Two months ago, I found out that Tiancheng launched' Text live broadcast room', I have new ideas in my heart, modify and modify, and the initial framework has been perfected... Strictly speaking, it should be regarded as a word game, but after beautification, picture matching, and many functions..."

Ge Xiaotian turned the paper to the end, saw the printed game page clearly, and almost spit out the word 'fuck'.

Idle version of Penguin Smash Bros.?

But if you take a closer look, it seems a bit like the idle version of martial arts or comprehension games that were popular in 20 years.

Practice, drawing pictures, daily tasks, pharmaceutical alchemy, building equipment...

It's just that affected by the resolution, pictures, text and rules are all grids.

Brother Xili picked up Soft Huaxia on his own, and ordered another one, "It doesn't take too much time to play this game, just load it into the Shenlong Legend leisure entertainment area, just watch it occasionally, it should be considered a way to play. Mr. Ge, as long as you give me two thousand yuan, this game is yours."

Ge Xiaotian turned on Bird 818 and called up Snake. He wanted to say, why not put it in the phone, but when he saw the 2G signal, he suddenly thought that the value-added fee is too expensive!

Most people send and receive emails this year, who dares to play online games on their mobile phones?

Brother Xili seemed to understand something, and shook his head, "This game is not suitable for mobile phones..."

"Yeah!" Ge Xiaotian took a deep breath, and suddenly thought of the satellite... It's really beeping, why can't this thing block it? "Well, how about you come to my company and help develop a mobile stand-alone game?"


"You are not sick!" Ge Xiaotian thought of Ge Wangwang, that guy would often be in a daze, whether it was thinking or not concentrating, it was unknown.

As the saying goes, there is only one step between a genius and a madman.

There are word games now, but make word games 20 years old...

It's a talent!

Ge Wangwang has a green afro, and nine times out of ten he is already crazy. This one... just observe and observe.

"I wonder what kind of stand-alone game Mr. Ge plans to develop?" Brother Sharp asked curiously. .

Ge Xiaotian took out his employee card, tapped the black and white screen, "I plan to make a pixel-type 'Magic Tower' game for it, there is a demon king who wants a group of people who are more powerful than him to save the world, and uses the princess as bait, Lure the adventurer, that is, the protagonist into the magic tower..."

"The game is set as an RPG with fixed values. The main attributes are attack, defense, life, gold coins, and experience."

"The gameplay is to calculate the number of monster damage, the life of the enemy and the enemy, the game sets the attack minus the defense, and the blood volume..."

"For example!" Ge Xiaotian took out a pen and paper, instead of recalling the old games, he wrote and drew by himself, "There are many rooms on each floor, which require keys to open them. For example, there are keys on the first floor, but you cannot go to them on the first floor." Take it, otherwise it will fail, ignore it first, go to the second floor to fight mobs to upgrade, and then go back to the first floor to get the key. Another example, climbing to the tenth floor within a certain period of time, there will be a hidden room..."

"I see! This is a high-level intellectual game!"

Brother Xili grabbed the pen and paper, quickly drew, and instantly created a plausible room...

"Number of layers, partitions, exploring the fog..."

"We can add large blood bottles, small blood bottles, props to increase defense, yes, and add a gold coin exchange function..."

"Monsters cannot be of the same type. Some have high attack, some have high defense, and some have high HP!"

"Also, join the maze gameplay and control the number of keys..."

"Add logic, the 3rd floor needs the keys of the 1st floor, the 6th floor needs the keys of the 2nd floor, and divide the keys into gold, silver, copper, and special keys..."

"The calculation formula is a bit complicated..."

Two hours later, the prototype of a game almost similar to the future magic tower was released!

Ge Xiaotian was dumbfounded.

What a genius!

But Brother Sharp finished explaining this, but started to be dumbfounded...

"Hello? Brother!"

"Wake up!"


Ge Xiaotian pushed several times, but Brother Xili didn't respond.

Seng Er, who had been secretly watching the other party, suddenly said, "Boss, he's in meditation!"

"God is so in control!"

"No, he's called visualization!" Dao Er also spoke.

"How to wake him up?"

"Use niaochi..." Seng Er caught the boss's murderous eyes and quickly shut up.

"He is rehearsing the possibility he just thought of in his mind. There is no need to wake him up. He usually eats more fish and eggs, or drinks some milk and fruit juice, so as to avoid excessive use of the brain."

After Dao Er finished speaking, Seng Er took out a box of medicine from his arms, "Actually, the effect of Jiannaobukidney pills is better!"

Ge Xiaotian was confused, "Where did you get this thing?"

"The proprietress asked Xu Ling to buy it for you..."



March 24th.

A certain person took a long sleep, went to the old village head's house at noon to search for old wine, called fourth uncle, and drank until the stars and the moon were in the sky...

What he didn't know was that at the airport in a small town in Jishi, flowers were flying everywhere, and the leader of the young bald head met the governor!

March 25th.

The grand XBA professional league, after several days of brewing, broke out with amazing vitality from the early morning.

Fans who have been waiting for the past flock frantically to this unknown but shocking UFO stadium...

the other side.

The leaders of Shaobaitou and Mr. Governor came to the Canal Development Zone.

Facing the huge construction site that can't be seen at a glance, people from the Far East of Ice Bear were shocked...

Hong xx was very proud to talk to the "old acquaintance" who had never met before and introduced: "These all belong to our boss!"

"Oh! God!" Mr. Governor was stunned.

A group of people came to the commercial street in District D of Xiang County.

"These belong to our boss too!"


A group of people came to the Xiangxian hub system.

"These are still our boss's!"


A group of people came to East Lake by boat.

"Enter that huge sluice, the back is all our boss's!"


A group of people came to Xiaoqingshan.

Faced with the gathering of tens of thousands of people...

Mr. Governor and others were dumbfounded.

"Actually, our boss, there are two such big places, one is called Jinxiuchuan, and the other is called Zaoshi New Town..."


"Let's go, let's take a look at the XBA professional league organized by Tiancheng!" The young and white-headed leader was equally proud.

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