Build Madness

Chapter 308 The Second Wonder: The Magic Tower and the True Divine Tower

UFO Stadium.

The audience danced and cheered like a tide.

Tiancheng won the game against the Lone Ranger with a score of 115:67.

Dunk dunks by another person, reverse dunks by turning around, changing hands under the crotch...

In the first half alone, the North American professional team, which came from afar and was almost impossible to beat, surrendered...

Such a result shocked all the audience.

"It's incredible!"

"The tickets are worth it!"

"Bought it? I bought it with ingots from the Shenlong Legend game mall!"

"Yuanbao needs to be recharged to have it!"

"No, I bought a memory bracelet a few days ago, the attributes are average, and I don't know which SX gave me the second. The ingots I exchanged are just enough for a ticket..."

"Memory bracelet? You big SX!"


(Memory helmets, necklaces, rings, if you put together a set, you can activate the teleportation function, and you can teleport teammates and guild members when attacking a city or fighting a boss, the most classic and powerful set of equipment in the legend, it is worth more than slaying a dragon... ...)

Outside the arena.

The audience who bought the tickets for the second game felt as uncomfortable as a cat scratching them when they heard the cheers that almost never stopped.

Some directly took out their mobile phones to refresh the wap page...

"Damn it, Tian Cheng, Niubi!"

"What happened?"

"You actually won! 115:67!"

"Damn it, no matter how weak the North American professional team is, it's still better than Tian Cheng, an amateur..."

"No!" The boss who refreshed the webpage directly waved his hand in denial, and showed a few pictures, "This is a slam dunk feast!"


"Too violent!"

"What about our second game?"

"Tianheng Auto Trade Team and Timberwolves!"

"It's not easy to fight!"

"Didn't you watch the interview program of China Five?"


"In the warm-up match filmed inside, Tianheng Auto Trade is even stronger than Tiancheng team! Twin tower tactics, double dunk!"

"It's over, Garnett is going to cry!"

Xiangxian No. 4 Middle School.

It happened to be a Saturday morning, except for the third grade who was preparing for the college entrance examination, the first and second grades of senior high school and junior high school were basically self-study classes.

'Congratulations, you have obtained an energy-saving and environmentally friendly electric vehicle provided by Tianxing Electric Vehicle...'

"Tiancheng, Niubi!!!"

In a classroom in the second year of high school, a dean who was staring at the class with a serious face, but actually put his hands in the desk drawer and quietly refreshed the wap webpage, rushed out of the classroom with a yell, leaving behind a lot of confused students.

"Is the Exterminator too crazy?"

"He called Tian Cheng! Could it be... Tian Cheng won?"

"I do not know!"

"Go to the small shop to see?"

"What if you get caught?"

"Master Miejue has gone to accept the award, what a fool!"

"The squad leader takes the lead, let's go!"

hula la...

However, a group of students just rushed out of the classroom and found out...

The dean who slipped away ahead of them stood at the stairs with a smile on his face...


"Students, tell everyone a good news!"


"Tiancheng responded to Dongshan's call to develop sports, and decided to donate ten outdoor basketball courts and two indoor basketball courts to the school. In the future, everyone will play basketball and no longer have to compete with sports students for space!"


"Students, tell everyone a better news!"


"Just now, you all violated Article 2 of our school's regulations by skipping classes and absenteeism, Article 6 making noise during class, Article 7... So, today and tomorrow, everyone will clean up collectively, clean up the venue, and prepare for the construction of the basketball court..."

Xiang County No. 1 Middle School.

Two tiger heads galloped towards the school.

The school leaders personally led many teachers and students to welcome them at the school gate.

Shuai Bo shook his wig, picked up his file bag and stepped out of the co-pilot, "Ten open-air basketball courts and two indoor basketball courts!"

Then I caught a glimpse of the cinder track: "Take out a football field and a standard plastic track!"


Didn't you say that there is only a basketball court?

Why are there two more indoor basketball courts?

Want a plastic runway? There is no room!

"Why are you stunned, go to the county to ask for land!"

Jishi experiment, attached middle school...

Wen County No. 1 Middle School...

Hundreds of hope primary schools...

The sensational XBA professional league has attracted countless reporters and media. However, the detailed process of the first basketball game has not been released yet, but the outside world is flooded with explosive news one after another.

"Shocked, Tiancheng has spent 100 million to develop the local sports industry!"

"Ge Baiyi is really going to lose this time!"

"Gossip, Hong xx violated... was fed to the dog, Li Yanwang has intervened in the investigation..."

"Who will get the 500 electric cars, let's go to Tianheng Auto Trade and wait for the rabbit..."

"Affected by last year's labor-management agreement, the North American professional league has been suspended again this year. For details, please pay attention to the follow-up reports of this newspaper..."

"How would Stern feel when he came to the UFO Stadium to watch the XBA professional league, facing the Lone Ranger who ended in a disastrous defeat?"

"Has Ge Baiyi already met with Stern?"

On the day of March 25th, in the exciting and rhythmic DJ, it gradually became extraordinary...

Jinxiu River.

A Mi-26 swaying left and right, ups and downs on the vast flat ground, failed to land safely for a long time.

On the ground below, tens of thousands of Tiancheng employees and the leaders of Jifu looked at this scene with worried faces.

in the helicopter.

"Fuck, you said so early!"

"Boss, you made it take off!"

"I didn't know the instructor and the flight engineer went to the bathroom!"

"Then what should we do?"

Ge Xiaotian was startled, "You are a pilot, what do you ask me to do?!!!"

"I will try again?!"

"Start and drive!" Ge Xiaotian switched the language of the ice bear, glanced at the densely packed, N times more buttons than small private helicopters, a little scalp tingling, "Fifty meters away, scheduled to drop at point X!"

Driver A: "Slowing down!"

Co-pilot B (observing the No. 1 engine on the left): "It's close to the predetermined point!"

"Continue to slow down and slide close to the ground!"

Co-pilot C (observed by the No. 2 engine on the right): "We have arrived at the sky above the predetermined point!"

"Drop, hover 3 meters!"

Driver D: "The venue is suitable, the wind speed is not hindered..."

"Vertical drop!"

Driver A, "Boss, I can't do it!"

"Shut down all engines!"

A, B, C, D: "..."

Ge Xiaotian lit a cigarette, "This is called a vertical landing in the state of rotor rotation. It depends on the work done by the gravity potential when the helicopter descends, and provides the pulling force generated by the rotor to balance the gravity!"


"To put it simply, the energy accumulated by the helicopter is converted into lift, thereby reducing the rate of descent and achieving the goal of a safe landing!"



The cumbersome Mi-26 fell heavily to the ground, various alarms sounded in the cockpit, and all four trainees turned pale with fright...

"Actually, I was talking nonsense just now. This is called a Russian landing!"


Ge Xiaotian flicked the cigarette butt, climbed down the cockpit seven or eight meters high, and made up his mind that he would never sit on this thing again!

"Boss? Are you okay?" Jinxiuchuan executives rushed up together with the leaders of Jifu.

"What? What can happen!" Ge Xiaotian patted the pilot who also climbed off the plane, "Just now I bet them that our company has developed unmanned and unmanned landing technology, they don't believe it!"

"???" Supervisor Tian Cheng looked confused, 'Why don't we know? '

Ge Xiaotian sighed and shook his head, "It seems that this technology is a bit immature!"

"Tiancheng actually developed an unmanned's amazing!" The leader of the Jifu sincerely praised, "Mr. Ge, scientific research is done step by step. Mistakes are inevitable. Don't worry, especially if you commit a crime with your own body. In this way, in order to wish Tiancheng an early success in research and development, we will subsidize your company two million yuan free of charge!"

"Ah? Leader, thank you so much!"

Drivers A, B, C, and D: "???"

Ge Xiaotian took two steps with his hands behind his back, "In this way, we will establish a new energy research and development branch in Jinxiuchuan!"

"Five million for free!" The leader of Jifu smiled even more.

"I am really moved by the local support for high-tech industries!" Ge Xiaotian pointed to the wasteland in the distance that does not belong to Jinxiu River, "Invest in a large-scale production base for electric bicycles!"

"The land fee is free, the tax... is free for two years, and the subsidy is all based on the price of the city!"

"You are so enthusiastic!"

Ge Xiaotian held the leader's hand affectionately, but he knew in his heart that the secondary road he robbed with Dongshan Jianlian was stable.

Of course, this is also the main purpose of the Jifu leaders' trip, attracting investment!

But the other party's proposal and his initiative to propose it are completely two concepts.

At least, all the benefits are now available.

What? When the road construction was proposed, did the local government say that the funding budget was insufficient?

What nonsense, this is Jifu!

In fact, from the very beginning, the leaders of the Ji government favored Tian Cheng.

One is that Jinxiuchuan is a project introduced by Mr. Yu.

The second is Tiancheng's model.

How much economic benefit can be generated by building a road for Dongshan Jianlian's university town in the east?

And to build a road for Tiancheng, it will be able to bring a large group of industrial chains...

After talking about work, everyone walked into Jinxiu River with satisfaction.

More than 8,000 teachers and students in camouflage are undergoing military training, and in the afternoon...pre-job adaptation.

However, the purpose of Ge Xiaotian's visit this time is not to relieve the worries of the leaders of Jifu.

After some politeness with the other party, he asked the planning department to be the host on the grounds of busy work, and went to the scenic spot where the press conference was held to have a meal, while he came to the technical secondary school campus.

After a few days of emergency renovation, the drainage, electric heating and other work have all been debugged.

Desks, podiums, and multimedia are all deployed.

Overall, it can be put into use.

However, he will conduct several experiments before the students move in on September 1st.

For example, let a strong man enter the school, practice several emergencies, and test the reaction speed and reinforcements of two hundred Tianwei. If it is not enough, increase the number of Tianwei.

For example, let the elite troops enter the school to set fire, smash, hack and kill, test the reaction speed of Jinxiuchuan firefighters and 200 Tianwei, and if damage occurs, the scale of the two must be increased.

Another example is to let the strong man who entered the school bully the "weak and strong man" in a hidden place, and also test the reaction speed of Tianwei...

In short, in Tiancheng Technical Secondary School, no matter in any aspect, it is absolutely safe!

After arranging these tasks, Ge Xiaotian had a meal with the veterans in charge of military training, and talked about the students' reactions during the military training.

Fortunately, with the assistance of the "Physics Department Psychology Teacher" and several large toy towns, there was no escape incident...


Leaving the training ground and just entering the exhibition hall-style office area, Ge Xiaotian's cell phone rang suddenly.

Look at the number, Tianyu Film and Television Base.


"Mr. Ge, no, boss, it's me!"

"Oh?" It turned out to be that genius game designer, Brother Sharp!

"Boss, the magic tower game you asked me to do, the main work has been completed, do you have a look?"

"So fast?"


"Would you like to watch it now?" Ge Xiaotian glanced at the Mi-26 under maintenance, his right eyelid suddenly throbbed violently, "Another day!"

"How about, boss, I'll send you an email? If you think it's suitable, I'll improve the engine and let the Dragon Legend development team implant it into the leisure area. After four days, players can update the client and they can play directly!"

"That's okay too!" Ge Xiaotian said, walked into the office, greeted the cleaning lady, and started the computer.

"This game currently only has 49 floors, which is the limit of my independent development. Unless I arrange a few assistants with strong logical thinking, it will be difficult to make a breakthrough!"

"49 floors? It's a bit small!"

"If you ignore high intelligence, you can design infinite layers, but considering the many routes and gameplay, adding some achievements to ensure playability, 49 layers is not too small..."

"How long can I play?"

"It takes 85 hours to clear the customs for the first time, and 320 hours to complete all achievements."

"Very good!" Ge Xiaotian clicked on the mailbox, deleted dozens of emails promoting aircraft carriers, and downloaded the attachment sent by Brother Sharp, "Only 4.35M?"

"It's a bit too big for a mobile phone, but after beautifying and expanding the page, it's just right for the computer version of Shenlongchuan."


4M is considered big, so what about smartphone games with 500M or even 1G in the future?

Ge Xiaotian opens the game...

Almost at the same time, the system page popped up suddenly, and the market drawing function was activated...

Then, according to the rooms on the first floor of the game, generate a structural diagram...

Then, the system automatically calculated the best route...


"Boss, what's the matter?"

"No! Use the voice chat to save some phone bills!" Ge Xiaotian was very pleasantly surprised to control the game characters to kill monsters, eat blood bottles, and get keys...

After logging into the voice software, Brother Sharp seems to be playing too.

a long time.

"Boss, where are you?"

"The seventh floor!"


"The ninth floor!"


"Actually, running back and forth upstairs and downstairs is the most time consuming, otherwise I should be able to reach the fifteenth floor!"


"What floor did you go to?"

"The fourth floor..."

"Are you still a designer?!"

"Boss, I feel... I'm going crazy!"

"Don't, don't, don't!" Ge Xiaotian stopped his hands and looked at the best design plan given by the market drawing in his eyes.

That's right!

In addition to the game blueprint designed by Brother Sharp, the system also gave another design plan.

However, it's a bit strange!

The first layer: square matrix

Second layer: round array

The third layer: sparse array



Tenth Floor: Scattering Star Array

Eleventh floor: mandarin duck array

The twelfth floor: sky cover array


The twentieth floor: Long Snake Formation

The twenty-first floor: Two dragons out of the water array

The twenty-second floor: Heaven and Earth Trinity Formation


The thirtieth floor: Tiangang Big Dipper Formation

Thirty-first floor: Nine Palaces Bagua Formation

Thirty-second floor: all-encompassing array


Forty-seventh floor: Zhoutian star formation

Forty-eighth floor: Twelve capitals of the gods and demons

Forty-ninth floor: Zhuxian Sword Formation

Hidden maps: Jiuqu Yellow River Formation, Liangyi Mote Formation, Sanshu Guardian Formation, Heaven and Earth Five Flags Formation...

Ge Xiaotian browsed relevant information on the Internet, looked for Taoist Monk 1 and Taoist Monk 2 to study homework, and checked the open "array map" given by the system, and gradually designed a new concept map of the 49-story True God Tower.

"I'm going to become a fairy!"

"What? Boss?"

Ge Xiaotian didn't dare to say that he had cleared the magic tower, and even built a real god tower, "Yes..."

Just as he was about to explain a few words, he suddenly discovered that the progress of collecting wonders, which was originally emptied, was full!

Tap lightly.

A pagoda that resembles the eight treasures Linglong Pagoda in the hands of the King of Totas, with five colors of divine light, came into view...

'The second wonder is formed, please refer to the drawing function for specific parameters. '


Playing a game can also handle a spectacle? !

What about collecting corresponding literature?

'Unknown building: 49 floors. '

'Occupied area: S=πr, radius 80 meters, height 228 meters. '

'The first floor has eight entrances, each floor has four stairs, and each floor is divided into four areas. Find the correct path and communicate with each other. '

'Each floor has a formation, and you can go to the previous floor after you crack it. '

'The construction period of this building is 'three months', requiring 500 farmers, and the construction period will be reduced by ten days for every additional 500...'

'Discovery of the steam turbine compactor...'

'Discovery of reinforced concrete technology...'

'The building plan is being improved...'

After reading the explanation, Ge Xiaotian suddenly remembered the tower in the cartoon of the boy Huang Feihong for some reason...

What the hell do I want this thing for? !

Do you want to learn martial arts?

Eighteen Bronze Man Formation?


Ge Xiaotian had a flash of inspiration.

Arrange technical secondary school graduation courses here?

A few questions are arranged on each floor, the answers are completed, and the formation is studied, which not only tests knowledge, but also tests intelligence...

Whoever can climb all the towers, answer all the questions, and pass the grades will be able to graduate?

Very feasible!

Look at the resources, the first wonder is free, and building the second wonder is not a problem at all.

"It seems that the glass in my house not only needs to be replaced with tempered and reinforced ones, but also needs to be bulletproof!"


Ge Xiaotian rubbed his sleepy eyes and looked at the time.

Before I knew it, it was ten o'clock in the morning on the 26th!

I stayed up all night!

And the crackling in the voice chat software, Brother Sharp seems to be still modifying the parameters.

Ge Xiaotian did not take out the scheme given by the system drawing.

Formation is too complicated. If it is thrown to players who play the magic tower, even if it is fun, it may drive away a large group...

"go to bed early!"

"Good boss!"

After quieting the mic, Ge Xiaotian picked up the phone.

It's Dao Er.


"Boss, the young leader, his old father who works in the aviation department, wants to talk to you!"

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