Build Madness

Chapter 329 Going to Yun County

It was evening and the sky was dark.

A person and a dog flashed past the car window, Ge Xiaotian hurriedly asked the driver to stop, but the speed of the car was too fast, and when he got down, the distance between the two sides was already tens of meters.


The big fat boy didn't respond, and the fat dog just wagged its tail.

"Are you mistaken?"


One person and one dog not only did not look back, but turned into a nearby village...

Surprised by the opponent's figure and face, Ge Xiaotian didn't pay attention to the loudspeaker on Ah Huang's body, scratching his head, "Could it be a mistake?!"

That's right, Dahan didn't go out of the country at all, and he wouldn't appear in Yun County at all.

And Ah Huang, who is good at chasing rabbits, is not so fat.

Thinking back to Niu Dagu and Gouzi's bovine offal, Ge Xiaotian couldn't help sighing:

"It seems that the hard work during this time has not been in vain. The folks in Sancha Township and surrounding counties and cities are getting more and more prosperous. Even dogs are raised as pigs..."

"Well, keep going!"


Yun County is the birthplace of Water Margin, located in the west of Sancha Township.

When Huaxia was founded, it belonged to 'Plain Province'.

Later, Pingyuan Province was abolished, part of the area was allocated to Dongshan, and Yun County was under the jurisdiction of Ji City.

Forty years ago, He City was restored and Yun County was returned.

economic aspect……

These days, except for Jiangnan and coastal areas, as well as special economic zones, inland cities are pretty much the same.

The house price is five or six hundred, and the per capita income is three or four thousand (yearly).

With a mentality of another time and space, Ge Xiaotian would never come here to engage in development, and businessmen who seek profit must go there to make money.

But after reliving the whole life, the plug-in is close to him, and his mentality has also changed.

Especially after getting acquainted with grass-roots sesame officials such as leaders Ma, Director Shang, and leaders of Yunxian County who are dedicated to doing practical things for the people and doing everything possible to develop, he even had the idea of ​​"where there is poverty, there is nature."

It's a pity that development is not something that can be done just by talking about it.

Economic development is a slow process, maybe five or six years, maybe ten years, or even twenty or thirty years.

Why is Xiangxian developing so fast?

Tiancheng is a factor, the most important thing is the initial 50 million, 300 million in the middle term, and the 1.4 billion loan that was obtained later.

With these funds thrown in, the small county was immediately reborn.

But Tiancheng needed to repay the loan, otherwise he would go bankrupt.

How to repay the loan?

Definitely need to earn.

Earn the money in the pockets of customers who buy houses, earn money in the pockets of loan entrepreneurs...

But money only circulates in a fixed area, and it is doomed that there will be no real development. It will also cause beautiful houses and people's clothes, but the money in their pockets is getting less and less, and everyone is even in debt.

Therefore, if you want to be truly rich, you need to absorb 'foreign capital', or absorb 'foreign capital'.

For example, Legend of Shenlong, electric vehicles exported to other provinces, and Wuling series...

Tiancheng invested in the Yun County project, and gave Brother Hao 50 million funds back and forth.

Fifty million, a lot in the millennium, is definitely a super project for a small county.

But this money can't change the appearance of the small county.

Except for the colorful 'Stone Lock Building', the two buses leading to Sancha Township are no different from the old town of Xiangxian County as a whole.

Dilapidated door houses, messy sidewalks, fortunately the market is not here, the main road is quite spacious.

Shisuo Building is located at the southwest corner of the intersection, and the sales office faces north.

Seeing the iconic 666 and the license plate number, a few high-achieving students who were chatting in the lobby and transferred from the Sancha Township Office hurried out to greet him.


"Hey, you're in good spirits!" Ge Xiaotian patted the shoulder of the supervisor who was fooled by him to take the MBA exam, "How is it?"

"1,200 sets of commercial housing were pre-sold out in just two hours!"


With low housing prices and low income, Ge Xiaotian instantly figured out the profits of the company here.

Counting the lease of the shops and removing the Shisuo landmark, it will not exceed 50 million.

That is, when Tiancheng lent 500 million to Wanshi Financial Technology some time ago, Tiancheng didn't have enough funds, and Director Sun embezzled the money from here.

"Boss, Mr. Ding is on the second floor, I'll call..."

"No need!" Ge Xiaotian strolled around the hall, looked at the sand table, looked at the promotional coloring pages, touched the seats in the negotiation area, and looked at the various high-end certificates, documents, and honorary specimens placed separately, feeling very satisfied.

Brother Hao has a thorough understanding of the word "packaging".

Don't be afraid of the customers' feeling of "the store is bullying customers", but you are afraid that your own image is not high-end enough!

Tiancheng is well-known, and the price, quality, and service are all guaranteed, and the rest is to win the 'sense of recognition'.

Even if Tiancheng's house price is higher than that of other developers in the future, the client will involuntarily belittle the other party.

This is the good 'brand awareness' formed under the subtle influence.

When he turned around, Ge Xiaotian noticed the curiosity in the eyes of the new Yunxian employees who were paying attention to him, smiled slightly, and opened his hands, "How is it? I am the legendary Ge Baiyi, handsome or not?"

"Handsome... handsome!" A group of people laughed together.

"Haha, I leave work early today, which hotel is the best here?"

The supervisor of Gao Caisheng said, "It's our own Guyue Hotel in Yun County next door."

"Oh? Open?"

"The business opened a week ago, and many leaders have come, including the leader of Chen Da from Heshi City."

Ge Xiaotian nodded, walked to the sales office, saw the Guyue Hotel on the left side of Shisuo, facing east from west, and asked curiously: "Didn't you say that this landmark is sold as a package?"

"There was a public auction once, and the price was nearly 200 million yuan. No company in the surrounding counties and cities dared to take such a big risk. Mr. Ding began to attract investment. The first to settle was the chamber of commerce company. First, the commercial street was built, and then the office building was leased."

"Well, that's not bad, after all, the small county has limited resources!" Ge Xiaotian looked at the time, "Speak to Ding Hao, arrange a dinner party, the company staff will eat, and the construction department will send money. It will be done within an hour. I will go to the ancient city to have a look!"

"Good boss!"

The ancient city project in Yunxian County is very different from Xiaoqingshan. It is more like a street of eating, drinking and playing, or in other words, the market has been moved in.

In this era, people's spending power is limited, only supported by local residents, the passenger flow is average, it can even be said to be deserted, and many shops are closed.

No wonder I haven't seen the leader of Yunxian County for a long time. I guess after being thrown cold water, I am too embarrassed to go to Xiaoqingshan to study.

If you want to solve a problem, it is easy to say, but it is also difficult to say that it is difficult. It is nothing more than: throwing money!

Attract foreign population, develop local enterprises, increase per capita income, promote per capita consumption...

Ge Xiaotian wandered around the ancient city, carefully thinking about ways other than throwing money...

When he got to the side of the ring, his heart suddenly moved.

He remembered a show!

Wulin style!

Xiaoqingshan is doing fun and moving forward, the UFO gymnasium is going to hold a concert, and there will be car conferences, player meetings, legendary legion battles, on-site sand attack, etc... It's better to hand over this project to Yun County.

Neighbors, family, the prosperity of Yun County can also drive the development of Xiaoqingshan.

However, he needs to train his subordinates now, and this thing needs to be brought up by Brother Hao to the leaders of Yun County...

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