Build Madness

Chapter 331 Martial arts hegemony planning plan

A large chamber of commerce with only one leader will definitely not be successful.

Just like the Tiancheng Chamber of Commerce in Jishi City, there are only seven or eight directors, including the old man of the paper industry, the boss of Wanshi, the duck king Lao Qin, the Qinggang auto trade boss, and several retired old men who are very famous and well-connected in the local government. .

The Yun County branch has just been established, and it is still relatively immature at this stage. It has not experienced strong winds and waves, and there are no heavyweights to take over the field. To hold a martial arts competition, it can not only attract large enterprises to be the frontrunners, but also attract local leisurely old men to run from time to time Come to show your hands, and you will not be too passive when you encounter strong opponents in the future.

Asking members of the branch to pay for the competition is tantamount to cleaning up the 'bastards'.

Just like the dumping war between Tiancheng and Shunhe Trading, enjoying the treatment of the guild, but doing nothing, and some even secretly reported to the enemy, such enterprises must not be allowed to stay.

In other words, now they are forcing ordinary members of the Yun County branch to recharge their money instead of recharging to play...

Of course, Tian Cheng is not a black hearted game dealer.

Deposit money now, and when the martial arts competition starts, the company and products will be vigorously promoted, and you will definitely get ten times, or even a hundred times the benefits.

until then...

‘Brothers, it’s time to become a bronze VIP! '

Ge Xiaotian believes that once the members enjoy the happiness brought by recharging money, they will not be able to stop at all, otherwise, why would there be so many bronze VIPs popping up in the chamber of commerce!

It seems that I have to find some time to think about the treatment of silver VIP! "

Summer in Siberia?

Polar adventure?

Helicopters dry tanks?



A meal is eaten until ten o'clock in the evening.

After seeing off many lovely old brothers, Ge Xiaotian came to the general manager's office of Tianhao Real Estate with a thermos cup in his hand.


"Hey, boss!" Brother Hao hurriedly stood up and poured water.

"I heard that if my boss is messed with, you plan to run away immediately?"

"That's right! With a loan of hundreds of millions, whoever dares to mess with my boss, I'll mess with the whole family, and then run away with the money!"


Ge Xiaotian patted the chair next to him, "Your thinking is dangerous!"

"What danger?"

"Thought and awareness!"


"As the builders and successors of China's new era, we must establish firm ideals and beliefs, and we must not go astray!"


"Ah!" Ge Xiaotian sighed, lightly stroked Brother Hao's big bald head, and slapped him with his hands, "Recite my thoughts and morals!"

"Uh... good!"

"Well! Let's get down to business!" Ge Xiaotian asked Xiaolan to take out his laptop, "I planned a super league for the local area. The scale is no less than XBA, and it's called Wulin Hegemony!"


"MMA-like mixed martial arts!"

Brother Hao hurriedly checked online, "Is it allowed?"

"The ancient city project in Yun County, where the locals invested 50 to 60 million yuan, has now been poured with cold water. Don't say whether it is allowed or not, as long as you dare to do it, the local leaders will even rush to help you organize it!"

"Boss, are you going to talk? Or should I go?"

"Go!" Ge Xiaotian edited the document, "The essence of this competition is 'fake'! What kind of fake? It's just like the competition between Taoist monks and two monks just now. , this is 'false'!"

"Isn't it 'true'?"

"Fake first, then real! The early promotional posters all use punch-to-flesh dynamic images of blows. For example, if I hit your arm with a fist, the moment the two touch, the muscles will change. Or, if you punch down, your nose will be bruised and your face will be swollen..."


"Action is one aspect, and the personnel must also be packaged. I wrote a few sects, and when the personnel arrive later, they will all be compiled!"

"Boss, Huasheng Temple, Putuo Mountain, and Taixu Temple are okay, but Shituoling, Fangcun Mountain..." Speaking of this, Brother Hao turned his head to look at the sequel of Journey to the West that was playing on TV.

In the picture, the father-in-law, leaning on a cane, introduces the monkey and Bajie: "This mountain is called Babaili Shituoling, and there is a Shituo Cave in the middle, and three big devils live in the cave!"

"Is it too fake?"

"Oh, monster!" Ge Xiaotian hurriedly crossed Shituoling, thought for a while, and crossed out Fangcunshan again, "Anyway, it will be fake in the early stage! It's so fake that almost everyone suspects that the contestants are 'performing'! By the way, let Shuai Bo and Little Star will host, let them practice their acting skills!"


"It's fake to this extent, it will definitely cause many people to protest, and then the program group can't bear the pressure, and announced that they can challenge 16 contestants!"

"I understand. In this way, a large number of well-known fighting masters can be attracted to participate, and a lot of invitation fees will be saved. It is the same as North American professional teams participating in the XBA, uninvited!"

"Smart!" Ge Xiaotian outlined the plan for the first phase, "However, there is a threshold to be set, not everyone can participate!"

"Yes, you must have fighting experience and a certain reputation!"

"Yes!" Ge Xiaotian began to write the second stage, "When these people are cleared, you arrange people to continue to expose the 'fake match' thing!"


"That is, the reason why the first batch of challengers were defeated so easily is because they were all bought by the program crew!"

"Huh?" Brother Hao was shocked, "Boss, if this is the case, won't it damage the reputation of this group of people?"

"It's only temporary. When the time comes, you arrange people to contact them. People who practice martial arts should not be so fragile psychologically. When the competition is completely over, and when people know the true strength of our 16 internal players, I believe many people will recognize the first A batch of players who can catch a few punches, or a few legs!"


"In the second stage, we must attract famous fighters, or challenge some foreign players!"

"Boss, I heard that 'black boxing' and 'gambling boxing' are popular abroad..."

"What do they do? As long as we are legal!" Ge Xiaotian listed the third stage, "When we defeat the world's top fighters, we will be considered a success in this match!"

"And during this period, members of the Chamber of Commerce tried their best to print the 'cards' of 16 internal contestants!"

"Collect card?"

"Yes! In addition, there are figures, which are character models! All kinds of gorgeous moves, all kinds of fantasy clothes, such as the No. 12 contestant of the immortal style, who starts with Tai Chi and uses gossip!"


"There is also the steely and brave Monk No. 10, who knows the seventy-two unique skills, and each unique skill has a figure. If you collect all the figures, you can get the seventy-two unique skill cheats!"


"Others, anyway, are ancient martial arts routines, everyone has them, and everyone can't be less than 60+!"

"The card?"

"Cards should be made non-toxic and even edible, and promoted along with drinks, instant noodles, meat, clothing... If you collect all 66 cards, you can exchange for a figure for free!"

"I understand boss!"

"There are also posters, the kind that are pasted on students' small square tables and walls!"

"Let's send it!"

"The premise is that this event must be popular!"

"Don't worry, boss, there are no major problems in the project recently, and the pre-sale is over. The next project will have to wait for the pre-sale in Shan County. During this period, we can fully organize the 'Martial Arts Hegemony'!"

"Well, what needs to be noted is that after the figure is exchanged, the cheat book in the customer's hand!"


"Piracy! Once there is a pirated version, follow the clues, how to deal with it, the old rules!"

"Understood!" Brother Hao nodded viciously, "Cutting off a person's fortune is like killing his parents. If he dares to pirate cheat books, I'll kill him..."


"Oh oh oh, I'll give them another job!"

"In addition to figurines and cards, there are also inflatables... like this, like this, and like this..."

"Huh? Oh~~~"

"And the costumes, gloves, headbands, wristbands of the contestants... It's almost the same as the XBA peripherals!"


"Xiaohao, this is a league that is not inferior to the XBA. If you do a good job, and if you don't do it well, you have to understand the consequences!"

"Ming... understand!"

Ge Xiaotian thought about it carefully, and sent the document to the mailbox of Tianhao Real Estate Company, "The other thing is Xiaolan's."

"I'm listening, boss!" Xiao Lan, who was sorting out the financial statements, raised her head.

"Bureau Sun was transferred to Bianzhou, Nanhe, which is very close to here. Although he is the third in command, he belongs to firefighting, and he is waiting for the first in command. However, for airborne, Bureau Sun's qualifications have always been in Xiang County. When he arrives there, it may be difficult to develop quickly. Work!"

"Boss, what do you mean?"

"You bring one billion and accompany Director Sun to take office!"


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