Build Madness

Chapter 355: Each has a ghost

"There are always people who want to harm..."

In another time and space, he bought a mobile phone and a computer, and was used to being tricked. Ge Xiaotian has always been cautious about high-tech and everything he doesn't understand.

Don't listen, don't ask, don't care!

The blond tour guide next to him, who was eloquently explaining, saw his attitude, his eyes flickered, "Mr. Ge, I'm sorry, I'm going to the bathroom!"

"Okay, I'll take a stroll by myself!"

When the other party left, Ge Xiaotian forcibly suppressed his curiosity, and went to a corner to admire the incomprehensible ancient masterpieces and paintings.

You can install monitors at home without black technology, let alone such a highly confidential and highly guarded place?

You can't tell where there is a hidden probe staring at you in any corner!

Therefore, knowing that the other party is going to cheat him, Ge Xiaotian will be very stable.

Seeing a rest area next to it and a dirty ashtray, he took out Lao Hong's 'True Tibetan Edition' Cuban cigars from his pocket, repaired them and lit them up, "This place is really not ordinary! It’s broken, and it’s still so backward!”


the other side.

The blond tour guide twisted and turned, walked into the previous power distribution room, and turned on an antique machine.

The screen flickered, and an old man with a white beard jumped out.

Connecting headphones...


"Well, I heard your conversation, how did he behave specifically?"

"When looking at the model, his eyes are very strange, his pupils are tilted to the upper left, and he is a bit silly (Ge Xiaotian is looking at the system). When communicating, there is no change in the facial muscles, the nostrils contract normally, and the activity frequency of the Adam's apple...may be a little thirsty, during the period The scalp layer stirred up twice..."

"Don't talk about your observation terms, give me definite information!"

"He may not have listened carefully, or he may not have cared... It can be inferred from this that he doesn't understand anything!"

"Don't understand?" The white-bearded old man took a puff on his pipe, "Through contact, which one do you think he is most likely to be interested in?"

"First exclude jet trains! He knows this thing, and he must know the huge economic benefits it contains, but it cannot be put into use temporarily until it breaks through technology and material limitations and gets rid of various shortcomings.

Secondly, I told him some of the principles of the ternary computer, but he didn't show...interest, but a little disgust. (Ge Xiaotian believes that ternary computers do not exist).

As for the Caspian monster, that is, the ground-effect aircraft, I personally feel that he seems, should... like it very much! "


"Amurnio Bras is ushering in a big development, Tiancheng chose a location close to the main tributary leading to the Black Dragon River, Siberia's climate is different from that in China, and the navigable period is only five or six months.

The Tiancheng shipping system is developing rapidly in Huaxia Dongshan, mainly relying on wooden ships for transportation. The advantage is that the cost is low, and the disadvantage is that the speed is slow.

Before he arrived in Amur, he went to Bingcheng, Heilong Province. Songjiang connects Heilong River. I suspect that he plans to build a semi-finished or finished product processing factory there.

If he wants to transport so much stone, iron ore, and even crude oil, wooden ships are inefficient, and he will obviously consider large oil tankers, but the carrying capacity of the river is a limitation..."


"Therefore, a ground-effect aircraft capable of carrying a thousand tons and a speed of three or four hundred knots will definitely make him excited!"

"The ground-effect aircraft is bulky, too fast, and the steering is unstable... If you sell it to them, the biggest obstacle is the width of the inland river." The white-bearded old man put down his pipe, his eyes were a little uncertain.

"We can help him open the route from Vladivostok to Dongshan Qinggang!"

"This is also a way!"

"Or, we sell him a medium-sized or small ground-effect aircraft!"

"That's right!" The white-bearded old man nodded, "That's it, I will notify the Air J Department to repair the Caspian Sea monster as soon as possible, even if it can only fly a short distance, it can be shot into a video, let him see the real thing, and send it in the afternoon Here you go, do you know how to do it?"

"Understood!" The blond tour guide saluted and immediately asked, "By the way, general, shall we sell spacecraft or technology?"

"You stupid bitch, it must be an aircraft, what will we eat if we sell the technology?"



rest area.

The blond tour guide came with a sexy waist twisted, and while wiping the water stains on his hands, he said softly: "Mr. Ge, I kept you waiting!"

Ge Xiaotian stood up holding his cigar, smiling kindly.

Although the blond tour guide made a perfect disguise, during the drawing, the appearance of the other party was also entered into the system drawing.

An extremely complicated gymnasium can be calculated, let alone record a person's physical characteristics?

The system does not know the weight of the blonde tour guide, nor does it know her internal structure, but it can deduce based on various superficial signs, such as expression, step width, and the sound of high-heeled shoes stepping on the ground... that she is lying.

If it is true as the other party said, the body weight will definitely change, which will cause slight fluctuations in its own magnetic field, which will definitely cause a large change in the above data.

Therefore, the blond tour guide should be reporting to work.

Little spy!

Still want to cheat me!

Ge Xiaotian quietly followed the other party out of the ground and came to the observation area on the ground.

Wang Laoliu of his own "Longtian Technology Co., Ltd.", Mr. Wang, has already held a press conference with representatives from all parties.

This is a big news that affects the world, and it will soon attract various reports, either positive or negative.

However, the GLONASS navigation system has entered the commercial field again, and it needs to be vigorously promoted. Otherwise, where will the orders and dividends come from?

After several rounds of negotiations, Ice Bear decided:

Deploy the first phase of three satellites to the northern region of China.

In the second phase, the three invested by Wanshi Financial Technology and Sun Paper will be deployed in southern China and Amur.

In the third phase, three independently invested by Tiancheng were deployed in Siberia and Europe.

The fourth issue is pending. (North America disagrees with GLONASS deployment)

In the first three rounds of launch projects, there were nine satellites, with a total investment of 500 million Franklin.

Ice Bear will test the three launch sites in the country in August, October, and January of the following year, and whichever one is more reliable will be selected to start the project.

The notary office is from Switzerland.

The insurance company is from England.

Afterwards, representatives of the seven-party team signed again and sealed the materials...

(Ice Bear's own satellite also has investors)

At noon, President Wang of Tianlong Technology attended the celebration ceremony of the project.

In the afternoon, Mr. Wang returned to Dongshan by the business jet booked yesterday.

And Ge Xiaotian is going to Vladivostok to see the "aviation-grade iron bumps" that have been dragged over.

"Mr. Ge, wait a moment!"

Before getting on the car, the blond tour guide stopped Tian Cheng and the others with a laptop in his hand, "I have something very interesting here, take a look?"

"Oh? What?" Ge Xiaotian laughed secretly in his heart, this group of people still didn't give up.

The blond tour guide turned on the screen, "The Caspian Sea monster can carry a thousand tons of supplies..."

In the picture, a huge model similar to a model floats on the sea like a magnetic globe, dragging a thick fog and gliding quickly...

‘Damn it, it’s so big! '

"What is this? A super hovercraft?"

"No, the principles of the two are fundamentally different! The principle of the ground-effect aircraft is that when it flies close to the ground or the water surface, the airflow will flow backward and downward after passing through the wings. At this time, the ground or water surface will generate a reaction force. When it flies at a height equal to or less than 1/2 wingspan from the water surface, the pressure difference between the upper and lower sides of the whole body will increase, the lift will increase suddenly, and the resistance will decrease, preventing the aircraft wings from falling. This can reduce the induced drag of the aircraft The physical phenomenon that can obtain a higher lift-to-drag ratio than flying in the air at the same time is the ground effect."


Does this thing really exist?

Ge Xiaotian was shocked.

Quickly open the system drawing...

'Unknown technological products, please drag them into the blacksmith shop, or the town center, or the production workshop...'

'Friendly reminder: Insufficient data, ninety-nine percent chance of not being able to analyze it. '


"Mr. Ge, we have a limited number of super-large ground-effect aircraft like this, but we can provide your company with a medium-to-large 'Caspian Sea Monster' with a take-off weight of 500 tons, a wingspan of 40 meters, and a payload of 200 tons. With a speed of 300 knots and a range of 6,000 kilometers, you can not only move at a height of 10 meters, but also fly to an altitude of 3,000 meters if necessary..."

Listening to the more and more detailed introduction, Ge Xiaotian's eyes gradually became dull.

I'm not going to travel to the world of science fiction, am I?

But, I didn't feel it!

"Mr. Ge?"

"Oh! Sorry, I don't need it!"

"Huh?" The blond tour guide was slightly taken aback. After all the evidence was presented, why aren't you tempted, "By the way, Mr. Ge, we can give you a ternary computer!"

"No, I really don't need it, I'm just a construction worker!" Ge Xiaotian opened the door and got into the car heading to Gongqingcheng by the Heilong River.

"Mr. Ge, wait a minute, we are really giving you one, you can learn more about it!"

"Sorry!" Ge Xiaotian was very firm.

Cannibalism has a short mouth and soft hands, if this kind of real technology really exists...

Can't keep it!

Taking the black technology that may be watched by the whole world outside, how can there be a system technology tree, which is slowly developed and developed slowly?

Seeing him leave, the blond tour guide dropped his laptop dejectedly, "It's over, I'm about to lose my job!"


On the plane to the Sea of ​​Okhotsk.

On the surface, Ge Xiaotian is as stable as..., but in fact, there is a shocking wave in his heart.

Haven't seen it, doesn't mean it doesn't exist.

After reading the voyage records of the monsters in the Caspian Sea, he found that this was indeed the case.

From this, he thought of the balanced ternary system that the blond tour guide said.

It's a pity he doesn't understand.

However, we have monks!

Look at system resources.

Deducting the resources needed for the third and fourth wonders that have not yet been activated, the gold is just enough for a monk to upgrade to the third level.

Click on Dao Er's name.

"Old man, what is a ternary system?"

"Eh..." Dao Erfa would be stunned, "I don't understand!"

"Huh?" Ge Xiaotian checked his skills, most of them are advanced mathematics, advanced physics... There is no title of "scientist" or "physicist".

Moreover, compared with the third-level Dao 1, the same third-level Dao 2 seems to have a lot less skill items.

For example, he doesn't understand computers, and he doesn't know how to refine 'graphene'.

What the hell?

Everything you can buy in a blacksmith shop...


Ge Xiaotian looked at the exchange list and found the only high-tech item that he hadn't paid much attention to.

Graphene (99.99…% purity): 1 system gold mine can be exchanged for 50 grams!

1 system gold mine = 50 grams of real gold

Real gold one hundred red note 1 gram...

The value of the two is equal, and graphene is also 1 gram of one hundred red notes?


How expensive is this dark stuff?

What did Daoyi do?

Later, Ge Xiaotian discovered the difference between Dao Yi and Dao Er again.

In the Dao 2 panel, there are dozens of blank grids above advanced mathematics, advanced algebra, advanced physics and other skills.

Referring to Dao Yi who has more skill entries, after playing so many junk online games, Ge Xiaotian instantly understood what it was.

What 10 million buys is just the 'skill slot'!

If you want skills, you have to learn!


Turn on krypton gold mode? !

Ge Xiaotianyou didn't give up, thought there was a bug, and searched for the previous system prompts...

'The system activates the monk skill level synchronization function, which can spend 1,000 pieces of gold to upgrade all 'science monks' to the third level, and can spend 500 gold pieces to upgrade the 'artistic monks' to the second level. '

‘Skill levels are synchronized, not skills! '

Then, he saw the note "" on Dao Yi's upgrade prompt

'Humans have unlimited imagination. As the most basic unit in the field of game technology, monks and strong men also have endless training value. If similar skills are synchronized, what each monk learns will be limited to a small area. , then you will not be able to research new technologies beyond the boundaries of the system. Only by having senior experts in various fields, such as chemists, philosophers, folk artists... Let them promote and inspire each other, can you reach a higher level of civilization, otherwise, game over! '


I'm just an architect, why is it so complicated?

Ge Xiaotian patted his second shoulder. It seems that this guy will go to retreat after going back.

Recalling the news conveyed by the front desk, it is estimated that this 'retreat' should go somewhere, quietly digest knowledge, and make oneself a leader in a certain field.

According to the work he assigned to the monks...

Daoyi engages in scientific research, level 3, and evolves into a mathematician and physicist.

The first monk assists in scientific research, the second level, and evolves into a bachelor of philosophy...

Dao Er is in charge of the management system. In the future, it should be in the field of economics, or the field of business management and operation...economist? Management scientist?


What about monk two?

law? Can speak well?

Or... a monk?

Ge Xiaotian thought about it for a long time, and was almost amused by himself, so he decided not to think about the ternary system for the time being.

"Boss, the plan is ready!" At this time, Xu Ling handed over a thick stack of documents.

With the establishment of the GLONASS navigation system project, Tiancheng also began to prepare for various money-making projects.

For example, let the scientific research institutes make every effort to develop friendly and cheap car navigation systems, geodesic receivers, geographic information systems, timing receivers, various anti-theft alarms, and even personal terminal communication equipment and so on.

At the same time, Tiancheng Financial Company needs to support several companies or companies in the field of LCD screens, plastic products, navigation map services, etc., and let them settle in Silicon Valley next to the Canal CBD, develop rapidly and become a new cornerstone in the field of science and technology.

In addition, Tiancheng also needs to develop business connections with several other high-end component manufacturers, for example, Weihua, which is mainly engaged in the signal field, BYD, which is mainly engaged in the battery field, and an operator that is mainly engaged in communication services...

Do these yourself?

Involving hundreds of project categories, it is impossible to do it at all.

Also, why engage in so many businesses, learn from other people's "North American Gaotong", how powerful is it to research technology and sell patents?

In any case, the popularization of navigation systems can be regarded as a kind of social innovation with a sense of the times and technology.

Maybe it can also stimulate the older generation of communication networks from the demand, and indirectly promote the emergence of the third generation of communication networks...


The satellite launch site in Komsomolsk on the Black Dragon River is a bit far from Vladivostok.

After dealing with complicated matters, Ge Xiaotian found that it was already night outside.

After thinking about it, he walked into the cab.

It's still the old man with the white beard!

"Hey, old man, aren't you retired?"

"Did I say that?" The old man looked up blankly, "Didn't you just get on the plane? We've met before?"

"Huh?" Ge Xiaotian's back felt cold, and his hair exploded instantly. Could it be Alzheimer's disease?

"Haha, just kidding, don't be so nervous, except for the roughness of this plane, as long as it is well maintained in other aspects, there will be no problem at all!"

"..." Ge Xiaotian was silent for a moment, "I think you are very suitable to be an actor!"

"Really? Thank you for the compliment. However, after flying this flight, I will retire. I will take the Trans-Siberian train and return to Mokos. From now on, I will accompany my family and tell the stories about these big guys. Once you tell them..."

Hearing the same murmur, Ge Xiaotian panicked, "Drive slowly, we are not in a hurry!"

"Don't worry, this thing itself is manufactured according to the specifications of a fighter plane, and it will soon be able to fly over the mountains, cross the sea, and reach the destination!"



The engine roared, the fuselage trembled, and bursts of orange-red flashes came from behind.

It seems that some part is on fire!

The white-bearded old man took a sip of wine calmly, "Don't be afraid, it's normal!"


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