Build Madness

Chapter 358 Return to the Evening Theater

Keeping Xu Ling in Amur was not because Ge Xiaotian was cruel and planned to punish his capable generals, but to make a statement.

'Look, Tiancheng's number one secret, who dares to say that I don't value Neobras? '

Besides, Xu Ling really has a lot of things to do.

In addition to purchasing raw materials, connecting with the governor to attract investment, counting local employees and distributing a simplified version of the card, she also needs to discuss with Lao Yang the planting plan of this year's super farm.

Xu Ling's family is poor, and she has been exposed to farm work since she was a child. Otherwise, she would not have developed a body of "tendon meat", and no matter how thin she was, it would not work.

Lao Yang has been a farmer for most of his life. He ran here to do business, and he didn't abandon his craftsmanship.

Next to the Neobras farm, there are tens of thousands of acres of black land.

One of the two has been familiar with farm work since childhood, and the other knows the local climate like the palm of his hand. With the assistance of farmers, machinery, and agricultural exchange groups from friendly cities, the five hundred acres of fertile land, although it is the first time to open up wasteland, should have a good harvest.

Hence, April 28th.

After three days of busy work, Ge Xiaotian bid farewell to Mr. Governor and others one by one, took the ternary computer presented by the old man with white beard, and crossed the Black Dragon River by boat with Lao Hong, Dao Er, and Seng Er. At noon that day, I took the plane and went straight to Jifu...

Range: 1700km


Energetic atmosphere...

In the far south, on a bustling and bustling street in Huaxia Guang District.

Chen Ergou was wearing a vest and leather trousers, and pushed Chen Feng aimlessly, "Mr. Chen, the aunt who sold water just now called me handsome!"

"If I buy two bottles of Coke for ten yuan, she will call me a pretty old man!"

"Do not believe!"

"Hehe..." Chen Feng sneered and was about to say something, suddenly took off his sunglasses and looked at the TV in the nearby restaurant, "Ge's surname is going to Bingxiong Amur to invest in a farm!"

"Hey?" Chen Ergou also saw the news report, clapped his palms on the back of his hands, and said excitedly: "I guess he won't be able to come back for a while, so let's take this opportunity to go home!"

"Hey hey!" Chen Feng smiled triumphantly, "Let's go, let's fly!"


'Men cry,'s not a sin...'

At this moment, Chen Feng's cell phone rang.


"Hey boss, let me tell you something!"

"What? I'll talk about it when I get back. Ge went to Amur, and I'll be home right away!"

"No, Boss, you must not come back. The person surnamed Ge just got on the passenger plane to Jifu, and he will arrive in the afternoon!"

"Hiss..." Chen Feng looked at the time and estimated the itinerary...Guangzhou to Dongshan Jifu is 1,500 kilometers away, against the wind, "Damn it, I almost bumped into one!"

"Then we?" Chen Ergou was shocked. If he was caught by that guy, Lao Chen might be fine, and his little follower would definitely be beaten up.

Chen Feng glanced at the girls who were leaning in the small alley next to him, calling out 'beautiful boy, let's play' when he met everyone, "No, we have to change places, I'm afraid if you stay like this, you will get lost in the sound of "beautiful boy" Own……"

Chen Ergou rolled his eyes, "Then where shall we go?"



Labor Day in the millennium was planned for the first time in the "Golden Week" sequence.

From April 28th to May 4th, a total of seven days holiday.

What are you doing for such a long time?

As early as April 26, Tianyu Group told people the answer.

The major construction sites have been shut down one after another. Tens of thousands of construction workers, carrying the painted boards, roll-up banners, small hanging flags, large arches, movable umbrellas, and paints of various colors, they have prepared for a long time, rushed to various nearby business districts, public transportation, etc. station, bus parking lot, shipping center...

On April 27th, when people woke up, they were shocked to find that the whole world had changed color.

‘Striving hard and being brave in innovation! '

‘Indifferent to fame and wealth, willing to sacrifice! '

‘The people are great, and labor is glorious! '

‘Love and work hard, strive to be first-class! '

'Promote the spirit of model workers and strive to be the pioneer of the times! '

‘Tiancheng sends holiday greetings to Dongshan laborers! '

A strip of red slogans, in line with various labor scenes, promotes unparalleled positive energy.

In the corners of these slogans, it is all written: the time and place of the Labor Day Gala, as well as many famous performers.

On April 28th, at 6:00 pm on the day of the holiday, the party was held as scheduled.


"Boss Ge, you're back!"


In the auditorium, Ge Xiaotian, who had just rushed back, did not expect it to be so lively. He shook hands with many partners one by one, and sat next to Mr. Pang of the paper industry and the boss of Wanshi.

"What about the satellite project?"

"It's all done, the price of a single one is 23 million, including insurance, it's about the same as the budget, and 30 million comes out." Ge Xiaotian took out the other two contracts, "However, for the second round of launches, you two will use our own The total cost of aerospace-grade components is estimated to be no more than 80 million."

"It's trustworthy!" The two took back the contract, looked through it curiously, and found that they couldn't understand it at all.

"Tiancheng's team in charge of this project will stay there. When the time comes, you two will go over there directly. If you have any questions, just come to me!" Ge Xiaotian said, taking out another contract and explaining it to the two of them carefully.

Not long after, the party officially began.

Dongshan Radio Station will broadcast the whole process live, Tianyu Films will record it, and send it to the company's official website later.

With official participation, the host is no longer Shuai Bo and Xiaoxing, but several recent graduates from Dongshan Art Institute.

During the party.

As the exclusive naming company, Gao Song, chairman of Tianyu International, led employees from various departments on the stage to interact with the audience several times, and promoted respectively:

Ancient War Movie Trivia...

Thousands of horses are galloping, yellow sand is all over the sky, and nearly a thousand trebuchets are in full swing. Against the background of dull music, they show a scalp-numbing shock.

In particular, this movie not only quotes history, but also becomes the official public beta mark of Legend of the Dragon.

Generals, scribes, witches, light helmets, heavy helmets, horse-cutting knives, large guillotines, carefree fans, huge long swords, all kinds of metaphors also lead players to infinite reverie.

Crazy Box Movie Highlights...

In fact, in this movie, Lao Hong can be played in his true colors, but this old guy can't speak his lines to the camera, and he keeps making all kinds of flirtatious poses, just like a robot... Helpless, Shuai Bo is finally cast, And modify some fragments.

For example, at the beginning, Lao Hong, a car repairman, was ridiculed by the villagers. He was still an old bachelor in his forties. A Swiss bank card and a real centurion black card. It is said that the second master is a super rich man abroad and has no children. In the end, his nephew was taken advantage of! (Two cards are available in Tiancheng, which is actively invited over there, distributed for free, and real items will be featured)

Then, Lao Hong, played by Shuai Bo, shrank his head and ran to the bank to inquire. On the computer screen... nine nines!

Special effects, music, bank staff who were stunned, and handsome acting... Even the audience couldn't help scolding their mother.

However, Takamatsu didn’t make too much publicity for ‘Get in the car, let’s go’. Why should I steal the limelight from my own movie? Anyway, this May Day golden time, except for Dongshan, the rate of filming in all parts of the country is higher than that of ‘Tianyu International’. Under the influence of big characters, a ratio of 331 was formed, 70% of which was exclusively owned by the family.

In addition, there is game promotion.

With the sound of "ding ding ding~~" with a strong sense of rhythm, a cartoon character controls the strange tractor and sets off.

Trek through mountains and rivers, fly over forests, cross deserts, in the ice and snow...Left is flowing, right is flowing, puffing...

'Let's break through the sky together! ! ! '

Finally, the real "Tianba" experimental model makes its debut!

Huge body, domineering appearance, with the wheels suspended in the air, roaring like the roar of an airplane engine, spraying, spraying, spraying towards the sky...

The audience was shocked!

Immediately boil!

The fourth publicity is exactly like the GBA game console.

Currently five games can be installed.

Puzzle magic tower, rehearse how to play, and show the wonders of Jinxiuchuan that has been repaired to the fifth floor...

Hang up the comprehension, rehearse the gameplay, and show some real scenes of the 3D comprehension masterpiece...

Solve the maze, practice the gameplay, and show the changing law of the Xiaoqingshan maze...

The handheld comes with five built-in games, such as 'If you are a man, you can go down a hundred floors', '2048', 'Sudoku'...

last of the last.

On the screen that cost more than 30 million to assemble, a special effect in the style of ink painting is depicted.

Guzheng, flowing water, poetry rhyme...

Several flamboyant words are put together in different rhythms:

"Tianyu International, pioneering the world, leading you to imagine the future!"

As for the participating actors, there are famous singing groups from Taiwan Province, the Four Heavenly Kings from Xiangjiang, and the older generation of singers from the mainland...


After the party, Ge Xiaotian and Lao Hong led the paper industry boss Pang and the boss of Wanshi to drink tea at the Tianyu Film and Television Base.

Gao Song had a shy face, like a primary school student waiting for a compliment, never leaving him.

"You really are not an ordinary scratch!"

"It's all good education by the boss!"

"The idea is good. If these three movies are all hits, the year-end awards will be doubled!"

"thank you boss!"

Seeing this scene, Lao Hong, who had just returned from Neobras, suddenly seemed to understand something.

No wonder they joined the company together, they are so young but do well!

turn out to be……

Lao Hong twisted his waist, "Boss, I am also very tickled, I learned it from you..."

"Get out of here!"


The boss of the paper industry, Pang, and the boss of Wanshi couldn't help laughing.

After the commotion, Takamatsu reported to work, "Boss, we lost the theaters in Dongshan."


"Only a few two theaters agreed to show it, and the fourteen theaters belonging to the Jifu Chamber of Commerce..."

"Shen Zhipeng?" Ge Xiaotian had expected that the other party would do this, otherwise he wouldn't let the Dongshan 15th City project start with a movie theater.

It's a pity that the time is too short to catch up with this feast.

However, the solution is all people come up with.

Besides, there aren't many movie theaters these days, otherwise the box office would have broken through hundreds of millions.

Open the system map.

It's time to take out the clockwork plan that has been in place for so long.

"Actually, I have more than a thousand theaters!"

"???" Gao Song was dumbfounded.

The paper industry boss Pang and Wanshi Boss who were drinking water next to him sprayed even more.


On the vast Dongshan land.

Circle after circle formed around Sancha Township, from Jifu in the north, Xucheng in the south, Qinggang in the east, and Nanhe in the west, covering almost two-thirds of the villages and towns in Dongshan, including the areas where no new construction was carried out, and various villages and villages. Around the Daqi Trade City, there is a large "stage".

Some were built last year, some have just been completed, and some are working overtime...

As evening approached, the stage was covered with canvas, screens were hung, and banners were displayed.

‘Limin Activity Center, the new movie is online, only five yuan per show, and a 20% discount for card users! '

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