Build Madness

Chapter 365 Van Movie Released

April 30th.

Canal Development Zone, Tianheng Auto Trade City.


Amidst the endless sound of firecrackers, countless small silver-white buns, tied with red ribbons and big red flowers on their heads, drove into the newly repaired wide road one after another.

The men driving the vehicles were beaming and smiling. They lamented the workmanship, performance, and fuel consumption of the car with the daughter-in-law sitting in the co-pilot. They yelled and scolded their children who were kicking in the back seat, and occasionally glanced at them. A thousand-yuan gift bag placed in the rear compartment.

There are: Tiancheng Chamber of Commerce furniture mall discount coupons, Tiancheng real estate house purchase discount coupons, Tianwei catering package discount coupons, Tianle travel ticket discount coupons, Tianyu Cinema Lifetime VIP, Tianyu International Dragon Legend 100 point card...

"This car is worth buying!"

"Hmph, if you have some savings, just take it out and fiddle around."

"What's the fuss? I bought the car to open a store in the Limin Activity Center in our township, and I usually deliver and deliver goods, so I can make more money! Besides, it's nice to visit relatives in a small car... Well, let's go, Buy a fish, go back to your mother's house first!"

"Okay!" The daughter-in-law was immediately happy.

"By the way, I'll look through the big gift bag later. Let's go to the commercial street in District D of Xiang County to watch a movie. I heard it's called MAX Cinema?"

The eldest son who was sitting on the side, his eyes lit up, "Dad, I heard from my classmate that it means the biggest screen. It's good, there are no foreign countries!"

"true and false?"

"There are also stereos, all of which are top-notch 'Jibiduou'!"

"Then we have to go!"

"Dad, I heard that one is a visual and auditory feast, and the other is a funny movie. I want to watch two!"

"Okay, no problem, we have lifetime VIP!"

The same scene happened not only in Tianheng, but also in the three major automobile trade cities in the southeast and north, as well as the Qinggang Auto Trade Center and various exhibition halls...

Envious of the poor, they work harder.

The wealthy are tempted to consider changing cars...


Sancha and Wuling are selling well, and the renovated Lotus sales office on the west side of Tianheng Auto Trade Center is also bustling.

Tiancheng decided to set a record in China by selling existing houses. The original sales model was abandoned, and it was no longer limited to real estate models. Instead, it chose to use helicopters and electric sightseeing cars to conduct on-site inspections and experience it personally.

Therefore, the Lotus Sales Office was handed over to Lao Jia, the large furniture city of Tiancheng Chamber of Commerce in advance.

At the beginning, Ge Xiaotian promised the sales office of the exhibition hall of Canal Xingyue Bay to others, but later sold it to a bookstore. Therefore, out of compensation, this large landmark with a height of 76 meters and an area of ​​100 meters x 100 meters does not ask for rent for the time being. .

Lao Jia is a real person. He has eaten many furniture design plans given by Ge Xiaotian, and enjoyed the benefits brought by this building for free. With a bite of his teeth and a stomp of his foot, he directly filled up the silver VIP, 10 million.

However, the outer wall and eaves at the entrance of the Lotus sales office were reserved for the offline toy store of Tianyu.

The area is not too big, more than thirty square meters.

According to the overall style, glass cabinets and floor-to-ceiling windows are arranged, and crane machines, shaking machines, game consoles, various toys, film and television posters, home theaters, tapes and discs game cards are placed...

The majestic and gorgeous decoration, the explosive and dynamic songs, and the salesperson dressed as a puppet immediately attracted many customers who bought furniture and accompanying children.

Some are for decoration, some are for coaxing children, and some are for playing by yourself...

People like to get together.

The hot scene led more customers to gather in the newly built Canal CBD.

Eat, drink, play, use...

At the beginning of this golden week, the originally barren and vast canal suburbs exploded with amazing vitality.


The real effect of Zhu Lao's inspection has also begun to play a role.

Study, visit, inspect, introduce!

The leaders who came from all over the world, either alone, with a partner, or in a group, visited every part of Tiancheng's industrial chain, and they were deeply impressed by the three words "Ge Baiyi".


May 1st, eight o'clock in the morning.

Tianyu, which has no well-known actors, no famous directors, and no qualifications, once again caused a sensation in China.

Without it, a gamer made three movies in a row!

Moreover, in addition to Dongshan, theaters in other places have even given an unbelievable screening rate.

That's all.

Cinemas are cinemas, and cinemas are cinemas.

There are theaters, but there are not movie theaters.

Because no one knows whether there is a movie theater in a small county, or how many movie theaters are there, or who is in charge of this movie theater? If the movie is copied in the past, will it be leaked? Will it be stolen?

Therefore, most of the box office statistics are only calculated based on the number of movie screens, shows, and ticket sales percentages in major cities and chain film companies, and hardly consider scattered small counties.


On the day of May 1st, out of nowhere, thousands of movie theaters in towns and villages jumped out of nowhere, yelling to join the Tianyu Film Industry Alliance...

This is not the end!

With the countdown to the release, many county-level movie theaters have joined the Tianyu Film Industry Alliance one after another.

Xiang County District D Office.

Gao Song shook hands with a man in shock, "Brother Jiu, thank you for your hard work!"

"It's a pity!" Nong Qijiu sighed, retracted her palms, and raised her collar to cover the exposed black lines on her chest, "It's a little too late, otherwise, I'll take someone to the south again to talk to the owner of a small movie theater over there. 'Talk about', how could it add thousands of screens."


"However, if the box office exceeds 100 million yuan, it is absolutely stable. I have also completed the task assigned by the boss. I will hand over the contract to you, just pretend that I have never been here..."


Looking at the distant back, Gao Song let out a breath, always feeling that this man looks familiar, but after thinking about it, he can't remember where he met him.

At this time, Shuai Bo knocked on the door, "Mr. Gao, it's showing!"

"How's the box office?"

"There are 1,600 screens in the major cities, excluding the 80 that Dongshan refuses to screen, and 20% of other films' screening rate, under the influence of Legend of the Dragon, the first batch of attendance... is full!"

"Huh?" Gao Song was slightly taken aback, "1200 screens, an average of 120 people, full?"

"Yeah!" Shuai Bo nodded, "However, we still have two other movies. Legend of the Dragon and Crazy Box alone account for 30% of the filming rate. In half a month, let alone breaking 100 million, I am afraid it will be difficult to break 5,000." .”

"There is a thousand yuan in the township. Just now... a big man helped us connect more than 500 screens. Double the calculation... Breaking 100 million, it is probably not a problem!"

"Big man?"



Inside the Tianyu Cinema.

On the huge screen, three thousand Sui generals in armor were confronting the endless Turkic troops.

The north wind howled, and the yellow dust filled the air.

Behind the Sui army, an earthen city looms.



Amid the clashing sounds of tools, wooden tools, bone tools, and horse gear, several Turkic people came out.

The horseshoe roared, and the seats and the ground in the theater seemed to tremble along with it.

The audience couldn't help holding their breath.

At this time, a small soldier of the Sui Dynasty rushed out of the formation and walked to the side of General Sui, "General, long live the history of criminals, please fight!"

next moment.

The passionate music sounded, the swords and guns collided, and a ripple flashed across the screen with great force. The Sui soldier named Shi Wansui directly pulled the Turkic man off the horseback...

'boom! '

The screen freezes, and the feature film begins.

At the beginning of the movie, a piece of text quickly narrates an unknown history...

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