Build Madness

Chapter 369 Problem Solving Chief Engineer Liang

As the saying goes, lack of talent and knowledge will only attract contempt, and talent and knowledge will attract attention.

After being overwhelmed by the twelve languages, the crowd of onlookers suddenly fell silent, or frowned in thought, or took out a pen and paper to write quickly, or communicated in a low voice... They all thought hard about the solution to the problem.

Seeing many talents hesitate, Ge Xiaotian picked up the trumpet again:

"Some things, if you don't try, you will never know the result. It is often timidity that kills us!"

"If you have a chance, you must try it. In fact, the cost of trial and error is not high, and the cost of missing it may be irreversible for a lifetime!"

"Life is like a clock, you can go back to the beginning, but it is not yesterday!"

"Students, look at the other side! They challenged for more than 20 rounds three days ago, and although they were defeated, it was an honor, but your school... Alas, I, Mr. Ge, missed it!"

The onlookers were immediately annoyed, but before they could speak, the small horn rang again.

"Besides, solving the problem comes down to solving the problem, and there is a 'Dream Big Investment' next to it, and you can't even take a look at it!"

"Humans, without dreams, what is the difference between them and salted fish?"

The crowd followed their fingers and looked at the 'pig lord, sincerely recruiting':

‘If you want to raise pigs, I invest. If you want to raise chickens, I invest. If you want to raise ducks, I invest. If you want a donkey, I invest in...'

"..." The crowd fell silent again.

Ge Xiaotian looked up to the sky and sighed, squinting, "Salted fish!"


Finally someone couldn't help it anymore, "I'm coming!!!"

"How courageous!" Ge Xiaotian yelled, "Which one?"


Just when the volunteer was about to take the bait, another person jumped out, "You have problems with these questions!"


"The second question, real estate marketing, if you don't talk about the region, the price level, or the quality of the apartment, we can't win at all. The third question, 19 pieces of land, you only talk about construction, but you don't talk about the topography, climate and environment, Local support, we also can't win. Question 4, Juhe Bridge, no budget, no material types... Question 5, cinema, seems simple, but you didn't mention domestic and foreign... Question 6... So, Are you using these questions to amuse us?"

Hearing this, many great talents from non-civil engineering and water conservancy departments who bowed their heads in thought came to their senses, "That's right, this is not a math problem, there are too many uncertain factors, you only need to make up a condition, and you can completely overturn our hard work. plan!"

"It's all false cases, what's there to study?"

"A pointless topic!"

"False propositions that are more false than false propositions!"

"This man is too hateful!"

"I suspect he is showing off his multilingualism!"

Ge Xiaotian shook his head, "Young people, you must learn to be calm! Who said that these are all false questions on the street stall?"


"For all the topics, there are not only various detailed data, research reports, but also..." Ge Xiaotian snapped his fingers.

Dao Er, who was chatting aside, quickly opened the trunk of Wuling, revealing a modified car projector.

The second monk set up the sunshade cloth that he had prepared earlier.

Li Xiuxiu clicked on the laptop and called up a video.

Soon, a thick male voice came from the high-quality car subwoofer.

"Thousands of years in China, the canal culture has been passed down from ancient to modern times. In Dongshan, there is such a piece of land."

The pictures flowed, and a vast construction site was displayed in front of people.

There are many tower cranes, high-rise buildings are rising, countless construction workers come and go like ants, countless rear eight rounds gather together like a matchbox, huge foundations are connected one by one, and the ancient wooden houses on the roadside extend to the sky...

"Welcome to..." Fat Xiu clicked to fast forward and adjusted to the side of the canal.

The strong man's voice came again, "We are going to build a high-end, atmospheric, and high-grade sightseeing bridge that can not only let people enjoy the beautiful scenery of the canal, but also overlook the entire new city..."

The picture pauses and freezes on the side of the canal.

The students who were close were all dumbfounded.

"This... this construction site is too big, right?"

"Is that a large football stadium? It's almost ready!"

"I seem to have seen it somewhere!"

That's not all.

The screen continues to jump.

The magnificent Jinxiu River, the vast new town of Zaoshi, the Neobras in the blizzard, the huge Okhotsk Sea Shipyard...

Each video is accompanied by a rich bass commentary, just like a documentary film...

No, it is Tiancheng's latest documentary.

After appreciating, the audience was silent.

"Ahem!" Ge Xiaotian walked to the back seat of Wuling, and took out a kraft paper bag containing data such as geological landforms, river direction, climate within a radius of a hundred miles, local living standards, investment budget, etc., "Not only DVDs, but also various surveys. Report, and the greatest support that the local area can give!"



"Who the hell is he?"

The talented man who was the first to jump out before couldn't bear it any longer, "Question 2, the marketing plan for hardcover houses in 48 buildings!"

"Very good!" Ge Xiaotian pressed the opponent's palm, "Before taking it away, sign the contract first!"


Sign, press fingerprints, and write down the student number.

"Student, friendly reminder, you only have three days!"

"Understood!" The first person who got the plan had a kind of vigor that the wind is rustling and the water is cold, and the strong man will never return once he is gone, "For the glory of blue and white!"

"I admire you very much!" Ge Xiaotian clapped his hands, then squinted at the crowd again, and blurted out in Northeast dialect: "Salted fish!"


Just as he was chattering vigorously, Dao Er suddenly leaned forward and shouted in a moderate voice: "Boss, the people on the opposite side are gathering. According to visual inspection... there are more than fifty people."

"Fuck, go, get in the car!"

Seeing this movement, the great talents onlookers immediately understood that what the bitch in front of them said was true, and that it must be the capital university who was furious at the loss and came looking for him!

Part of it surrounds Xiao Wuling, and part of it helps block the intersection.

"I can't go, I want to solve the problem!"

"I also want!"

"Never lose to the opponent!"

It's a pity that no one noticed the excited talents, and the eyes of the more than fifty people on the opposite side were extremely complicated.

‘Three days ago, we were so emotional that we signed the contract. It’s just that the person who came to beat him up was played by the students from the two classes at the University of Science and Technology...’

'As for how the University of Science and Technology got the hook...a group performance! Driving this van, it looks like a black society seeking revenge. The technology is not good, so I quickly protect this thing, never expecting... The farmer and the snake! '

'Sin! '

And after Ge Xiaotian was pulled down from the co-pilot of the van by the student, he raised his hands high, "Don't, they can't afford to lose, they want to beat me up, let go, I'm leaving! Wife, you get in the car first!"

"..." Li Xiuxiu almost laughed, with a tense face, resisted to put away the stall, threw it into the trunk, rushed into the cab, and started the ignition.

"Don't let him get away!"


A certain girl: "You guys are so stupid, how dare they rush over when you bring the van into our school?"

"Huh? That's right!"

"Hurry up!"

Ge Xiaotian: "..."


after a long time.

On a certain street in the capital, someone led more than fifty people who were about to 'beat' him, and marched into a food stall in a mighty manner.

"Boss, book the venue!"


"Old Daoist, make a phone call and call the University of Science and Technology who cleans the office building and a few instructors over,"

"Okay, boss!"

"Students, sit down, you have worked hard today! No, you have made meritorious service!"


"Nice job!" Ge Xiaotian exhaled comfortably, "Another school is settled!"

Well-organized recruitment, a reputation as a natural talent, high salary and high treatment, can attract a group of talents no matter what.

But if you want to optimize the plan, you need to let some people bring the data back to the school with an attitude of not admitting defeat, and then ask the tutors and professors...

Of course, the subjects of different schools are different, and the topics are definitely different.

Like Capital University, it is all about business management programs.

Like the University of Science and Technology, all of them are computers and new materials researched by Daoyi.

As for whether it will be seen by others...

One question, one million, this is not a decoration.

Why don't you bring money to the door?

Life, not only must be full of ritual sense, but also add some seasoning...

The most important thing is that it is better to ask someone than to ask for help!


Ge Xiaotian picked up his phone and looked at the number.

It turned out to be Chief Engineer Liang who I met at the gate of the Beijing Architectural Design and Research Institute three days ago.

A deputy dean of the Blue and White Architecture Department seems to also serve as a tutor for the Department of Civil Engineering and Water Conservancy.

The two sides chatted for a long time, and the middle-aged man was about to leave the portfolio of the fourth question 'Bridge of the Giant River'.

The contract must be signed, we can't just keep our promises, and we're missing a million dollars.

In fact, the design of the canal bridge is not difficult, as long as you know the bridge technology in the industry, you can make it. The test is to obtain the maximum profit in the shortest time with the minimum investment! And it fits the development of the nearby urban area, making it a semi-landmark, or an impression of the city.

Therefore, the difficulty of this question is to surpass Tiancheng in terms of technology and materials!

Is it possible?

This is our strength, others may lose, but this...

Ge Xiaotian answered the phone:

"Boss Liang?"

"Mr. Ge, where are you?"

"Near the zoo, north of Beijing Jianzhu University, Xizhimenwai Street."

"Coincidentally, I'm in school!"

"You have held a lot of positions!"

"Thank you, I'll go there right away."

A moment later, a haggard middle-aged man with calloused hands and plain clothes came in hurriedly.

Several instructors and students who were chatting beside him stood up to say hello.

Ge Xiaotian smiled slightly, and also got up to greet him.

The plan is not made in a day, it will take ten days and half a month anyway.

Three days, very fast.

So brainstorming is needed!

Looking at it now, this person is relying on his own strength... either because he is short of money or because he is dedicated to his work.

"Director Liang, have you decided?"

"Yes! I think my design is unique!"

"Okay!" Really talented people have always been full of confidence and arrogance in their own works. Ge Xiaotian admired this kind of people, and said, "Sign the delivery contract!"

The haggard man was not sloppy, picked up a pen and paper to write and draw, and pressed his fingerprints, "Okay!"

"Ok, let me take a look at the blueprint, and you explain!"

"It is an arched steel cable-stayed bridge, which needs to extend the bridge body by about 0.8 kilometers. There is no bridge tower on the river surface. The gravity anchorage is combined with the saddle. Two towers are designed at both ends, and the towers can be used for sightseeing."

The haggard man made gestures on the blueprint, "Overall, the cable-stayed ropes and the arched bridge are like two opposite arcs. When the passing vehicles reach the top of the bridge, due to the uphill, the speed is slightly slower, and you can catch a glimpse of it. , enjoying the large community and sports center in the distance. And your company's transport fleet with sails can also pass through the elevated bridge hole normally."

"Huh? You know me?"

The haggard man smiled embarrassedly, "I know Professor Hu from Dongshan Kent University. I visited him after the year and heard him introduce Tiancheng."

"Oh I got it!"

"If it was another company, I would definitely not propose a steel cable-stayed bridge, but a suspension bridge. But with the steel structure technology disclosed by your company, it is absolutely possible to make a cable-stayed bridge with a span of more than one thousand meters, which is better than the same span. diameter suspension bridge can save half of the high-strength steel wire, and the cost can also be reduced by 30 to 40%.

Therefore, if I want to win, I must stand on your company's advanced steel structure technology level to design this arched steel double-tower cable-stayed bridge! "

"Congratulations, you have won!" Ge Xiaotian took out a card and handed it over with both hands.

"Well, can you show me your natural design?"


The haggard man took a deep breath, put down the card, picked up the soft Huaxia smoked by someone next to him, and lit one, "Actually, I lost, right?"


"You, Tiancheng, have your own architectural design and research institute. As a large-scale comprehensive real estate development company, you will definitely have your own material research center. Even if it doesn't involve plastic or glass, you will also explore new types of cement and composite steel. We The funding of the design institute is not as strong as yours. Do you do research? If you have money, you can develop. If you don’t have money, you can take it slow. It’s not just the imagination, but also the materials. If I don’t Knowing the strength of your company's materials, I can't imagine your company's optimal solution, so my limit is not your company's limit!"

Ge Xiaotian's hands trembled, his heart moved, he lit a cigarette, and concealed the light in his eyes.

Think for a moment.

"If you only consider the cost, you win! But in terms of sightseeing, technology, and materials, you..."

Ge Xiaotian asked Dao Er to take out a design drawing of a steel structure cable-stayed bridge with a glass plank road style. The shape is similar to the other's design, but the appearance is more gorgeous:

"The cost is twice as much as yours. Moreover, we will also increase the height of the sightseeing tower, set up tickets, and open air walking, bungee jumping, underwater world and other amusement projects. In terms of the time to recover the cost... Yours is estimated to take ten years, and We need three years at most." (The canal water amusement park, which has been on hold, has a tower next to it.)

The haggard man stared at the drawing and suddenly realized, "You have made a stronger tempered laminated glass!"

"Not only that, we have also developed carbon fiber composite materials, which have nine times the tensile strength of steel and higher tensile elasticity than steel. Although it cannot be used for steel girders, a small amount of steel components can be made to extend the life of cable-stayed bridges." Maintenance cycle, improve the overall service life... And, we have also created carbon fiber reinforcement technology, improved planting reinforcement technology, optimized bonded steel reinforcement technology..."

While Ge Xiaotian was explaining, he intentionally or unintentionally revealed another blueprint.

"this is?"

"Oh! I picked up half of the city in Zaoshi. This is a steel bridge across the Panlong River, with a span of about two kilometers... It corresponds to another taller gate. Are you interested?"

The haggard man pulled out the blueprint, and his thick eyebrows almost frowned, "These steel models..."

"It's all new materials. The patents and technologies have been packaged and sold to Baosteel, which is undergoing trial production. It is estimated that they will be put into use soon and will be made public."

"You guys are developing too fast..."

"I feel that you are very suitable to be the chief engineer and chief designer of these two bridges!"


"Are you interested in experiencing the way of building bridges with new materials and new technologies? Perhaps, we will contract a mother river bridge soon!"

Speaking of this, Ge Xiaotian showed a more sincere smile, "Also, I can also set up a bridge design team and several exclusive construction teams for you with a lot of money, and allow your disciples to join them."

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