Build Madness

Chapter 373 Picking up an Actor Tianba Appears

The ingenious Tiancheng tooling caused a sensation in several campuses.

Different from the procrastinated, bloated, ordinary and tacky tooling of other companies, Tiancheng Tooling is neat and tidy, with novel styles and many accessories. It is not only professional, but also beautiful and generous, with great visual impact.

Moreover, after learning about Tiancheng's employee card, almost all onlookers understood Tiancheng's internal promotion mechanism.

For example, the "Black Iron Medal" on Huang Xin'an's shoulder has an annual salary of 5,000.

For example, the "bright diamond" on Mr. Liang's shoulder has an annual salary of 200,000.

Black Iron belongs to the internship period, and needs to pass the internal assessment to enter the bronze level, and then will have holiday red envelopes, project red envelopes, winter and summer subsidies and other benefits.

In addition, the silver level and above also have rewards such as project dividends, scientific research results, and professional skill level bonuses.

Doing the math, as long as you enter the bronze level, an annual salary of 20,000 yuan is not a problem.

If you actively complete the corporate tasks and work hard to pass the grade test, relying on your own strength, it is easy to enter the silver within a year.

"This is a big business!"

"Hey, look, the diamond on Mr. Liang's shoulder is probably real!"

"Fake, right? The size of a fingernail?" (It's actually zircon)

"Don't look at who the boss is, Ge Baiyi! Mr. Liang is the only one in the country, and the salary must be very high. Maybe it's really a diamond!"

"Not to mention, when Mr. Liang put on this uniform and went to that station, his previous sloppy vigor disappeared in an instant, and he actually looked a bit like a general!"

"I'm actually moved!"


"No, I mean, I want to change jobs!"

"The unique promotion mechanism has goals, direction, and results. I really want to join them!"

"Go, go and have a look!"

"Wait, I'm going too!"

hula la...

the other side.

After completing the entry procedures, the new employees will all be eating quickly after changing into their work clothes.


Later, I have to squeeze the bus or the subway.

Boss Ge said that the luxury bus convoy was going to pick up corporate executives, and they couldn't make it in the afternoon.


work body.

The leaflets, which were still being printed overnight, flew to every corner of the capital along with the melon-eating crowd.

At two o'clock in the afternoon, the free tickets were officially distributed, but the audience could not enter the infield.

In the temporary office.

"Boss, I have negotiated with the local radio station. As long as there is enough sensation tonight, the radio station will not only charge no fees, but will also give cash back according to the ratings."

"This matter, as well as the evening program, all belong to your Tianyu. If it can't be done well, we will go to Africa with Daoyi to learn indigenous dance."

Gao Song resentfully ran out to work again.

"Xiao Bo!" Ge Xiaotian patted Shuai Bo, who was next to him in makeup, "Although Crazy Box won more than one billion box office, you are not popular enough!"

"Boss, what do you mean?"

"Wait until you become the top actor with a box office of tens of billions, then come to work on the project!"

Shuai Bo really wanted to refute, but... Africa really lacks people.

"Come on!" Ge Xiaotian waved his fist, patted his shoulder again, and was about to leave, when he turned around, he suddenly glanced at the door of the temporary office, and a familiar figure passed by.

"Wang Bao...wait a minute, Dao Er, bring that little security guard here!"

"Boss, who is it?" Shuai Bo asked curiously.

"I found a helper for you, who can fight and act!"

"true and false?"

Before waiting for an answer, Dao Er had already brought in the little security guard.

Ge Xiaotian looked carefully and made sure that he did not admit the wrong person.

Just picked one up?

this luck...

"Young man, aren't you in Shaolin Temple?"

"I came out a long time ago."

"How do you run here as a security guard?"

"Today the crew has no show, come here to work part-time."

"Well, it's pretty good, you're motivated! Come on, let me have a look with a smirk!"


"Hey, yes! This is what I want!"

"This boss, I can fight very well!"

"Well, the most important thing I lack here is someone who can fight, and the only thing I lack is someone who can pretend to be stupid."


"Shuai Bo, this kid is yours, take him to the Xiaoqingshan senior crew to hone his acting skills, and make some embarrassing filming later... Forget it, Jinxiuchuan is still doing military training, there are technical secondary school students and art colleges Teachers and students assist in the acting, take this opportunity to shoot a TV series about soldiers assaulting, you go look for it, and see if there are any scripts with this theme on the market."


"Tsk tsk, today is considered... double happiness!" Ge Xiaotian sighed and left the office.

Almost at the same time, there was a buzzing sound comparable to that of an airplane engine on Gongti Road...

Then, a black dreamy + sci-fi oversized SUV dragged two orange-red flames.

The wheels are bright and colorful, and the front of the car is extremely spectacular.

License plate: a bull's head.

Tail: Tianba!

When the corner was reached, the tail flame of the SUV disappeared, and the whole car was silent, as if the engine was turned off, but it was still moving forward at a constant speed.

Running to the entrance of Gongti, the electric car door opened upwards, and a young man and woman walked out.

The women's costumes are heroic and heroic, and their gestures are full of bold and unrestrained atmosphere.

The man wore black trousers and a white shirt, loosely wearing a small tie, with a cynical look.

After getting out of the car, the man pressed the car key, and the SUV started slowly again. While the onlookers were stunned, they turned, turned, reversed, and accurately parked beside the security personnel next to the entrance.

"Just stop here, help me look after it, two hundred million!"

Hearing this, the security guard turned around and ran away...


In an instant, paparazzi, newspapers, and reporters from all walks of life also reacted, setting up cameras one after another, clicking, clicking, and lights shining.

"Damn it, what kind of car is this?"

"The bull head logo? Haven't seen it before!"

"It's so overbearing!"

"Like a tank!"

"This gas pedal..."

"It doesn't seem to be burning oil..."

"That person said it was worth 200 million just now?"

"Blow it?"

"I checked, there is a video on the Internet, Tiancheng Tianba, 188,000!"


Amidst the divergent opinions, the man waved his hand to the woman very gentlemanly, signaling to enter the stadium, and saw a more handsome man walking towards him...



Ge Xiaotian nodded suspiciously, a little curious about how these two people got mixed up.

At the beginning when nearly two-thirds of the rough houses of Meilanzhuju were sold to Teddy, the little star was there, and the former had no interest in the latter at all.

"Brother, is it okay for me to do this?" Teddy pinched the little star's finger and raised his eyebrows, "Half a month ago, I specifically asked my godmother to help us approve the car!"

"Oh!" Ge Xiaotian suddenly realized, he advertised his own Tianba, and by the way speculated on the star's worth, this was his previous plan, "How about the car?"

"When the sports car was released on May 1st, many rich people asked about the price of this car, but our family only had an experimental model and couldn't sell it. Lao Hong thought for a long time and decided to let the masters build one by hand. Set a high price and make a unique style, first take it out and run.”

"How much is the price?"

"One hundred and eighty million!"

Just as Ge Xiaotian was about to complain, he suddenly felt that the first few cars built by hand should be at this price!


In the future, mass-produced models will be launched, and the early models will be used as commemorative editions, which can be driven by oneself, or driven by people with a lot of money.

Moreover, this uses an improved fuel aero engine, which far exceeds the performance of a piston internal combustion engine. If you run a rally, it is definitely of a rolling nature.

Like climbing a hill.

Over there, the accelerator pedal is booming, and the engine is humming, but here it only needs to be sprayed twice to jump up...

Such as running mud nest.

That side is turning the steering wheel crookedly, and this side is spraying on the ground, maybe it can still fly...

Of course, aero engines are relatively delicate, and the air intake is the weak point. If you run in the desert or wilderness, you need to install special "intake equipment".

"Let's just use this price for the time being. Anyway, we will mainly earn service fees in the future, such as fuel delivery, professional maintenance, regular maintenance and so on." After Ge Xiaotian finished speaking, he checked the time. The students are about to arrive, "Go to the temporary office to prepare Get ready, wait until the meeting is over, let's talk in detail at the hotel!"


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