Build Madness

Chapter 375: Fellowship


Jifu compound.

Mr. Yu took the time to call someone, and then the landline rang.

The middle-aged man with furrowed brows and grizzled hair took a deep breath, and picked up the receiver again, again, again: "Haha, old classmate, why do you have time..."

"Old classmate? Do you still remember that I am your old classmate? The science and technology city I have worked so hard to develop is a little bit empty in a day. Do you wake up tomorrow morning and my place is completely empty?"

"What do you mean? I don't understand!"

"Old Yu, he doesn't do things properly. He knows how to attract investment and support new enterprises, especially the high-tech sector, is difficult, difficult, and even more difficult. You do it like this..."

"Hey, I only found out about this after reading the news. Don't worry, I'll definitely handle it well!"

Mr. Yu finished smiling, put down the receiver, and the landline rang again.


work body.

The infield and the outfield are completely immersed in the boiling ocean...

"Damn it, this too spectacular!"

"It's even better than ancient war movies!"

"To be honest, when that super rammer fell from the sky just now, my scalp was numb!"

"Is your scalp numb? Seeing so many tower cranes, I have goosebumps all over my body!"

"With Tian Cheng's strength, Ge Baiyi should be the richest man, right?"

"Didn't you watch it? He lost all his money in the game, and his annual salary is as high as tens of millions, and there are also consumption of fuel, water and electricity!"

"He is not the richest man, but he has the strength to surpass the richest man!"

"Tiancheng, Niubi!"

"Join Tiancheng, all wishes come true!!!"

Behind the stage.

Ge Xiaotian played with his mobile phone, trying to figure out the meaning of Mr. Yu's call.

Must go back tonight.

Didn't say go back immediately!

"Boss Yu still understands me. How can we be anticlimactic when we behave as a person and do things? We must start and end!"

Picking up the microphone, Ge Xiaotian straightened his collar and stepped onto the stage with high spirits.


The noise gradually calmed down...

"After watching the documentary, I believe everyone has a clearer understanding of Tiancheng. The following is the general manager of Tianhao Construction Company, Ding Hao! The chairman of Tianyu Group, Gao Song! Shuai Bo, the general manager of Tianyu Film and Television! Chairman of Tasty Food and Beverage, Qin Ming! Chairman of Tianle Tourism Supervision Committee, veteran businessman! Chairman of Tiancheng Holdings Datai Road and Bridge, Teddy! General Manager of Tianheng Auto Trade, Qi Feifei! General Manager of Tianrong Investment...let them serve Welcome speeches for new employees joining various departments!"

After the soldiers were connected, Ge Xiaotian invited Internet technology companies such as Du Niang and WY, which had invested 10 million in Franklin half a month ago, to publicly announce their cooperation and their entry into Canal Silicon Valley.

at last.

"Next, let us welcome Tiancheng's strong partner and supporter in the field of science and technology, Mr. Wang of Longtian Technology!"


Wang Laoliu shook his shoulders and took off his windbreaker, "Thank you, Boss Ge, for allowing me some precious time in such a grand carnival."

After the wrangling was over, the two parties signed an 'all-round cooperation agreement' under the shining lights.

For example: Longtian Technology helps Tiancheng to develop a one-card, various multi-functional equipment for construction sites, mechanical exoskeleton winter clothing, color-screen driving computer, and special anti-theft electronic locks for home...

Scattered, up to fifty items.

In the extremely enthusiastic and expectant eyes, various signing projects finally came to an end.

Ge Xiaotian smiled and picked up the microphone, "You have a dream, I will invest..."


"Don't worry, please ask the staff below to divide a separate area for our lovely and respectable entrepreneurs!"

a long time.

The man who got the microphone first was a little excited, "Ge, Boss Ge, I want to start a chain convenience store, and the initial investment doesn't need much..."

"Well, okay, 100 million! I'll help you build the house, I'll help you lay the goods, and you'll be in charge of the operation!"


"Hey, brother, don't get dizzy! Hurry up to the hospital, the next one!"

"Boss Ge, I, I want to invest in a lighter factory!"

"Oh?" Ge Xiaotian instantly thought of windproof lighters, electronic lighters, refillable lighters, and metal lighters of various shapes, such as the small biubiu, "Voted, 20 million!"

"If it's not that much, a million is fine."

"If you want to do it, let's do it best, and let Mr. Wang help you design it later! Next!"

"Boss Ge, I have developed a lubricating oil..."


"Boss Ge, I want to make lamps."


"Boss Ge, I want to sell tea eggs!"

"Okay! Take half a million to expand production first!"

"Boss Ge, I'm going to do the bathroom!"

"no problem!"

"Boss Ge, I want to start a fire protection business!"

"People, money, I will prepare everything for you!"

"Boss Ge, I want to be an insurance company!"

"Does this require me to invest?"


"Brother, you are not suitable for insurance, you should go to the construction site with me!"


after a long time.

After dealing with nearly a hundred investments, Ge Xiaotian thought about it and lost almost 500 million.

But there is moisture in it.

Such as rent, factory buildings, storage, technology shares and so on.

In fact, only 200 million yuan needs to be invested.

In addition, venture capital companies have all settled in Canal CBD and Dongshan Silicon Valley, driving the entire regional economy. Except for some rough houses that Teddy took away, there is basically no need to worry about the remaining hardcover houses.

If high-tech talents are encouraged to buy cars... parking spaces can also earn a lot of rent.

In addition, even if these projects are half successful, Tianrong Venture Capital will not be regarded as a failure.

It is a pity that the time is too short to take away more "entrepreneurs".

Wait for the scene to quiet down again.

Ge Xiaotian looked at the time, it was already half past nine.

Not only did the audience not decrease, but because of security leaving, countless "people without tickets" broke in. They seemed to be students.

"There are too many people!"

Of course, most of them are people who come to watch the excitement, and only a small number of them plan to change jobs.

But for an entire football field, it will never be less than three or four thousand.

It is impossible to fly.

Packing trains is also difficult.

After thinking for a long time, Ge Xiaotian turned on the microphone:

"Do you want to join Tiancheng?"


"Okay! I'm waiting for everyone's arrival in the Dongshan Canal Development Zone. As long as you successfully complete the entry procedures, you will be fully reimbursed for train tickets and air tickets!"



at the same time.

Thai city.

Chen Feng and Chen Ergou, who had returned from Wa Island, stood in a daze outside the construction site of Shangpin International, pulling clogs and carrying large and small bags.

The eyes of the two were blurred, their expressions were blank, and they looked at the construction site under the construction of Datai with a blank expression on their faces.

A gentle breeze blows, blowing the oblique bangs of the two of them...

The cigarette in the mouth hangs freely...

"Last month, what happened?"

"Why did they even finish the basic projects?"

"But, I didn't see any construction machinery!"


the other side.

On the flight from Capital Airport to Jifu.

Ge Xiaotian began to deal with the company affairs that had been put on hold for a long time.

Dao Er flipped through the text messages, "Boss, in the evening, Xiao Zeng from Liang County said that Chen Feng is back!"


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