Build Madness

Chapter 377 The phone keeps ringing

It was already 8 o'clock in the morning on June 2 when Ge Xiaotian returned to the Canal Development Zone by boat from Jifu.

Since the newly recruited employees arrived in Jifu in the morning, and they would continue to promote the 'Tiancheng Treatment' in the future, he decided to go to the dormitory of the Auto Trade City to catch up on returning to sleep.

However, after taking a hot shower with the basin in hand, there were several missed calls on the phone.

Roughly flip through, find the first one, and liberate the leader of the bus factory.


"Mr. Ge, I haven't contacted you for a long time."

"You're welcome, I don't know you?"

"It's nothing, it's just to celebrate the bus we cooperate with and get a big order again!"


"Nanhe, Beihe, bulk purchases, starting at 1,000 vehicles, I have already applied to the superiors, including the matter of the promotional video."

"Haha, this is a good thing!"

Ge Xiaotian didn't care about the promotional video, he just patted on the bus operation, copied Tiancheng's BRT model, said some polite words to the other party, and made another missed call.

Heavy truck manufacturers.

"Mr. Ge, I heard you're back?"

"Yes, leader, I just arrived at the Canal Development Zone."

"Why didn't you come to sit with me?"

"It's been delayed for more than a month, and the company has a lot of things to do, so it's too late!"

"I have to sit down and have a drink some other day! I'm calling today to inform your company that we have received several orders and the factory area needs to be expanded. I am afraid that the steel structure contract we negotiated before will need to double the amount of work!"

"Haha, good thing!"

"As for the promotional video, I have already called my superiors to apply..."

"No problem, leave everything to Tianyu, and it will definitely be done beautifully!"

Heavy truck promotional video, it must be on Huaxia Channel.

At present, with the strength of Tianyu, it is completely possible to shoot the desired effect.

Ge Xiaotian thought about it, talked to the other party for a while, and found the third missed call.

It never seems to be connected.

But the other party is indeed an important partner of Tiancheng: the rigging supplier.

Including steel cables, slings, lifting equipment ropes, engineering main steel cables and so on.

Name: Dali Group.

Chat for a few words, similar to Jiefang and Sinotruk, polite for a long time, what kind of promotional film, what to apply to the superior.

This made Ge Xiaotian a little strange.

How to shoot a promotional video with a tightrope?

Is it necessary to pull a banner on the steel cable, indicating: Miracles come from great efforts?

With doubts, I found the fourth phone.

Dongshan Petrochemical.

The same courtesy, the same words, the same promotional video, and the same application to superiors.

"Look for Tianyu for the corporate promotional video, why are they all looking for me?"

Ge Xiaotian looked at the fifth phone...

Five positive manufacturers, leaders of development and reform, leaders of environmental governance, greening committees...

The chat became more and more vague, and he became more and more confused when he heard it.

What is this for?

Dial the last missed call, Takamatsu.

"What's wrong?"

"Boss, will our documentary be released?"

"Huh? Are you crazy? I put the company's advertisement in theaters and sell tickets?"

"A leader came to me and said that our film is full of positive energy. We changed the name, removed Tiancheng's remarks, edited it slightly, enriched some content, added materials such as agriculture, science and technology, and military affairs. It can be released, and, best It can be published abroad and improve the impression of foreign friends on China."


"He also said that this matter has received support from many parties, and the superiors are discussing it. If Tian Cheng and Tian Yu agree, it will almost be done!"

Suddenly, Ge Xiaotian finally understood what promotional videos those business leaders were talking about.

If it is released, they will get a chance for free publicity.

"It's a little unreliable. No matter how much you edit it, you can't erase the suspicion of the advertisement. This is completely equivalent to moving the advertisement into a movie theater, and the audience won't scold me to death?"

"The leader said, we can set the ticket price lower, ten yuan or five yuan, while the Limin Activity Center is free, or a symbolic one yuan is charged, and stationery such as pencils and erasers will be distributed. When the screening is over, the superiors will According to the cost of IMAX, Tianyu will be given a certain subsidy."

"No, your boss isn't as dark as that." Ge Xiaotian was a little bit dumbfounded, "What's this called? I really want a documentary. We can help make it for free!"

"The leaders are interested in our film, and we need to find additional materials for re-shooting... The super-large construction site currently only has Zaoshi New City, but it is barren and there is no new or old reference at all. Inland river transportation, there is in the south, but it is uniform It is difficult to raise a fleet of ships... The harbor is more spectacular than ours, but with background music and worker uniforms, everything must be realistic. Moreover, the leader also said that reshoots are wasteful and shameful..."

"What else can I say?"

"Then we take this job?"

"You picked it up, not me!"


After the phone call, it was already ten o'clock in the morning, and Ge Xiaotian was not in the mood to sleep.

Sitting in the dormitory and looking around, I found that there was a small string of pencil characters written on the wall inside the bed that I hadn't visited for a long time.

'Xiuxiu is mine! '


After reviewing so many documents, Ge Xiaotian couldn't recognize Qi Feifei's handwriting.


At this time, the door of the dormitory was pushed open, and Zhu Changfa, the chief earthwork supervisor, walked in with two rubber shoes covered in mud.

"Huh? Boss, you're back."

"night shift?"

"Yeah, just rotated."

Ge Xiaotian took out his employee card and searched Lao Zhu's clock-in records, "Four shifts, you work in three?"

"No, the badminton court has been backfilled recently, and it is close to the canal embankment. I am worried about problems, so I will keep an eye on it."

"You don't need to work so hard. You will work up to two shifts in the future, and you will be fined if you have more!"

"Eh..." Zhu Changfa hesitated.

"That's it!" Ge Xiaotian raised his head, and suddenly saw a celebrity's ancient costume and swimsuit photos on the wall inside the man's bed, "Hey, are you okay?"

"Hey, no, it looks good, so I posted it!"

Ge Xiaotian rummaged through his bag and took out a key. Xingyue Bay in Xiangxian County still didn't give away one of the few houses. "It's yours. You're in your thirties. Hurry up and find a wife!"

"Not suitable."

"Staying at the construction site all day, where can I find the right one?"


"What's wrong?"

"There's a lady on the board of supervisors, she's pretty nice..."

"Oh~~~" Ge Xiaotian smiled knowingly, "Okay, I'll ask Professor Hu of the Design Institute later, and ask him to help you inquire. If it's suitable, I'll personally propose marriage for you!"

"Thirty over there, divorced, with a baby."

"As long as you like it, I have no problem."

"Hmm!" Lao Zhu blushed instantly.

"By the way, do you have a driver's license?"


"Go to Tianheng Automobile Trade Center to pick up a Butterfly Ben, get a driver, and receive company treatment!"


"Ok, deal!"

Ge Xiaotian got up and walked out of the dormitory, the outside was very busy, many employees were carrying tables and chairs, and headed to Tiancheng Square.

On the national road in the distance, several trailers loaded with beverages, juices, and strawberries were making a U-turn.

Through the exhibition hall, the central area of ​​the canal CBD has been erected with arches and filled with colorful balloons.

Today is regarded as a new year welcome, and also as an opening ceremony for Tiancheng Plaza.


Ge Xiaotian actually saw Wei Changfeng walk into Tianheng Auto Trade...

"Buy a car? Or find me?"

"If it's the latter, the energy behind this guy is extraordinary!"

The people who knew that he flew back from the capital overnight, except for Gao Song, were all leaders.

Fatty Wei's old father was the third in command in Jiangnan, and now he has been down for twenty years, and the news is still so well-informed...


Ge Xiaotian looked at the phone number, and it turned out to be the newly appointed head of the intelligence department after Jishi Xiaolu left.


"Boss, Wei Changfeng packaged and sold the Jishi Garden Area, Shunhe Commercial Building, Jiangnan Changfeng Building under construction, and Shunhe 4S Store to the Jifu Business Alliance, and Dongshan Jianlian undertook the construction."

"Help me find out what Wei Changfeng's brothers and sisters do."


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