Build Madness

Chapter 385 Cement Market Panlong River

Hearing the loud noise behind him, Shen Zhipeng turned his head and saw the little four wheels rammed in disarray by the bucket. His legs gave way and he almost fell to the ground.

Staggering out of the compacted dirt road transporting building materials, rushing into the earthwork area, ignoring the lost shoes, using both hands and feet, desperately climbed up the soft soil mountain...

"Ge, are you crazy?"

"Heh, with just this little guts, you still want to rob the young master's transport convoy?"

Ge Xiaotian visually inspected the 40-50 meter high soft soil mountain, and felt that even if the excavator was reversed and walked Z-steps, the excavator might not be able to go up, so he immediately turned off the engine and locked it, and jumped out of the cab.

Shen Zhipeng climbed to the middle of the dirt hill and heaved a sigh of relief when he saw this scene, but before he had time to sit down and rest, he saw that lunatic climbed up the sprinkler and set up the high-pressure water spray gun behind it...


"It's raining all the time, and the atmosphere is not harmonious. Under the same roof, you gradually feel a change in your heart..."

Ge Xiaotian held a spray gun with both hands and sang loudly. In this situation, I feel that this song is simply divine!

Of course, if you can have a big Cuban cigar with Contra music...

Beep beep!

One hides, the other shoots, and they are having a great time. In the distance, a Sancha Wuling is pulling a flute, coming from the direction of Nansihu Wharf, and a long line of refrigerated trucks can be vaguely seen on the national road behind it. .

Sancha Wuling ran to the periphery of the construction site, drifted along the 'Lugou' and made a U-turn. The back door opened, and a wealthy old man wearing a big-brimmed hat, a wooden pipe in his mouth, and a walking stick walked down.

"Chen Feng?"

"Hello, Mestergo!"

Standing a hundred meters away, Chen Feng, like an old gentleman, took off his hat and saluted, then raised his right middle finger:

"Alpha oil!"


Before the words were finished, Chen Feng rushed straight into Sancha Wuling, before he could close the car door, Little Bread ran away in a slippery smoke...

"Hey, it's pretty fast!"

Ge Xiaotian cursed with a smile, knowing that the old guy found that the booster was high on the left and low on the right, he wanted to say hello before heading to the Guangzhou area, "Forget it, don't chase him with a helicopter, this guy not only needs to sell strawberries for himself, but 'Help' the community of Gatai City."

Chen Feng did make a profit. I heard that the shipping fee was cheap. He could earn one yuan per catty, but now he went straight to two yuan.

But Nanwa earns more, four yuan a catty.

And the one with the packing box, with a net profit of 20, and a net profit of 90 acrylic exquisitely packaged version, priced at 99, dedicated to VIP reception, with a commemorative copper coin for the first Sancha Strawberry King...

What VIP?

I have entertained Zhu Lao and Mr. Governor, and both of them agreed!

As for whether people have eaten or not, just ask and you will know...

Watching Xiao Bian leave, Lao Hong couldn't believe it.

"Boss, is it Chen Feng?"

"No, you are presbyopic, you are wrong."

"Although I am presbyopic, I can see far away."

"Oh, that is indeed Chen Feng."


Ge Xiaotian shook his head and sighed, ignoring Shen Zhipeng who was hiding on the back of the earth mountain, and Lao Hong whose face was cloudy and uncertain, and called Heihu back to Panlong River.

"Looking at the situation over there, it seems that preparations for building materials have started very early?"

"Yes, it should have been two months. During this period, the transport vehicles have not stopped. Not only here, the Zaomu Expressway and Caolan Expressway in the east have been opened to traffic one after another. They also transferred a lot of sand and concrete from Yimeng District."

Affected by Dongshan Fifteen Cities and the highways that have been established successively in various places, the problem that developers are facing at present is not the price increase of building materials, but the inability to buy them in a short period of time.

A few years ago, the real estate industry was adjusted to zero, which caused the cement stocks that had just recovered in 1996 to plummet, causing countless cement and building materials companies to go bankrupt.

In the millennium, fixed asset investment grew rapidly, cement stocks bottomed out, and turned losses into profits...

If someone dares to take over a mountain to do a big job now, they will definitely make a profit without losing money.

But this requires a process, that is, the blank period between the construction of the factory and the mining period.

It may be half a year, or it may be a year. After that, the cement industry ushered in a "decentralized" vigorous development, and countless small factories and workshops appeared. After three to five years, the first round of mergers and acquisitions was launched, and a 10,000-ton cement plant was born. Wait until 2008 The 4 trillion grand plan has begun...

Having worked on projects for two lifetimes, Ge Xiaotian must remember these things, so he signaled Da Mao to set up a cement factory to avoid Tiancheng's embarrassment.

Zaoshi New City has been in preparation for decades. From the big picture to the small details, it must be comprehensive, and all risks must be estimated. In the event of material price increases or supply cuts, there will be countermeasures.

Therefore, the cement, aggregate, and concrete shipped from Yimeng District are estimated to be Huaxia-level enterprises!

Well, at this time, in this regard, government-owned enterprises can't handle it either.

Ge Xiaotian returned to the transport plane, took out the binoculars, and carefully observed the vehicles coming from the east.

Start with CN!


'Huaxia United Cement Group'

This is a newly established Huaxia-level United Group last year, which is mainly engaged in cement, concrete, sand and gravel aggregates, cement products and so on.

There are many sister companies, such as Huaxia Building Materials, Huaxia Construction...

Even if Tiancheng is awesome abroad, there is no comparison, maybe in the future he will contract projects from the other brother's company...

Ge Xiaotian opened the market to check the market prices of local materials.

It is still three times the previous one, but except for Tian Cheng, all of them are in gray state, indicating that they are really out of stock.

However, the quotation given by the United Cement Group is lower than the price at the beginning of the year, but there is a note on it: special supply.

The two characters given by the system should refer to Zaoshi Xincheng.

Heihu is very clever, and has already guessed the rules and regulations here, "Boss, should we contact there? Also buy a batch?"

"Let's talk later."

Tiancheng prepared Zaoshi New City earlier than Dongshan Fifteen City, such as building the Nansihu Wharf and asking Xue Da to lead the construction of the cinder road.

Now all the materials are stored in a certain mountain depression on the north bank of the Panlong River, and there are special warehouses and dormitories.

Moreover, our own Nanwa still has stock, and the price is more than half lower than United Cement.

If you don't start a new project, basically there is no problem.

In addition, a month has passed, and the raw materials of Neobras have piled up like a mountain. It is time to find a time to dispatch the fleet that has exploded for half a year, and sail across the ocean to Dongshan...

"Then when do we start work?"

"When Jinxiuchuan, Dongshan Fifteen Cities, and the Canal Development Zone are all completed, there will be an extra 50,000 people in the coming year, and more than one billion construction machinery will be completed in one go, so that people can see and see what is called 'natural speed' !"

Heihu knew about his team being robbed. Hearing this, he stretched out his right hand thoughtfully, spread out his palm, and slowly closed it, "What do you mean, first give Shen Zhipeng and the others infinite hope, and then let them... completely despair! "

"Yo? Huzi, no wonder you have a black letter in your nickname, so you are so black-bellied?"

"Where there is, it's not as good as the boss!"

"What nonsense are you talking about?" Lao Hong reacted from the regret, lost a year's wages, and had the urge to smash everything.

Ge Xiaotian didn't bother to pay attention to the old man who suffered a mental blow, and crossed the Panlong River by boat from the temporary pier on the south bank.


The Panlong River belongs to the Shanquan River flowing from east to west. It originates from the continuous mountains on the north side of Zaoshi City and flows into Nansi Lake on the west side.

It is hundreds of miles long and twists and turns. There are ten gates and more than 30 water lifting stations along the way. It belongs to the local mother river and can irrigate tens of thousands of mu of farmland along the way.

The last time a big flood happened in the 1970s, the dam broke down and created the Xuehe River on the north side. Tiancheng is building infrastructure on the north side of the river bank. He must build sluices, streamline the river, and even avoid future water shortages. , this was the main task of Heihu some time ago.

In fact, strictly speaking, Zaoshi New City is equivalent to moving closer to Jishi, and only twenty miles away from Weixian County, which is located in the northwest and next to Nansi Lake, but this may also be that Zaoshi wants to annex Weixian County and take Nansi lake……

This is a matter between Shaobaitou and Xue Da's leadership, and Tian Cheng cannot participate. Therefore, the new city Xingyue Bay is located between Wei County and Xincheng, which greatly shortens the distance between the two...

Leader Xue Da, who originally disagreed with Tian Cheng's guerrilla warfare outside, faced this situation, not only donated 2,000 mu of wasteland for the construction of the Crescent Moon Artificial Lake, but also donated a section of mountain range on the north side to build a runway around the mountain, and a mountain top link. gallery.

However, Tiancheng only has the right to operate, and has no rights to mining, other construction, or external leasing.

In addition to the above, Tiancheng took 2,000 mu of land in the first phase, plus the artificial lake and mountains as gifts, almost comparable to Jinxiu River.

There is nothing here, there are no schools, and there are no village residents. Everything starts from scratch, and it is necessary to help the local development. In order to attract the population of the old city, the land price is only a symbolic fee.

As for the price range, there is no agreement on this.

After all, there are so many developers here, and the geographical environment is the same. If you sell high, you may not be able to sell.

Perhaps this is also the main reason why Xue Da led the search for various developers.

Due to the cheap land, Tiancheng invested more than 200 million yuan here before, and used it to buy fifty excavators with a self-weight of one hundred tons.

"So, Lao Hong, construction vehicles are really more solid than luxury cars, and an excavator is more expensive than the Rolls RV of the old king of Longtian Technology next door."

"It's not like there are tens of millions of luxury cars in the world."

"A luxury car with tens of millions of dollars? I have a 400-ton excavator. It can dig a tank with one shovel. Once the big bucket is retracted, the luxury car can withstand a punch from me. I'm the loser!"

Lao Hong was silent for a moment, "Boss, you are a bit violent now."

"You can't understand, I just hammered Xiao Silun's mood."


"No, it hurts, it belongs to our family!"


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