Build Madness

Chapter 410 Ah Huang, Qin'e, Satellite

There are two Taoists and two monks, so it is not difficult to catch Ah Huang.

Not long.

Qingshan Ancient City, inside the Yamen.

Ge Xiaotian was wearing a nine-rank county magistrate suit, shaking his head, looking for a wonderful feeling.

The Taoist monks lined up on the left and right, and the former yelled: "Shengtang!"

"Mighty~~~" The 20 Heavenly Guards held their mighty sticks, their hands trembling, and they hit the ground with endless crackling sounds.

"Who is under the hall... No, who is the dog under the hall?"

The tourists who came to watch burst into laughter.


Ah Huang, who was caught, lay tremblingly on the ground, covering his eyes with his front paws, swiping his tail left and right, and accidentally touched the loudspeaker on his forehead, "I am dog A Huang, for the glory of Gejia Village !"

"Haha..." The tourists laughed again.

"How courageous!" Ge Xiaotian stroked the wand, and dropped a bamboo board, "Put cold water on your body, and then wake up with boiling water!"

"Woooooooooooo..." Ah Huang hesitated for a second, rolled his eyes, and pretended to be dead.

A tourist: "I'm going, this dog has become a demon!"

"You haven't seen it buy anything."

"It even bought lollipops for children!"


Ge Xiaotian slapped the gavel, "Drag this dead dog into the jail, prepare the dog's head and a scalpel, castrate it first and then behead it, and have a dog feast tonight!"

"Wow, woof!" Ah Huang quit immediately, stood up in a jerk, stuck out his tongue and stretched out his front paws, pointing to the west.

"Recruited? Well! That's good, the guilty dog ​​Ahuang stole family money to buy beef, and the sentence is as follows..."

Acting in a full set, after dealing with the ending, Ge Xiaotian asked Daoer to go straight to Xixiang with the fat dog.


Xixiang belongs to the plastic greenhouse base, which is similar to Nanwa Huanggang. At the beginning, it borrowed two 50 million yuan, and the second one was here.

Unlike Huanggang, there are no system personnel except security guards.

All the vegetable seedlings were transplanted from Daqingshan's 'farmland', and villagers from surrounding villages and towns were hired to take care of them, thus providing more than 6,000 jobs and receiving awards from three counties and cities as well as Dongshan.

The country roads are difficult to walk, and if there are too many employees, dormitory buildings will definitely be needed.

It's just close to the Zulin and Xiaoqingshan mass graves in various villages in Sancha Township, Yun County to the west, Liang County to the north, and Xiang County to the north. All three parties want Tiancheng dormitory area, so site selection has become a big problem. in contention.

Although Ge Xiaotian can make a final decision, but life is boring if it is too plain, so the leaders have something to do, and even if they win, they will have some achievements and a sense of pride...

Employees are currently equipped with electric vehicles for the time being. Although commuting to and from get off work is a bit hard, it is not a big problem. I have spent the past six months tempering my temper, and I will confirm a regular job next year.

Under A Huang's guidance, Ge Xiaotian arrived at the destination with Dao Er Seng Er and a dozen strong men.

This is an earth pit, quite far from the vegetable base, the surrounding area is a bit desolate, and the forest of steles can be vaguely seen in the distance.

"Are you sure this is it?"

"Woohoo!" Ah Huang nodded frantically.

Ge Xiaotian suddenly got excited, an ancient cow trough, a boat full of gold ingots, and quickly signaled to the strong man who followed, "Dig it for me!"

There are many people and strength, and within ten minutes, a black plastic bag containing fish was dragged out from the depths of the pit.

Spread it out and have a look, there are six or seven gold ingots, a dozen silver ingots, and a few hairpins rolling inside yellow and white.

"That's all?" Ge Xiaotian looked suspicious.

Ah Huang nodded with firm eyes, stuck out his tongue, and tilted his neck, as if saying: If you don't believe me, you killed me.

"You must have hidden it!"

"Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo..." Ah Huang showed aggrieved eyes, kicked his hind legs on the ground, pointed his front paws at the black plastic bag, and vowed: That's all!

"Still want to play tricks?" Ge Xiaotian knows himself very well, obviously he doesn't believe this fat dog who has played with him all the time, "I'll count to three, to be honest, Siberia is used as a donkey!"

Ah Huang's pupils shrank.


Ah Huang's Adam's apple surged.


Ah Huanggou's face was stiff.


A Huang dead pig is not afraid of boiling water...

"I think you are a bastard who eats weights. You are determined not to move, right?"

'It's really gone! ’ Ah Huang lifted his front paw weakly.

"Send Neobras, and let the machinery department over there customize an iron dump for it. You have to do 10 work points a day, or else... there will be no food!"

"Woooo..." Ah Huang struggled desperately.



Watching Fat Dog leave, Ge Xiaotian was suddenly a little uncertain whether this guy really confessed or faked it.

Looking through the black plastic bag, there were indeed a few gold ingots that were chewed off by dogs.

But according to his own temper, he must be cunning.

Just like an offshore company, Director Sun knows about the Cayman Islands and the Virgin Islands, two of which are open and one dark, but Dao Erseng Er is still in the Bahamas, Bermuda, and Samoa, and each has applied for two.

This is a gold-absorbing tool prepared for certain shell companies to go public overseas, or a 'competitor' prepared in advance to compete for overseas projects.

For example, Franklin's oil and gas pipeline worth 200 billion was open for bidding. All over the world responded positively. Tiancheng bid, and the shell company also bid.

Of course, this is the most despicable method, he is not so low-end, if he wants to play, he can play the high-end one...

In response to this matter, I put myself in the shoes of A Huang and thought about it differently.

He must prepare a few more of these 'gold hiding spots'. For a boatload of gold ingots, ten or eight gold hiding spots are a bit small.

"However, Ah Huang probably isn't so smart, he's a dog after all." Ge Xiaotian thought about it carefully, then shook his head and vetoed it.

Hoo hoo...

Putting away the black plastic bags, the group set off to return to Xiaoqingshan. After walking a few steps, there were bursts of humming in the air.

Ge Xiaotian looked up, and Mi Erliu's huge body came into view.

Looking at the logo on the bottom of the plane, it seems to be the one sent to Shen Zhipeng.


"Strange, why is the little black yellow duck I designed for Qin Hei Ya printed on it?"

Dao Er squinted his eyes for a moment, "Boss, I suspect that Shen Wen flew a plane to sell ducks!"

"Huh? Don't talk nonsense! Although Lao Qin has developed rapidly, how can his net worth be compared to that of Shen Zhipeng who is standing shoulder to shoulder with our Tiancheng Construction Company?"

"That's right, maybe we've been fooled."

"By the way, is Lao Qin's daughter back?"

"I'm back, President Qin took her to recuperate in Xiaoqingshan for half a month..." Dao Er seemed to think of something funny, "Guess who he plans to recruit as his son-in-law?"

"Oh?" Ge Xiaotian thought back to another time and space. He and Lao Qin's daughter didn't have much intersection at all except for the car accident. In this time and space, the marriage is fixed by default, and he will definitely not be able to make it. "Teddy?"


"Da Mao has Xuanxuan, Brother Hao has been married long ago, I have Fat Xiu, Xiao Hong, Xiao Zeng, Xiao Huang, and Xiao Lu Xiaolan, radish and green vegetables have their own loves, Daxiang Li Shu and the others are also talking, and old Zhu just got acquainted A supervisor... Could it be, my brother?"

"Hey? You really guessed it right!"

"No!" Ge Xiaotian remembered his sister-in-law, who was more solid than Xu Ling.

"Your eldest brother really didn't like it. He thought Lao Qin's daughter was too thin, but Lao Qin couldn't bear to see his son-in-law right!"

"When did we meet?"

"Sanni finished the college entrance examination, didn't your elder brother come back? Lao Qin's eyes are shining, he is down-to-earth, capable, honest, humble and polite..."

"Is he blind?"

"No, when your elder brother came back, he was groomed at the barber shop. He is as handsome as you, and he is dressed neatly..."

"Nie Yuan!"

Ge Xiaotian looked up to the sky and sighed, "Send Lao Qin my brother's best-selling braces girl album in Nanyue, and he will definitely not care about it."

"All right!"


Qin Hei Ya head office.

After two months of playing in Tiancheng Industry with his only relative, Lao Qin started to struggle again.

In the hall, the thin Qin E was watching Tiancheng's documentary, "Dad, Uncle Ge is really awesome!"


"Hmm! In less than a year, he has been able to make a company to such an extent. I have to worship him to death!"

"How do you feel about his brother?"


"If you like it, I'll make him a son-in-law, and Xiaotian will have to call me Uncle Qin from now on!"

"So that's your plan!"

"No, I'm here for your future. Tiancheng is handsome and handsome. If you don't get one, you won't have a chance in a few years."

"It's as if I can't get married."

"Oh, it's a pity that Xiao Ge has a partner, otherwise..."

"Then you have to show your temper. He looks old-fashioned at first glance, otherwise how can I chat with you?"

"Old-fashioned? Have you misunderstood something?"

"A big entrepreneur, can he not be rigid? And his brother, my uncle, who is honest, must be bullied often, and he is not my type." After Qin E finished speaking, the doorbell rang, "Who is it?"

"Expedited delivery!"

"Huh?" Qin Ming put down the secret stewed duck in his hand and wiped his hands, "Mine?"

"Yes, Mr. Qin, the headquarters sent it over."

"Xiaotian?" Lao Qin took the package, signed it, sent the courier away, and opened the outer package.

"Dad, what is it?"

"CD, braces girl?"


"Put it in the DVD player and see..."


The green-haired Ge Wangwang appeared in the camera with gloomy eyes.

After a song, the style of painting changed, leather jacket with rivets, thong jeans, began to touch the crotch, twist the hips, pole dance...

Qin E was dumbfounded, "Fake, this... this is my Uncle Ge? He looks gentle on the surface, but I didn't expect that there is a little monster hidden in his heart. He is so happy to play?"

"Huh?" Lao Qin asked with question marks all over his head.

"Dad, I'm in love with him! Uncle Wangwang!"


After Lao Qin finished yelling, the door was knocked again, and Shen Wen's voice came from outside, "Uncle Qin, is there any stock?"


"Okay, how about I go out with my sister?"

"not good!"

"Uncle Qin..."

"It can't be too late!"

"Don't worry, Uncle Qin, let's go to the sports car with Teddy..."


"No, I'm going to karaoke!"

"Well, Teddy is not bad, actually."

Qin E shook her head, "He's too young, I don't like him, I just like Uncle Ge Wangwang!"

Qin Ming suddenly felt that he was not well.


Early the next morning.

Ge Xiaotian was awakened by the phone call.

Xu Ling.

"Boss, the satellite has entered the established orbit."

"How is the debugging going?"

"Everything is going well, and the original plan can now be implemented."

"OK, keep an eye on that, especially the work points."


After hanging up the call, Ge Xiaotian quickly ran to the headquarters, put on dust-proof and anti-static work clothes, entered Tiancheng Aviation headquarters, and contacted the nine offices and the boss of Wanshi one by one through the satellite phone.

Nine are in charge of ground monitoring stations, which are used to monitor the status of satellites, adjust the course at any time, and avoid satellite deviation from orbit, and the other two are in the Far East and Mocos.

In addition, there are five data stations for sending service information to users.

Wanshi Financial Technology is in charge of data station A in Dongshan, Daoyi and the others are in charge of data station B, and the nine institutes are not involved. Except for the Far East and Mokos, the last data station is deployed in Central Asia.

The economic blockade of the European region, the economic blockade of North America, and the lack of business in Africa and South America, are not needed for the time being.

In the midst of busy work, at eleven o'clock in the morning, Lao Qin called, his tone a little bit exasperated.

"I don't agree with this marriage!"

"That's good, Brother Qin, I'm a little busy here, let's talk later."

Knowing that Qin Ming denied Ge Wangwang, Ge Xiaotian heaved a sigh of relief, put down his phone, and looked around the 500-square-meter computer room.

In the outermost circle are more than 300 main players of the Red Eagle Alliance, each with a dedicated computer.

The fan-shaped arrangement area below is more than a hundred high-achieving students from Qinghua University, Beijing University, Jingcheng University of Science and Technology, and Huaxia University of Science and Technology, each with a small stone light machine.

There are also twenty white coats in front, namely Dao San, Dao Si, Dao Wu... who are responsible for commanding each group and operating the host of Shi Guangji.

A large screen twice the size of the IMAX screen and bright red flags hang on the walls on both sides.

"Brothers, although the satellite belongs to someone else, I believe that if we understand it thoroughly and conquer it, we will have one in the near future! Come on!"

"Long live China!"

This time it's not controlling or receiving, but...cracking!

In order to connect to the Dongshan database, the Mox master control station will temporarily shut down the defense system. Time: 1 minute and 31 seconds!

During this period, the Tiancheng Aviation Department, which has obtained the database authority, can rely on the super-computing Shiguang machine mainframe and the dedicated Shiguang machine to create a latent program and inject it into the main control station.

Seize authority?

That's not necessary.

What Tian Cheng wanted was to understand the GLONASS system, not destroy it, after all, he still wanted to use it.

Jingle Bell……

At 11:42, Mocos Ice Bear Aerospace Department called.

Ge Xiaotian switched languages, "We are ready!"

"Very good, remember, don't do anything, just wait for our connection to complete!"

As soon as the voice fell, the red indicator light in front lit up.

Hundreds of people flicked their fingers together...


The two large screens lit up, revealing a dark blue starry sky and a blue mother star.

The A screen shows 12 satellite orbits, three of which have satellites covering the Nordic region, and nine orbits are vacant.

Screen B also displayed 12 satellite orbits, six of which had satellites covering the Far East and northern China, three new and three old, and the remaining six orbits were vacant.

In the lower right corners of the two screens, various data popped up one after another, and Tiancheng's unique read bar was squirming quickly...


Ge Xiaotian glanced at his phone, Jiusuo.


"Stop your behavior, I will give you the information you want."


Ge Xiaotian was startled, and suddenly remembered that he was a manufacturing company, and most of the components and chips used in the Ice Bear Satellite were developed and designed by Nine Institutes.

The most important thing is that these are spare parts of Beidou, or experimental components, experimental chips, and the Nine Institutes must also plan to...

At this moment, all the personnel below who participated in the cracking process stood up in unison, with ecstasy on their faces, suppressed their voices, and waved their fists vigorously.


With the same thought, the connection between the Mocos master control station and the Dongshan data station was completed, and a map of Dongshan immediately popped up on the computer screen in front of him. On the screen, hundreds of thousands of red spots, either gathered or scattered, spread around the Ji City area...

The most eye-catching ones are the Jishi Canal Development Zone, the 21 cities in the Dongshan Fifteen Cities Plan, as well as Jiangsu and Zhejiang Xucheng, Nanhe Bianliang outside Dongshan...

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