Build Madness

Chapter 418 Open Queuing Mode...

August 7th.

The press conference last night did not seem to have caused much reaction, but the bank had many more customers. It is said that 99% of the business outlets ran out of cash within two minutes after opening the door...

August 8th.

I don't know if it's brewing, or it's too difficult to revise the manuscript, countless news and entertainment newspapers with the word "Tiancheng" spread all over China...

'shock! In broad daylight, the bosses of the two real estate companies in Dongshan actually...'

"The beginning and end of Ge Baiyi's lameness..."

"The manufacturer of Jiannaobukidney Pills gave Ge Baibi two million..."

'The Fifteen Cities of Dongshan Landed, and the Jifu Merchants Alliance was unable to resist...'

‘Dongshan Jianlian’s investment in 25 commercial districts will have any impact on the Xingyuewan model? Please listen to the expert interpretation! ’ (self care)

‘Ge Baiyi’s advice to real estate CEOs! '

‘Ge Baiyi’s outlook on the prospects of the real estate industry! '

‘After the Xingyuewan model, Tiancheng is another brand! '

'The era of navigation is coming...'

'Sofitel five-star hotel settled in Canal Development Zone...'

'A wonderful, 50 million press conference scene...'

"There are only 23 days left before the legend of Shenlong attacks the sand, so Ge ​​Baiyi can still dance for a few days..."

'Yesterday, many banks in Dongshan closed early...'

'Friendly reminder: All-in-one card users can swipe their cards to buy a house, no need to pay in cash. '

"Since the early morning of the 6th, there have been a large number of people queuing up at the gates of Xingyue Bay communities in various places..."

Yangtze Newspaper, Editor-in-Chief:

In my mind, Ge Baiyi is different from Mr. Wang.

He has no mysterious halo, nor legendary experience. He is just a man of action who came out of the wheat field. With his clever mind, he came up with countless incredible plans and realized them one by one, so as to become the strongest real estate in Xiangxian County. Jishi real estate is the strongest, and even Dongshan real estate is the strongest.

I can list all the projects he has done all the way from Gejia Village, and I can also collect Tiancheng's detailed financial reports down to the decimal point.

In the local area, there is a topic that people talk about: what did Ge Baiyi do and what did he lose.

But I want to say, maybe he really has no money in his card, because he donated all his salary and profits to the local area.

For example, at the northern foot of the back mountain of Xingyue Bay in Xiangxian County, there is a nursing home covering an area of ​​3,000 mu, and a nursing home covering an area of ​​1,000 mu.

For example, the ancient style small commodity market that stretches for ten miles.

For example, one after another, there are as many as 500 Hope Primary Schools with an investment of nearly 200 million yuan.

for example……

Some people may ask, how to support employees and develop enterprises without profits?

This is the magic of Ge Baiyi

He seems to be able to calculate the funds needed for each step, and allocate them reasonably, and even carry out clever lending during a certain period of time.

For example, he used 4.8 billion to invest in Dongshan Fifteen Cities. During the Tianrong crisis, the one-card fund was short of 4.8 billion. However, before investing in IMAX theaters, Tianyu received 4 billion overseas film revenues. Yes, it is 4 billion, North America + Europe + Japan Island + Southeast Asia + South Vietnam, etc. At that time, Tianyu had not yet paid.

The remaining 800 million shortfall will be equally shared by its branches and subsidiaries, and the crisis will be passed smoothly.

Immediately afterwards, he made a lot of money farming in Siberia, Sancha and Wuling were sold at a high price, and K.O martial arts competition became popular all over China. He invested in Longtian and got a lot of compensation, and the funds flowed back. capital.

Strength, luck, brains, this is the Ge Baiyi I know.

Dongshan Daily:

In the hearts of a thousand people, there are a thousand Ge Baiyi...

Jishi Daily:

Our Ge Xiaotian...

Heshi Daily:

Warm congratulations to Tiancheng Holdings and Tianhao Group for entering the top 10 real estate companies in Dongshan.

Qinggang Daily:

Warmly congratulate Qinggang Tiancheng on entering the top 10 Dongshan real estate companies.

Weicheng News:

Warm congratulations to Weicheng Tiancheng for entering the top 10 real estate companies in Dongshan.

Yancheng News:

Warm congratulations to Yancheng Tiancheng for stepping into the top 10 real estate companies in Dongshan.

German city newspaper:

Warm congratulations to Decheng Tiancheng for entering the top 20 Dongshan real estate companies.


"In the past six months, the CDP in all parts of Dongshan has increased by 9.5%, which is three times the growth rate in 1999..." (this is a bit of a light of the times)

'Tiancheng's strategic adjustment, the sword points to the south of the Yangtze River! '

‘Three thousand Tianwei expeditions overseas, North American Houghton Security Group invites bids again. '


August 9th.

This was originally an ordinary day.

But to the old Wu family, it has an extraordinary meaning.

The house where I lived for most of my life was sold, and the storage room was exchanged for half of the red banknotes.

With all his possessions in his arms, Lao Wu has countless memories, looking at the old residential buildings in the 1960s, the old alleys with potholes and a stinky ditch in the middle, and the big chimney of the power plant in the distance...

"Dad, hurry up, I heard that there has been a queue for Xingyue Bay since the day before yesterday!"

"Understood!" Old Wu wiped the wet corners of his eyes, and waved his hand at his son who had married and started a business. "Actually, it's good to live here."

"What's the matter? Last winter, I burned the stove to keep warm. If I didn't come by coincidence, I wouldn't have seen you and my mother."

"Hey, let's go!" Old Wu opened the back door of Sancha Wuling, sat next to his wife, and patted the back of the driver's seat, "You say you, you can take the bus to work, what car should you buy?"

"I quit smoking."


"I have handled Tiancheng's transportation entrustment. Occasionally, I will send express orders, and I will get a commission for a trip. I will occasionally receive a passenger transport order, and I will earn a commission for a trip. I can earn six or seven hundred a month, and seven a year. Eight thousand, after three years this car will be a free gift, if you don’t buy it, you won’t buy it for nothing.”

Old Wu scratched his head, "Thinking about it, it seems right, but it always feels weird."

"It's fine if you make money, why do you think so much?" Old Wu's son started the van, "Dad, Mom, my younger brother lives in Donghu, 120 square meters, and we want to live in the middle, 90 on the upper floor, 90 on the lower floor, you two We live downstairs, we live upstairs, and when the time comes, we will find Tianzhu and my brother's house to open up, so we will be 300 square meters!"

"Nakato? Isn't Nakato transparent from north to south?"


"I look at the design of other people's houses. Isn't the entrance of the middle house a corridor?"

"Xingyue Bay is not. It belongs to two staircases and four households. The stairs are separated. There are two households on the east side and two households on the west side. They are connected by a corridor. Open the door and open the window in the middle household hall to be transparent. The master bedroom, The study room can also be transparent when the door is opened. The second bedroom can be ventilated through the corridor of the hall.”

"Isn't this becoming two households on one ladder?"

"No, our middle household has two floors, the upstairs is equal to one household, our floor has two households, and the downstairs has only one household. I don't know how Tian Cheng designed it."

"So, it's more convenient for us to use two elevators and four households than other people's two elevators and four households?"

"Sure, after all, there are few people who use it, otherwise why would you need to grab it?"

"So big real estate, why worry, there are still six days."

"People's smart card users have already made an online signing appointment in advance, and only wait for the 15th to swipe the card to pay."

"Ah? Then you can get a one-card card."

"The line at the entrance of the card issuing center is longer than the line for buying a house. After all, you can make an appointment in advance if you buy a card, but you may not be able to grab a house when you line up to buy a house."

"This grandson!" Old Wu was furious. Through the car window, he happened to see the tall buildings covered by dust nets and the crowded community square. "Is there too many people?"

"There are people queuing up to buy a house, there are people who are going to catch elves, and there are people who take the opportunity to look for Ge Baiyi to grab red envelopes."

"Ge Baiyi is coming?"

"I heard that I took my daughter-in-law to Yancheng and Zicheng yesterday, and arrived in Weicheng today."

"100 million red envelopes sent out?"

"No, he issued it himself with the one-card, and spread it on a large scale. All one-card users can snatch it according to the prompts. It's not money, but it's even more crazy than money. It's called: dog food."

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