Build Madness

Chapter 423 Meeting

ten o'clock in the morning.

Amid flowers and ribbons all over the sky, the VIP convoy from Jishi Airport Township to Sancha Township slowly drove into the east entrance of Xiaoqingshan.

In the car, no matter the protagonist of the welcome ceremony or the accompanying staff, they all stared dumbfounded at the burly men in camouflage who were more formal than China's regular green clothes and embraced Tutu outside the car.

"Leader...Leader, did we go to the wrong place?"

"I...what the do I know?"


The fake salute roared, and the tiger head with the number plate xxx trembled in Benduzhi.

Gunpowder smoke billowed in the distance, revealing a row of large pits.

Except for the driver, everyone in the car shivered.

cluck la la la...


swipe swipe...

Frightened and frightened, one team after another of strong men in black uniforms came in orderly steps.

Look at the armbands.

Tianwei International.

Holden International.

Tianwei Overseas Rescue Brigade...

"What does the surname Ge do?" Hutou No. 88 rushed to the back seat, and the star-like woman beside President Du asked in a trembling voice.

"I asked people to inquire, and they said it was a rogue company with a lot of handles..."

The woman doubted life, "This power, you tell me it's a rogue company?"

"You ask me, who should I ask?"

"Then... shall we go back?"

"The door is locked."



"What the hell, who is the person in charge of this welcome ceremony?"

"It's me, boss, what's wrong?"

"That's my family's wheat field!" Ge Xiaotian, who was originally very calm and pretended to be a boss, pointed to the place where the smoke was rising in the distance angrily, "I still want to sell some roasted ears of wheat to pay the public grain, so why don't you give me a bang?" Long?"

"You are so rich..."


"No, I mean, how about you fine my wages and use it to pay the public rations?"

"Well, that's a good suggestion."


"How's the banquet going?"

"The dining table, chairs, stools, screens, walls, and the 7 billion cash are all used up. But only the furniture is obviously a little empty. I borrowed a bunch of priceless treasures from Qiye Tianbao antiques, such as calligraphy and paintings, copper pots, and decorative utensils." Wait a minute. Listen to what Qi Ye said..." The person in charge looked around, "It's all unique, and it will be kept outside for decades."

The corners of Ge Xiaotian's eyes twitched, "Go back, pretend I haven't heard of it, and go in and squat in the future, it's also Qiye."

"It's okay boss, I'll take care of it."

"Well, I received a 20,000 bonus afterwards."

"Thank you boss, I will help you pay the public food later."

"Don't worry, pay attention to firefighting, don't give me a fire and burn it all!"

"Don't worry, as long as you don't smoke, there is absolutely no hidden danger."

"By the way, the staff who repaired the grain management office last year, are they done?"

"Boss, the Grain Management Office was demolished in March, and a Sancha Cultural Memorial Hall has been set up in the village. In the form of photos and objects, I describe the changes here in recent years."

"Hey, it's quite fashionable... No, it's because of high awareness!" Ge Xiaotian has never underestimated the leaders in the village who have brains but have no money to display their talents.

If Tian Cheng continues to grow bigger and stronger, the officers who will go out from Sancha in the future will definitely belong to the kind that will be looted.

Although in this way, they are all tied to Tian Cheng, but this is how they bet in the future...

This also proves that the village has great confidence in Tian Cheng.

"Go back and donate another 30 million."

"I don't think there is any need in the village. Everything that needs to be renovated has been completely renovated. Water, electricity, heating, everything is missing..."

"Then demolish it. Let the township make up its mind and ask the people what they want. The whole township will be demolished and converted into farmland. Then find a place to build a building and move in collectively. It will be convenient to use the subway in the future."

"You have to talk to the planning department about this."

"Well, but the compensation for the demolition will be paid by Tianle." Ge Xiaotian rarely asks about Tianle's affairs. This travel company is run by Director Shang and Xiangli, and it is almost equal to the collective assets of Gejia Village, Sancha Township, and several nearby villages. Of course, the main investor is still Tiancheng, just leading everyone to make a fortune together.

Now that Tianle has accumulated more and more funds, he has to use it to do something.

It will be a matter of time before we engage in real estate and rural clusters. It is better to do it in advance now.

What's more, most of the land in the village is contracted to several major planters, and the masses basically no longer farm land, but are engaged in production, transportation, small business and other businesses.

Thinking of this, Ge Xiaocai understood the main reason why the Grain Management Office was torn down. The public grain must be paid, but it was all paid in cash. There was no need to keep those tile-roofed houses where the grain was stored.

"As expected of the leader of our village, he is courageous and capable."

While muttering, a long string of tiger-headed gallops approached slowly in the distance.

The person in charge of the welcoming ceremony raised his right hand and swung it down fiercely.

The band members with drums, gongs and tubas on both sides of the door moved neatly and played the cavalry march...

Not long after, Hutou Ben No. 888 stopped at the gate of Guyue Qingshan Store.

Ge Xiaotian led the heavy cavalry, and opened the rear door of the car with the posture of many stars holding the moon.

"Good leadership!"

"You... hello!" The middle-aged man with a not so well-shaped face got out of the car, and saw a group of muscular strong men with murderous faces outside, holding the car door, and couldn't take a step for a long time.

"Please come in!"

The car door on the other side opened, and a beautiful woman walked out. Ge Xiaotian nodded and smiled, signaling everyone to go to the hotel.

I don't care what Gao Xiaoqin or Qi Tongwei in the name of the people is, or a live example that is countless times better than that on TV, come to me, if you have a ghost in your heart, your legs will be weak!

Secretary Du stepped forward and helped President Du step onto the red carpet.

On the other side, Li Wei, a beautiful woman, saw the surrounding scene clearly, and her face suddenly turned pale.

"Let's go? Inside, please!" Ge Xiaotian urged here, and secretly signaled two peasant women selected from tens of thousands of people to come forward to help.

Didi Didi...

As soon as he walked into the hall, Ge Xiaotian's cell phone rang suddenly. Looking at the number, it turned out to be a big guy from Yuanyang.

Instruct Tiancheng's reception staff to bring the two distinguished guests to the restaurant first, then walk out of the hotel and press the answer button.

"Brother, you missed me just after you left for a few days?"

"Ha, brother, I want to say sorry to you."


"The Sino-Ocean Industrial Park we negotiated a few days ago may be ruined, and the higher-ups are planning to take back the land."

"How to say?"

"Li Wei from Overseas Investment Group, one step ahead of me, said that the staff forgot about it."

"Our unit price of 300,000 acres is rare in Qinggang!"

"First come, first come, people... two thousand and one mu, the contract was signed three years ago."

"Are you sure it was three years ago, not three days ago?"

"The old leader is gone, and it is difficult for my brother to do things here. Overseas Investment Group quoted 500 million yuan, intending to buy my ocean shipping worth more than 4 billion yuan, and an ocean industry listed in Xiangjiang. To put it bluntly , followed me."

"No, they're after me. They're coming. You need to stabilize first. It's a big deal...I'll arrange for someone to send them to Siberia."

"Damn it, brother, don't be fooled! Big brother will make money with you, don't put yourself in it for me!"

"Don't worry, I know what's going on!"

Ge Xiaotian stopped chatting, put down his phone and walked into the hotel, to the restaurant built with seven billion cash...

At the door, Mr. Du and Mr. Li were in a daze with stupid faces...


the other side.

Gejia Village.

The youngest had searched for many places, and finally found an excellent location on the roof of a small bungalow with gorgeous decoration, but the only one unoccupied.

Assemble the long stick, install the scope, find the target vehicle...

No. 888 tiger head run!

"It seems that the information is correct, it is here!"

The youngest pulled the tail member and pushed the golden metal into the barrel...

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