Build Madness

Chapter 434 Dongshan Land (continued 1)

'I've had contact with Mr. Everything...'

Weihua and Wanshitong are high-end component manufacturing companies. Hearing this sentence, Ge Xiaotian was not surprised, but fell into deep thought.

According to the information provided by the Ministry of Intelligence, Weihua Group is currently working hard to expand the switchboard market in the countryside, vigorously develop the fiber optic signal base station business, and signed a GSM contract with Bingxiong two years ago...

'Yes! '

Ge Xiaotian suddenly realized.

Weihua received a 300 million Franklin GSM order from Bingxiong. If it follows another time and space trajectory, there is no problem.

But now it's heaven!

Tiancheng invested in Siberia to promote the smart one-card. According to the agreement signed with Mr. Governor and others, the smart one-card in the Ice Bear Far East region will not use GSM, but will launch several commercial satellites that assist the GLONASS system, and use faster satellite network.

Moreover, Tiancheng already has short-distance wireless networks, such as the industrial version of zigbee (Zifeng) dedicated to Laohong's automation, telemetry and remote control, and LPWAN-WiMax, a low-power wide-area network dedicated to long-distance control. Even if satellite networks are not used, Ice Bear The Far East region will also completely phase out GSM, and the GSM contract they signed with Weihua may shrink or even become invalid.

In other words, now Weihua can only keep the 300 million orders if it wins the OEM and sale of the smart card, and persuades Tiancheng to adopt GSM in Bingxiong.

'Accidentally injured the friendly army! 'Ge Xiaotian suddenly wanted to laugh.

Tianrong's smart card is a bit domineering.

This is a brand-new model that has not been born in another time and space. It assists in urban development and crushes wherever it goes. Unless the hostility can resist Tiancheng in the infrastructure or official fields, there is almost no solution.

Ge Xiaotian can fully imagine that if the negotiation fails this time, Weihua may have to develop cheap mobile phones to assist the other party's main business.

But it is impossible for Weihua to be rich enough to lose money and launch cheap mobile phones to hit the Tiancheng card market. At least in Dongshan, mobile phones are disappearing rapidly.

After understanding the situation, Ge Xiaotian didn't hide it, "Director Ren should know that Tiancheng is laying out single-chip electronic equipment, Dongshan alone may cost hundreds of billions, and when the whole China is laid... this will be an astronomical figure. After all, I am free."

"Mr. Ge's ambition makes me ashamed, and it also shows me your company's determination in high-tech electronic innovation."

"But where does the money come from?"

"Use the funds from Tianrong Smart Card to invest in real estate, and then..."

"Since Director Ren understands, I want to hear your sincerity."

"According to my understanding, the smart card is not a mobile phone, and its main function is not calling. It is a multi-functional personal terminal. Just as mobile phones eliminate BB mobile phones, they will also eliminate mobile phones. We will create a series of supporting products around it, such as routers. , electronic locks, smart home, stand-alone chip interaction, etc., and lay the best operating environment for them."

"The same can be done over there."

"We are not trying to compete with Wanshi for business. Your company retains R\u0026D and Wanshi keeps OEM. We only need the signal transceiver business of the smart card. As a price, we will help your company sell and promote it for free."

"Then there's no need, I think Ren Dong hasn't figured out the essence of the smart card yet." Ge Xiaotian thought for a moment, "Well, as long as you develop a new generation of mobile communication technology, I will help you expand your business for free and use Weihua signal reception Of course, this communication technology is not 3G based on Gaotong’s CDMA expansion, nor is it 2.5G-GPRS between the second and third generations, but a brand-new communication that fits the single-chip interface and is suitable for smart cards.”

"Mr. Ge, this research and development cycle is very long, maybe five or six years, maybe ten years, or even..."

"Tiancheng can provide technical support to your company. We currently have acquired zigbee (Zigbee), LPWAN-WiMax...Of course, if we develop it first, then your company will have nothing to do."


"Think carefully..."

"No need for Mr. Ge, we adopt your company's standards."

"It's so exciting!" Ge Xiaotian understood that the Nine Institute probably told Director Ren a lot of "dry stuff".

Smart cards use satellite networks abroad, but in China...

This problem can be traced back to: Tianrong uses GSM instead of CDMA.

This is to put on the mobile coat that has just been differentiated, and while adding users to the other party, it also accepts the protection of the other party.

Following Tiancheng's footsteps westward to Nanhe and southward to Jiangsu and Zhejiang, Tianrong, Tiancheng, and Mobile have already united the front.

If the all-in-one card is deployed in Huaxia, when the time is right, Tianrong will bring tens of millions, or even hundreds of millions of users, to propose to China Mobile to upgrade or change the network, and introduce more advanced Bingxiong Tiancheng satellite communication technology or system xx ground base station communication black technology , the latter will certainly agree.

As a result, China's GSM will also be eliminated...

The Ninth Institute is an expert in this field, so they can definitely see Tianrong's layout: in the future, Tiancheng's standards must be used, otherwise they will be enemies.

The old man gave Wei Hua advice, he could not only help Tian Cheng gain an ally, but also gain Wei Hua's favor, why not do it?

Older gingers are more spicy!

Ge Xiaotian sighed, "Okay Ren Dong, come to Xiaoqingshan when you have time, let's talk about the smart card in detail."

"no problem!"

For Tiancheng, there are only advantages and no disadvantages for Weihua to sell the smart card.

One is that Weihua has overseas customer resources and is tied to Tiancheng through a smart card. In the future, the other party will definitely give Tiancheng a large amount of construction business, such as laying submarine cables, digging communication tunnels, and building ground base stations...

Second, there is an extra shield.

The third is...

"Old Ren is extraordinary!"

Through the phone, Ge Xiaotian pulled out the SGJ laptop socket, connected the card, and sent the recording of the call just now to the executives of Tianrong, Tiancheng, Tianke and other companies, and listed many personal opinions, and then asked the executives to formulate the content of cooperation with Weihua.

After finishing all this work, the kind old man in the courtyard has picked up most of the chili peppers.

Seeing him finish the phone call, the old man nodded with a smile, "It's better to work in Tiancheng, with a car, a computer, and a card, so you can work when you're away from home."

"Then you should urge your grandson to join Tiancheng as soon as possible!"

"This is definitely no problem..."

Before the old man finished speaking, four or five middle-aged men walked in the door, talking with each other.

Trousers, shirts, big leather shoes...

"Old Zhao, the leader of Qihe is here!"

"Hey, I'll wash my hands first!"

"No, no, the thunderstorm last night destroyed dozens of acres of experimental fields contracted by Tiancheng. I came to have a look. I passed by our village and heard that my uncle trained a college student..."

A group of people made friends in the yard, Ge Xiaotian turned around and hid in the house, thinking of the six chapters of "Ge Baiyi's Autobiography" written last night, rubbed his hands on the keyboard, and continued to type...

I never thought that in the time it took to smoke a cigarette, the people who were chatting in the yard would come in talking and laughing.

The leader of Qihe looked up at the third room, saw the handmade version of the smart card on the dining table, and the SGJ laptop full of technology, he was stunned, and then looked at someone...

Rub your eyes, rub your eyes...

"It's so handsome!"

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