Build Madness

Chapter 444 One after another

The rich people sitting in the banquet hall are not as reckless as someone.

After going through ups and downs to the present, it is more or less necessary to know some important figures in the capital.

Seeing the former director of Huaxia Urban Construction, the current head of the Environmental Greening Committee, Wan Lao, the accompanying leader of the capital city, and a real vice president of the safety office, even though they were inexplicably horrified, they all looked at each other with their eyes and noses, and looked at their hearts, honestly. Stand still.

And when Wan Lao motioned for everyone to sit down, countless thoughts popped up in the minds of the rich.

Sure enough, this fundraising meeting is not easy!

Sure enough, there is a big shot behind the surname Ge!

No wonder Ge Baiyi will be the host, the richest man and representative!

Thinking about the topic just now...

Poverty Alleviation, Hope Primary School!

Is this what the above means?

Even the richest man Li, who knew the cause, now believes it.

Ge Xiaotian was a bit confused at this meeting, he couldn't figure out whether the leaders came to see the stock king, Microsoft Bill, or...

Logically speaking, although he is famous now, the climate is almost...

Um? No, we can put it on the table!

Seeing the two figures walking in again from the door, Ge Xiaotian's thoughts changed sharply.

Did the above know about the fundraising meeting?

That's right, the two foreigners went to Huaxia to raise funds, or play tricks, and the higher ups must be watching.

I saw him messing around to start the poverty alleviation and hope projects...

Naturally, someone will show up.


Wan Lao was worried that the leaders of the capital would make trouble for him, so he came to smooth things over, accompanied by the vice president of the security office.

And now!

Here comes the real big shot!

Huaxia General Manager: Congratulations!

Vice President of Huaxia Science and Technology: Nine institutes!

The audience stood up again...

"Hello, Grandpa, and Uncle Ninth!"

Rich people in the audience: "..."

Why are you here to meet your relatives?

The man in green and the bodyguard in black moved to the temporary seat again...

The scene was silent and there was no sound.

Ge Xiaotian scratched his scalp consciously, feeling that he had a lot to say, but his mind was in a mess.

Not nervous, but...

The big man came late, so he has said all that needs to be said...

"Okay, start donating money!"

The richest man Li hadn't even sat down yet, when he heard this, he stood up again, "I donate 100 million!"


As expected of being a gold medal partner, Ge Xiaotian almost wanted to applaud, the succession was too timely, and he was worried that he would be left alone, "Congratulations, Mr. Li, for getting a bullet-proof tua worth 100 million!"

The screen behind the screen switches to list tua's models...

"Can I change to Tianba?"

"Um... good! Best match Tianba!"


The audience applauded warmly, and several leaders nodded to the richest man Li respectively...

There must be a leader in everything. Seeing this scene, several rich men stood up again...

Before they could speak, more rich men stood up...


Amidst the music singing the motherland, the bustling fundraising meeting came to an end before 7:30...

Since the rich came from all over the country, it took a week for the 20 billion funds to be transferred to Tianrong's account.

In the follow-up, the planning department will make statistics, list the areas where the rich want to help, set up relevant plans, and arrange construction personnel...

Ge Xiaotian invited Mr. Zhu and Mr. Wan to arrange personnel to supervise the project, and said that Tiancheng would also provide the same funds, a total of 20 plus 20, 4 billion, to build the Hope Project in poverty-stricken areas and Northwest China.

At the same time, the 'Infrastructure Poverty Alleviation' will be uploaded to the smart card in the form of an app, so that all users can find out where the funds are used...

"I announce that this fundraising conference for infrastructure construction has come to a successful conclusion. I would like to thank all the leaders for coming to guide me. I would like to thank all the seniors for their support. I would like to thank the stock kings from North America, Mr. Ba and Microsoft Bill. Please drive to the Capital International Hotel. Tonight, Let's not get drunk..."


half an hour later.

The two bigwigs from North America appeared in the empty banquet hall refreshed...

Stock King Old Bus: "..."

Microsoft Bill: "Maybe I went to the wrong door!"

Another half hour...

From the monitoring room of the hotel, the two saw the scene of the battle between Dao Er and Huo Dun Tianwei, and what someone was doing on the podium...

The stock king old bus called Holden angrily, "I am very dissatisfied with the service provided by your company. I will keep an eye on your company's stock for a long time in the future!"

"Mr. Buffett, I already know what happened to you. I think there must be some misunderstanding!"

"What's the misunderstanding? My security guard was beaten by a single person and was powerless!"

"Honorable sir, I have checked the surveillance video of the hotel several times, and also asked our company's fighting experts to analyze it. When I recommended security for you, you said that you didn't need the gold medal Huo Dun, and you only chose black iron..., but according to We speculate that the bodyguard on the other side will definitely not be able to beat our gold medal Huo Dun!"


"What I mean is, if you spend 300,000 Franklin to hire six children, it is better to spend 500,000 to hire a young adult, or spend 1,000,000 to hire a fighting master. Of course, this incident is our improper service, I failed to strongly recommend security personnel of the corresponding level according to your worth, and in order to make up for my mistake, I hired the gold medal Huo Dunge for the first time, that is, the fighting master, and I will give you a 20% discount!"

"Oh! Damn it, this is really a terrible trip!" The stock king old man was silent for a moment with a cigarette in his mouth, "Okay, give me five gold medals Huo Dun, and besides, my travel plan needs to be raised to the confidentiality level! "

"No problem! We will take pictures of the security personnel as soon as possible, and promise that such things will not happen again. However, honorable sir, Huaxia is a place where dragons and tigers are hidden. I have to remind you not to go to places where fish and dragons are mixed... "

The stock king old bus didn't wait for the other end of the phone to finish chatting, and pressed the hang up button, "Tiancheng!"

Microsoft Bill nodded, "A newly emerging comprehensive enterprise mainly focuses on real estate development."

"Where's the housekeeper? Check their stock quotes for me."

"Back to the boss, Tiancheng is not listed."


Soft microbill chuckled and said, "It's okay, I'm very interested in their smart card!"


I wish the old man was busy with business, he was just shopping after dinner, and happened to pass by a big hotel... After the fundraising meeting, he left early.

The leaders of Beijing University chatted with Dao Er about the Wangjing project, and also said goodbye in advance.

The vice president of the safety office brought several awards and said that he would find a place to build an energy supply station as soon as possible.

Sending off a few bosses, Wan Lao patted Ge Xiaotian on the shoulder, "Give me the greenery as soon as possible!"

"no problem!"

The leaders all left, and the rich people gradually let go, exchanged cups and talked freely.

Seeing that someone is not as eccentric as rumored, the more they chat, the more excited they are.

As a time traveler, even if he doesn't know all the industries, Ge Xiaotian also knows some future trends, and he can gain a lot of goodwill by giving him some pointers.

With the idea of ​​striking while the iron is hot, this guy hypes up the Tiancheng Chamber of Commerce...

By nine o'clock, not only did the 50 wealthy people apply for the Silver VIP, but they were also equipped with a smart card specially consigned by Mierliu, and joined the regular chat group.

Group name: When one party is in trouble, all parties support!

Then send elves, food, bait, happy chaos...

Eating, drinking, playing and making noise, the banquet lasted until three o'clock in the morning...

The rich have moved into the rooms one after another.

The richest man, Li, lives in the capital. Before leaving, he was overwhelmed with emotion, "This is definitely the happiest banquet I have ever experienced. There is no intrigue, no hypocrisy..."

"You have to believe that the times have changed, and cooperation can lead to a win-win situation!"

"You are a real person!"

"Thank you for the compliment!"

"I'm getting old..." Richest man Li looked up at the starry sky, "Why don't you take the project from Southeast Asia?"

"Huh? No, Tian Cheng has made big strides now, so don't consider things that are not planned for the time being."

"Australia and Hong Kong?"

"This can be considered..." Ge Xiaotian thought of another Li's richest man.

However, arm wrestling now, if you want to win, it will be a bit difficult.

"Let's get in touch later."


"It's okay. Let the children take care of the project, and I'm only in charge of giving pointers."

"Why don't you go to Xiaoqingshan for a while?"

"Attack the sand?"

"Yes, the shocking attack on the sand!"

"Actually, I'm playing too... Go back early, I plan to arrange a meeting for the members of the guild!"


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