Build Madness

Chapter 449 When the sand attack is in progress

The two major armies of Lie Yan fought fiercely at the mine teleportation point, and other guilds were not idle.

Make a little preparation, bring enough potions, mix with each other, and rush to the sand city teleportation array like a tide...

The Burying Love and Killing Matt families, who were engaged in regular offensive and defensive battles, were directly dispersed...

Hundreds of guilds have their own plans, some are planning to rush into Shacheng to block the gates, some are planning to seize the stairs of the palace, some are planning to take down the two strongholds in the inner and outer squares, and some are preparing to fish in troubled waters and start a war fiscal……

Throwing, throwing, whooping, whooping...

All kinds of sounds and special effects filled the UFO stadium.

Until this moment, the audience on and off the field finally understood what it means to be attacked by thousands of people!

"Fuck, there are too many people, right?"

"The screen is full, I can't even walk..."

"This reminds me of the Lantern Festival!"

"Hey, don't even mention it, fireworks feast!"

"No, it's people crowding people, squeezing and pulling oil! (Dongshan dialect)"


Inside Sabak.

"Where am I? Which is me? How did I die?"

"Where's my knife? Who picked up my knife?"

"It's too messy, I can't see who to hit!"

"You are stupid. When you enter the sand city, you are either an ally or an enemy. Press the skills wildly, kill as many as you can, and return to the city after picking up the equipment!"

"mmp, I just built two firewalls, and it reminded me to kill 12!"

"It's over, there's not even an open space, how can the soldiers charge wildly..."

Outside Shacheng.

"Have you entered Sabac yet?"

"Go to hell, it's full!"


"Wait, let's pass it in after the people inside are dead... Fuck, who the hell hit me? Brothers, fuck him!"

All of a sudden, the entire map was full of flames of war, and the screen was full of splendor.

And listening to the chaotic shouts in the headset, looking at the screen where the target could not be found, the leaders finally understood the difficulty of attacking the sand.

However, the two on-site commentators are not surprised by this.

Female commentator: "At present, the whole map is full of melee, and the special effects of skills cover up the logos of guilds and legions, and it is almost impossible to distinguish the enemy from us."

Male commentator: "The audience at the scene should know that there is a daily upper limit for the supply of potions in each district server, and equipment also has durability. Continuous attacks and killings will inevitably cause a shortage of both."

Female commentator: "Fortunately, many far-sighted guilds were preparing potions and spare equipment as early as three months ago."

Male commentator: "Therefore, the full population of the sand city will not affect the entry of large guilds. When the players in the small guilds die and find that they are short of potions and have no equipment to replace, they will take the initiative to stay away from the battle."

Female commentator: "As the saying goes, before a thousand troops move, food and grass go first!"

Male commentator: "It's very realistic. War is about logistics. Whoever prepares the most will have a greater chance of winning."

Female commentator: "But this does not mean that attacking the sand is a war of attrition. Tianyu gives the rules of the game, and the gameplay is entirely up to the players to create. I remember that a certain guild in a certain area invited a retired old general as the commander some time ago. Defeat an enemy army of the same size with zero loss in the army battle on the regional map."

Male commentator: "I believe it will be even more exciting in the future. Now let's take a look at the game scene."

Female commentator: "Due to the large number of players, Tianyu divided the regions in a very humane way!"

Male commentator: "The player wearing a yellow shirt with Stanley Compound Fertilizer on the A floor on the first floor is the burial family of Lie Yan in the first floor!"

Female commentator: "On the opposite floor D, the player wearing a white shirt with the words Zaoshi Urea printed on it is the Lie Yan Shamate family in the first floor."

Male commentator: "The other areas are:

The Wumao Army sponsored by Baixiang Instant Noodle Factory,

Foodie Corps sponsored by Canal Pig Feed Factory,

Autumn Harvest Corps sponsored by Shencheng Lifeng Seed Industry,

The Veteran Driver Legion sponsored by Shifeng Tricycle Manufacturer..."


According to the sand attack conditions given by Tianyu:

One, enter the sand city, seize the resurrection point, and the winning rate will be increased by half.

Second, a lightning strike falls in the palace every five seconds, forcibly deducting 15% of the blood volume until death.

If guild A seizes the stronghold outside the city gate (washing the flag), members of guild A will receive a 30% reduction in damage from lightning strikes in the palace.

If guild A seizes the stronghold in the city again (washing the flag), guild A will receive another 30% reduction in damage from lightning strikes in the palace. Can be stacked.

Three, there are only members of guild A left in the palace, no matter how many people there are, just hold on for 30 seconds, and Shacheng will be occupied by guild A.

Judging from the above three points, attacking sand seems to be very simple.

Block the resurrection point, occupy two flags, defend the palace, and wait for the end.

But there are just too many players!

Not to mention blocking the resurrection point, I am afraid that even the two flagpoles will not be able to successfully occupy the guild.

"It's a bit difficult to get 40 million!"

Ge Xiaotian rubbed the gossip shift key to lock the progress bar showing how much four billion can be spent.


In other words, only 28% of the guilds have the chance to capture Shacheng and get 40 million.

This is the main reason why he gave each player who participated in the sand attack a single-chip microcomputer.

It took more than half a year of hard work to prepare, but he failed all the exams. Everyone has resentment. Sending out a computer reward can not only show his generosity of Lao Ge, but also calm down the players' emotions.

In addition, the sponsors of the legion or chamber of commerce have given a lot of sponsorship fees. Each district has more than one hundred sand attack teams, more or less, large or small, scattered thousands of teams Sponsors add up...

Ge Xiaotian did some calculations, held a super event, paid 28% of the rewards, removed the cost of the microcontroller, and seemed to have made a profit...

"I don't even know how much money I have now!"

"Boss?" Gao Song walked over with a wretched face.

"What's wrong?"

"Overseas sponsors heard that the Huaxia competition is hot, and are planning to add..."



Sand attack is in full swing.

Half an hour later, many small guilds were in urgent need of logistics, and had to withdraw from the main sequence of attacking the sand, wandering outside the map of Sand City, robbing and killing the supply personnel of large guilds.

Large-scale guilds naturally understand the importance of potions and equipment. There are as few as forty or fifty people and as many as a hundred people to protect the transporters who wear novice outfits to reduce the load.

During the period, several out-of-range conflicts broke out...

What is out of scope?

Can't fit in one screen!

The main force is still to bury love and kill Matt.

Ge Wangwang invited an old general, and Qin E was not weak here, and invited a Go master...

The two sides have a very tacit understanding, instead of fighting directly, they cleared the field!

Declare war on the entire server, and make the scattered small and medium-sized guilds miserable.

Because of this, the small and medium-sized guilds united to attack the sand server in the future, which created endless troubles for the large guilds, intensified the conflicts between the two sides, and paved the way for a large number of legendary players to enter the Shenlong Continent for cultivation. (Seeking revenge after the fact, ordinary players can't play anymore when they are beaten by large guilds)

It also paved the way for the subsequent large-scale guilds to enter the Dragon Continent, choose the evil camp, and charge money hard. (In comprehension games, large guilds do not enter as early as ordinary player groups, and are charged by ordinary players)

"Perhaps, this is a real estate developer with a strategic vision, the extraordinary thing about playing games..."

Seeing the elites of the three major armies of the Raging Flame Suit appear one after another, and the attack on the sand is about to enter the mid-term stage, Ge Xiaotian hastily logged into Ge Erdan and joined the guild of 'Time is a butcher's knife'.

Li Xiuxiu's sand attack is just for fun, her guild is all pink and tender...

For example, the five little girls in the negotiation area, the four receptionists at Tianyu, and all the female secretaries under Tiancheng...

The level is not high, the fashion looks good but the equipment is terrible...

Just play for fun, you can't take Shacheng at all.

So, Ge Xiaotian...

Female commentator: "Oh, Chairman Tian Cheng and his harem have appeared on stage!"

Male commentator: "..."

I'm afraid you don't know how to write dead characters!

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