Build Madness

Chapter 459 Small Chat Applying for the Subway

Hearing about the construction of the subway, he thought back to all the plots transferred to Tiancheng. If they were connected end to end, they would almost run through the entire Jishi City from south to north, which was in the shape of a pigeon.

The young and white-headed leader instantly understood the basis for Tiancheng's acquisition of the land. Although the high-value land plots were gone, the benefits brought about included increased GDP...

'Estimated to be repaired, I will transfer away! '

It's not enough to fool the general manager, the old man has worked with him in the south for many years, and it doesn't hurt to use this matter as a 'rebellion'.

Besides, build the subway!

There are only four cities in China. As long as it is open to traffic, Ji City ranks fifth!

"Leader, you really said that!"


Mr. Yu hung up the phone angrily.

Ge Xiaotian was immediately happy, took the teacup from the big secretary, and strolled around the office on his own, "Leader, there are 45 bus routes in Jishi City, 260 trips of the Tourist Civilization Bus, 120 trips of the Intercity Pioneer Bus, Passenger flow per hour on the route..."

"Don't think that I don't know that this is the data during the sand attack event. Moreover, I heard that the Jinxiuchuan project has ended, and there are 50,000 idle employees in the capital department every day. What kind of birds have you adjusted to the line network that you have learned from each other?"

"There is a reason for this. The weather is too hot recently. There are many people commuting to and from work. There are always many older people who can't find a seat and can't stand the crowd. They yell to get off the bus when they can't make it to the stop. The driver can't be indifferent, right? If something goes wrong with your health, the bus company, which doesn’t make money at all, can’t afford to pay.”

"What are you talking about? Not making money? Slippers shipped to Africa are selling very well!"

"That's right! Thank you leader for reminding me, I'll cut off this business to other companies later..."


Mr. Yu was a little speechless, picked up the materials on the table, and looked at the photo, "This is the shield machine? Why does it look different from the ones in the Guangzhou area?"

"There must be a difference!" Ge Xiaotian turned his eyes, pointed at the disguised hybrid shield machine, blushed, and said nonsense: "It's called TBM, and its scientific name is full-face hard rock tunnel boring machine. With the advantages of high speed, environmental protection, and high comprehensive benefits, it can realize the construction of long tunnels buried in complex geographical landforms that are difficult to achieve with traditional drilling and blasting methods, and is known as: the king of roadheaders!"


"Really, you may have heard that the first TBM introduced to China in 1996 was used in the Qinling Railway Tunnel. This game only cost 50 million to buy back!"

"Can I return?"

"Uh... yes, but I took it apart!"


"If you don't dismantle it, how can we create our own?"

"Do you have talent in this area?"

"I intercepted the Wajima engineer who followed the machine to maintain it, and entrusted the Horton Group to help recruit a group of North American underground construction machinery technicians. In addition, I also fooled the Shinkansen team. It should arrive by the end of the month..."

"You brat is very courageous!"

"Our new energy vehicles and chips with independent intellectual property rights can be manufactured, and it is not a problem to engage in this stuff."

"Can your chip be called independent intellectual property rights?"

"Anyway, no one in the world uses that integration method, why can't it be called?"

"Integrate a single system into an independent chip, which is responsible for voice, calculation, playback, and browsing... Then connect all independent chips through a main chip, and then add a main system of inductive and sorting nature, and declare independent intellectual property chips to the outside world. Aren't you playing hooligans!"

"At least we are the fastest, strongest, and safest!" Ge Xiaotian understood what Mr. Yu was complaining about.

Overseas, many electronics companies have obtained smart cards, disassembled and studied them, and found that the "smart" of Laolongtian Technology Company is completely different from the smart people imagined.

For example: There are washing machines, TV sets, and air conditioners at home.

To do laundry, you need to press a button on the washing machine.

To watch TV, you need to press the remote control.

To turn on the air conditioner, you need to press the air conditioner remote control.

And Laolongtian Technology integrates the control systems of the three into one remote control, and declares to the outside world that we have developed: smart home!

You see, I press the button, and the washing machine starts to move, faster than you run to press the button, right?

I press the button twice more, and the TV and air conditioner will turn on, faster than you using two remote controls, right?

This is not intelligence, what is this?

Such behavior made a large group of mobile phone manufacturers cry.

The mobile phone industry in Dongshan has been shattered. In order to keep the market in other regions or recover lost ground, mobile phone manufacturers have joined together to crack down on the rogue smart cards.

It is a pity that until now, 99% of people still have not seen the essence of the smart card: the integration of online and offline!

"You, you!"

Mr. Yu shook his head and sighed, as if he gave up the idea of ​​returning the shield machine, and looked carefully at the relevant parameters of the subway project, "The planning is very detailed, and the preparations are also very sufficient, but I helped you get a high-speed project."

"High speed? Where?"

"From Jifu to Heshi, passing by Daqing Mountain and Sancha Township."

Ge Xiaotian was taken aback for a moment, his butterfly actually made Jihe Expressway a full ten years ahead of schedule!

Mr. Yu took out the yellow crane and put it on the desk, lit one, "I'm afraid you don't have enough funds!"

"When will work start?"

"This time next year."

"Then there's no problem. Don't talk about one highway, I can fix ten!"

"That's a good word!"

Mr. Yu spread out the subway map, "300 kilometers, 30 billion construction cost, can you be more outrageous?" (with Zaoshi Xincheng added)

"Leader, the cost of the subway has a lot to do with the construction plan and geology. We are building a township subway. Many sections don't need to go underground. The cost of 100 million yuan per kilometer is already very high. Moreover, this is my own project. I can't Earn by yourself... well, the cost of 300 million per kilometer will help you raise your GDP."

"Hey, playing tricks with me? One hundred million is one hundred million, but I didn't expect the profit of infrastructure to be so big."

"You don't know about the Lotus Gymnasium? The leader of Shaobaitou abruptly cut the construction cost in half."

"And this?"

Mr. Yu seemed to think of something, and opened the drawer with a smile, "The right to host the Dongshan Games in 2002!"

Ge Xiaotian was not surprised. There are only three large gymnasiums in Dongshan, and the next one will definitely be given to Jishi who just built the Lotus Sports Center. "Leader, when shall we hold the Huaxia Games?"

"There will definitely be no chance next year, and the next one will have to wait until 2005. The chances are very high. Unfortunately, I guess I won't be here by then."

"It's okay, I will organize a world-class sports meeting for you in 2002, which will kill the Olympic and European Cup in seconds!"

"Okay, stop talking big and do more practical things!"

"That's right, I like to do practical things. You said to build the subway, and I came here to claim credit when I was ready!"


Mr. Yu pondered for a moment, and looked at the subway plan again, "Then I will go to the capital tomorrow."

"Thank you leader!"

"Also, don't talk nonsense about the high speed."

"The project has been assigned to me by default, and I will definitely not talk nonsense." Ge Xiaotian understood what he meant. If the news leaked out, I am afraid that the villages and wasteland along the way will have to build buildings to earn demolition fees.

Mr. Yu nodded, "Let's go, I'll treat you to dinner today."


Metros weren't built in a day.

In the application plan, the 300 kilometers are not all underground subways. In order to ensure the success rate of approval, Tiancheng reported a construction period of ten years.

The construction will be divided into sections, one section a year, with safety as the first priority, and benefits as the second priority. Around Tiancheng's industrial chain, it will build an international metropolis with integrated development of industry and agriculture.

This is the advantage of Dongshan. With so many emerging companies as a foil, it is impossible for the above to ignore this point.

Of course, the actual construction period may be ten years earlier, after all, everything is possible if you join Tiancheng!

On the way to the restaurant, Ge Xiaotian was worried that Mr. Yu didn't understand this aspect. Based on the experience accumulated in another time and space, he planned to focus on avoiding the less important, and analyze the Jishi subway project from various aspects.

He never thought about it, but he forgot that Mr. Yu is from Guangzhou...

Well, there's nothing to talk about.

"Oh my god, Jinxiuchuan is about to be fully completed, right?"

"Yes, today is the 10th, and in five days' time, the opening ceremony will be held, and I will invite you to guide me at that time."

"I found out that I came to Dongshan to run errands for you!"

"No way, you are such a great leader, I have to confess!"

"Look for a fight!"

Chatting all the way, the car drove into Jingshi East Road and came to a newly built Ginza business district.

To be honest, Lao Shen is really awesome.

If Tian Cheng rushed into the Ji Mansion rashly, it would be really difficult to rely on the business districts that the other party had everywhere.

Of course, he also understood what Boss Yu meant by taking him here for dinner.

Lao Shen is a big celebrity in Jifu, his status in Dongshan is not inferior to Tiancheng, just like him Ge Baiyi has come to Jifu so many times, why did he only meet the leader of Jifu once, or was it recommended by President Yu?

This is whether to pay attention to it or not and to express a position.

But in the eyes of the general manager, if the two sides can make peace, it will be good for everyone.

It's a pity that so many leaders can't see where the two sides set up the battlefield.

Zaoshi New City!

This meal is just two people.

Knowing the relationship between Tiancheng, Dongshan Jianlian and the leaders of Jifu, it is impossible for Mr. Yu to invite other people to express his intentions in this regard, and to be deliberate would be tantamount to not treating someone as his own, which is equivalent to expressing his position.

During the meeting, let’s talk about the Limin Activity Center, about the projects in the capital, about the sand attack competition and several new games, about the second batch of exchange students with Amur, about the GLONASS system, and about still Navigation items in laying...

At the end, Ge Xiaotian hesitated for a moment, hesitatingly said:

"Leader, I would like to ask you for a favor."

"One subway isn't enough for me?"

"This request is very important to me!"


"It's not difficult for you to help. I guess you can mention a word to the above, and the other side will nod immediately."

"Your Ge Baiyi matter, this head is not easy!"

"I will definitely order."

"Tell me!"

"I want a secret entry and exit procedure..."

"What is this?"

"During the graphene storm, I acquired several large technology companies and planned to extradite them..."

"The blockade in North America and Europe is so strict, it's hard to handle!"

"It's okay, I have a way to ship it back, but it's troublesome to enter the customs, I'm worried that I will be rumbled..."

"Nonsense again!"

"There is an aircraft carrier, and hundreds of large warships..."


Ge Xiaotian turned on his portable laptop and played the video recorded by Seng Yi in the Sea of ​​Okhotsk.

After watching for a long time, Mr. Yu nodded, "Zheng He's voyage to the West, the higher-ups should agree."

"This is the key point. If I can't enter Qinggang Customs, I'm afraid I'll have to turn around and fight with the North American fleet that is catching up."

"Yo, don't you see that you are quite tough in this regard?"

Ge Xiaotian glanced at the industrial-era style system page, but only had 0.1% battery, "Give me 5% battery, and I can call them daddy!"

Mr. Yu didn't know what this guy was talking about, thought it was 5% of his guts, and raised his cup dumbfounded, "Then see you at the opening ceremony of Jinxiuchuan University Town."

"I wish you success!"

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