Build Madness

Chapter 466 Brother Hao Goes West Offshore Company

For those who hold stocks, the daily limit is definitely the best thing.

But for enterprises, no one can be sure whether the sudden continuous daily limit will bring about a crisis.

For example, a large order is closed to attract followers, and when the number of followers reaches a certain level, the main force will withdraw the large order, set a limit price to sell at the first position, and take out the company's funds.

However, the daily limit of retail investors of Sun Paper...

It's kind of weird.

But paper is very important to Tiancheng, packaging, transportation, office, decoration, advertising, education... It seems that this thing is not very useful, but it is the foundation of the industrial chain, and it must not be messed with.

Ge Xiaotian is not a trader, so he had to ask Director Sun to help keep an eye on it, and raise enough funds to save the market.

After finishing all this, check the time, there are still two hours before the press conference.

Immediately call Brother Hao.

"The He City project has come to an end?"

"All the existing projects have been completed. Next, I plan to dig through Zhuzhaoxin River in Yunxian County and Wanfu River connecting Nansi Lake with Heshi City. It will be integrated with Xingyue Bay in Jishi City and the Grand Canal project. It will also facilitate the laying of shipping in the future. system, and rely on it to transport building materials to the South River.”

"You make up your own mind."

Ge Xiaotian was too lazy to look at the map, but opened the financial statements of Tianhao and Tianlan Group, which had already moved to Nanhe, and glanced at the end, "The book capital is 3.5 billion?"

"The subway has invested 200 million yuan to purchase a batch of equipment and spend it on land..."


Ge Xiaotian nodded, and didn't want to talk any more about it. Regarding the matter of Shen Zhipeng and Wei Changfeng's marching into Nanhe, he said ambiguously:

"This year, you don't need to inject capital into the headquarters for free. You should go all out to expand Nanhe and strive to develop your own style. It is best to become a local representative enterprise of Nanhe."


"How much is Asia in debt?"

"Huh? Boss, are you still paying attention to that side?"

"Erqi Commercial District, a sign of the times, how could I not know about it."

"The old ones won't go, and the new ones won't come. Tiancheng Xingyue Bay has a more advanced concept of online and offline integration." Brother Hao didn't take it seriously, and answered the previous question: "Asia's debt is 980%."

"It's a bit ridiculously high, and it seems like it's going to be unbearable. In this way, you take the opportunity to bring together the dilapidated and scattered businesses in Nanhe to form the Nanhe Chamber of Commerce, or the Tianhao Chamber of Commerce."

"Not entering the Tiancheng Chamber of Commerce?"

"It's impossible to enter. The Tiancheng Chamber of Commerce has a strong regional color of Jishi. It took great effort to build the Dongshan Fifteen City to raise it to the Dongshan level. Even if the Nanhe leader wanted to introduce Tiancheng, he would not agree to the Chamber of Commerce. Therefore, , You find a way to build one yourself to create a Xingyue Bay that belongs to the Tianhao brand image and conforms to the development of Nanhe."


"As the saying goes, it is better to have no books than to believe in books. Don't blindly imitate here. Nanhe and Dongshan are different."


"Come on, don't be overtaken by Shuai Bo, otherwise, you will become the title of the number one general today..."

"Don't worry, boss!" Brother Hao patted his chest, then smiled flatteringly, "Can you lend me some people?"


"Your two protectors, Daoist Master and Grand Master, they are so good at handling affairs and litigating lawsuits, they can be said to survive the dead, the key is that even the opponents believe it!"

"Hey, your tricks are quite vicious!"

Ge Xiaotian cursed with a smile, shook his head, "Don't think about them, I'll arrange a few similar ones for you."

"Thank you boss!"

"Also, when I show up at the press conference, I won't go to Jinxiuchuan to join in the fun in the afternoon, and go directly to Nanhe, what should I do."


Observing his words, Brother Hao was thoughtful, "Nanhe, like Asia, the overlord of the Central Plains, goes bankrupt and will definitely attract companies with ideas and ambitions. Beihe, Shandi, Xishan, Jiangbei..."

"It's good if you understand. By the way, Boss Xishanmei ordered Mi Erliu from me before, but was cut off by Li's richest man in Beijing. Later, he planned to sign a general contracting agreement with us. He spent so much money playing games. It's not good to always refuse. Dongshan has too many things to do, and Nanhe has a strong labor force output capability. I will arrange technology and management for you, and you Tianhao will be responsible for the business connection in this area."

"no problem!"

"We must maintain Tiancheng's image well, and cut corners and materials are not allowed. If Boss Xishanmei dares to go against the law, take him to visit Mount Everest. The team is almost complete."


"Then...boss, how many more people will you lend me?"

"Thought beautiful!"

After driving away brother Hao who still wanted to beg Li Long and Li Hu, Ge Xiaotian met five old handsome blond men in another hidden office.

If Tian Cheng wanted to step into the international market, he had to have a few trump cards no matter what.

Just like an offshore company, Director Sun knows the Cayman Islands, the Virgin Islands, and Xiangjiang, two bright and one dark, three investment groups, and also knows the 20 billion Franklin that was scattered and transferred after the graphene storm.

But he didn't know that Dao Er was still applying for five in the Bahamas, Bermuda, and Samoa, and received funds obtained from Tianwei's secret operations in North America.

For example, the destruction of the killer website, and the bankruptcy of several black forces involved in the old Hong box incident...

The purpose of these offshore groups with huge sums of money is to fuel the flames when certain shell companies go public overseas, or to prepare 'competitors' in advance to compete for overseas projects.

For example, Franklin’s oil and gas pipeline worth 200 billion was open for bidding, and all parts of the world responded positively. Tiancheng bid, and the shell company also bid. Tiancheng could not compete with a certain overseas company. ...

Of course, this is the most despicable method, and Ge Xiaotian doesn't bother to play it.

At present, 18 companies are offshore, and in order to let Lao Wang do a real fight, five of them are about to surface.

They will donate all their funds for investment, so that Xinlongtian Technology will become a "Sino-foreign joint venture" with more background and influence.

There is no way, foreign companies and joint ventures are more popular than local and private companies these days, let alone involving high-tech electronics.

And these five foreigners are overseas entrepreneurs that Nong Qijiu 'wooed' in the Guangzhou area. They each ran back to China and established five offshore companies based on their own connections.

Now he is still loyal to Tian Cheng, or to him, Boss Ge.

"How much money do you currently have available?"

"6 billion!", "8 billion!", "3 billion!", "2 billion!", "1.7 billion!"

20.7 billion Franklin!

Ge Xiaotian closed his eyes and thought.

This amount of money seems to be a lot, but it is far from enough for Intel, Microsoft, Gaotong, Pingguo, ASML, and TSMC.

Of course, the most important thing for technology companies is core technology, scientific research results, and corresponding patents, and funds are only used to 'burn'...

So the question is, to what height should Lao Wang be pushed to attract more overseas funds, and then use them to build houses?

After all, Pharaoh still holds the trump card raised by four companies. In addition, he also has the explosive graphene mass production technology, the world's second optoelectronic computer (the first is in North America), exoskeleton mechanical aids, and polar phase transitions. Constant temperature work clothes, remote control system, Shenlong system that no one can crack...

Ge Xiaotian flipped through two books three fingers thick, 'Longtian's History of Entrepreneurship' and 'Wang Laoliu's Autobiography'.

New Longtian Technology still uses the license of the old Longtian Technology Group that entered the bankruptcy liquidation process, but was stopped by the superior.

It originated in the 1980s, fell into disrepair in the 1990s, rose in the millennium, filed for bankruptcy a year later, and called it quits a month later...

"It's a big deal to let Lao Wang go public, let's talk about it after a while."

"Boss, the press conference is about to begin!"

"Okay, come right away!"

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