Build Madness

Chapter 475

The operation department has its own three-bedroom chairman's office.

"Shower gel or chrysanthemum soap, which one is better to use today?"

"Take your towels and clothes well, and the water temperature is just right."

"Sprinkle water to rub bubbles, today is wonderful...

Ge Xiaotian was humming a ditty, and peeked at Li Xiuxiu who was restless locked in the outer office. Just about to tell a joke, the smart card rang.

The head of the operations department that I met before.


"Boss, the spread of the General Assembly Exercise has caused a huge response overseas."

"very nice!"

" was blocked together with Longtian's press conference."

"As expected, if these news are allowed to spread overseas, those investors who rely on technology stocks for a living will have to jump off buildings in batches. Therefore, we have to give those news media some irresistible benefits..."

"They said no, people have already left."

"Walk at night? The road is not safe. The bad thing happened in the south, and a special zone disappeared. I don't want to cause trouble. In this way, if you are a visitor from afar, send Tianwei to deliver them, and then reimburse them for the round-trip air ticket. "

"You are very kind."

"Leave a good impression, and you can use it next time."

"Is the SG laptop still free?"

"Definitely send it. If you don't send it, where will the news come from? The Ministry of Intelligence is not happy to be the first."


Ge Xiaotian put down his smart card and thought about it carefully. He felt that it didn't matter if he was blocked by overseas media. Technology stocks continued to plummet, and the market certainly couldn't be hidden.

It is estimated that the Science and Technology Alliance is trying to save...

buzz buzz...

Director Sun calls.

"What's wrong?"

"Boss, the win xp trial version has been released. In addition, the LCD display has broken through technical barriers, the chip technology has been improved by 30%, and the Nvidia graphics card has released GeForce FX with a new generation of DX9.0 technology...Compared with previous new products, the overall price has dropped by 45%. Moreover, several mobile phone manufacturers have joined forces to officially announce the release date of a new generation of smartphones, and the concept map is exactly like the smart card we sell now."

"The action is quite fast! I used to squeeze the toothpaste, and it leaked out little by little, but now I just pinch it out." Ge Xiaotian took a towel to dry the water drops, walked out of the bathroom, and found that sister Xiu had run away...

"Then we?"

"The systems, hardware, and operating methods are different, and there is no comparison."

"But I can see that the parameters they disclosed are twice as high as those of the single-chip microcomputers we rely on cheap components to assemble. Adding in elements such as standards, low prices, and market share, I am afraid that the good situation we have finally created will fall short. After all, Tiancheng The only relatively mature market is Dongshan.”

"That's a problem..."

Ge Xiaotian turned on his laptop, logged in to ERP, and checked the inventory of Wanshi, "There are now three million single-chip microcomputers... In this way, Lao Wang has money in his hand. You can ask him to place an order for Wanshi and transfer the funds. Wang Laoba once speculated in the stock market of Wanshi Finance, and stopped on time after a week. The second is to set up a new factory to expand the assembly line, wait for these junk components to be digested, and change to a planned new foundry factory to connect with Longtian and Weihua. "

"Okay!" Director Sun seemed to think of something, "By the way, Boss, Weihua only has the authorization of smart card, but Wanshi Financial Technology Group has a market value of nearly 10 billion, and there are many other industries under its umbrella, ranging from calculators and radios to generation TV sets, washing machines, refrigerators, etc., these businesses?"

"What do you mean by everything?"

"It seems that he wants to keep it, just like the large and small shops that support our Tiancheng Square Science and Technology District, they are all sales channels he has wooed. If they are lost, it will damage the long-term accumulated reputation and personal friendship."

"Well, it is indeed a problem!" Ge Xiaotian thought hard for a moment, his eyes lit up, "Wanshi, Longtian, Weihua... join forces, the former is an OEM, and the latter two integrate R\u0026D and operation, all need flagship stores... In this way, setting up a science and technology commercial building and dividing the science and technology area of ​​Tiancheng Plaza separately will also benefit the future sales of navigators and other electronic products.”

"Great idea!" Director Sun admired and said hesitantly, "However, our Tianke gave Longtian to form another company?"

"It's not necessary. Everything is ready to engage in textiles. Weihua has its own optical cable business, so leave it to King Longtian."


"Also, the transfer of this company to Nanhe Zheng's Mansion is considered a reinforcement for Brother Hao."

"I thought you were planning to march into the Ji Mansion and defeat Shen Zhipeng's friendly army, Sanlian Home Appliances."

"Huh? Sanlian?"

Ge Xiaotian almost spat out the well-known advertising slogan in the early 21st century, "Sanlian and Shen Zhipeng are in the same group?"

"You don't know? A member of the Jifu Chamber of Commerce!"


Ge Xiaotian couldn't help lighting a cigarette, and searching for triples in the stock market, never thinking... "Why not?"


"Triple shares."

"It's not on the market, how could there be?"


Ge Xiaotian was taken aback for a moment, thinking of Jifu Sanlian Real Estate in a trance.

That's right, everyone who does home appliances is doing real estate.

"Not on the market, not on the market... Fuck, I remembered!"

"What?" Director Sun was a little puzzled.

"Nanhe Erqi commercial district is gradually sluggish, and a large number of companies are about to face bankruptcy and delisting. If a certain company wants to go public, they can backdoor!"

"There is Nanhe over there, and Dongshan here, can it work?"

"As long as there is operation." Ge Xiaotian connected to the Nanhe Intelligence Department under Xiaolan's supervision, and inquired about Zheng's "Zheng Baiwen", which is a department store stationery company chained across China.

The work is in place, and the information is there when you check it.

Since last year, the company has less than 600 million effective assets, a loss of more than 1.5 billion, and arrears of bank debts as high as 2.5 billion. Two years ago, this was a department store with annual sales of 6 billion.

It rises fast and falls fast.

According to some fragmentary rumors in memory, the listing of Sanlian should be based on its shell, so many things happened.

Pick the soft persimmons first!

"Just as I said, hand over this technology mall to Brother Hao, and let him discuss it with Lao Wang. Based on the Xingyuewan industrial chain, create a chain-like technology market, quickly dominate Nanhe, and strive to be in Longtian next year. Let's go and swallow Dongshan!"

"Is this equivalent to starting a war with Shen Zhipeng?"

"When the pawn crosses the river, the chariots and guns are adjourned, and their wings are removed, and they are directly 'general'!"

Ge Xiaotian found it very interesting, so he asked Director Sun to call Lao Shen.

It was a bit late, but the other side was still in high spirits.

"Ge, what the hell are you thinking? Hurry up and get rid of the ghost screams behind the safe house, I'm so scared that I'm turning black and white!"

"Old Shen, it's time to think about the future of Jifu Merchant League and Dongshan Jianlian!"


Before waiting for a reply from the other party, Ge Xiaotian walked around the empty bedroom twice and called Sister Xiu...


"Go back to Sancha Township!"

"So fast?"

"My brother is going to be born, and it's all your fault!"

"Huh? Old Li is working hard!"

"You wait for me!"

"excuse me!"

Ge Xiaotian put down his phone awkwardly, and clicked on work arrangements.

In half a month, the second Sancha Cup football match will start, and then he will go to the Sea of ​​Okhotsk to set sail...

During this period, there was basically nothing going on in the company. However, I heard that Mr. Ren Zhongqiang was hospitalized. Thinking of the other time and space Jian Hope Primary School, he passed away not long ago, and maybe his own condition is not very good.

"Go back to my hometown for a few days, rest and rest..."

With the same thought, Ge Xiaotian thought of his lost dog again.

Give Lao Hong a call.

"Did you find it?"

"Boss, Ice Bear sent a search team and found a trace, but it's very strange."

"What's so strange? Was it eaten by wolves?"

"No, judging from the traces, Ah Huang should have encountered a pack of wolves and had a conflict with one of them. The strange thing is that the search team didn't find any new lone wolves within a radius of three hundred miles."

"Maybe the goods have dropped!"


Far away Amur.

Ah Huang wore bone jewelry on his head, a black walking stick in his mouth, smeared with colorful grass sap on his body, sitting cross-legged beside the head wolf, waiting quietly for the very respectful pack of wolves to offer meat one by one...

Then, light the fire, grill...

Seeing this scene, the wolves all stood up, "Wow..."

Ah Huang narrowed her eyes, "Wow!"

The wolves quickly changed their tune, "Wow!"

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