Build Madness

Chapter 477: A Good Man at Home

Speaking of scallion pancakes, I have to mention Baoqiang.

In order to shoot the Thai girl who snatched graphene technology, she learned the production process from the master.

After observing it at the beginning, Ge Xiaotian remembered it in his mind, but now he is familiar with it when he performs it...

Take out the rested dough and weigh it, which is exactly three catties.

Evenly cut into three parts and kneaded into balls, twisted into jizi and rolled into cakes, spread the scallion oil fried before, heat up the pan and fry...


Hoo hoo...

The range hood is running at full speed and crazy...

"Crooked? Big cafeteria?"

"What's the matter, boss?"

"Keep your voice down, and give me three 1-jin scallion pancakes."


"The old house in Gejia Village, by the way, pass it in through the window at the back of the house."


Putting down the smart card, Ge Xiaotian locked the door, opened the window for ventilation, picked up the burnt irregular oval object with chopsticks, and threw it into the trash can.

"Unfortunately, Ah Huang is not here."

As for the life and death of this guy...

If you become like that, you can't have fun when you sneak into Siberia?

Waiting for the neutral position is a bit boring, Ge Xiaotian opens the Pokemon and searches for nearby players...



In the living room.

Three plates of golden-yellow, charred outside and tender inside, master-level scallion pancakes exuding the fragrance of scallion, were placed in front of a dozen old men.

"It's delicious!"

"Boss Ge is very skilled!"

"Just now we seem to have played a big fight. As expected of Boss Ge, we can do whatever we want, and we can play both cooking and games!"

"Ha ha!"

Ge Xiaotian laughed heartily, without blushing, without panting, "Come, come, try them all!"

"very delicious!"

"Look at the shape, it's almost the same as the one made by the pancake maker..."

"Boss Ge is a genius!"

"Haha, come, come, drink and drink!"

The master who walks through the main entrance has already set up the meals. Ge Xiaotian picked up a goblet full of five-star Moutai, choked down a mouthful of peanuts, "Why do you guys have time to come here today?"

"When you are at home, walk around and learn from Boss Ge!"

"Hey, let's not talk about it, seeing Boss Ge, my brain is like a gourd empowerment, it works!"

"What kind of gourd empowerment, sooty empowerment!"

"Boss Ge is still educated!"

"Brothers, we are all on our own, so we can just make fun of it. If we keep bragging, I'm afraid I'll drink too much later, and I'm going to sing a song on the loudspeaker in the village!"

"Haha, your song is popular all over the country. If we are lucky enough to hear the first song, it will be a blessing in eight lifetimes!"


Ge Xiaotian knew in his heart that this group of old men came to make friends with him at home, "Is our factory doing okay recently?"

"Thanks to your great blessing, we will continue to increase value and increase production, and we will be able to make money while working."

"That's good!"

Ge Xiaotian raised his wine glass, "Our Tiancheng is getting stronger and stronger, but I know very well in my heart that the foundation of supporting Tiancheng is our small township enterprises, like Brother Liu's porcelain factory, Brother Li's glove factory, Brother Sun's mask factory, Brother Hu's glass factory... If there are no various things, the main company needs ceramic tiles, glass, production personnel's own safety, medical personnel's protective measures... These expenses add up to each other, and the cost can be chained up! Let's go Up to now, good quality and low price are indispensable to the hard work of the old brothers, and the old brothers who were not present, I would like to offer a toast to everyone!"

After Ge Xiaotian finished speaking, he drank two liang of cups.

The heartfelt words moved more than a dozen gentlemen, and they toasted and drank.

"It's not that I'm arrogant, I can't let go of my identity and go to the old brothers' factories, but I'm busy! I run around, almost never stop, and I only sleep for four or five hours a day... "

"Understood, the family is big and the business is big, and the salary paid every month can be equivalent to a large enterprise. This is Boss Ge!" Porcelain Liu gave a thumbs up, "Toast to you!"

"You're welcome! Let's just sit down and talk, don't think about playing 'circle' for me, a dozen of you have three drinks each, I'm probably going to be hospitalized today."

Ge Xiaotian took a sip of wine, and changed his voice, "Although many old brothers didn't come, but I counted them, we are almost equivalent to representatives from all walks of life. We gathered at my house today, and I will also say something today. Feel free to mention any difficulties, lack of funds or lack of employees, I can also inspect and inspect the achievements of the headquarters' personnel."

"Don't worry, Boss Ge, there's nothing missing..."

The host and guest enjoyed a meal that lasted until four o'clock in the afternoon.

Tianwei cleaned up the kitchen, Ge Xiaotian turned on the TV, Dao Er made tea, Seng Er mopped the floor...

Although the military training parade and the opening ceremony gala were banned overseas, they achieved extremely high ratings in China.

How did the response...

Ge Xiaotian turned on his laptop, and first took a look at the stock market of Mr. Pang Paper. It was still at the daily limit, but Director Sun had no conclusions for the time being.

He never intervenes in things he doesn't understand, so ignore these and log in to the Jinxiuchuan General Forum.

Under the screenshots and GIF animations, the screen is full...

The "Tiancheng Technical Secondary School 2001 Self-Examination Announcement" on the top has a hit rate of over 100 million, replies over 20 million, and the number of applicants as high as 3 million!

This is a terrifying, unbelievable statistic.

think carefully.

From 2000 to 2005 should be the peak period of the Huaxia high school entrance examination. Most of the people who took the exam were born in 1985 to 1990, and then decreased rapidly.

In addition, junior high school is compulsory education, and there are as many as 70 million students in school. Last year, 20 million people took the high school entrance examination, and this year it may exceed 25 million.

Moreover, the senior high school entrance examination is different from the college entrance examination. There is no national test, no provincial test, and the city is the unit, and some places are even school-based. The household registration control is not so strict. Cross-regional high school entrance examinations and even inter-regional school transfers are common phenomena.

Therefore, this data is normal again.

It's a pity that Tian Cheng doesn't want so many directional trainees.

In addition, the original intention of establishing a technical secondary school was to recruit mischievous and left-behind children, so many people signed up for the exam...

Do you want to admit the worst students?

That's a good idea...

The mighty gathering of millions of people in Jinxiuchuan can also drive the regional economy.

But in this way, it is somewhat unfair to good students.

Engage in chain secondary schools?

Under the industrial chain, each city arranges one, and notes that except for the main campus, the rest of the branch campuses do not belong to targeted training...

Or, continue to build Jinxiuchuan, expand the cluster of colleges, gradually spread to the northern foot of Dongyue, and form a characteristic education circle?

After careful consideration, Ge Xiaotian felt that the latter brought more benefits.

One is to facilitate management and centralized teaching.

The second is that it is convenient to obtain land. In the future, Jinxiuchuan can be built into a real 'city' according to its own plan.

The third is that there are few things, each city also has its own technical secondary school, Tian Cheng ran over, isn't this malicious competition.

Fourth, when the comprehensive sports center under planning is completed, Jinxiuchuan University City will be at the forefront of Huaxia Education Base. With such a good supporting facility, there are only 30,000 to 40,000 teachers and students in three colleges, which is a bit wasteful.

After all, many big cities don't have sports centers...

The last one is...

Time and space are different, it is too late to apply for the 2004 Olympics, but we can add some chips to the 2008 Olympics to see if we can get a sub-venue...

Thinking of this, Ge Xiaotian thought of the 21 wonders of Dongshan Fifteen Cities that still hadn't revealed their true faces.

Not in a hurry.

When will the community commercial street enter a period of indifference, and when will the fire be added.

To do business, you have to keep flowing.

"By the way, boss!" Seng Er finished mopping the floor and patted his forehead, "I suddenly remembered that Nong Yi said that the self-examination you signed up for will be opened nationwide on October 3 this year."

"How much longer?"

"17 days!"

"Oh, it's too late, what subject did he enroll me in?"

"Criminal Psychology."


"No, it's construction engineering technology, 16 departments, and four of them are reported."

"Fortunately, I'm going to retreat at the headquarters for a few days!"

"Boss, Nongyi also signed up for the self-examination book for you."

"Huh? Can we take the exam together?"

"There is no rule! As long as you get the self-examination diploma in advance, you can become an undergraduate after completing the self-examination."

"What profession is this?"

"Civil engineering, 14 subjects, this time also reported four."

"Fortunately, it's not too difficult...wait!" Ge Xiaotian's expression froze, and he quickly opened the system page, but the alarm screen was still stuck.

Fuck, what is my old job, Chinese is easy to speak, and there is no plug-in for mathematics and foreign languages...

He can totally imagine:

"Ge Baiyi took the self-examination with great ambition, and passed all eight subjects!" '

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