Build Madness

Chapter 483: Old Shen Comes Out Tiancheng's Second Brand

September 25th.

Canal CBD, safe place.

"You surnamed Ge, you are not a joke!"

Shen Zhipeng took his belongings from the security officer, feeling aggrieved, he took the initiative to call someone, then hung up viciously before the other party responded, and walked out of the detention center with his head held high...


Well, actually he was released three days ago.

It's just that at that time, he couldn't bear the anger of the person who was hiding behind the house in the middle of the night and telling ghost stories, so he ran over in a hurry, saw an old man repairing bicycles, kicked him...

However, in mid-air, the man in black jumped out from nowhere and pinned him down with his bare hands...

That fat beating!

Another three days!

I was beaten!

Afterwards, Shen Zhipeng found out that the old man who claimed to be deaf was actually the father of Gao Song, the chairman of Tianyu.

And the man in black is naturally Gao Song...

What the hell, sitting on the board of directors, but Dad hides behind the house in the middle of the night repairing bicycles?

What a fool!

This time, Lao Shen completely hated Lao Ge.


Walking out of the gate and standing at the intersection of cars and people, Lao Shen took a look at the black-themed LT store, then at the red-themed HW store next to him, looked around the streets with Chinese red flags, and the brand-new Tiancheng Square...

The Huipu specialty store is gone, the Lianxiang specialty store is gone, and the Suoni specialty store is gone. Even China's Qixi Great Wall has all changed their icons. It's no longer Inter, but Shenlong Generation?

"Why have you been in for half a month, and the world has changed?"

Old Shen quickly took out his smart card and contacted his wife and children...

Fortunately, nothing major.

Suddenly, a beautiful woman walked in the distance...

Uniforms, black silk, small high heels...

Crackling, brisk steps.

Shen Zhipeng retreated subconsciously to the safehouse, "I'll tell you Qi Feifei, I won't fall for Ge Lao Er's tricks again. Is it for fear of obscenity or a strong sword this time? I won't be fooled!"

Qi Feifei was very surprised, "You're so crazy, is my old lady going to the underground parking lot to block your eyes?"


After a long time, when Qi Feifei walked away and no one was on the side of the road, Shen Zhipeng went to the safe house again.

"It's so pungent, I don't know how Ge Lao Er surrendered!"

Talking to himself, Shen Zhipeng looked around for a while, and decided to visit Tiancheng Square.

LT store

Black baseplate with white logo.

The simplicity reveals the high-end, and the high-end is full of technology.

Shen Zhipeng savored it for a long time, and Shi Shiran walked into the store.

"Hi sir, do you want to buy a product or experience a new machine?"



"By the way, what is this X-shaped bucket?"

"It's the new SG Standard Edition."

"What about the H-shaped bucket?"

"SG Pro."

"One 3888, one 6888, what's the difference?"

"The former is suitable for home use, the latter is suitable for work, and the processor is different."

"Oh~~ Where's the E-type?"

"The server, or the customized version, you can choose the corresponding function according to your needs, and it will arrive within an hour."

"What graphics card do you use? How about playing games?"

"Using the 3X professional graphics card with the highest video memory and the best performance in the current game industry." The waiter clicked the gossip shift button, removed the standby animation, and opened the Shenlong Continent cultivation online game.

The sound effect like a small river, the smooth and silky picture quality, the free and easy operation, stepping and stepping... very immersive game characters.

"It's really exciting, spicy chicken Tianyu, I will never play legends again!"

Shen Zhipeng sighed, "I bought it, I bought it, ten first."

"I'm sorry sir, you need to make an appointment. If you place an order now, you will be in the 230,000th place, and the goods will arrive during New Year's Day."

"It's so slow...then I'll sell this one!"

"This is a prototype."

"Is it worth ten thousand?"

"Sell!" Before the clerk could answer, the store manager spoke first.

"Okay, pack it, my car is in the underground parking lot."

"Sir, please show your smart card or Shenlong account."

"Huh? I can understand by showing the smart card, but why do you need a Shenlong account?"

"This is the Dragon Continent. It is the same series as the Legend of the Dragon. When you buy a machine, you can get the fashion with the same points."

"This is the Dragon Continent?" Shen Zhipeng ignored points and fashions, and suddenly remembered the 3D comprehension game promoted by Gao Goulegzi in the opening ceremony of Sand Attack...

"Don't buy it!"

"Okay sir, thank you for coming! By the way, sir, a friendly reminder, currently only SG series machines can play the Dragon Legend national server."

"I will never play Tianyu's game again in my life!"

"wish you a happy life!"

Shen Zhipeng walked out of the LT store angrily, and stepped into the HW store...

Not long after, he walked out angrily again, and went straight to Qixi Great Wall...

And then……

Lao Shen found a roadside bench, held a smart card, called out the elf full of resentment, recharged 688, evolved to the highest level, searched for passers-by, and beat him up...



In the depths of Daqing Mountain.

The headquarters of Tiancheng.

After the establishment of the aerospace department, more than 500 scientific and technological talents settled in, and now a living area has been formed here.

However, due to the extensive use of underground buildings, only two or three single-family villas used to conceal the exit can be seen on the surface. If you don't observe carefully, the whole looks like Ge Baiyi's luxurious compound.

Well, the outside world is so crazy.

In the past few days since he came to the station, Ge Xiaotian summoned 600 monks one after another.

Although the system page is stuck, the building functions still exist, including the town center.

Six hundred monks may seem like a lot, but it includes three hundred masters whose summoning order is 2, 4, 6, 8... cannot be avoided.

My own lawyer team is already very good, and if I expand it again... do I want to talk about it all over the world?

There are not so many people in programmable logic.

Ge Xiaotian thought about it, and assigned all of them to Director Sun to see if he could learn how to trade stocks in finance.

The remaining 300 Taoists are grouped according to the new brand real estate:

Sweeping robot, 360-degree infrared sensor monitoring, intelligent audio adjustment, fully automatic central air-conditioning, daylight lighting system, light-sensitive curtain system...

As well as the constant temperature room building materials, microelectronics technology and so on required by the third brand.

(The first brand is Xingyuewan, the second brand is Smart Home, the third brand is constant temperature room, the fourth is xxx...)

There are dozens of products and hundreds of technologies.

Since Daoyi and the others are in charge of promoting Longtian technology, three hundred masters have to complete the project independently.

First select each skill from the SG database, upgrade independently with the help of the system university, then receive their respective tasks and arrange the built underground research room.

R\u0026D + production + listing is a very slow process.

But with the support of Longtian, Wanshi, and Weihua, it is not that difficult to occasionally ask the Nine Institutes for some new technology.

In fact, the second brand has been in preparation for more than half a year.

In the past, eight gardens were set up in the canal CBD, with plum, orchid, bamboo and chrysanthemum, pen, ink, paper and inkstone.

Two-thirds of the plum, orchid, bamboo and chrysanthemum were sold to Teddy. There is no oil cake in the kennel. When the 21st community in Dongshan 15th City opened, I couldn't help being excited when I saw the house price soaring. The average price of the package was sold along with the series of promotional activities.

This made Ge Xiaotian couldn't help but sigh "I can't move it".

Even though Tiancheng is controlling the housing prices of its properties, the economy is growing rapidly and the surrounding supporting facilities are constantly being improved. With the general trend and the influence of many factors, it will not be a problem for the housing prices in Canal CBD to exceed 5,000 in the future.

Selling it for two thousand and eight is equal to half the profit!

However, Teddy needs funds to build roads. Although his godmother is in Dongshan Bank, due to the influence of previous loan records, and Nanhe Asia’s 980% debt ratio was exposed, he cannot get new loans for the time being.

Sell ​​it and sell it.

The rest of the pen, ink, paper and inkstone were handed over to the second uncle Ge Shunfeng, who had never shown up, for fine decoration.

The second brand is first launched, so it must be different from others.

In addition to the quality and effect of hard decoration, soft decoration should also be considered.

Naturally, there is no need to say much about furniture and home appliances, all of which are brand products that the company has been building.

In terms of experience, it is like the structure of the smart card that the outside world evaluates. It integrates the control chips of household appliances such as lighting, network, washing machine, water heater, TV, air conditioner, range hood, etc. into the smart card, and a mobile ' Intelligent robot' can achieve the effect of hand control and remote control.

For example, if you want to take a shower on the way home, turn on the water heater in advance, and you can take a shower when you get home.

For example, if you forget to close the windows on a business trip, you can turn on the smart card with one click and you will be free from worries.

For example, I am a little scared on a stormy night, and the intelligent robot guards Xiaogongju...

It's a bit sci-fi, but relying on the foundation of Longtian technology, it has been able to do this.

The only complicated thing is the electrical system, which needs to be 100% safe.

Didi Didi...

While discussing ideas with the priests, Ge Xiaotian picked up the smart card that kept ringing.

Shen Zhipeng?

"You surnamed Ge, you are not a joke!"

beep beep...

Hey old guy!

Ge Xiaotian turned his eyes and signaled Dao San, who was promoted to the first secretary, "Contact Shen Zhipeng's son Shen Wen, I want to treat him to dinner."

"Boss, if you do this, you will cause misunderstanding. I am worried that Shen Zhipeng will repay you."


The old-for-new trade-in in the previous chapter didn’t make it clear, 10,000 to 1 means that a computer worth 10,000 is exchanged for an SG based on the value of the existing hardware.

The old computer is of no use to the protagonist, and needs to be refurbished, the system reinstalled, and then shipped to foreign countries for sale. It is better to make a SG to earn more.

The significance of recycling old computers is to eliminate win's market share in China as soon as possible.

As for whether someone will change it, new electronic products are released every year, the price drops rapidly, the configuration doubles, the SG performance is excellent, and it is obvious to play games and listen to music. Switch to SG, and SG is not compatible with Win. Domestic software vendors and game vendors of Win system can’t make money. They must consider developing SG format. At that time, the support of Win’s domestic software will decline, and Win users can’t find new resources and can’t play. For new games, we will also consider replacing SG.

In fact, the protagonist is taking the route of Pingguo in reality, but does not use the Intel processor.

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