Build Madness

Chapter 490: Sun Pool No. 1

To build a solar power plant, it is necessary to consider the ways in which solar energy is converted into electricity, one is photovoltaic power generation, and the other is thermal power generation.

Photovoltaic power generation system, also known as photovoltaic power generation system, uses solar cells, batteries, controllers, inverters, AC power distribution cabinets, sun tracking control systems, etc. to form a photovoltaic square array.

The advantages are high reliability, long service life, no pollution to the environment, and each module can operate independently.

The disadvantage is that the power mediation is complicated, it is a flat light source, the density is small, and the regional distribution is affected by the weather. The maximum daily ground power generation is 1kw/square meter.

In addition, the manufacture of solar devices requires polysilicon, and according to past practice, Huaxia needs to import it.

But recently, there has been a bit of a stalemate with the North American Science and Technology Alliance. In order to limit the development of China's technology, there is a 30% tariff on the export of polysilicon, and the material suppliers will definitely not sell it.

Fortunately, Tiancheng has graphene, which is a bit expensive, but combined with the newly refined perovskite in the scientific research laboratory, it can increase the solar energy conversion rate of traditional crystalline silicon photovoltaic panels from 5% to 19%, and quickly It can reach 25%. (27% after twenty years in parallel time and space)

Like wind power generation, this will be Tiancheng's main power supply method in the future.

However, similar to the problem encountered by SG, the production capacity is insufficient, and the business needs to be distributed to Longtian and Wanshi after the return of the extradited three electronics companies before they can be laid on a large scale.

According to the plan, the Canal CBD will build an area of ​​2,000 mu, about 1.33 million square meters, with a total of 1,500 installations and an investment of about 1 billion, covering the solar photovoltaic system of the canal industrial buildings.

Since the graphene photovoltaic material improves the conversion rate of solar energy, it can provide 1.5kw of electricity per square meter per day, a total of about 2 million kw, which is 730 million kwh of electricity a year.

It can meet the electricity demand of Canal CBD, Tiancheng Plaza, Financial Street, and Science and Technology Park.

It is estimated that the cost will be paid back in three years, and it will be profitable in the fourth year.

According to Ge Xiaotian's idea that there are always troublesome people who want to harm me, the higher-ups will definitely not agree.

But unexpectedly, not only Wei Mian's electrolytic aluminum power plant was approved, but the Longtian solar project also received a three-year high-tech subsidy of 300 million yuan...

After that, Ge Xiaotian looked at the total electricity consumption in China, and found: 1.8 trillion, and 90% of thermal power plants are at a loss...

Compared with this, what is the electricity of 730 million?

However, the purpose of building a power plant is to charge the town center. Now that photovoltaic power generation takes time, and going to sea is imminent, another power generation method needs to be considered.

That is, solar power and thermal power generation.

There are many types of thermal power generation.

The earliest generation of trough power generation is to use single-axis trough solar tracking lighting panels, use parabolic mirrors to heat the internal heat transfer fluid, and drive steam turbine generators to generate electricity. The structure is roughly similar to old-fashioned solar water heaters.

Later, people invented butterfly power generation and tower power generation. Most of the principles used were steam generators driving turbine generators to generate electricity.

Later, people turned their attention to the oldest solar pool.

It is a solar concentrating project in which salt is added to the water in the pool to suppress convection. It can also be used as a solar collector and a heat storage device to drive a steam turbine to generate electricity. It has a simple structure and is easy to operate. It is not only conducive to large-scale development, but also It can be used in hot water, heating, and air-conditioning systems, as well as projects such as grain drying, papermaking, salt making, and seawater desalination, and can even be used in remote rural areas. It is very convenient to use.

However, because the principle used is heat storage, solar ponds can only be built in areas with poor soil and no mineral deposits to avoid water pollution and heat loss.

However, it does not require high light intensity. With the improvement of technology, it can still work even at night and in rainy and snowy days.

The last one is Stirling power generation.

A reflection system composed of many mirrors is used to focus on a certain point, and guide the heat source of 600 to 2000 degrees near the Stirling engine to drive the generator to generate electricity. The heat conversion rate is high, the noise is low, and it is very environmentally friendly, but the technology Patents in North America...

After careful consideration, Ge Xiaotian decided to develop the solar pool with the help of infrastructure advantages.

This project is experimental in nature.

Wait until the town center is charged to a safe state of 5% of the total electricity, and then dismantle it and build a wind power station or photovoltaic solar energy.

Why do you say experiment?

Since the solar pool is suitable for barren areas, Ge Xiaotian intends to use it to enter the Northwest and make money in Africa.

After all, only with electricity can we engage in production and infrastructure.

After several days of construction, Sun Pool No. 1 has been completed and put into operation.

Relying on the Grand Canal being managed, dig a tributary channel, cut off the flow and build embankments, and encircle the small lake.

Then stratify the lake water, from top to bottom: low-concentration brine, non-tropical layer, high-concentration hot brine.

A large steam turbine is placed behind the dam, and two underground passages leading to the bottom of the small lake to connect with high-concentration hot brine are dug underground. One is the water outlet and the other is the water inlet. The heat exchange evaporator is used to drive the top large steam turbine to generate electricity.

The general principle is equivalent to making an old-fashioned solar water heater into an infrastructure project, with almost no technical content, mainly in the monitoring of the temperature of the lake and the control of the water flow.

If there is a piece of Dead Sea around, Ge Xiaotian can rely on system architecture to turn it into the world's largest solar pool power plant...

Because it is an experiment, Sun Pool No. 1 is small in scale and covers an area of ​​100 mu. It only uses a 10MW (10,000 kilowatts) unit with 10,000 kilowatt-hours of electricity per hour. The steamer is similar to a locomotive, and the whole building is like a small villa.

Ge Xiaotian walked around the embankment, talked with the project leader, and communicated with the project leader until the evening on the power project in a barren and water-scarce environment.

At the end, think carefully, "You should go to Africa too!"


Although Tian Cheng still had a long way to go before he went overseas, if he wanted to follow his superiors to make a lot of money, or get a project from them, he had to prepare in advance.

Relying on the funds from selling slippers and electronic products, first set up an intelligence department, then build a power plant, build a factory, collect materials, wait for the main force to arrive, everything is ok, and work can start on the spot, which also reflects the speed of Tiancheng's construction.

The point is, during this period, you can buy gold and develop the Northwest...

Just the safety aspect...

"Later, I will discuss with Holden that I will send you a Tianwei from North America. As for the equipment and so on, I will go to Ice Bear in a while, and chat with the governor by the way, and see if I can get you a batch of ga Lala and Rumble... However, if we equip armor and swords, bows and horses, we can almost protect ourselves. There is no need to play so advanced. Anyway, after the past, don't fight everywhere, just guard the factory... ..."

"Do I dare?"

"By the way, take the idle No. 2 town center, disguise it as a sedan chair, and charter a flight there. When you get there, the entire base will be pushed out. If you meet someone who is not good at it, you will push out the Zhuge Liannu and artillery clusters. This is your main business. .”

"I forgot if you didn't tell me..."


God forgot, if I think about this all day long, can I still live?

Ge Xiaotian contacted Gao Song.

"Have you packed it yet?"


"Then I'll send Tianwei to take you to the airport!"


Afterwards, Ge Xiaotian contacted Horton in North America, and first recruited 1,000 novices for the other party, and then transferred 1,000 Tianwei from North America to Africa who had seen blood and had already been promoted to lv2.

There are quite a lot of people going to Africa this time, they can be regarded as Tian Cheng's old team in the African construction company.

As for who will take the lead...

Let's see Takamatsu's performance.

After one hour.

The offshore company sent an invitation letter to deal with special matters, so Ge ​​Xiaotian directly approached the leader of Shaobaidou Da.

never thought...

"Where are you going?"

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