Build Madness

Chapter 495

All the netizens who witnessed the video of the fleet cluster in the Sea of ​​Okhotsk were all shocked by the huge size of the treasure ship.

Nine masts and twelve sails are densely packed, covering the sky and the sun.

Huge number, dense clouds and fog, can't see the edge at a glance.

At first glance, it seems to have traveled through the millennium.

Take a closer look, it's like seeing in a dream...

"How is it possible to build so many wooden ships?"


"It's probably a CG animation..."

"Fuck, zoom in on the screen shot, there's someone on it!"

"A lot of sailors!"


"This is real?"

"Fuck, what a prodigal, isn't it?"

"I heard that it took more than ten years to build a sea ship in ancient times. Can they sail across the ocean?"

"I can already imagine Ge Erdan's expedition to North America, and the picture of being swallowed by waves halfway..."

Numerous guesses popped up one after another, and the total number of people online on SG series-related forums exceeded one million!

Ge Xiaotian chuckled, it is estimated that many people will be so stimulated that they cannot sleep tonight...


That night.

On the west side of Jishi Garden Area, Shunhe 4S shop.

After leaving Canal CBD, Shen Zhipeng thought a lot.

In front of many employees, Wang Laoliu yelled at Ge Xiaotian, repeated the ill-treatment over and over again, and couldn't eat enough...

Judging from his expression, it doesn't seem like a fake, it shows that the relationship between the other party and Tian Cheng is not harmonious.

And judging from the news that has been heated up recently, there are indeed many grievances between the two sides.

Therefore, if Tiancheng can do smart home, the Jifu Chamber of Commerce can also follow suit.

And... what the other party got was outdated and iterative products, while what the company got was the latest research and development.

Although the price is a little bit expensive, you can always get a huge advantage by going ahead.

Because of this, Shen Zhipeng did not return to the Jifu immediately, but mobilized people to prepare for the garden area.

In the second half of the millennium, prices rose, land rose, and house prices rose.

If he hadn't signed a series of agreements with Jishi to set the dates for construction start, completion, house delivery, acceptance, etc., he would definitely leave the land idle, wait for a substantial appreciation in value, and then resell it.

Unfortunately, in black and white, regulations are regulations and cannot be violated easily.

It's just that the headache for Shen Zhipeng is that there is not enough manpower!

There are indeed a lot of laid-off workers in the past few years, but as long as they don't go to a dead end, even if they run out to pick up junk in the middle of the night, not many workers are willing to come to the construction site to work as coolies.

And Jishi is Tiancheng's stronghold, and it is even harder to recruit people.

Shen Zhipeng looked at the planning map of the garden area for a long time, and suddenly remembered a group.

Shangpin International!

A fruit seller?


It is a large group integrating real estate development, engineering construction, bridges and roads.

Look through the opponent's information.

The registered capital is one billion red notes, eight enterprise patents, and the total value of machinery is two hundred million.

Current employees...

"What the hell, why are there so many people? Sixteen thousand?"

Ge Laoer has taken on so many projects, and the headquarter has only 50,000 people.

Chen Feng only had two real estate properties, how did he get 16,000?

Shen Zhipeng couldn't calm down anymore, and called his secretary, "Is this information fake?"

"Back to the boss..."

Well, Shen Zhipeng handed over the position of chairman to Shen Wen, and the position of general manager to Zhong Xiaoxiao, and imitated Ge Laoer to hang the word "boss".

Not to mention, compared with the first two, at first glance, the grade and size are indeed improved a lot...

"Back to the boss, Chen Feng started farming, trade and fishery products across the bank, and the staff composition under his banner is very mixed."

"Tell me."

"In the past, all the construction workers went to raise crayfish. Later, he recruited many villagers from various places in Dongshan to become regular workers, and was responsible for purchasing the agricultural products collected by Tianmao's Limin Activity Center at a price difference. He was against Tiancheng."

Shen Zhipeng shook his head and sighed, "He is also a miserable person. Such a big company was crushed by Tiancheng, but he pretended to be glamorous and struggled to survive in the cracks."

"Boss, what do you mean?"

"Because of Qin Ming, Chen Feng and I had some feuds."

Shen Zhipeng lit a cigarette, and some memories appeared in his mind.

More than ten years ago, Qin Ming was released from prison, returned to his hometown, and pulled up an engineering team. It took less than three years, and it was very impressive. He was worried that the matter of robbing Zhong Xiaoxiao in the south would be exposed, so he planned to arrange something to make Qin Ming work again. send it in.

At that time, Chen Feng's wife and children were knocked into the ditch by Wei Changfeng's eldest son. The latter, out of guilt, secretly supported Shangpin Construction Engineering.

Chen Feng heard about Qin Ming's engineering team from nowhere, and planned to take Qin Ming under his command.

At that time, Wei Changfeng's father was a powerful figure in the south of the Yangtze River, and his old Shen family was just an executive of a government company, so the matter with Qin Ming was nothing.

However, in the past few years, Wei Changfeng's eldest son died in a car accident, and Chen Feng lost the secret support of the Wei family.

Coincidentally, Dongshan Jianlian broke away from the government-owned enterprise, and the old Shen family no longer had any scruples, and soon started an open and secret battle with Shangpin Construction Engineering, and chopped off the Chen Feng Road and Bridge Project, which also gave Dataai Road and Bridge a chance to rise.

It's a pity that just when Shangpin Construction and Laoqin branch were about to be eliminated in one fell swoop, the real estate market suddenly changed dramatically, and a large number of developers went bankrupt...

Until Tian Cheng appeared...

"There are no eternal friends, and there are no eternal enemies. There are only eternal interests. In front of interests, the enemy of an enemy is a friend. Help me make an appointment with Chen Feng and prepare a small gift by the way."

The secretary picked up the phone to contact Shangpin Construction Engineering, and quickly replied: "Boss, Mr. Chen said, just call if you have anything to do. The satellite phone number is..."

"satellite telephone?"

Shen Zhipeng was startled suddenly, and looked at the customized smart card in his hand, "As expected of Tiancheng's old opponent, you can imagine this, go, prepare one for me too."


The secretary hurried out of the Dongshan Jianlian office in the garden area, and went straight to the Parkway building opposite.

The ordinary mobile phone industry is depressed, leaving only the office of a satellite communication company.

Look at the name, Gegeda?

Probably a North American brand.

"Which satellite has the highest signal strength?"

"This one! Although it does not support dedicated communication satellites, there are three of them above our heads. Even in the building, as long as they are not too far from the windows..."

"Okay, that's it, how much?"

"Sixteen thousand!"

"can it be cheaper?"

"Others, I'll give you a 20% discount, but this one is not negotiable."

"Okay, let's get a card by the way..."

The secretary paid the money with one hand, took the goods with the other hand, loaded the mobile phone, charger, and outdoor antenna with the word "GLONASS", and trotted back...

Shen Zhipeng realized it later, and while switching the address book from the smart card, he said regretfully: "Yige's second son must have listened to my call... That's right! Wei Changfeng's plan to march into Nanhe and storm the Tianhao Group, I'm afraid exposed!"

After finishing speaking, dial Wei Changfeng's landline number...


In the depths of Daqing Mountain, Tiancheng Aerospace Center.

The computer screens of hundreds of real stone light machines flickered, and one of them popped up a prompt.

The operator clicked quickly:

"Crooked? Old Wei, it's me, Old Shen, the plan has changed, this, this, and this..."

Immediately, not long.

Prompt again.

"Crooked, Mr. Chen, I'm Old Shen..."


Southern Pacific.

The sea is calm and the sea is rippling.

Three large cruise ships under the Qinggang Ocean Group are heading to Australia...

On one of the decks, umbrellas, fishing rods, fashionable old men...

"Hey, tsk tsk, what kind of wind is blowing today, and it has blown the phone number of the eldest son of the Shen family to me!"

"Old Chen, as far as past grievances are concerned, I will accompany you..."

"Let's talk about something, don't talk so much useless."

"I want to buy your Shangpin Construction Works, how about it?"


It is almost useless to keep Shangpin Construction Engineering, and it is impossible to beat Tiancheng. Besides, he is now the general manager of public relations of Tianxiu Group.

Chen Feng put down his fishing rod, waved his hands, and motioned for military advisor Chen Ergou and personnel officer Zhang Fugui who were sitting next to him to come up and turn on the speakerphone...


Canal CBD, Tiancheng office.

"Boss, Wei Changfeng's plan to enter Nanhe has become..."

"Well, let Tianrong distribute another 5 billion to Brother Hao. It can be regarded as an investment with the funds of the one-card users. Let Dongshan Bank sign it. This time there will be a bonus."

"Okay!" Dao San quickly wrote it down, "Also, Shen Zhipeng contacted Chen Feng. The two of them discussed for a long time about Dongshan Jianlian's acquisition of commodity construction workers. The personnel are ready..."


Ge Xiaotian was slightly astonished, "So, our people went to work for Lao Shen?"

"That's right. In addition, after selling Shangpin Construction Engineering, Chen Feng was short of people, so Zhang Fugui asked Zhang Fugui to pull another batch from his 'hometown'..."

Ge Xiaotian was stunned again, "Chen Feng, this old fellow started a second-hand businessman again... No, he was originally a second-hand businessman, this is starting a brokerage business again!"

"Then we?"

"The rich 'hometown' never lacks people..."

After Ge Xiaotian finished speaking, he tasted it carefully, and was amazed, "Hey, don't even mention it, the name Fugui...has a future!"

I'm sorry, I'm too busy today, so I'll make up a missing chapter tomorrow.

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