Build Madness

Chapter 503 The Creepy Old Shen

Yu always has a headache.

Take a look at the renderings of the Great Wall of Qi, look at the cost per kilometer, and look at Ge Laoer, who is rolling his eyes.

After getting along for so long, plus what he has seen and heard for a long time, he still doesn't know that this guy is going to kill him.

Immediately put down the teacup, stood up, "No more repairs!"

"Why not fix it?" Ge Xiaotian felt bad when he saw the quotation.

In the past, relying on a projector and a broken mouth, the old routine of quickly getting the project at a low price, and then finding ways to get money from other places, changing the way to show that you are losing money, and paying for it yourself, in exchange for subsidizing the boring money, is obviously not applicable' See through him' Yu Zong and less gray-headed.

Today, he planned to go to the hard-core school, stunned by his solid historical knowledge, no matter how priceless he is, he asked for a lot of money... and made a lot of money.

never thought...

The beginning is so revealing!

"I don't want to fix it anymore, I have a headache, go back to sleep! By the way, where do I live? Jinxiuchuan is considered perfect, why doesn't it even have a hotel?"

Heh, I can't kill you, and I can't kill your subordinates?

Ge Xiaotian saw that Lao Yu was vigilant, and he no longer insisted on the Qi Great Wall project, "Don't worry about the hotel, the leader, you will stay opposite tonight, in the office suite, and try the experience first. a compound."

"That's unnecessary!"

"It's okay, you're welcome, donate!"

"How did I hear that you donated a Jinxiuchuan compound to the Jinxiuchuan working group in my name?"

"In such a big community, with so many leaders, there must be a centralized office, right?"

"Then you don't want to think about the Jifu compound in the future!"

"I know, I know, the way of balance, your old man's strategy, prevents the Jifu from falling to Tiancheng, and the industry of the Jifu's business alliance collapses instantly, causing hundreds of thousands of people to lose their jobs."

"I don't know what it means to see through but not tell through?"

"What's the matter, anyway, the old Shen Qiu is a grasshopper, and he won't be able to jump until next winter!"

"What? Still preparing for the big fall counterattack?"

"Lao Shen's 1-way user has exceeded 20 million, and he has accumulated funds as high as 30 billion. Otherwise, how can he get so much money to expand the commercial street, expand the Ginza shopping mall, expand the Ginza restaurant, build comprehensive apartments, and then reach a cooperation with Longtian? "

"How many users of your smart card?"

"Excluding the game players, it's less than two million."

"Are you planning to... use your own way to deal with this person? Create a one-way crisis for the Jifu Chamber of Commerce?"

"I'm not that bad!"

"It seems that your plan is even worse!"

"Look at what you said, it's like my Ge Xiaotian is full of bad water!"

"Forgive others and forgive others. Chen Feng handled this matter well. You can press Wei Changfeng to fight. Even if you attack Jiangnan, I can't control it. I will even support you. But in Dongshan, you need to keep an opponent to avoid a family. dominance."


"rest early."

"Go slowly!"

The big secret guards are on the opposite side, Ge Xiaotian will return after sending the general manager out of the office, and call Dao San:

"How did you fill in the quotation?"

"I'm afraid you are busy with work and can't remember."

"You are not a business material!"

"Yeah, I am good at fighting wars, spying on military intelligence, researching chemistry, and making weapons!"

"You can pull it down!"

Ge Xiaotian picked up his teacup, walked to the floor-to-ceiling windows to look at the teachers and students who were tinkering with the bus, and carefully figured out Mr. Yu's real reason for coming.

The matter of Yu Yao is just a chat starter.

Dongshan Fifteen Cities is operating well, and it is imperative to integrate the transportation network.

Don't worry about building the Great Wall, there will be plenty of opportunities in the future.

The rest is...

Leave a way for old Shen to survive.

In other words, it is okay to kill Lao Shen, but it is necessary to cultivate a competitor to avoid dominance by one family.

This matter will be the same in the future, one is anti-monopoly, and the other is to avoid loss of control.

Go to Shen Liuchen!

After thinking about it, Ge Xiaotian had a decision in his heart. In order to avoid nights and dreams, he looked at Dao San:

"How much money is there in the Tiancheng Department?"

"Shuai Bo took away 2 billion, and before selling the smart home pen, ink, paper and inkstone, there were only 1.5 billion left."

"Repayed the 1.3 billion loan, and also helped me meet with the leaders of various banks, and said that Tiancheng is going to borrow 50 billion, and see how much each of them can pay."

"Uh... Can you approve?"

"Mortgage all Xingyuewan shopping malls, Tiancheng Plaza, and local branches."

"Your first loss can catch up with the top three richest men."

"This is strength!"

"But we're going to be on vacation soon, what are we going to use the loan for so much money?"

"Pay wages! Idiot!"


"The most important thing is that it is now October, and the loan quotas of all banks have almost been completed. As long as we don't urge us, the 50 billion loans will most likely be delayed until next year. At that time, we will start a decisive battle with Lao Shen. If there is a problem with Shen Yitong's funds, he will definitely need a loan. We and our holding companies will try to reduce the loan amount of various banks in Dongshan as much as possible. Where will he borrow money in a short time?"

In the future, it is almost impossible to short-loan the amount of bank loans.

But this is the millennium. Three of the four major banks have not been listed. Last year, they shared trillions of bad assets. Loans, business unit loans...

Only in Dongshan, taking ICBC as an example, last year’s corporate loan quota was only 15 billion.

Now Tiancheng, whose debt ratio is almost zero, wants a high loan. All the banks will definitely be willing to search and search in advance, so that Teddy's godmother can keep an eye on it. When the time comes, Old Shen...

"No, Daozan, you'd better arrange a few people to keep an eye on it, so that this guy doesn't jump off a building in despair, or hang himself! I borrowed so much money to receive his assets."


"By the way, what are the exams tomorrow and the day after tomorrow?"

"Ma Si, Huaxia History, boss, you have already got your diploma, why don't you go?"

"The school leaders want to come to Tiancheng to work, and they must avoid suspicion when they jointly recommend these things. Besides, Ma Si and Huaxia History, which are undergraduates in tomorrow's junior college, are my strengths, and they will get full marks!"


Shen Family Courtyard.

Shen Zhipeng suffocated and returned to the old house.

Zhong Xiaoxiao, who was cooking supper, quickly helped her take off her coat, "Why do you look so tired today?"

"Meet Ge Laoer."

Shen Zhipeng rubbed his forehead, "On the way back, I suddenly felt a shudder, the hairs on my skin shuddered, and the corners of my eyes kept twitching."

"You've been busy planning recently, are you too tired?"

"No, it might have something to do with Ge Laoer."

"How to say?"

"let me see……"

Shen Zhipeng lay on his back on the sofa, glanced at the map of Dongshan, and suddenly widened his eyes, "Yes, why did I have to fight Ge Laoer? Huaxia is so big, why don't we take a big step?"

"you mean?"

"I originally planned to wait for Wei Changfeng and Nanhe Tianhao to get entangled, and Jiangnan's strength in the rear will be empty. Let's attack in one fell swoop and reap the benefits of the fisherman. But now that I think about it, why bother to take the Beihe market?"

"Tiancheng has already set up a layout in the capital, and Tianbo took over Wangjing."

"No, let's go to Beihe first, then capture Jingang, and fight Tiancheng. In this way, even if Zaoshi Xincheng loses, we still have the capital to come back to life."

"You were full of confidence in Zaoshi Xincheng before, why now?"

"Tian Cheng has been doing nothing over there except digging the river. I don't believe that Ge Laoer will give up such a big new city project. He must be... just like the new version of the legendary internal strength, holding back his big moves! If he fights normally, I'm not cowardly. But the more he doesn't move, the more frightened I am, for fear of giving me a second!" After Lao Shen finished speaking, his eyes lit up, "Perhaps, this is the reason why my hair stands on end!"


Zhong Xiaoxiao was a little speechless, "Have you learned something about playing games?"

"You do not understand!"

"What about other developers?"

"There must be a teammate to give away the head, right? Just like the tribe and the alliance, you can only reap the wretched harvest by selling your teammates a few times!"

"Don't tell me, you've also played in Cultivation Continent?"

"This is my job, to get to know Ge Laoer better!"


"That's the new plan. Transfer the main force, march into Beihe, and build the Ginza Mall and Ginza restaurants by the way. I have a hunch that the self-service barbecue will make a lot of money!"


the next day.

Ge Xiaotian worked hard to write, and finished the two Masi test papers heartily, returned the self-enrollment diploma, and returned to Jinxiuchuan.

"Boss, the leaders who inspected the area yesterday went to Sancha Township today."


"In addition, the body management issued a notice that the three leaders of the foot management took the blame and resigned, and Sancha was approved."

"The power of Huaxia Taiwan's leaders should not be underestimated... No, the leaders who went to Sancha Township, did they go to the UFO Stadium?"

"Let me ask……"

Dao San contacted Director Shang, and then replied: "I ate at the Sports Rehabilitation Center of the UFO Gymnasium at noon, went to Canal CBD in the afternoon, stayed at the Lotus Sports Center for an hour, and played football for ten minutes with the children who were training with the players. "

"That's it!"

Ge Xiaotian thought about it carefully, and denied the idea of ​​starting the game immediately and inviting the leaders to host it.

An unannounced visit is not a clear investigation, and if it is known to the world, it may leave a bad impression, saying that he is always scheming and full of scheming...

Compared with the newborn calf who is not afraid of tigers, and the silly Baitian who is shrouded in a halo of luck, the latter is more lovable...

"Have you contacted the banks?"

"I have contacted, and they said there is no problem, and hinted that if there are any special requirements, please order them casually."

"That's good!"

Ge Xiaotian nodded and took a sip of tea, "How is the business of the tea shop supported by our family recently?"

"It's very popular. The owner of the teahouse followed Dongshan Fifteen City and opened more than 30 teahouses with loans. He also hired opera troupes, storytelling troupes, cross talk troupes, and juggling troupes to take turns to be on duty and sell tea. It is estimated that they can pay back their capital in two years. .”


"Have you looked at the financial statements?"


Ge Xiaotian took another sip of the tea, it was really hard to drink, "It's weird!"

"What's the matter, boss?"

"Maybe I have a stronger taste!"

"Then I'll ask the secretary to give you some more tea?"

"No, that's it, it's fine."

Ge Xiaotian stretched and opened the system panel.

The power plant has been built, the charging speed has been accelerated, and the power has exceeded 1%. It is expected to reach 5% in ten days, meeting the upgrade conditions.

In addition, once every three months, the fourth countdown is coming...

"Inform Tiancheng Sports Operations Department that the opening ceremony of the Sancha Cup football match will be held on the 6th. If there is no problem, let's set sail!"

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