Build Madness

Chapter 506 The Second Sancha Cup Football Match

"Audience friends, welcome to the opening ceremony of the 00-01 season of the Sancha Cup football match!"

Amidst the brisk music and thunderous cheers, the off-site reporter of Xiangxian Radio Station in the past is now the first sister of sports broadcasting. She is also the only female commentator in China who combines radio DJ, live DJ and music DJ in one body, wearing beautiful football Clothes, appeared on the stage of the opening ceremony set independently.

Youth, vitality, and vigor!

"Handling the will is our belief in growth;

Unity and hard work is the courage of our life;

Waving passion is our pursuit of dreams!

Let go of the golden saddle and never give up. Starting today, in the next 158 ​​days, we will witness the football feast brought to the world by more than 16,000 athletes! "


The applause is like a wave...

After a long time, the live music suddenly changed, with horns and trumpets playing the taste of "autumn soldiers on the battlefield"...

"The players are walking out of the stadium passage one after another. The front row is the enterprise team from Tiancheng Security Property in Sancha Township..."

There are more than 20 people in each team, and there is no momentum to speak of when they come on stage one by one.

But together, arranged according to the color of the team uniform, more than 16,000 athletes, while kicking football, entered from the south gate, exited from the north gate, entered from the west gate, and exited from the east gate. Weaving more than a dozen kinds of Chinese knots is another scene.

Double money knot, button knot, pipa knot, group brocade knot, cross knot, auspicious knot, swastika knot, pan-long knot, caisson knot...

There was a sensation in the audience, and the sound shook the sky.

Tens of thousands of fans frantically waved their banners and flags...

"Is this a folk football match?"

The leaders who came by boat from Nansi Lake were shocked by the momentum of landslide and tsunami before boarding the canal wharf...

The female DJ received the news that the target appeared and was about to enter the Lotus Stadium, and directly skipped the next link, "Next, let us invite the organizer of this event, Mr. Ge Xiaotian, Chairman of Tiancheng, to give a speech on stage."

a little.

Ge Xiaotian appeared on the stage, and said earnestly and solemnly: "Developing sports, enhancing the physique of the masses, and promoting national cohesion are the eternal goals of Tiancheng's sports business!"

The cheering frenzy surged again...

Many leaders who followed the staff to the VIP area couldn't help applauding...


off the field.

"Isn't this too crazy?"

"Why do I always feel that the scene is weird, but when I think about it carefully, I can't tell why?"

"I have this feeling too, as if... making a movie?"

"You mean the crowd is an actor?"

"Maybe I'm overthinking it. Ge Lao Er spent so much money on hosting the game. Could it be that he would be so stupid as to give up one hundred thousand tickets and stuff all the company's employees into the stadium?"

"I'm afraid that the sponsors of the various teams will not agree. After all, they still have to promote their products to the outside world... By the way, have you bought the tickets yet?"

"No. The online shopping platform only sells 30,000 tickets for each game, and all of them are sold out (for employees, customers, and residents). The remaining 25,000 tickets need to be purchased on-site at the designated location 24 hours in advance. The first two games tomorrow have already passed." It's sold out, I'm going to queue up to grab tickets for tomorrow night after lunch."

"What's the line? Don't you know how to make an appointment?"


"Take a smart card, or SG, and get the pre-order number from the Internet, and then you will know where you are in the queue and the approximate time to pick up the ticket. When you arrive at that time, you go a few minutes in advance, and you can exchange the physical ticket with the pre-order number."

"I don't have a smart card and SG..."

"Find an Internet cafe, or pay the network administrator a handling fee of 50 cents, and you can get it done."

"Tian Cheng is really free. How is it different from buying tickets online?"

"The difference? The difference is that you don't have a smart card, how do you swipe your card to verify online shopping tickets when you enter the venue?"


"Let's go, I'll give you a number, go to the movies after lunch, come back in three or four hours, the time is just right."

"What movie shall we watch? Crazy Graphene 2?"


"Didn't you read it?"

"Hotels are so expensive, shopping malls are so expensive, I can't squat on the curb all afternoon, can I?"

"Since when have you been so particular about it?"

"I talked about a girlfriend..."



Neon crosses the day and is short-lived. The wonderful performance does not lie in the long-term, it is enough to let people have a momentary touch.

Therefore, the opening ceremony was only a brief half-hour.

Then came the first match of the second Sancha Cup.

Xiangxian Xingyue Bay VS Jishi Xingyue Bay.

When the logos of the two teams are separated: the crescent moon landmark, the wave of the river.

During the entrance ceremony, on-site monitoring and all-round cameras quickly entered the working state.

And reporters and news media from all walks of life are also looking for favorable positions...

"The rules of this game still follow the previous international standard..."

"Team Yue got the ball, and the No. 34 shadow striker dribbled the ball, burst, burst... broke!"

"He dribbled, accelerated to get rid of, pulled the ball with his instep, stepped and changed direction...Wow, he passed four people in a row, broke through three defenders...a violent shot!"

"Ah~~Jin Jinjin...What a pity! The goalkeeper of the Water Team is actually a famous small forward from XBA. With one move, it's like throwing a discus, and he catches this unrivaled goal with one hand!"


"Oh, my God, this small forward shot himself..."


"It's so powerful, from such a distance, I seem to hear the sound of breaking through the air..."

"This kick runs the length of the football field..."

"It seems that this XBA small forward not only plays basketball well, but also shoots super far..."

"Damn, ball ball ball... scored?!"

"The water team relied on this method to score first in less than a minute!"

"Let's look back at the magic kick..."

"The goal is valid, the Moon team serves!"

"The goalkeeper of the Yue team is like a raging bull, scratching the ground with his right foot before kick-off..."

"It's broken. He may have forgotten that the boss is here. This piece of land can only be replaced at night after three games today. He's scratching it now..."

"I hope the boss doesn't see it!"

"kick off!"

"A powerful kick, kicking the football to the right border... The winger of the Yue team received the ball lightly, Marseilles spun, deep-fried meatballs, Shenlong swayed its tail..."

"Not good, the central defenders of the water team are gathered..."

"Hanging upside down with a golden hook?!"

"Damn it, the Yue team's winger actually shot back in the air amidst the heavy siege..."

"The football track is straight, going straight to the upper right corner of the goal!"

"Go in..."

"I'm sorry, the XBA small forward is really awesome, and once again grabbed this shot like a cannonball with one hand..."


"Don't let them score too much, three to two, two to one will do, create more shooting opportunities, take a few more classic shots, and do whatever you want."


Lotus Sports Center Operations Department.

After hearing the order, the supervisor turned and left.

Responsible for coordinating the overall operation, Seng Yi, who has been safe so far, began to report to work in a panic.

"Boss, you are really clever!"

Ge Xiaotian raised his eyebrows, "Don't be cowardly, your junior brother Seng Er had a good time in the Sea of ​​Okhotsk, and Seng San would not accompany Dao San to feed sharks. As for Seng Si and Seng Wu, Africa is indeed a good place!"

"Yeah, I understand!"

Seng wiped the sweat from his brow, "Boss, your operation is really amazing! Since the audience outside the venue couldn't buy tickets, after the carnival, it has been released for a week, and the attendance rate has gradually declined. Crazy Graphene 2 once again climbed to the full audience. Status. Moreover, in the next three days, all the movie tickets in Xingyuewan Film and Television City and Yunhe Tiancheng Square Film and Television City in Xiangxian County are sold out. The nearby Guyue branch, Wuming Hotel, and Black Hotel No. 68, 69, and 70 branches are also all sold out. Overcrowded."

"It's a pity, this is the only football field, otherwise during this game, we could make a lot of money!"

Ge Xiaotian said so, but he was not very disappointed in his heart.

This is just a try.

In the future, there will definitely be stadiums everywhere. If every time you take advantage of cup games and league matches, a movie will be released and the fans will be left outside...

Of course, the details determine success or failure, and some operations are required, such as temporary maintenance of the venue, a two-hour delay of the game, and the sudden inexplicable suspension of the relevant department before the start of the game. For the sake of fans, Tiancheng specially launched a 20% discount activity for buying movie tickets with football tickets ...

"By the way, how much box office did Graphene 2 get?"

"The domestic box office is not as good as the first one (Lao Hong goes abroad), but it is extremely popular abroad. This week's box office alone has surpassed the entire schedule of ancient war movies."

"Thanks Graphene!"

"In addition, in October, the overall profit of Tiancheng's retail and catering sector has risen rapidly. It is currently 15% in the same period in September, and it is expected to break through 300% in the middle of the year. It will not be a problem to increase five times from next month to New Year's Day."

"Communicate more with the sports operation department, and be sure to arrange the games. For example, after the distribution of welfare tickets, today's match between County A and County B, attracting local fans to come to Canal CBD for consumption, in the short term, or within half a month, don't play again. Arrange for the local team to play the second game... To put it bluntly, the consumption capacity is limited, and we can't just collect the wool in one area, we have to scrape it one by one, and take it slowly in a different way."


"How about the sales of pens, inks, papers and inkstones?"

"The pen and ink hardcover rooms are fully booked, Zhiyuan Smart Home sold six sets, and Yanyuan villas sold two."

"The latter two are like luxury goods. Beagle is there. Don't rush to sell them. Be reserved and high-end! There are no discounts or gifts. Want to change the layout? Add more money! Want to adjust the type of smart electronic products? Add Money! Want to get rid of a certain piece of furniture? Add more money! In short, high-tech, they modify it by themselves, and it is easy to make mistakes, but we belong to the official and have after-sales service!"


"Basically there is nothing else to do, go get busy!"

Ge Xiaotian got up and walked to the window.

After the start of the game, the streets and alleys have quieted down, but all the arrangements have not been removed, and there will be more lively night scene projections at night.

After thinking about it, he took out his smart card and called Seng Er:

"How are you getting ready?"

"Everything is ready and ready to go to sea!"

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