Build Madness

Chapter 508 Rent a launch site

In the millennium, there will always be some unknown but very awesome characters in China.

One is the founder of, who started from scratch and gained 5 million registered users in less than a year; .

The former is currently far ahead of Tiancheng in the field of online shopping in Huaxia. Not surprisingly, the market value of its will soon exceed 10 billion Franklin. Like Moubao, it is still a younger brother in this respect.

Formosa Plastics is currently the only private enterprise in China that has entered the top 50 in the world, and its founder is the richest man in Taiwan.

Needless to say about the last one, the insurance these days is comparable to the qigong and health care products that were popular in the past few years.

Thinking of this, Ge Xiaotian couldn't help laughing.

According to the chronological progress, it can be used as a metaphor.

In order to strengthen their bodies, people learn qigong one after another. Later, they find that this thing is too difficult to learn, and they want to achieve this goal through foreign objects. Finally, they find that health care products are more deceptive than qigong. As a last resort, they start to buy insurance for themselves...

Perhaps, this is also a theory of evolution.

The reason why I think of these three people is because the other party came to the door together.

Yiqu wants to log on to the SG platform, Formosa Plastics plans to talk about car manufacturing and procurement, and Ping An... wins Lao Ge, and its market value can increase several times this year.


A few degrees in the setting sun, an inadvertent passing by, maybe from now on we will be forever strangers.

He has arrived in Amur, and these things cannot be discussed in person, nor can they be discussed.

Online shopping is an important part of Tiancheng's "integration of online and offline", and it will definitely not be shared with anyone. It is very polite not to acquire the other party. How can it help the other party to expand the market?

In terms of plastics, we are doing scientific research at home. It is an important bargaining chip for Tiancheng Construction to enter Malaysia, Thailand, and Sange. For example, exchange plastics for buildings...

As for insurance...

The 'idiot' who asked him money for insurance in the capital at the beginning has already received the support of Tianrong Angel Investment, and now the business is booming. In the next three to five years, asking Holden to help him go public in North America is another sharp weapon for attracting money .

Based on all the above, the two parties could not reach a cooperation.

However, according to the Ministry of Intelligence, the North American eb company's investment in Yiqu gave Ge Xiaotian an idea.

I originally planned to go back to Dongshan, have a deep chat with the other party, and see if I can give Yiqu a name, but after thinking about it carefully, it is not easy for everyone to do business. You can't lose the company just because someone entered a tiger's den... …

When this news gets out, what do the outside world think of Lao Ge?

"You are always too soft-hearted, too soft-hearted..."

Humming a little song, Ge Xiaotian got off the private jet, and the twenty satellite trainees accompanying him looked around curiously.

In October, the cold current went south, and the weather in Amur suddenly dropped to about ten degrees, and in the evening, it was even closer to zero.

Mr. Governor was as enthusiastic as ever, leading a group of entrepreneurs in black woolen coats and black hats, and prepared the welcome ceremony in advance at the airport.

Flowers, bands, red carpets...

The Soviet-style ensemble sounded, and the salute was bang bang bang...

"Mr. Ge, welcome to Amur again!"

"Your enthusiasm is like a fire in winter, the blazing flame warms my heart!" After Ge Xiaotian finished speaking, he felt bad.

I almost forgot to bring a translator!


Mr. Governor was at a loss, "why?"

"I'm sorry, I...have a mouth ulcer today, I can't speak Ice Bear!"


Can't speak Ice Bear language because of mouth ulcers?

What a shitty reason?

The smiles on the faces of the entrepreneurs waiting for greetings gradually froze.

What happened to this product today?

Obviously can speak Ice Bear language, why...

Is it to express dissatisfaction with one's own side?


Although the construction of Neobras has been suspended, the progress in the early stage has far exceeded the plan. The central villa area has moved in one after another, and everything is going smoothly...

While everyone was thinking wildly, Mr. Governor grinned and pressed his palms against the band, "Mr. Ge, it doesn't matter if you don't like this tune, we also prepared Northeast Yangko!"

Before the words were finished, a group of blond girls wearing floral padded jackets, smeared red lips, and holding dance fans, jumped up and down...

Ge Xiaotian finally realized the trouble caused by the language barrier, he hugged Mr. Governor's shoulder kindly, laughed and gave a thumbs up.

"No biu special!"

They are so well prepared, so they can't say nothing, right?

"No biu special!"

Mr. Governor and the entrepreneurs exchanged glances and also laughed loudly...

The scene was a bit embarrassing.

Fortunately, Lao Hong and Yang Dingfeng were in the hall, and the latter suppressed his curiosity and came to act as a temporary interpreter.

"Mr. Governor, the second batch of GLONASS navigation satellites is about to be launched. I have 20 students here. I want to experience it on the spot and learn some real skills."

"Sorry, Mr. Ge, you may not have time to check the second phase of the plan. Due to the cold current, the Komsomolsk Space Center has been closed. This time the satellite needs to be transported to the Kazastan launch site."


"There are still fifteen days."

"Can you find a way to help my students apply for relevant passports?"

"This is simple, the main problem is..."

Mr. Governor hesitated, "It's not safe over there, I'm afraid we have to follow the green clothes."

"Still fighting?"

"small range……"

"I don't agree with your small range!"

Ge Xiaotian stepped into the airport lobby, and stretched out his hand to Lao Hong, and the latter took out the big real Cuban cigar that he kept privately in pain.

Scatter a few boxes and ignite each other...

"Mr. Governor, it's cold and the distance is far away. My students can't make a trip in vain. In this way, I will rent the Gongqingcheng Aerospace Center and you will be responsible for the training. In winter, you have many scientific researchers, but the funds are very high." Nervous, instead of playing games idle, it is better to earn some extra money, I am very generous!"


"Every person, every day, I will pay for all food and drink. After three months, I will give each person a house, including a computer! You know, the housing prices here have been rocketing up like a rocket recently! "

"Then I'll ask over there."

"Well, this is just a small request. If I don't agree... I'm worried that if I'm unhappy, I will cancel the third and fourth phases of the GLONASS system, as well as the auxiliary satellite project developed to improve the positioning accuracy. These add up to seven or eight billion Franklins!"

"Please wait!"

Mr. Governor stopped talking and hurried to make a phone call...

"Money is evil!"

Ge Xiaotian raised his eyebrows at the twenty students, and under the eyes of the latter who were unparalleled in admiration, he walked to the side of the girl with a slender figure and a good face who was standing with Dao Er and the little star Tong Ying.

"Hey, tsk tsk, look, when did such a beautiful girl come to my company?"

"Boss, let me go back to Dongshan, my boyfriend will definitely get divorced if I'm so skinny..."

"What taste? He has worked with Lao Qin for so long, and he actually likes fat ones?"

"No, when I was fat, he didn't worry about unspoken rules or office romances, because you didn't like them. Now... Look, your eyes are straight! Look?"

"Nice necklace!"


"Let's go, go back to the hotel and report to the work."

"Let's...should we go to the office?"

"I'm worried that your boyfriend will misunderstand and have an office romance. Let's go to the hotel."


Many executives of Tiancheng who came to pick up the plane all laughed.

"Just kidding, your boyfriend has been transferred to the engineering department as a manager. Starting today, you two will be given a three-month vacation and go back to settle the child's matter! Let's go and see Neobras first, wait If you should go back to Dongshan, if you should go out with me, let's go out and play!"

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