Build Madness

Chapter 520 Neos Das

Chapter 520: Niosdas

"Melon skin, Ge Xiaotian is a melon skin!"

The sharp and pure sound of Sichuan and Sichuan reverberates over the Sea of ​​Okhotsk, and there seems to be an extra spicy taste...

The sailors, shipbuilders, and cast members who came to watch Ge Daboss in ancient costumes, after being stunned, wanted to laugh but didn't dare to.

For a while, except for the chirping of birds, the audience was silent...

so awkward!

Ge Xiaotian waved his hand, "Tie this guy up to me!"

'It's over! '

Seeing that Dao San's fellow picked up the rope and then carried a stone weighing 100 jins, as if he was about to sink himself into the sea, Seng Er's heart almost collapsed.

"Boss, what should we do with this bird?" Dao San didn't think it was a big deal to watch the excitement. After finishing his work, he saw the bird cage and picked it up.

"This bird feather is very colorful. I pulled it out to make a feather duster... No, it's a bird feather duster. Put it in my cabin after going out to sea."

"The rest... stewed?"

"Third brother, enough is enough of you!" The second monk was distraught.

Ge Xiaotian thought about it, "Make specimens and send them to various offices for employees to visit!"

"Are you killing birds to scare monkeys?"


Dao San quickly shook his head, "It's to promote employee communication and carry forward the company's culture of love to learn. The boss is well-intentioned, and he is a model in the business world!"

"This is what I said..."

Ge Xiaotian smiled and shook his head, Dama Jindao sat in the grand master's chair, picked up the small tea saucer used in costume dramas, pressed the lid and took a sip.

Tut tut!


"Actually, this bird is pretty good!"

"Yes, yes, beautiful and fun, if you give it to the proprietress for training..."

Seeing that the big boss was angry, Dao San gave Seng Er a triumphant look, and hurriedly continued to flatter him.


next moment!

"Melon skin, Ge Xiaotian is a melon skin!"

Ge Xiaotian: "..."

Dao San: "..."

Second monk: "..."

All employees: "..."

"Kill it, kill it, send these two on the road together!"

Seng Er felt that he was hopeless, and struggled to stand up, "Boss, I didn't teach it to scold you, it learned it indiscriminately!"

"Melon skin, Ge Xiaotian is a melon skin!"

Seeing the suffering of its owner, the parrot was terrified, flapped its wings in the cage, and seemed to want to come out to rescue...

As everyone knows, the culprit is it!

Ge Xiaotian was expressionless, "If you don't teach it, how can it speak so smoothly?"

"I just yelled in my dream. I don't know how this evil animal learned it. If I knew it, the Buddha vowed to eliminate demons and defend the way..."


Ge Xiaotian suddenly found the point, "Did you yell in your dream?"

"Yes!" Seng Er replied truthfully, and immediately came to his senses, but it was too late.

"Okay, you scold me even in your dreams, how much do you hate your boss? You can't keep it!"

Ge Xiaotian originally planned to be merciful, to frighten this guy, and let him go back to Dongshan happily, but now...

"It's sinking, I'll fish it out tomorrow morning!"


Dao San suddenly became very excited, and deftly picked up the bald monk with one hand, and the stone weighing a hundred catties with the other, looked around, and went straight to the cesspool where the bird droppings were placed in the dock.

"Stop! Old Daoist Gou Ri, you're in the wrong place!" Seng Er struggled.

"That's right, the sinking septic tank makes you smelly and hard! That's right!"

Dao San turned around, "Boss, do you want to take off your clothes?"

Seeing this scene, Ge Xiaotian grinned, "No, let him be decent!"


"Seng Er, don't blame me. In fact, the source is Dao Yi's 25 boy. The boss sank him into the East Lake, intending to let him touch the loach in the water for two minutes, but that guy used the turtle's breath technique... So, I feel The boss must know that it is useless to sink you into the shallow sea, so he found this land for you, it is a bit dirty, but... a bitter trick!"

"Don't you fool me, the Lord Buddha was almost hit by you. From the beginning to the end, it was all calculated by you! On the surface, you pleaded for me, but secretly hit the parrot with a bean to make it continue to scold at the critical moment. boss……"

"No way, how is it possible, you think too much."

"Boss, I'm guilty, I'll turn my back on it..."

"Okay! If you know your mistakes, you can correct them. There is nothing better than being kind!"

Ge Xiaotian looked at the time, and felt that the trouble was almost over, and he should go to work on things here, "The boss is not an unreasonable person, since he pleaded guilty, because the parrot doesn't understand human affairs, I will forgive you this time."

"thank you boss!"

"However, your words of turning your back on the shore are very good, and I am filled with emotion!"


Hearing this, the second monk thought he had found the inner sympathy with the boss, so he hurriedly broke free from the rope, and leaned in front of Ge Xiaotian, clasped his hands together, and showed a benevolent smile that would save all sentient beings, "The Buddha said, turning back is right..."

"Yeah, back to shore! The coast of Okhotsk is full of bird droppings. You go dig it out, ship it, and ship it to Neobras Farm. Although the soil is fertile there, there is no need to fertilize it, but it is better than nothing." , if the effect is good..."

Ge Xiaotian picked up the binoculars, "Take a half circle from here to the Chukchi Peninsula. There are tens of thousands of miles of coastline. There are so many bird droppings that can be sold to Dongshan as a natural fertilizer. So, from now on, this will be your job. Director Guano!"

The smile on Seng Er's face gradually froze...

"Hey? I thought of a good name for you, so you can use it overseas!"




"It's scattered, don't delay the master to dig out the dung. By the way, he doesn't know how to drive a bulldozer or an excavator. He can take a shovel and arrange a ship, and he can go directly on the road."

Ge Xiaotian flicked his ancient clothes, and suddenly thought of something, "Also, Dao San, you set a workload for him, there is no end to finish, no food to eat."


Dao San swiped a few times, and wrote the arrangement in an instant, "The bird droppings are light, wet and dry are mixed together, and the wind and rain are blowing during transportation. It can't be calculated by ton. How about five ships a day?"

"Well, it's okay, remember to bring his bird for the master, so as not to be accompanied by anyone at the beach."

"Boss, you are so kind!"

"You go with him."


"Same workload."



After sending away the two troublemakers, the shipyard became much cleaner in an instant.

Ge Xiaotian strolled around the office area in ancient clothes, and felt that the clothes fit well, at least more comfortable than denim, so he simply used it as an adaptation before shooting and didn't take it off again.

At noon, everyone got together and finished eating the boxed lunch that was airlifted from Neobras. Mr. Cao, who was in charge of the Western Ocean project of Tianyu, led the crew to follow the sailors and shipbuilders to the harbor to install satellite networks for various ships. Various fixed positions and tracks required for receiving equipment and shooting...

Waiting for the office area to be almost empty.

Ge Xiaotian and the shipbuilding supervisor, driving the super tractor that had finally arrived here half a year ago, came to a mountain depression on the north side, or a small valley.

Inside are the No. 3 town center, important logistics warehouses, corresponding system buildings, and 5,000 mu of system farmland covered by plastic greenhouses.

In the millennium, the world has not yet warmed up, and the conditions in the Sea of ​​Okhotsk are far more difficult than those in Neobras.

In late October, the sea area with a radius of tens of thousands of miles began to freeze from north to south, and continued to the vicinity of my own harbor. However, the ice melting period will have to wait until June and July of the next year.

If the family wants to make achievements here, it is far from enough to rely on the warm period of three or four months. It is necessary to do a good job in logistics and carry out full-time high-speed operation.

After all, Huaxia will have many infrastructure projects in the next few years, and there is a great possibility that the price of cement will fluctuate. Having a supply base for all kinds of clinker is a worry-free for Tiancheng.


Standing on the high ground outside the valley, feeling the cold wind, Ge Xiaotian looked at the eastern sea, and thought of the cold current coming, and Okhotsk was completely frozen.

If this scene is recorded, edited and fast-forwarded, it will be used as the ultimate move of the protagonist of the villain in the Dragon Continent...

Frozen for thousands of miles, the original taste, almost no special effects!


"Oh, let's go in and take a look at the gifts I have prepared for the Western countries."

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