Build Madness

Chapter 527: System Upgrade

In the morning, the power was charged to 4.96%, and now it has slowly increased to 5%, which is just enough to open the page query and other functions.

And this quarterly summary is not different from the past except for the card update.

After a while, the number of units that Ge Xiaotian himself was not sure about was gradually formed...

It turns out that I have destroyed 100,000 private houses of all levels...

It turns out that I still have more than 300 mines...

It turns out that I have a big project in Xucheng...

Um, wait!

Surrounded by the Shanghai Chamber of Commerce, the Xucheng project has been shut down several times, how can I forget about this.

Ge Xiaotian asked someone to lead the North American consortium to visit Qianshan Taixuguan. Under Horton's inexplicable eyes of "I see through you, wait and give me some benefits", he walked to the crew office of Yinyangyu Square and found a corner where no one was there. Call the supervisor over there...

"Hello, this is Tiancheng's office in Xucheng."

"it's me!"

"Who are you?"


Ge Xiaotian looked at the satellite phone, this matter was so bad that he even forgot the voice of his own boss, "I'm Ge Xiaotian!"

"Uh...Dong... Hello boss, I'm the manager of Xu Cheng's real estate sales office, and I just joined the job."

"Where's your project manager?"

"Our supervisor went in."

"Go in? What the hell? Why don't I know?"

"Three days ago, someone came to the construction site to cause trouble and was beaten away. Afterwards, the security office arrested the supervisor. This matter has been submitted to the planning department, and the reply there is to find a way to communicate with Xu Cheng as soon as possible..."

"Think of a way? Think of a fart way, give..."

In the middle of Ge Xiaotian's speech, he suddenly remembered that Xucheng is not Dongshan, but the Jiangsu and Zhejiang regions, and the olive branch of the big leader in Jishi can't control it there.

(Jiangsu and Zhejiang include two provincial capitals. In this book, Nandu and Lin'an (Hangzhou) are the provincial capitals, which belong to the Shanghai Chamber of Commerce area, so they are merged into Jiangsu and Zhejiang in the commercial sector.)

Moreover, some time ago, the junction of Nansi Huji City and Xucheng was very lively, otherwise Mr. Hu would not have made a special trip.

During the period of strict control, there were fights and fights, most likely because of being raped.

The most important thing is that this is the same reason he shut down Shen Zhipeng, in other people's territory, find a reason, shut it down if you want, even if there is a reason, you can't explain it clearly.

"What's the attitude over there?"

"The leaders of Xucheng University are very polite, saying that they will act in accordance with the law and never allow anyone to use their power for personal gain."

"True or false?"

"This...I don't know, and neither does the supervisor. The other party is a bit ambiguous."

"It seems that the words I, Ge Baiyi, are not very useful over there."

"It should be the Magic City Chamber of Commerce."

"Okay, I get it!"

Ge Xiaotian hung up the phone and contacted Mr. Governor.

"Mr. Ge, how are you?" There seemed to be nervous.

"Say no to Billion Franklin!"

"Great! Thanks..."

"You're welcome, I'll send you a copy of the cooperation bid later."

"Don't worry, you go first!"

"Small things. Besides, Mr. Governor, winter is coming, and Amur is cold. No one wants to spend half a year in the house. Therefore, I am going to lead my fleet to Australia for vacation..."

"I want, too……"

Don't even think about it!

Ge Xiaotian quickly stopped, "Mr. Governor, in order to celebrate this super investment, I will arrange a trip for you!"


There is a problem in Xucheng, and it is useless to find ice bears, but there is one thing that is popular in the millennium, sister cities, sister cities.

In other words, to conclude cooperation, obtain support, and promote international standards so as to join WTO as soon as possible.

There are countless leaders who go overseas to study, and there are also many who invite overseas leaders to visit...

"Mr. Governor, I have a big project in Xucheng, Jiangsu and Zhejiang. The supervisor there heard about my friendship with you and yearned for it. He applied to me several times. He wants to invite you to live in Xingyue Bay in Xucheng. He pays for everything!"


"Also, next year we will introduce the XBA and Sancha Cup, and it just so happens that Jishi is being held..."

"I know, I'll pack up right away! Ulla..."


Ge Xiaotian didn't think that Mr. Governor was so easy to be fooled, and he was fooled to Xucheng after two or three sentences without doing his work.

You know, Gongqingcheng on the Amur Heilong River is the largest heavy industrial city in the Far East of Ice Bear, and Xucheng has a heavy construction machinery enterprise.

Tiancheng Machinery?

Technology is all bullshit, how can you pay for it?

Maozi's technology is indeed advanced, but it is blocked by the European and American economies. Unless an agreement is reached with European and American entrepreneurs in private, most of them cannot be sold.

With Glonass as a guide, China has become the best choice.

I believe Mr. Governor has already made a decision in his mind...

Ge Xiaotian called the planning department and the Xucheng office, and arranged for the supervisor who went in to receive the matter.

Whether it can be done or not depends on whether Mr. Governor wants to spend his own money, or wants to spend it for nothing...

As for construction machinery.

There is no news about the 300-ton excavator purchased by Heihu, and it is estimated that there will be bottlenecks overseas.

In this way, the family can develop 300 tons with the resources at hand.

And what technology does Mr. Governor sell?

We have what he sells, improve and sell it to Xucheng Heavy Industry.

Of course, if the system can be upgraded to the industrial age, maybe they can have their own technical solutions.

Ge Xiaotian opened the system page again.


At the end of the quarterly list statistics, the previous three data are integrated to obtain the annual summary.

getting stuck...

Ge Xiaotian even had some doubts. Is it because his brain is not working well, or is the memory used by the system insufficient and needs to be cleaned up?


'Drip, the statistics are over, congratulations on entering the next stage! '

'Language boundaries are an important factor hindering human development. Since you have enabled the 'foreign trade' function in advance, the system hereby rewards electronic technology that surpasses the three major stages of the technology tree: the principle of making a multilingual translation machine! '

'Drip, you have mastered the technique, the reward is cancelled. '

Ge Xiaotian frowned, "Can black technology be the same as high-defense goods? The system is produced, and it must be a high-quality product. How can the reward be cancelled?!"

However, the system seemed to have not heard his words, "In order to ensure that the mastermind follows the correct path of scientific development and prevent the mastermind owner from becoming crooked, the system will help repair the low-end translation machine technology for free, and change the reward to... : Large scale integrated circuit technology. '

"I want it, I want to crush the North American Science and Technology Alliance this time!"

'Drip, you have mastered the technique, the reward is cancelled. '


What about me?

'...Repair the low-end large-scale integrated circuit structure, correct the lithography machine and manufacture the lithography machine technology...Change the reward to span three stages: wireless network transmission...'

'Drip, you have mastered...'

'Bonus...Gas Turbine...'

'Drip, you have mastered...'

'Reward...mechanical transmission...'




Ge Xiaotian watched each technology fly away like a cooked duck, and felt very sad...




In other words, the original technology is not necessarily the original appearance, but all become black technology of the system?

Is this a bug again?

The important thing is that as long as the system has the technology, it can be exchanged!

Ge Xiaotian opened the integrated circuit that he had figured out a little bit.

A brief overview of technology.

Sure enough, although it is still in the single-chip microcomputer style, the chip structure is completely different from that of our own.

For example, there is no cache, or in other words, no memory stick is used to read the hard disk and SD card. Instead, the micro-memory integrated into the chip directly reads the hard disk and SD corresponding to the stored data.

Could it be...

Is this why the system freezes?

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