Build Madness

Chapter 533: Cold Front, Thunderstorm, Chen Feng Calls

The boarding scene is insane.

If you can't climb up, how do you get out of this place full of bird shit?

But many media reporters dared to be angry and dared not speak up, so they could only admit it with their noses pinched.

And Ge Xiaotian sent away the leader of Heihe, the governor of Magadan, and the director of Vladivostok who left by plane, and then took the human elevator to the Zheng He sightseeing hall.

Mr. Cao and others are filming the following scene.

In the snow and frost all over the place, countless foreigners flocked to the deck frantically, waving tickets with one hand and pulling the crowd with the other, under the pressure of Tianyu group performers, sailors, and plainclothes Tianwei...

The three large characters of "Zheng He" on the side monitor changed into "Noah's Ark" on the computer following the live production of the crew.

This is a real ark!

Another film material.

Voyage to the Western Ocean, Ancient Sea Battle, Noah's Ark, together with Neobras's Guns N' Roses, Tianshan Taixuguan, and several ordinary movies released by the cooperative entertainment companies under Tianyu, wait until this year's Spring Festival, and invest in the first half of the year Numerous movie theaters, Limin activity centers, and surrounding industries will usher in a new explosion...

This money!

I really want to lose once...

Ge Xiaotian stared at it for a moment, feeling very satisfied, "This scene is too real. It is different from the scene in my mind, except for the boat, and everything else is almost a perfect match. It's a pity that there is no blizzard... Well, the blizzard is coming!"

"By the way, contact Dongshan Military Headquarters, Tiancheng donated 2 million red notes for armament updates, and ask them to help contact Southwest Military Headquarters, shoot Himalayan clips, and donate another 10 million over there for border defense..."

Before he finished speaking, Dao San hurriedly ran in, "Boss, we can't delay any longer, we must leave as soon as possible."

"Okay, inform the people below, get on the boat as soon as possible, and set off on the hour!"

According to Dao San's conclusion from "Night Watching the Sky" last night, after the cloudless sky, the fleet must leave Okhotsk before five o'clock in the afternoon.

The shipyard also needs to be dismantled and transferred to the plastic greenhouse base located in the northern col.

If you use Dao San's system to explain it, it will involve Ziwei, Big Dipper, Four Elephants, and even gods, saying that it's time for him to get started...

If it is explained by modern science, it is: Feng!

'Front' refers to a surface formed by the meeting of cold and warm air, just like the contact surface where two objects AB collide.

According to the nature of "front", it is divided into: cold front, warm front, stagnant front (or stationary front), and occluded front.

In layman's terms, corresponding to each other, A wins the collision, B wins the collision, AB is deadlocked, A is a trailer, the front of the car hits B, the rear compartment twists and hits B again...

The weather facing Okhotsk is: a cold front.

The Siberian cold air mass actively advances towards the Pacific warm air mass and replaces the original position of the warm air mass.

Because the density of the cold air mass is high, the density of the warm air mass is small, so when the cold and warm air mass meet, the cold air mass will cut under the warm air mass, and the warm air mass will be forced to rise.

During the ascent, the atmosphere gradually cools, and if the warm air mass contains a lot of water, precipitation will form. If the water vapor content is low, cloudy weather will form.

Some mismatch with Wanli Wuyun?

This is the problem that the fleet faces next.

Before the cold front passes, due to the accumulation of warm air, the temperature tends to be slightly higher, and the water vapor evaporates (the fishy smell of the sea in the previous two days), and the sky is temporarily clear.

When the cold front passes through, the air pressure will drop sharply in front of the front, the temperature will suddenly become colder (even colder, minus 20 to 30 degrees), and the wind direction will change clockwise, quickly forming thunderstorms, typhoons, tsunamis...

This is what people often say: the calm before the storm.

It is also the reason why Okhotsk is the freezer of the Pacific Ocean.

According to the meteorological data given by Magadan in the north and Vladivostok in the south, it is normal to have thunderstorms, typhoons, and tsunamis between Okhotsk and Wajima. Have a nice trip!

Therefore, in this season, few people in the Okhotsk region dare to go to sea.

As for the weather forecast...

In this day and age, science and technology are still unable to do this. We can only say: there is rain in some places, and the temperature in some places cools down.

Like PM value, barometric pressure value, air humidity... none of them.

This has nothing to do with weather satellites, but mainly weather stations and the effectiveness of information transmission.

Now floating at sea, Ge Xiaotian can't play science, so he can only choose to believe in Dao San.

Increase the deck and let the sweaty rich come aboard.

Without waiting for the other party to complain, Ge Xiaotian asked someone to fetch red wine and cigars, and took out the '2012' script.

"Gentlemen, my project is here again! Mane, mane everywhere!"


In any case, Huaxia Cinemas does not need the other party, but if it is shown in Europe and the United States, if you want to get good results, you have to count on them.

Therefore, Ge Xiaotian simply came up with all the scripts except for "Guns and Roses", including "Crazy Dog" which was put aside by Shuai Bo.

"Mr. Ge, are you the scriptwriter?"

"You are a genius!"

"Emei Tofu!"


Ge Xiaotian had question marks all over his head, and looked at the second monk who smiled and said nothing, no, it was Niosdas who had officially changed his name.

Isn't this too fast?

"Buddha crossing is a destined person!"



The front is located at the junction of Kuye Island and Qiandao in the northern part of Wa Island.

The fleet needs to travel 600 nautical miles along the east side of Dead Leaf Island, from the northern tip of Hokkaido, which belongs to the ice bear sea, and turn into the Japanese sea, and then it is relatively safe.

Calculated at a speed of thirty knots, it would take at least seventeen hours.

That is to say, tomorrow, at noon on October 19th, I entered the Wahai Sea, and then arrived in Vladivostok in the early morning of the next day...

The North American consortium was completely unaware of the seriousness of this matter. While boarding the ship and getting the new project, it felt very feasible. At the same time, seeing the various advanced equipment of the crew, everyone became addicted to directors, including those from DreamWorks and Disney. two shareholders.

Dress up in costume and get active in...

Since the filming of the Hang Mu plot has long been over, all that is left is the various grand scenes in Hong Kong. Ge Xiaotian is also idle when he sees that he is idle, so he simply lets them mess around. After all, they are all rich men.

Afterwards, I got off the sightseeing hall, went to the cabin, changed into Mr. Zheng's pajamas, and started working at night.

This is a plot about sepsis.

In the age of great voyages, sepsis was frightening.

But nearly a hundred years earlier than Columbus and Magellan, Mr. Zheng, who took the lead in embarking on a great voyage to the East, how did he solve sepsis?

Modern medicine has concluded that the main cause of sepsis is insufficient intake of vitamin C.

The easiest way to ingest vitamin C is to eat fresh fruits and vegetables.

Columbus's fleet was starved of vegetarian food, and septicemia spread among the fleet.

Facing such a raging epidemic, the crew members were helpless. When they exhausted all kinds of prayers to no avail, only fear and despair remained.

At this time, someone discovered that the rats on the ship did not seem to be affected by this terrible disease.

For a while, the mouse became a hot commodity on the ship, and finally the price of the mouse rose to sky-high prices.

However, eating mice is useless, not only can't deal with sepsis, but also attracted plague...

But Mr. Zheng's fleet is completely different.

In China's eating habits, vegetables account for a large proportion, and the crew of Mr. Zheng are naturally obsessed with eating fresh vegetables.

Therefore, Zheng Daren’s fleet invented the box-type cultivation technology, which means that vegetables can be grown on board. The most commonly used one is bean sprouts. Bean sprouts are rich in vitamin C, which is enough to fight sepsis.

Because of this, perhaps Mr. Zheng and the crew didn't even know what sepsis is, and just played happily at sea for fifty years...

In tonight's plot, Ge Xiaotian didn't want to prove that Mr. Zheng knew about sepsis, but ignored sepsis with how advanced "Chinese tradition", "Chinese food" and "Chinese life" are.

Bean sprouts are just a scene.

There is Master Zheng watching the night below, caring about the daily life of the sailors.

According to historical records, the ships of Columbus and Magellan have a displacement of 200 tons, and Liao Liao has three or four ships, while the fleet of Mr. Zheng has thousands of ships, and the most common ships are as high as 1,000 tons, not to mention Zheng He, who is still a mystery. Treasure ships, and fleets with dozens or hundreds of ships.

In this way, Chinese sailors don't need to be crowded in one cabin like Columbus's adventure, but two or four people in a single room, with beds and bunks, and their own daily necessities.

Including the soldiers on board, they are also treated in the same way.

This also proves that those Westerners who claim to be civilized and human rights are still limited in their thinking in the barbaric era of plunder and colonization...

"Boss, the filming is over."

"The boat is indeed stable."

"Flat bottoms have the benefits of flat bottoms, and pointed bottoms have the benefits of pointed bottoms. If it's the latter, I'm afraid you'll get seasick today."

"By the way, where's Old Hong?"

"After acupuncture and moxibustion in the afternoon, I took a decoction and the fever went down. I'm browsing the forum."

"Go to the forum, strengthen the satellite network, call him over, and Xiao Cao, pull a few more boring ones, let's chop legends together!"

Didi Didi...

Just about to run to play games, Dao San thought about the satellite phone in his hand.

"Boss, it's Old Chen."

"Chen Feng?"


"Why did this old thing remember to call me? Could it be that the Australian subway project has been won?"

Ge Xiaotian walked to the window and pressed the answer button.


"Hi bro, oh ho!" (hello)

"Empty class, how rare is it to die?" (Good evening, what's the matter?)


"I can speak forty-eight languages, don't make up so many useless things, what's the matter?"

"How about doing me a favor?"


"Is your fleet going to Wajima?"

"Huh? You know all about this?"

"It's full of 'Zheng He's voyages' and 'Ge Erdan's expedition to North America' all over the Internet, so I don't know."


"Well, I'm also an employee of Tiancheng now. I'm on my own. I don't care about my salary, but in terms of business..."

"You are Tianxiu Group!"

"I know I know."

"What's up?"

"That's right. In April and May, I was traveling in Guangzhou and met a Japanese entrepreneur, Jiro Mishima."


"Later, he ordered a batch of oranges from me, your oranges, and later, the two sides came and went, and there was more trade, and they became ripe."


"This time I bragged, saying that I can get oil..."

"Then go do it, I don't sell oil."

"No, I don't know what's going on. Since September this year, the price of international crude oil has skyrocketed. According to gossip, North America plans to take advantage of 'You attack North America' to attack the west and win a country in the east to survive the oil crisis. "

"You know a lot." Ge Xiaotian's thoughts were spinning, there will be no big war next year, but next year is destined to be unrest...

"That's right, how about you help me bring some crude oil from Ice Bear? I know, you have connections, and in terms of profits...we will split 50/50!"

"Fuck you, I'm in charge of the most important procurement and transportation, you give me 50% off?!"

"You six, I four."

"Don't do it, there is no empty boat."

"Brothers, comrades-in-arms, don't, I can help you establish a relationship at the Kitakyushu seaport, and help you arrange all the expenses needed for the filming! If you take that as your first stop, I promise to be a hit, and the seaports of other countries will follow. , rushing to ask you to dock."

"Hey, I've been away for three days. I've seen you with admiration. I haven't seen you for half a year. Are you so happy, old Chen?"

"Jiro Mishima is the president of xx Co., Ltd., and he's more comfortable... Wajima, the club is very powerful, you know."

"I'm sorry, I also have people in Wajima, who must be more open than you Mishima Jiro."


"The Ninja Alliance that has recently risen."



Buy the newly released, not very famous Hokage, and then use "Graphene 3 Steal" to prove and publicize the ninja. Under the background of being able to resist firearms, are the teenagers on Wajima going crazy?

Just like China's taekwondo craze and karate craze, everyone in Wajima is now learning ninjutsu.

As a result, Tianwei Group has added a big business, sending ninja instructors to Wajima...

After that, the ninja community formed an alliance, together with children and parents, forming a huge group that Wajima could not ignore.

In addition, the Wajima Security Center really can't catch ninjas, and they dare not catch them. No one wants to have a lollipop in their mouth at night in their dreams, with mouth ulcers and rotten cheeks...

Up to now, many security officers are learning ninjutsu...

"Brother, you are awesome, you are an uncle, but this business is really profitable, twenty-six Franklins a barrel!"

"How many?"

"Twenty-six, there may be an increase!"


Ge Xiaotian remembered that Lao Hong shipped it back from North America to Franklin only a dozen or so ago, and sold it to Nan Bangzi at twenty-four or five, earning more than two million at a high price.

And the crude oil Mao Xiong sold to his family to separate heavy oil was only eight Franklins!

That's right, eight beautiful swords!

Before the third oil crisis, the price of crude oil was very low.

It's just that Ice Bear wants real money, not investment.

However, Tiancheng's offshore account has just replenished more than 200 million yuan, plus the original 200 million yuan, there are plenty of funds.

If you buy in large quantities, you can almost triple your profit!

"I am nine, you are one!"

"You Gebapi!"


"Playing Ruigude, a very good share!"

"By the way, how is the Australian subway talk going?"

"It's hard. Those Australians are simply vampires. The supervisor in Melbourne asked me for 500 million Franklin. It's called a deposit."

"This is cheating you."

"I asked the staff to drag him into the toilet and beat him up. I guess he won't be able to get out of bed for ten years..."


"So, the business in Australia is bad, so I can only go to Wadao, Nanbangzi, Las Vegas..."

"Okay, courtesy and reciprocity, return to China another day, and introduce you to a great man who started in Wa Island. He has a lot of energy in Malay, and he may be of great help to you in the foreign trade industry."


"The richest man in the capital."

"I thank you……"

"Why do I feel like you're scolding me?"

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