Build Madness

Chapter 540: Mentor Sculpture: Graphene Contract

Kitakyushu, Mishima Hotel.

This is the property of Mishima Co., Ltd. under Mishima Jiro.

As for the arrival of the three high-tech companies and the five second-generation members of the Ninja Alliance, Mishima Jiro respectfully.

Although the Meiji Restoration abolished the hierarchical system, it actually retained a large amount of this system, and it has also penetrated deeply into the lives of the people on Wajima.

Ge Xiaotian didn't do as the Romans did, but just sat cross-legged.

The gathering of the three parties today is not for friendship, but for cooperation.

Ninja II is a helper invited by several technology companies, which stems from the reputation of Tianwei Group and Huo Dun Group. (As mentioned earlier, some people suspected that Huo Dun was the Heavenly Guard, so Huo Dun arranged a scene to make the two sides hostile.)

Negotiations, don't lose your momentum.

Seeing the ninja, Dao San took the lead in proposing a competition.

The second generation is also a monk, the two sides fight each other, you come and go, after five games, Tiancheng wins three to two.

Both parties were extremely satisfied with the result.

At least, the high-tech enterprise of Wajima has learned about the K.O martial arts competition, and all of them are top martial arts masters.

The newly rising ninjas can achieve such a record, which means that they also have the qualifications to participate in the KO competition.

You know, next year's bonus has rolled to 500 million Franklin...

After a short break, everyone sat down again.

Ge Xiaotian flicked the table, and Seng San, who had not participated in the battle, took out a transparent box with a thickness of five millimeters.

"Our company has a cooperative relationship with Longtian Technology, and previously purchased a batch of graphene for the research of new building materials, but unfortunately the project was shelved due to various reasons. At present, it is very difficult to purchase graphene in large quantities internationally, and the price is also very expensive. High, so, in order to make up for the loss, I decided to sell this batch of graphene."

"I don't know the price?"

"One hundred Franklins per gram."

"Mr. Ge, the price of single-layer graphene is not as outrageous as you said, it is twice as expensive."

"The price is easy to talk about, but I don't know how much you can swallow. If it's only tens or hundreds of grams, isn't it a waste of my time?"

"Mr. Ge, how much can you offer?"

"One hundred kilograms is not a problem."


"The goods can be inspected." Ge Xiaotian ordered Seng Er to take out two boxes of samples again.

The shareholders of the three high-tech companies looked at each other, got up and said sorry, and three waiters were called, who picked up the samples and walked into the back hall compartment one after another.

Inside, the general manager and technicians of the company were sitting waiting for the discussion.

Not familiar with each other, and it was the first transaction, the atmosphere was a bit solemn while waiting for a moment.

Ge Xiaotian signaled to the tea master serving him to change the tea, and took the opportunity to cast his eyes at the leader of the second generation, and then opened the imperial tablet that was exchanged from the system.

This system is really better than him.

It has all the products that have been developed by itself or are still to be developed.

But what about the price...

I'm afraid that even a flat plate made of pure gold can't compare to one-tenth of this one.

A full eight hundred thousand!

If it wasn't for the big business, Ge Xiaotian might never let the system take advantage of it in his life.

Old-fashioned tablets are ugly to users of electronic products who are used to narrow bezels or bezels, but they are amazing to those who are new to this field.

Especially when the other party is still a technology company.

The tablet lying on the table lit up, immediately attracting the attention of everyone in the living room.

Ge Xiaotian even saw the female tea artisan who was tinkering with tea sets, and was distracted.

"Ahem, this is a small toy given to me by Mr. Long Tianwang. He said that it is a new product that will be released soon."

As he spoke, Ge Xiaotian swiped the screen, revealing landmarks.

Nidaimu had already received the gaze, sat up straight, and subconsciously leaned forward. Seeing the God of War Chi You, Victory over Xingtian, and the Great Sage of War God, he couldn't help getting up and walking forward.

Dao Sanseng San on both sides made defensive gestures.

The faces of the shareholders of the high-tech enterprise changed, and one of them reminded: "My lord, what are you?"

"These sculptures remind me of my mentor."


"My mentor is the greatest ninja on the mother planet. He devotes himself to practice, regardless of the world, and pursues the highest level of martial arts..."

With memories, Nidaimu finished telling the legend of the unfounded mentor, "Unfortunately, the mentor passed away, leaving nothing for me to cherish. Today, I finally found a way to commemorate him."

"What do you mean?" Ge Xiaotian asked curiously.

"To make a sculpture like this, let us wait for the mentor and apprentice, always look up to the mentor, always cherish the memory of the mentor, always remember the teaching of the mentor, and never forget the ninja creed."

"Respectable!" All the entrepreneurs and waiters in the living room bowed in unison with serious faces. (sitting ceremony)

Ge Xiaotian clasped his fists together, "It's easy to say, 50 million Franklin, I will help you build one!"

The leader of the Second Daime showed dismay, "I guess we will have to wait for a while. Although we have worked hard, the money to pay homage to our teacher is far from enough to build a statue."

"My lord, don't worry, we will help you! However, Mr. Ge's quotation is indeed much more expensive. Perhaps, we can consult other construction companies, and we know a few of them."

Ge Xiaotian felt a little guilty because of the atmosphere, and secretly rolled his eyes at the leader of the second generation.

The latter understood, turned around and shook his head in despair, "There is no need for funding. There is a saying in "Zhuangzi Fisherman": The true one is the most sincere, and the insincere is not sincere. Just wait and do your best.”

"Your Excellency is really a master!" The shareholders of several technology companies, together with Jiro Mishima, looked more respectful and saluted again.

Ge Xiaotian secretly sighed, his heart was still too soft, if it was such a good opportunity to steal money, if it was Chen Feng... he probably would have taken the money and run away with the monk.

However, building a spectacle must come from nature.

With the first, there will be a second...

As for which kind to build, haven't you heard what the second generation said about the mentor!

Who knows what his benefactor looks like...

In Ge Xiaotian's mind, the picture of Gui Xianren suddenly flashed, and he quickly shook his head in denial.

What a joke!


It seems that the image fits well...

While thinking wildly, the three general managers of technology companies walked into the reception hall with the graphene box.

After saluting, they whispered to their respective shareholders.

a long time.

"Mr. Ge, we can get this hundred kilograms of graphene, is it just the price?"

Ge Xiaotian smiled slightly, and pulled out the graphene transaction contract signed with Longtian Laowang from the tablet computer, "The current international price of single-layer graphene is indeed fifty Franklins. However, this is a price without a market. , their current annual output is only one kilogram, the Chinese official is slightly higher, five kilograms, and the South Asian countries add up to no more than five hundred..., in the mother planet, they can get the goods for a long time, and use the formal channels of graphene, It seems that there is only my family!"

"The most important thing is that if Lao Wang finds out that I resold graphene to you, I'm afraid our relationship will deteriorate. You must know that Longtian's representative products and Zhenjia products are all made of graphene. If you develop If new graphene electronic products are produced, I am afraid that the advantages of Longtian Technology will disappear.”

"However, the price of one hundred Franklins is too high!"

"In the past, the unit price of graphene was tens of thousands of Franklins. Moreover, I have to pay taxes when I go abroad, and I have to pay taxes when I trade it to you. In addition, this is one of the materials managed by Longtian and prohibited from exporting to China."

"Mr. Ge, I'm sorry, but our maximum tolerance price will not exceed 80 Franklins."

"Ah... alright!"

Ge Xiaotian stood up, just as the shareholders of Wadao High-tech Enterprises were beaming with joy, "It seems that I'm going to sell to Ice Bear!"


"You know, the upper limit of your high-end technology, or even the upper limit of the world's high-end technology, is less than half of what Ice Bear inherited from Mao Xiong. To be honest, I really dare not sell it to them, for fear that some alien technology will suddenly burst out. Even if your Fang and Longtian, even North America, can't catch up if they want to. But, I'm short of money, I almost brought my company with me on the subway that I hired in Huaxia..."

After speaking, Ge Xiaotian shook his head and prepared to leave.

"Mr. Ge, wait!"

One of the shareholders stood up to stop it, "Our company can't take 100 kilograms, but 50 kilograms is still acceptable."

"One hundred Franklins?"

"Yes, I hope you can supply it for a long time."

"This is not a problem. At least, before Old King Longtian finds out, I will continue to provide fifty kilograms to your company every month."

"Thank you for your generosity!"

Hehe, I'm afraid you have despised me to the extreme in your heart!

Ge Xiaotian sneered in his heart and ordered Dao San to take out the contract.

Several high-tech companies also suffered heavy losses in the struggle between ninjas and North American spies.

However, the graphene technology that Ninja helped 'grab' back can make up for everything.

What is missing in these technologies is the purification of graphene.

If you don't want to buy graphene, or make graphene, it means that these graphene technologies are useless.

But all graphene storage technologies in the world are patented technologies bought at high prices during the graphene storm. Even if they want to buy it, they can't afford it now.

Looking for Pharaoh?

That's a nigga asking for money!

I didn't watch the North American Science and Technology Alliance, even the Scud... no, are the patriots ready!

After signing the contract, the shareholder who spoke first got up and left.

The faces of the shareholders of the other two companies were a bit ugly. Half of the share was taken away by someone. Even if the rest were divided equally, I am afraid that it would not be as fast as the first company's research and development...

Technology burns money!

"Mr. Ge..."

"Sorry, the price has increased!"


After a long time, the remaining two shareholders left together.

Ge Xiaotian returned to tua.

"Boss, we made a ton of graphene, why don't we take the opportunity to sell it all?" Dao San handed over the magnetic card with 10 million Franklin.

"Single-layer graphene is not easy to flow into the outside world too much, so that they can develop it, but it cannot be mass-produced. There are ninjas..."


"Our own scientific research is indeed strong, but there is no big gain in brainstorming behind closed doors."

In fact, things like this kind of black hands should be done by Lao Wang.

But that product is too capable, so what can I do, I have to break out the win xp core code, and completely quarrel with the North American Science and Technology Alliance.

This also led to Microsoft having to speed up the development of Vista.


Well, in Ge Xiaotian's memory, Ge Wangwang seems to have said that it was the most failed system in the new century.

"Then...boss, what about our remaining multi-layer graphene and semi-finished graphene?"

"Didn't the shareholders of Wajima Science and Technology Enterprise just say that they want to introduce several construction companies for the leader of the second generation to create sculptures of their mentors. Apart from imitating the statue of a goddess, have they ever made such a high-level spectacle? If they want to get the project, they will definitely come to us Learn from the scriptures. Moreover, the leader of the second generation will also secretly help to go-between, and promote us to meet with them. At that time... multi-layer graphene, and graphene semi-finished products, won't there be a market?"

Dao San couldn't help shivering, and subconsciously kept away from a self-satisfied schemer, "Boss, Gao!"

"You know, Wadao Construction Company is far richer than high-tech enterprises!"


"Come on, go back and play the game, Chen Feng's interest will arrive in the account, and I can recharge again!"


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