Build Madness

Chapter 542 Compensation Payment Undefective Concrete

"The gas group with Chinese characters and run characters is so big, how could it not exist?"

Ge Xiaotian thought about it, and his heart moved.

Is it not established yet?

Immediately, he thought of the electric heating series kitchen utensils sold by LT-store.


The infrastructure has just started, and before the west-east gas transmission, there were very few cities that could use gas. To put it bluntly, now is the era of briquettes and gas tanks.

For the sake of convenience and trouble-saving, electrical kitchen utensils are so popular.


Without Runhua, or without a big tree that can enjoy the shade, Ge Xiaotian can't think of anyone else who can intervene in the gas pipeline project.

Two barrels of oil?

Forget it, you have a corruption case, and you have the first corruption case. Mr. Du, who was offended before, is the key figure in both.

Because of the long-term layout of my family, I have not been targeted by such people. How can I cooperate with them again?

Fortunately, the lease fee and compensation may be able to delay the progress of the projects of Bingxiong and Nanbangzi.

"My lord, I've worked so hard to sell dozens of manor houses. Looking back, it's not as good as a windfall..."

Could this be the golden egg in the dream?

Ge Xiaotian narrowed his eyes.

Indeed, how much you want is one thing, and whether the other party will give it is another matter. This seems to be a daydream...

However, his demand for lease fees and compensation from Nanbangzi Oil and Gas Group was not out of touch and unreasonable. The other party did disrupt his own project.

It will take at least two years to lay the gas pipeline. Even if it does not cross Neobras and go along the Heilong River, it will hinder the Heilong River channel, and the railway construction and high-speed construction leading to the Heilong channel.

This is the truth.

Although the investment in the Neobras project is less than one-tenth of that of the gas project, Tiancheng also provides the GLONASS system which is difficult for Bingxiong to seek a third-party solution.

When it comes to military affairs, satellites are the most important.

Therefore, hold on to one billion and never let go!

This is fighting for your own rights!

"What the hell, this is simply a fair and aboveboard... By the way, do you want to split it up so that they can work harder from the side?"

Ge Xiaotian thought about it carefully, and contacted Mr. Governor, the old man with white beard, and Luxim, the son of the Lukoil tycoon who cooperated with him to provide asphalt and heavy oil. (See Chapter 351 for details)

He is also the overlord of Siberian oil, and the main person in charge of the Ice Bear and Nanbangzi gas pipeline project...

Well, Ge Xiaotian really doesn't remember the matter of the gas pipeline, and it's not for the sake of compensation, deliberately messing with Neo Brass, making a hole in the south...


Early the next morning.

Five famous construction companies from Wajima came to visit.

This is not only because Ninja II wants to build a sculpture for his teacher, and the other party wants to ask for advice on the construction technology of super high structures.

There are also batches of free steel structure patented technologies that Tianchang has disclosed to the public one after another for a long time.

In other words, Tiancheng's reputation in the construction industry has won the respect of his peers.

It's just a false name, it's useless.

Colleagues are enemies, and sooner or later the two sides will be competitors.

When they came to Zheng He's sightseeing hall, they all sat down. Ge Xiaotian didn't show any politeness, and went straight to the topic.

"Sorry, the construction technology of ultra-high structures is currently an industry secret of our company. It is different from the steel structure technology that has been announced, and I cannot give you more help for the time being."

"Mr. Ge, in fact, we came today to learn about the Inversion Bowl Stadium..."

"Then there is nothing to talk about. The technology is still my driver's secret. Of course, if you want to know about new building materials, I can provide some ideas."

"I don't know which category you are referring to?"

"Scientific studies have shown that if graphene is added to conventional concrete production, the composite material developed can be twice as strong and four times more water-resistant than existing concrete."

Ge Xiaotian opened SG, showing the data report, "This new technology focuses on modifying the existing cement composition, allowing graphene layers to be suspended in water, and ultimately producing high-yield defect-free concrete that can be combined with modern manufacturing techniques, And scale up production at a relatively low cost."

"This...sorry, we cannot purify high-tech materials such as graphene."

"This technology does not require single-layer graphene. The current bottleneck encountered by the scientific and technological community is the storage of single-layer graphene, which is different from the graphene used in our construction industry."

"what do you mean?"

"The purification of multilayer graphene composite materials is relatively simple, but the requirements for raw materials and output are relatively high."


"Yes, we need crystalline graphite, or aphanitic graphite. Your country's resources are scarce."

The heads of the five construction companies instantly understood what they meant, and one of them frowned, "Mr. Ge, if the flawless concrete is as you said, twice the strength and four times the water resistance, for us, it is indeed a high-quality concrete." High-performance products are very suitable for the transformation of artificial islands. But if the price remains high, it may not be able to replace ordinary concrete mixed with water-resistant ordinary cement.”

"Each party only needs 300 red notes, which is roughly equivalent to 1.5 times the price of concrete made of cement with the same price in the world. If compared with Dongshan, it may be similar to ordinary concrete." (The price of Dongshan cement has not dropped, which is falsely high )

"It can be considered, but Mr. Ge, your company needs at least one and a half days' flight from Wa Island, and I'm afraid to transport concrete..."

"It's not from Dongshan, but from Okhotsk. Our company has purchased small seawater desalination equipment, processed it halfway, and delivered it for use."


"We have icebreakers."


Ge Xiaotian motioned to Dao San to take five samples, "There is no evidence for what you say, and you need to go back and confirm the specific parameters."

"Then stop bothering!"

The person in charge of the Wadao construction company didn't say much, and he didn't mention anything about the sculpture. He asked people to bring samples and bid farewell.

Lao Hong, who was sitting on the side playing games, asked curiously, "Boss, why don't you sell semi-finished graphene?"

"If you sell too much, it will be easy to reveal your secrets. After all, graphene belongs to Lao Wang."

The defect-free concrete is very different from the defect-free cement that is popular in the world at present. The former is a molding material, the main components are cement and sand, and the latter is a bonding material, and the patent is monopolized by England.

Tiancheng's self-developed defect-free concrete does not occupy the existing patented technology. As Ge Xiaotian said, adding graphene semi-finished products requires ingredients in advance, and water cannot be added in advance, let alone seawater containing chloride ions, which is highly corrosive to steel.

One side of the three hundred red notes is transported by sailboat, relying on the resources of Okhotsk, and each party can earn almost two hundred yuan.

Due to the different types of concrete, the weights are different, comprehensive calculation, the average concrete per square meter is 1.5 tons.

A wooden battleship with a displacement of 2,000 tons can transport about 1,330 tons, and a ship can earn 400,000 yuan.

It seems unreliable to ship a thousand ships, but Wadao used to be a cement exporter, and it did not become an importer until the real estate boom. After the real estate bubble burst, the industry was sluggish, and it was facing the decision to "cut production capacity".

Reducing production capacity: In order to solve the unfavorable situation of vicious competition caused by oversupply of products, seek ways to transform and upgrade production equipment and products.

Now that Wajima is about to carry out the second round of infrastructure construction, Tiancheng rushes in with high-quality concrete. Although he can't monopolize it, he can take the opportunity to make a fortune.

Besides, Okhotsk and Neobras have a lot of cement clinker, which is equivalent to selling jade at the price of picking up stones...

While meditating, Seng San went to Qianhui to report:

"Boss, the North American Science and Technology Alliance released several smartphones and launched Planet of Warcraft."

"Bought a few, I will use them. In addition, install the game, and I will experience it first."

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