Build Madness

Chapter 545 Experts Visit KS Group

Hearing the words "Pengci", Mr. Wu said in astonishment, "Are you guys stiff?"

"No, it's actually not considered touching porcelain. It's just fighting for the rights and interests that Tiancheng itself should have." Ge Xiaotian briefly talked about the Neobras project.

"It's just such a small matter, you rented the land, and asked for a billion Franklin?"

"I know money doesn't come from the wind!"

"Then you want so much more?"

"Money is earned!"


Mr. Wu took a deep breath, "Don't have too much hope, it's pretty good to get one-tenth of the compensation."

"Actually, my goal is 1%, and I will let go if I give Franklin 10 million."


Mr. Wu took in a breath before he could spit it out in the future. Hearing the words, he almost suffered internal injuries, and finally understood what kind of guy this young man in front of him was.

"Don't look at me like that, I'm not a capitalist."


Mr. Wu watched him sit back in the car again, and changed the subject, "By the way, you really don't want to contract the gas pipeline project?"

"Worry, non-public bidding projects are different in nature from cross-sea projects. If I don't give money, who can I ask for it?"

"Because it's on the border of Ice Bear, it's not easy for Huaxia Construction Engineering to intervene. However, Tiancheng is really suitable. I mean, Tiancheng is stationed in Ice Bear Group, which is the infrastructure team you developed Neobras. It's full of morons , if one party does not pay, you will declare to the outside world that you cannot pay wages..."

Ge Xiaotian's expression froze, I'll go, master, "You really awakened the dreamer with just one word!"

"Actually, this project won't work, I know!"


What do I know?

Ge Xiaotian frowned tightly, lost in thought...

In another time and space, a project as big as a gas pipeline started in the Northeast, so it is impossible not to remember it.


But there is no impression of contracting gas pipelines in my mind.

Could it be that Ice Bear pulled it out with his bare hands?

A bit unreliable.

If Ice Bear's infrastructure is strong, there is no need to introduce so many overseas developers.

Nanbangzi Construction Workers?

Since the economic crisis in 1997, it has not recovered yet.

Wajima Construction Works?

Along the way, the bones in the former Siberian labor camp site may not scare them into tears.

Huaxia Construction Engineering was unwilling to intervene, and there was nothing in the surrounding area... Could it be that it didn't work out in the end? !

Ge Xiaotian suddenly remembered that there seemed to be a period of time when the North and South sticks almost fought.

Another one is that the gas pipeline tolls charged by Beibangzi add up to hundreds of kilometers, which is 100 million Franklins per year.

This is worse than Tian Cheng asking for one billion compensation.


He had talked with Lao Hong before, if Nan Bangzi got the gas project, then Huaxia Oil \u0026 Gas, especially the peninsula area, might really be controlled by Nan Bangzi...

In this way, the gas pipeline project was not settled until I crossed it?

No wonder the ambassador said it couldn't be done!

Ge Xiaotian's heart skipped a beat.

What does he mean...

If they are recruited with great fanfare in the name of solving the employment of Ice Bear in the Far East, will they be able to earn a wave of fame?

look! I, Tiancheng, undertook a 100 billion project, is the construction of the Incheon Bridge considered a ball?

What? Project not started?

We have contracted, which means we have the strength, what does it matter whether the project starts or not?

In particular, regardless of the final outcome of the gas pipeline project, the profit ratio of the cross-sea project is the largest.

Those who engage in infrastructure construction should understand the meaning of Jinqiao, Yinlu, copper buildings, diamond tunnels and blood railways.

Moreover, if you take over the gas pipeline, you can get the compensation as soon as possible.

As for the gas project being yellow, do you want a refund...

With Tiancheng's development speed, after N years, or even more than ten years later, there will be many ways to renege...


Ge Xiaotian held Ambassador Wu's hand, "Uncle Wu, I won't say much thank you, I will donate another tua!"

"You can pull it down!"

"Uncle Wu, there are four great joys in life, meeting an old acquaintance in a foreign country, meeting a confidant while chatting, making a small profit of one billion..."

"Ahem, I'm busy!"



Taking a car with a red flag, Ge Xiaotian came to the headquarters of KS Group under the recommendation of Ambassador Wu.

Regarding his arrival, the several executives who had met a few days ago looked very serious, thinking that a debtor was coming.

"Mr. Ge, the gas pipeline project has not been confirmed yet, so you don't need to be in such a hurry, right?"

"No, no, there are two things this time. One is, how do you feel about the types of cement developed by our company?" (The five types of cement displayed are not defect-free concrete)

"The characteristics are indeed as your company said, very good."

Ge Xiaotian smiled slightly, "If my five types of cement are used for laying gas pipelines, as long as the construction is done properly, I believe that the century-old project will not be a dream."

"I would like to borrow your good words."

"So, what I mean is that Tiancheng has enough strength to undertake the gas pipeline project!"



Gas pipeline projects are far more complicated than imagined.

Even if the South Bangzi has the ability to undertake construction, it is impossible to go to the North Bangzi for construction, and they belong to the North American Alliance, and they will not allow the Ice Bear to enter the construction.

To put it bluntly, a third party is needed.

Originally, Huaxia Construction Engineering was a good choice. However, after the disintegration of Mao Xiong, Ice Xiong has not yet signed border regulations with Huaxia, and Ice Xiong is weak in the Far East.

If it is undertaken by Tiancheng's Ice Bear Group, not to mention Ice Bear and Nan Bangzi, even Bei Bangzi who wants tolls will be very happy.

Therefore, the intention to contract, um, is an intention, not a bid, nor a project approval.

The contract intention was quickly approved by the three parties.

As for the specifics...

There is a world of ice and snow there, and it is impossible to conduct surveys, surveys, and explorations. We can only talk about it next year.

However, Ge Xiaotian's goal is not here, but the cross-sea project.

After exchanging gas pipeline matters, chat a few words about the Incheon Bridge.

"Mr. Ge, I have heard a little about this matter, but the responsible agency is the regulatory department. I am afraid that we cannot reach a cooperation in private, but we can guarantee that other people will not be able to do the same. They can only go through public bidding."

"So good!"

Ge Xiaotian also didn't think about taking the project through his relationship. If he did this, he would be criticized internationally in the future, but Tian Cheng was not afraid to go through the normal process, "Then, please pay more attention to the specific news about the project, and please pay attention to it." Deliver in time!"

"no problem!"


Big projects cannot be completed in a short while, Tian Cheng also needs to make a lot of arrangements in advance.

After leaving KS Group, Ge Xiaotian had lunch with Ambassador Wu and decided to return to the fleet.

However, Dosan, who was supposed to stay in Neobras to take charge of things, needed to watch the sky with the boat because of the cold front of the Sea of ​​Okhotsk.

Ge Xiaotian immediately arranged for him to fly to Vladivostok in South Bangzi Seoul, and then return to Amur along the Siberian Railway.

This voyage is mainly to test the reaction of North America, to see if the other party knows the whole story of the graphene incident, and even sells graphene as bait, but the North American fleet stationed in Washima harbor has no response, and some people even go to Kitakyushu harbor to join in the fun. It seems Tian Cheng did a good job in keeping secrets.

Sending off aisle three, Ge Xiaotian returned to the fleet.

Organize income...

Sell ​​100 kilograms of graphene to Washima technology company, 10 million Franklin...

Selling 50 million yuan of non-defective cement to Wadao Construction Engineering Co., Ltd. made a profit of 40 million Franklin...

Total trade...

"Two billion...Unfortunately, it's Japanese coins!"

Ge Xiaotian contacted the planning department to set up Wadao Online Shopping Company, and used the money as start-up capital.

The Franklin earned back is remitted to Tianrong, and after being exchanged for red notes, it is transferred to the accounts of various companies that provide goods to pay salaries.

In two or three months, the Chinese New Year will be here, and the employees don’t have enough pockets, so how can they spend money in their own industries?

As for other things, such as whether the self-built wonders of ninjas and Wajima will collapse...that's beyond his control.

It's a pity that I went to Kitakyushu and failed to sell the mechanical arm technology including the transmission system of the excavator...

"if I get it I am lucky, but if not, it is fate!"

Near the port of Qinggang, Ge Xiaotian changed into Master Zheng's attire, proudly stood on the bow of the boat and was about to compose an impromptu poem, when he suddenly saw red and blue flashing security vehicles on the pier.

It seems that there are still many explosion-proof, green clothes...

"Come on, you won't be the one who caught me?"

It is really too difficult to pave the way for some things. Overseas infrastructure projects are too big, and if they are not detailed, they appear empty and inexplicable, so that everyone does not know how to win them. Let's write it's not good-looking, it's dropped from favorites, and it's also received bad reviews. Originally, Zheng He’s voyages were a transitional chapter between Zaoshi New Town and Nanyang Infrastructure. At present, the response seems to be very poor. Speed ​​up the timeline and cut into China as soon as possible. Everyone remembers that the protagonist has traveled overseas, sold graphene, sold non-defective cement, encountered For the gas pipeline project, we are going to start the cross-sea bridge. These few key points are enough. In addition, I am asking for recommendations and monthly tickets, but no one has voted for it now, so sad...

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