Build Madness

Chapter 547 Can't afford to mess with it Form a harbor construction company

The leader of the Fuda University expressed his desire for the treasure ship, and the leader of Shaobaidou continued to introduce the various places in China. They were either familiar with him, or worked with Mr. Yu, or had verbal orders from Zhu Lao, or belonged to the leaders of Tiancheng's superior department. We, after that, introduced a group of middle-aged men in suits and leather shoes again.

"Xiaotian, this is the deputy leader of Nanyang Development Bank, Mr. Zhuang's company. After the establishment of Huaxia, it has spared no effort to support the construction and development of the motherland in all aspects. I received a notice from the superior..."

Well, another one who can't afford to mess with it!

Greetings from Ge Xiaotian Mechanization...

Immediately afterwards, Shaobaitou attracted the next batch...

After a long, long time...

The leader of the Fuda University who was observing the group of sailing ships put down the binoculars in his hand, "Crossing the cold front from Okhotsk, and then to the storm-prone Washima waters, now not only does it look undamaged, even the masts and giant sails are as clean as new , what a boat!"

Where is it?

This is all the result of Dao Sanye observing the sky.

Ge Xiaotian's thoughts changed sharply, looking for a reason to refuse.

Selling ships is good, but foreign trade is also profitable, and you can also take advantage of some unknown overseas infrastructure projects, plus a few movies, and three high-tech companies waiting to be secretly extradited...

Weighing the pros and cons, it is better not to sell.

While thinking, the satellite phone rang.

Looking at the number, it turned out to be Holden who stayed on the Zheng He and hadn't disembarked yet.

A light flashed in Ge Xiaotian's mind.

The 100 wooden warships purchased by Horton are almost arriving in Hawaii!

Open up the map and see...

Coming soon!

Cancel fifteen ships smoothly...


No more than that would arouse suspicion.

As for the crew...

They are all sailors converted from farmers. Their water skills are excellent. They are close to the Hawaiian harbor, and they can't die in shallow water.

After finishing all this work, Ge Xiaotian pressed the answer button, turned on the speakerphone, and switched the system language.


"Mr. Ge, this ship is really good. It can cross the Pacific Ocean safely. You don't know. According to the captain of the fleet I arranged, they encountered a huge wave of more than 50 meters..."

Hearing this, besides the translators who spoke quietly, the leaders who knew English looked even hotter...


"I would also like to thank Mr. Ge... Fuck, fifteen ships have sunk? God, what happened! Xie Te, they have all arrived at the Hawaiian harbor, the wind is calm, and they have sunk!!!"

"Mr. Huo, are the staff all right?"

"It's nothing serious, the shallow water area, it's just...strange, why did it sink? Oh my god, the photos sent over there are fragmented, as if they were blown up!"

"The quality is absolutely fine!"

"I know!"

"It's unbelievable to survive the 50-meter huge wave. In our Chinese language, maybe this is called: the end of the crossbow!"

"No, cracking, crumbs, boom, it doesn't look like it fell apart naturally! I suspect it's Xiaobu's competitor, it exploded!"


"Fake, those damned bastards actually got on my head!"

What a brain!

Ge Xiaotian felt ashamed, "Mr. Huo, remember I reminded you before, buy a few more to avoid misfortune, now it seems that this is also a blessing in misfortune."

"Thank you Mr. Ge for your reminder! However, I'm afraid we are leaving, and Xiaobu will soon compete for the chairman of North America, and we need our support..."

"Stay longer!"

Ge Xiaotian was concerned about his own plan, hung up the phone immediately, and looked at the leaders, "You all heard that this ship is unreliable, it's not safe to break apart fifteen ships at once!"

The leader of Fuda quickly waved his hand, "Mr. Ge, don't be kidding, it's incredible that you can survive the 50-meter huge wave! Moreover, this is not falling apart, this is a bad way of competition between North America and it has nothing to do with you The quality of the boat, I am determined!"


Ge Xiaotian was stunned, "No..."

"Let's make a quotation. I heard that Tiancheng is going south, and he's even fighting with the Shanghai Chamber of Commerce. For your company, we are in Fujian province, but the rear of Jiangsu and Zhejiang regions. understand!"

"That's right, Mr. Ge, we in Quanshi will welcome Tiancheng's arrival and develop together..."

"Our Xia City..."

"Our North Lake..."


Ge Xiaotian couldn't help but motioned to Seng San to take out the cigarette and light a cigarette.

With so much support and weighing the pros and cons, it is undoubtedly the most appropriate to sell the ship.

But what about the three high-tech companies?

The name does not matter, and the personnel are not too important. The materials have already been spread to China, and the key is the equipment, especially the 90nm and 45nm lithography machines under development, and the world's most cutting-edge optoelectronic technology.

In terms of technology, no matter how tricky they are with materials, if they don't have hard skills, sooner or later they will be left behind by the Science and Technology Alliance again.

"Mr. Ge?"

Seeing him distracted, the leader of Fuda waved his hand, "What's the price?"

"According to the model, the two thousand treasure ships I sold to Holden cost one million Franklins each."

"So expensive?"

"It involves shipbuilding technology, but we are our own people, if..."

Just as Ge Xiaotian was about to ask Seng San to remove the map, he suddenly remembered that he didn't have any information about the southern regions, "I wonder if the leaders have brought the local city planning map?"

"This... we are here to buy a boat."

"Yes, I sell boats, but money is of no use to me."


"I've made enough money, I want to change some land."

The leaders at the scene suddenly realized.

Believe your evil!

By exchanging the boat for land, Tiancheng entered Jianfu Province, and he had to fulfill all the support that everyone said before.


This seems to be a good thing again.

Like Nanhe, Tiancheng specially set up a local group, Wangjing is the same, taxation, employment, development...

The leader of Fuda University nodded, "It's a very good proposal, but, in this way, it will be difficult to reach a deal in a short period of time when it involves all aspects."

"It's okay, when the leaders make a decision, I, Lao Ge, will personally deliver the goods to your door!"

"However, I want to take the boat away today."


Ge Xiaotian secretly thought it was a pity.

It seems that the plan to procrastinate for time and take the opportunity to transport the three high-tech enterprises back is about to fail again.

The main reason is that they are all in charge of the development of their own main business, so they can't be messed with.

"How about an IOU?"

"Forget it, it's not necessary." Ge Xiaotian quickly denied it.

IOUs or something, if you accept the account now, I'm afraid it will be a waste of paper for a new term.

In another time and space, the reason why the Guyue Hotel disappeared is probably due to this reason.

In particular, there are countless land and white stripes.

Seeing the stalemate between the two sides, the leader of Shaobaidou raised his wrist and showed the SG electronic wristband, "It's getting late, and the weather is getting colder, why don't we find a place, have a cup of tea, and chat?"

"Very good!" The leader of Fuda University nodded.

"Then the leaders go first. There are a group of distinguished North American guests in the fleet that need to be arranged, and the fleet also needs to be taken care of. When the arrangements are made, I will go there right away." Ge Xiaotian quickly took the opportunity to squeeze out some space for thinking.

"Also, let's take the time to contact the local area and reach an agreement on this as soon as possible."

"Leaders go slow!"


Zheng He Sightseeing Hall.

Horton turned around in a hurry. Seeing Ge Xiaotian's return, he hurried forward, "Mr. Ge, we really need to go back urgently. I'm afraid we can't continue to accompany you to enjoy the beautiful scenery along the way."

"Then I wish you all a safe journey, Gudrak spits!"

"Thank you, Mr. Ge, for your hospitality during this time. If you have time to come to North America, we will definitely let you enjoy what is called paradise!" Disney shareholders stepped forward to say goodbye.

After that, DreamWorks, Hotel chain, North American aquatic products...

Watching the other party take the helicopter to Qinggang Airport, Ge Xiaotian lay in the hanging chair with closed eyes and thought.

If the fleet is sold, the foreign trade income of Taiwan Province will be lost, the rubber plan will be delayed, the plan to sell to the rich aircraft carrier in the UAE will be delayed, and the delivery of photovoltaic materials for African power plants will be delayed...

However, they can reap the support of the leaders at the southernmost tip of China for Tiancheng's main business, and they may get many tourist wharf and tourist port construction projects.

As for the extradition of the three high-tech companies...

Ge Xiaotian gritted his teeth, and planned to hand it over to Nong Qijiu, who went to Europe to become an underground boss.

In more than half a month, a new era of the system will begin. Send him a batch of ironclad ships, add some new technology, and whether they can be shipped to a certain area in the Arctic Ocean depends on how Nong Qijiu is doing in Europe, or , to see if he is really ruthless.

"Seng San, Tong Zhiyi, use the GLONASS system board we control to contact Nong Qijiu, this... this... and this again!"


"In addition, pack up the ships, arrange corresponding sailors for each ship, and wait for delivery."

After Ge Xiaotian made arrangements, he stepped off the Zheng He.

Leaving Wa Island early, the goods must be reserved, and the strong man will carry the pole and go to Qinggang City to set up a stall. I believe it will be disposed of soon.

Urban management?

What was the conversation with the young and white-headed new secretary just now?

It's just that the next celebration of Zheng He's voyages to the West may have to wait until next year.

And the movie has to be postponed, after all, without the plot of the Southeast Asian countries, it is not really a voyage to the West.

Thinking about it, Ge Xiaotian met the ocean boss head-on.

"Huh? Why didn't I see you just now?"

"With so many leaders, there is no place for me."

The tall man with a bronze complexion smiled slightly, and asked people to open the tua, and the two of them sat in it.

"President, the plan to lease the seaport may need to be adjusted."

"How do you say it? I think it's very good here."

"Leader Shaobaitou plans to open a route to West Asia. If the application is approved, this seaport may not be able to accommodate a new generation of container ships."

"How many tons?"

"550,000 tons."

"Changed to a deep-water port?"

"No, it's a different place, Dongjiakou Port, and build a 10,000-ton container cold storage with 50 berths. In the future, an automated container handling system will be established."

"I don't understand, just tell me how much additional investment is needed."

"This project is owned by Qinggang Port, and we are only taking part in the construction."

"Leave it to your construction company. I may have to open up a new station area in the south, and I'm afraid I won't be able to handle it."

"I mean……"

The ocean boss was a little embarrassed, "Give me Tiancheng's seaport project?"

"Huh? That's a good suggestion. I really didn't think about the person in charge."

"Tiangang Construction Group?"

"Good name! But, let's call it Yuantian Harbor Construction."

"No, no, you must lead the sky ahead, the sky is far away!"

"Did you misunderstand something?"

"No, you are the president, so your name must be on the front."

"It's okay, you are the person in charge, your name comes first."

"But, I don't want to be stared at by patriots every day like Old King Longtian, and I don't want to go in like everything..."

"It seems that you did misunderstand me a little."

"No, how is it possible!"

"Brother Yuanyang, we have established a deep friendship since the beginning of our family. How could I cheat you?"

"The word 'you' has been used, and you still say it's not cheating? That's it, Tiangang, don't go further."

"It seems that the misunderstanding is deep!"

"Don't think about it, let's talk about the new group..."

"You are fully responsible. If you want money, you are still a good person, or if you want goods, you can go to the planning department."

Ge Xiaotian lacked interest, sighed dejectedly, and pushed the car door a little lonely, "In life, I lost another confidant!"

The ocean boss curled his lips: demo, pretend again!

'Strange, has my acting skills declined? '

Ge Xiaotian glanced sideways, just in time to catch a look of contempt.

There is a reason to find trouble!

"What are you looking at?"



Let's make a fuss, the business still needs to be resolved.

Finalize the establishment plan of Tiancheng Harbor Construction Group with the big brother of Sino-Ocean, and decide that Sino-Ocean, the second shareholder, will be the chairman, and the major shareholder will provide personnel and machinery. Afterwards, Ge Xiaotian and the other party went to the Ocean Hotel.

In the evening, I happened to pass through Badaguan.

"Huh? This place hasn't been set up yet?"

"A lot of waste is waiting to be done."

"You arrange a team to mess around casually, and this will be a good place to take wedding photos in the future."

"as you wish."

When we arrived at the hotel, many leaders were already seated.

Ge Xiaotian took out the ppt urgently made by Seng San, and connected it to the projector specially arranged by the young leader who understands him.

"Let's talk about the model and function of the retro battleship first, and then talk about the quotation..."

The operation of canceling the system ship was used at the beginning of this book when I touched Cishangla Chemical Factory. At that time, the canceled houses collapsed as soon as the opponent smashed them. In addition, to achieve the highest performance of the system ship, a strong man needs to change his job Holden took away a group of sailors, which is similar to the method of dispatching Tianwei.

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