Build Madness

Chapter 558 Heavy Machinery Crossing the Border - Sudden News

There is a lot of discussion on the Internet, but the reality is also taking action.

Zicheng compound.

Facing the room full of subordinates, the leaders of Zicheng knocked on the materials on the table:

"A month ago, Ge Shoufu just spent 8 billion to build water conservancy projects in Dongshan, and what Xingyue Bay in Zicheng has brought to this city, you should all understand in your heart. Now that people are taking money-making projects overseas, they need to borrow Transporting heavy machinery to Qinggang, Zhangqiu in the west and Weicheng in the east are dismantling toll stations one after the other, if we don’t dismantle them, how can we go to Tiancheng to attract investment in the future?”

"Leader, the bridge erecting machine is nothing more than demolishing corner buildings and toll booths, but with so many big guys following up, I'm afraid the road will collapse."

"It's time to rebuild the old road more than 20 years ago!"

The leaders of Zicheng City had a burning gaze, "Recently, I don't know who has set up crowdfunding on the Internet to plant trees and green the Northwest. Logistics companies, crowdfunding to build roads!"


"From today, I will be in charge of the largest enterprises in this city, and the lower-level departments will be grouped according to the areas under their jurisdiction, mobilize small and medium-sized enterprises to invest, and list the treatment given by this city, such as free road maintenance fees, free tolls, Tax reduction and exemption, etc., and the city's financial budget will be added later. I will talk to Dataai Road and Bridge again, understand it with emotion, and move it with reason. Just say that Tiancheng destroys the road, so it must be repaired for us? Lower the cost, brand new Isn't there a big road?"

"Leader, we don't want to borrow money from superiors?"

"Why don't you call Mr. Yu and ask if he has any money?"


"Besides, it takes time to apply for a loan. Three to five years is normal, but my plan is earlier than other cities to build roads and connect to the Tiancheng hub plan ahead of time, but it will allow us to be the first to embark on full-scale industrialization!"

"Leadership wise!"

"Ugly words come first, good talents are put to good use, and those who are able live in them. If you can't get funds, or don't work hard, then prepare in advance and find another job!"


"Of course, I won't treat those with excellent grades. There is no supervisor in the Xingyuewan area of ​​Zicheng. Look at the young Mr. Cai, and then look at the firefighting in Nanhe. Now he is sitting in the Sun Bureau led by Bianliang... Do you understand? !"



Thanks to the more than 8 billion that Boss Ge spent on laying the waterway and expanding the transportation hub, the cities along the way from Jifu/Jishi to Qinggang, not only did not stop them, but instead made small plans one after another.

Although it's not like the leader of Zicheng City, who eats bear's heart and wants to build roads through crowdfunding, but after studying Tiancheng's corporate culture for so long, there must be some good ideas...

For example, Weicheng, which has a diesel engine industry, wants to use this to introduce the heavy machinery sector of Tiancheng Machinery Manufacturing Plant and open a branch factory there.

For example, Yancheng Mining wants to connect to the Tiancheng BRT bus route. This coal mining city is under the jurisdiction of Ji City in name, but in fact it develops independently. In the first half of the year, Tiancheng built Xingyue Bay in Yancheng, but due to the subsidence area and other reasons, it was built fifty miles away, only five miles away from the Confucian Mansion in Fucheng. It might as well be called Confucian Mansion Xingyue Bay...

For example, the county-level 'cities' managed by Weicheng want to restore the Qi Great Wall...

(Ge Xiaotian failed to sell to Mr. Yu before, but instead asked his younger brother to sell to his younger brother...successful.)

While the leaders were taking action one after another, Lao Hong, who followed Boss Ge back to Yancheng, and then rushed to Jinxiuchuan University City non-stop, was holding a check clip, with a violent expression on his face, and the security office and the road. The officers of the management department commanded the heavy machinery to go on the road together.

Kuan Kuo Jing Shi Road, red and blue flashing, the safety office, road management office, construction vehicle, and three sedan chairs are leading the way.

Afterwards, two Dajie Jiefang locomotives were in the front, and two locomotives were in the rear, dragging forward and pushing backward, driving the 120-wheel super-long truck chassis commissioned by Quanpu Trailer Factory to carry the disassembled bridge erecting machine first.

The important road sections along the way were put on alert, causing countless crowds to watch.

Just like when Ge Xiaotian was a child, he would sigh for a long time when he saw a five-story water tower. When he grew up, he was used to seeing small high-rise buildings.

Even as the buildings he builds get taller, in his eyes, if they don't have a hundred floors, they can't be considered majestic.

This is related to the psychological impression that comes naturally from long-term exposure to certain types of things.

And in this era, even if Tiancheng develops rapidly, even if SG lays six or seven million units, even if there are as many as one thousand civic activity centers, the land of Huaxia is rich in resources and has a large population. I don’t know that Tiancheng’s fathers and villagers still occupy most of them, and there are no tall buildings in sight. There are still countless people in the building, families without access to the Internet, and even without telephones, it is still like another time and space at the same time.

When a huge bridge erecting machine appeared in a rural area, it caused a sensation far beyond criminals parading the streets.

"There is going to be a war!"

"This weapon is too frightening!"

"Huaxia will win!"

A group of elementary school students who had just finished school even wiped their noses and waved their schoolbags vigorously, "Down with imperialism!"

"All protests are paper tigers!"

Lao Hong, standing on the car, didn't know what to think, and waved the red flag prepared to go to sea, "Don't forget the national humiliation, revitalize China!"

"Long live China!"

"Mr. Hong, can you stop making trouble?"

The head of the Dongshan Road Management Office, his forehead was sweating in the winter, "We are going to bid for the Olympics this year, and we will apply for the WTO. If it gets out, the impact will be bad."

"Afraid? Isn't it written in the ideological and moral textbook? I can't even shout?"


Just as the two were blowing their beards and staring, the second batch of heavy machinery drove out of the Jifu area.

Four huge mechanical arms and two rectangular metal platforms look like super cannons with lower barrel angles from a distance.

Similarly, the fronts of the two cars were dragging in front, and the two cars were pushing in the back. They sent each other off at the security station and went straight to Qinggang...

This is the 1,000-ton beam lifting machine and the 2,000-ton floating crane developed by Tiancheng Machinery, Dongshan Machinery, and Xucheng Machinery in Zhangqiu. It is also the giant that netizens can't understand.

After all, it can lift one or two thousand tons of machinery, even if the counterweight is removed, the body is still huge.

Immediately afterwards, dozens of mechanical wells required for caisson piling in shallow water areas were successively loaded onto vehicles and driven out of the Jinxiuchuan Reservoir construction site...

Next came heavy deep-water drilling rigs, steel cables purchased from Liju, equipment for making self-sinking piles with a diameter of two meters, molds for supporting various prefabricated parts, and countless scaffolds... appeared one by one.

Land transportation is far more difficult than sea transportation, and they must gather in Qinggang in advance, even if Nan Bangzi denies Tiancheng's bid, it can still be used to build Dongjiawan Port.

While the roaring engine and the shocking motorcade shocked the senses of the audience, they also swept the Internet again.

Northeast Xiaozhuang's post has been crooked.

An enthusiastic netizen moved resources from the Nanbangzi forum and posted another post.

After science popularization, people already know about bridge erecting machines, beam lifting machines, crane ships...

However, the emergence of offshore floating docks, engineering islands, and system floating islands has killed those seemingly huge land machinery before, making netizens realize that there is no biggest, only bigger!

"These sticks are so hateful that they even claim that NT belongs to them!"

"They can NT, but Tiancheng is ours!"

"Hey? Upstairs, why do I feel that there is something in your words?"

"The Ge family's water army still has five seconds to arrive on the battlefield..."

"Why do you always have to be crooked, can you have a good chat?!"


Ge Xiaotian has given up scoring points in the Shenlong Continent Arena, and instead likes to publish some ridiculous topics, hoping that the leaders who pay attention to him can open up their minds.

Like crowdfunding to plant trees...


The staff of the office went to Jishi to participate in the Sancha Cup. Ge Xiaotian boasted about it, but he was a little bored. He took a look at the corporate chat room and browsed various information platforms, and soon found overseas news.

A protest against Tiancheng breaks out on Wajima!

It was not because of the collapse of the sculpture made by Wajima Construction Engineering with flawless cement, but because of the online shopping platform that was established after a month!

The emergence of online shopping, coupled with ninja delivery, has quickly become fashionable, causing brick-and-mortar merchants to protest.

Ge Xiaotian pondered for a while, and immediately contacted the director of Wadao's online shopping business, asking him to distribute the online stores to these protesting brick-and-mortar stores for free, so that the other parties could taste the sweetness first.

As for not protesting...

What's the matter with love, what's the matter with Tiancheng?

Anyway, online shopping is going to become a cultural trend in Wajima. When the first batch of money is made, the young men and women of Wajima, no matter whether they are unemployed at work or hate online shopping, will plan to do online shopping part-time in order to earn some extra money. Resigned to do online shopping full-time.

At that time, online shopping will be rampant, such as shopping malls, and the possibility of death is unlikely, but the market share will definitely shrink sharply...

Then, taking advantage of the outbreak of online shopping abuses, the online shopping platform 'Hayi Hayi Hayi' went public through a back door, and Tiancheng withdrew its capital...

Since the family has the ability to squeeze wool, it would be a pity for the conscience of a serious entrepreneur not to squeeze it.

However, then again, we must avoid Huaxia from repeating the same mistakes, and we need to advance both ends of the physical network, or else we will shoot ourselves in the foot, and let the ordinary member merchants of Tiancheng Plaza go to Yi who had sought cooperation with him before but avoided him Shopping online...

There is no need to acquire the other party.

Get rid of e-buy, maybe there will be a Taobao...

Ge Xiaotian thought about it carefully, and denied copying SG online shopping to Wadao online shopping platform.

China has not yet joined the WTO, and the export of many commodities is restricted, unless, like Zheng He's voyages, China exports Amur, and then he ships it out through the fleet and talks about free trade with overseas ports in person.

"It seems that we can only rely on the 20 billion Japanese coins to support local enterprises, get through the initial stage, wait for Huaxia to join the WTO, and then pile up the hoarded online shopping goods on Japanese island..."

At this time, Seng San hurried into the negotiation area with a stack of documents.

"Boss, it's not good. Graphene is listed as a serious pollutant exceeding the standard internationally."



Ge Xiaotian took the paper, and the first thing that catches his eyes was the certifications from organizations such as Motherstar Environmental Governance and Motherstar New Energy.

On the first page, after research, it turns out that during the manufacturing process of graphene, serious pollution of drinking water, river water, sea water, and groundwater has threatened the population of 160,000 people in North America...

On the second page, two-dimensional graphene fragments are difficult to distinguish with the naked eye, and are very sharp. The harm caused by the fragments infused into the blood is far greater than that of mercury. In the past six months, about 75 researchers in North America have died from this pollution...

On the third page, research shows that after long-term electrical corrosion, a chip made of two-dimensional graphene will produce a micro-magnetic field that is currently difficult to be discovered by ordinary people, which secretly affects the sleep of the electronic product user, thereby causing mental disorders , close the heart, indulge in games, and gradually become less interested in external things...

Originally, Ge Xiaotian had some approval for the first two items, which seemed quite reasonable, but when he saw the third item, he immediately became unhappy, "Master, Internet addiction can also be blamed on my graphene head?"

"Boss, it's not important. What's important is that Longtian Technology Group will be severely investigated, and if the news spreads online, I'm afraid SG and smart card users will make trouble..."

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