Build Madness

Chapter 561 Boss Ge's Second Class

Qinggang Xingyue Bay is majestic and magnificent, with a unique wheel-like community layout;

The city of Xingyue Bay is prosperous and prosperous, and has the largest horse racing venue in China and even the world.

Weicheng Xingyue Bay is fragrant for ten miles, has a super gourmet city, and has the most complete future planning.

In the coastal cities of Dongshan, only Zhaocheng on the south side and Yingshi at the mouth of the Yellow River on the north side did not go.

After eating watermelon, Ge Xiaotian remotely watched the battle of the big bosses using Longtian Technology as a chessboard. He lamented the strength of the enemy and reminisced about his own industry. Then he came to Jiaozhou Bay where there are many construction machinery.

In another time and space, there is also a bridge in Jiaozhou Bay with a total length of 36.48km, which is 10km longer than the Incheon Bridge to be constructed by Tiancheng.

It's a pity that G22, that is, the Qinglan Expressway connecting the Jiaozhou Bay Bridge, has not yet been planned. Even if Tiancheng wants to undertake it, it is only a fantasy now.

What's more, the construction of the Jiaozhou Bay Bridge has another deep meaning: to train troops for the Bridge across the Bohai Sea.

In this way, Tian Cheng would definitely not be able to grab the national name.

However, the cross-Bohai Sea Bridge encountered many resistances and troubles, one was national defense, the other was funding, and the third was earthquakes. The relevant departments discussed for a long time before considering the Yancheng-Liancheng undersea tunnel.

The tunnel has a total length of 123 kilometers and needs at least 200 billion. Unfortunately, until the tunnel was crossed, the funds were not collected...

This matter needs to be discussed in the long run, and the money will be discussed first.


Today, January 4th.

The wind is sunny and the sea is calm.

At eight o'clock in the morning, in Jiaozhou Bay.

The second lecture of Tiancheng's foreign technology seminar is about to start.

first class?

When Dongshan Jianda, Dongshan Academy of Arts, and Quyi Academy were introduced, before the idiom solitaire competition, Ge Xiaotian gave a very one-sided online infrastructure course that did not involve technology.

At that time, no one joined Jinxiuchuan, so he definitely wouldn't talk about it in depth.

Today is different, it is all real, and it belongs to the new technology at the forefront of parent star infrastructure.

At the scene, the young and white-headed leader led the small followers to wait eagerly, and the surrounding temporary stands were full of Tiancheng employees.

The online lecturers include: the bridge department of Dongshan Jianda University, the cross-sea engineering major of Tiancheng Technical Secondary School, and many peers...

In 2001, despite the rise of Huaxia Infrastructure, most of the technologies were secrets that were not passed on, and were regarded as the treasure of the town by the state-owned construction workers.

Even in terms of majors in colleges and universities, only Tiancheng Vocational Technical Secondary School offers the subject of cross-sea engineering.

Like some construction companies with lofty goals and ambitions, this time it can be said that they are willing to spend money to listen to the lecture.

"Welcome leaders at all levels, seniors, seniors and juniors from all walks of life to participate in this Tiancheng Open Class."

"Today's class, we mainly talk about cross-sea engineering. There are 36 class hours in total. I am in charge of the early stage, Professor Hu is in charge of the middle stage, and Chief Engineer Liang is in charge of the later stage. We follow the progress of the Incheon Bridge project throughout the whole process and finish the lecture in half a year."

"Let's not gossip, let's get to the point."

"In the past two decades, construction technology has undergone several innovations, the composition of materials has changed, the design scheme has changed, the construction process has changed, and people's thinking has also changed."

"All kinds of heavy machinery emerge in endlessly, countless production tools are dazzling, and the incomprehensible structural diagrams are getting thicker and thicker. The precious works left by many predecessors in the industry have gradually become references, or even overthrown and abandoned... This is the era the power of."

"Studying is an arduous process. Most people choose majors not because of hobbies, but because of good employment. No one wants to work hard for three to five years, only to find that the knowledge they have learned has been eliminated by the times after graduation."

"There is a saying in Tiancheng's corporate culture manual: theory is always harmful, but practice is the truth, and innovation can win the future."

"If you want to always be at the forefront, the most important thing is not to talk on paper, but to be realistic and explore!"

"For this reason, Tiancheng spends 60% of its profits every month to invest in the research of new materials and new machinery, and even spares no expense in learning the most advanced design concepts from overseas and introducing the most advanced heavy construction machinery .”

"It's also because of this that Tian Cheng is what he is today."

Ge Xiaotian adjusted the new-generation SG equipment connected to the optical fiber, and turned the camera to the machine clusters gathered in the sea.

"Equipment, we will learn about it later. Now let's talk about what we need to pay attention to in the early stage of deep sea construction."

"First of all, life jackets must be worn at sea."

Ge Xiaotian mentioned an orange-red vest, "This is a life jacket developed and designed by Tiancheng. It has a luminous function and is mainly made of buoyant materials. Water surface. In addition, it has a multi-functional pocket, which does not hinder the construction and can keep warm. The original price is 68, but now it can be won with only 20 red notes!"


Many entrepreneurs suddenly feel strange...

"Secondly, a positioning search and rescue instrument is necessary at sea."

Ge Xiaotian picked up a wristband similar to a watch, "This is a positioning device commissioned by Tiancheng to develop and design Longtian. It has the function of a watch. It is waterproof, anti-fall, anti-riot and anti-static. It is light and easy to wear. It can not only enable users to cultivate the concept of time , and after an accident occurs, the missing person can be found immediately through the positioning device. The original price was 180 yuan, but now it only costs 50 red notes!"

Many entrepreneurs: "..."

"Another one is that the combination of emergency high-energy compressed biscuits and aerospace-grade toothpaste-type food nutrient solution can provide enough energy for construction workers in natural disasters. The original price is 28, and now each serving costs only Five red notes!"

Many entrepreneurs: "..."

"I'm not selling, Mr. Cai, don't look at me like that. The offshore construction environment is harsh, the climate is changeable, there are many points and lines, people are scattered, there are many equipments, traffic is inconvenient, and the range of activities is limited. It is very dangerous! With these three artifacts, the risk factor can be minimized."

"Of course, we can't pin our hopes on items, and the management must be in place."

"According to the categories, Tiancheng lists the construction specifications for environments such as typhoon, thunderstorm, tornado, tide, and heavy fog, such as equipment reinforcement, house reinforcement, maintenance of sandbags for steel pipe piles, and avoidance of beaches during high and low tides. Afterwards, it will be sent to everyone in the form of a promotional poster. Please download it with a smart card or SG device. The poster is beautifully formatted, with pictures and texts, even if you are illiterate, you can understand it. It also has waterproof, moisture-proof, and eye-catching warning functions. The original price is sixty-eight, now each piece only needs ten red notes, and there will never be any Tiancheng corporate logo!"

Many entrepreneurs: "..."

The leader of Huaxia Sanjian, who entered the multimedia room at some time, typed in the chat box: "Can we still start?"

"Let's start, start now! However, before we start, let's talk about the class time."

"The first class is indeed an open class. Everyone has seen what technology and equipment Tiancheng has. The content of the follow-up lectures will all follow the progress of the project. That is to say, there will be a fee for the next 35 class hours!"

"Except Jinxiuchuan students, each class hour is 50,000 red notes, and the package price is 1.6 million. There is also a collection of fine works on the construction site. They are all untold secrets and are worth the money!"

Many entrepreneurs: "..."

"Okay, the students stay, seniors and peers from the outside world, get out of the group."


After the administrator kicked out the non-student ID, Ge Xiaotian operated the SG notebook and showed a set of PPT.

"For the cross-sea project, we have to choose the corresponding plan according to the drawing design and the surrounding environment."

"Such as the chlorine content of sea water, earthquake level, tidal changes, etc., I won't go into details today, and I will study by myself after class."

"If we want to carry out cross-sea projects, we first need a 'working platform' to facilitate our personnel to move around and transport building materials."

"We can use 'construction trestles to turn water into shore', or 'floating platforms in the water', or 'multi-point construction with tugboats and floating cranes'."

"What is the construction trestle? Look at the picture, it is composed of piers and girder spans, which can directly serve the construction."

"However, the trestle bridge takes a few minutes. On the sea, it is composed of Bailey frame, also known as: assembled road steel bridge. It is our main operating platform. It undertakes the construction of raw materials and semi-finished products for the construction of vehicles, and the use time is very long. long."

"In the marine construction specification just released, there are some protection measures for it, such as when the tide comes, riprap, sandbags, etc. are used to prevent the trestle from being washed away, so as to ensure the overall stability of the product platform and the entry of steel pipe piles into the soil. Depth. For example, steel pipes are connected in parallel around the trestle bridge, and the steel beams on the pile top and steel pipe piles are welded and consolidated into an overall steel frame, which is used to resist floods and typhoons.”

"Everyone only needs to know its function, and there is no need to understand it deeply, because we have an engineering island with a 'floating platform' structure."

"The function of the engineering island is exactly the same as that of the trestle, but it can be moved and has its own lifting and punching equipment. In other words, it integrates the two functions of marine transportation and working platform."

Ge Xiaotian switched pictures, "The engineering island, transport ships, floating cranes, and other means of transportation, combined with the 'floating island' in the logistics department, form a working area, which is our construction environment, turning the sea into 'land'."

"In this way, we can proceed to the next construction stage, constructing cast-in-situ piles and prefabricated T-shaped bridges according to the construction drawings, structural drawings, and design drawings,"

"The thousand-ton prefabricated T-beam is in charge of the logistics, and our front-line personnel are in charge of the cast-in-place piles."

"The technology of deep-sea cast-in-place piles is fundamentally that due to the characteristics of concrete, it cannot be directly constructed in water, and the concrete that can last for 50 years on land may only last for one or two years in the sea. Therefore, our purpose is to The water and the pile foundation are separated to ensure the quality of the project and let the cross-sea bridge last for a hundred years!"

"Actually, there are many plans for building deep-sea piles. When the water is not deep, we can build island cofferdams."

"It is to build a small island with sacks filled with soil and gravel, and the outside is a closed steel hanging box or steel sheet pile. After the filling is completed, the sand is hollowed out, and the seawater is continuously pumped away by water pumps to form an island. Cofferdam, in the cofferdam, the construction of pile foundation and bridge piers can be carried out like the ground. If the water is too deep and it is impossible to cofferdam, the pile foundation method must be used. The piling ship drives multiple steel pipes to the bearing layer , the depth ranges from 70 to 90 meters, after the drainage is completed, reinforced concrete is poured inside, the pile foundation is firmly fixed in the water, and the caps and piers can be built on it.”

"In the deep sea area, we can use drilling rigs and drill bits that match the terrain."

"The drilling operation platform, as mentioned before, adopts an engineering island."

"The production of steel cages and steel casings is also carried out on the engineering island."

"Before we drill the holes, we need to bury the steel casing..."

"Because we are building deep-sea piles with large apertures, complex geology, and thick covering layers, the casing cannot sink to reach the rock formation, and it takes a long time to form holes. During the drilling process, some effective measures should be taken to avoid hole collapse."

Ge Xiaotian turned on the simulator.

"For example, during drilling, the fluctuation of the tide outside the hole affects the water head in the hole, and the internal and external water pumps can be used to control the water head..."

"For example, properly control the footage speed, and when drilling to the bottom of the casing, repeatedly throw and add rubble to strengthen the armguard..."

"For example, at the same time, seabed silt is used as drilling mud. This mud is characterized by non-dispersion and high viscosity, which can effectively avoid hole collapse..."

"The last link is to clear the hole."

"The purpose of hole cleaning is to replace the original mud, change the properties of the mud in the hole and remove the sediment at the bottom of the hole..."

"It should be noted that when the slurry is changed to clear the hole, the water head needs to be maintained to prevent the hole from collapsing."

"The next step is to install the steel cage and clean the holes for the second time..."

Ge Xiaotian switched the 'Mud Positive Circulation Diagram' and 'Mud Reverse Circulation Diagram' to 'Pour Underwater Concrete'.

"After the secondary hole cleaning is completed, the underwater concrete should be poured immediately. The amount and pouring time should be calculated according to the pile specifications. The concrete should be pumped, and the slump should be controlled at 12cm-18cm."

"Due to the long pouring time, we can mix Tiancheng's self-produced high-efficiency retarding superplasticizer into the concrete to slow down the initial setting time of the concrete and avoid the blockage of the delivery pump pipe and conduit..."

"Infusions should be performed without interruption and in rapid succession..."

"In addition, our construction is in winter, and we need to consider the problem of freezing..."

"The other is grouting at the bottom of the pile to increase the bearing capacity of the pile bottom and reduce settlement..."

Ge Xiaotian finished the "Construction Technology of Bored Pile" in one breath, and listed the important test points of this class.

Construction preparation→working platform→pile position setting out→burying the casing→drilling rig in place→drilling, fixing the hole→cleaning→talking about the air to check the quality of the hole→making the steel cage, making the grouting space, assembling the conduit (three simultaneous)→ Lowering the reinforcement cage → lowering the conduit → pouring underwater concrete → pulling out the casing → inspection of pile quality → pressure drop at the bottom of the hole → done!

"Of course, the above are just the simplest construction plans for our Tiancheng, and maybe some outsiders have adopted them. In the third class, we will learn Tiancheng's own unique submarine construction technology. That's all for today."

Ge Xiaotian sent encrypted courseware to students and employees.

These things, in the future, almost every construction company will have them, but in 2001, with detailed parameters and technical guidance, they are very precious.

For example, entrepreneurs who have been kicked out want to understand deep-sea construction, but they have no place to learn and no one to teach them. What should they do?

Pay tuition!

One class hour is 50,000 yuan, 36 class hours, the first class is free, the follow-up is 1.6 million yuan for one person, 16 million yuan for 10 people, 160 million yuan for 100 people...

It's all money!

As for the other party learning to go, will they steal their own projects...

Do you have equipment? Do you have funds?

Moreover, when they learned it, Tiancheng's technology was also iterated.

As he said before, the times are advancing, and if you don’t develop your own, you will be eliminated sooner or later.

Ge Xiaotian turned off the camera, Meimei lit a cigarette...

At this time, Director Sun who stayed in Nanbangzi called.

"Boss, it's done!"

"So fast? Isn't it the end of the bidding tomorrow, and the results will be announced the day after tomorrow?"

"France quoted 3.5 billion Franklin, and it took seven years to complete. Nanbangzi asked for five years, and it would definitely not work. The third brother quoted 1.3 billion Franklin, and it was completed in four and a half years. Nanbangzi dared not use it. Wadao quoted 1.6 billion Franklin, It was built in five years, the design is very good, and it is also our main competitor."

Director Sun paused for a while, "However, Wadao Construction Engineering was kicked out by Nanbangzi local construction engineering of England United. It is said that Nanbangzi Local Construction Engineering learned about the bidding documents of various companies through contacts, and believed that Wadao was the most competitive. Something happened secretly. As for us... 10.3 billion, they probably think we will definitely be eliminated."

"How did the local construction workers who united with England get eliminated?"

"Reported by KS."

"This teammate... is a little awesome! Ready to start work!"

Ge Xiaotian put down his phone and was about to close his SG notebook when Da Mao called.

This is a rarity.

"What's wrong?"

"Second brother, the chairman of Huaxia Petroleum Refining and Chemicals, I want to ask you to meet."


Ge Xiaotian narrowed his eyes, "Tell him, if you don't have time, you can find me at sea."

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