Build Madness

Chapter 563 Viking Battleship Orders New Oil Partners

Sometimes spending money is something to show off.

Just like when Nanbangzi invested in the sea-crossing bridge, in order to prevent the outside world from saying that he was a fool with a lot of money, he invited hundreds of media from all walks of life to announce Tiancheng's bid with convincing words.

From the design concept, to the angle of material selection, to the construction process...

Say more wonderfully than someone!

He even moved out the theory of 'early construction saves money, and late construction is hard to catch up', advocating that the completion of the Incheon Bridge four and a half years ahead of schedule will not only bring about a five-year economic leap for Nanbangzi, but also accumulate 20 billion Franklin Economic benefits...

Such news caused a sensation all over the world.

Believe it or not, Ge Xiaotian believed it anyway!

No way, own project, how do you make money if you don’t believe it?



Maybe Tiancheng employees are lacking in other aspects, but in terms of applause, no one dares to call themselves number one.

Without it, only hands are familiar!

So, in this strong atmosphere where you believe, I believe, and everyone believes, the grand press conference came to an end.

During the banquet.

The old man who purchased the Viking warship from Denmark came to the dining area of ​​Tiancheng.

Facing a group of strong men who were devouring...

The old man stood in a daze for a long time, and sighed: "Mr. Ge, your employees have such a good appetite!"

As early as when he saw the other party, Ge Xiaotian had already switched languages, and wiped off the crab juice from the corner of his mouth when he heard the words, "I made you laugh, I am tired from the construction site, eat more nutrition, and I will be motivated to start work later! I don't know you?"

"What a group of hardworking and capable lads!" After the old man admired, "That's right, we have found a company that distributes the steampunk world, spent 10 million Franklin, bought the copyright of the Viking battleship, and several types of corresponding design drawings .”

"Let me see!"

Ge Xiaotian wiped his hands with a wet towel, took the paper from the opponent's hand, and flipped through it roughly, "It's really a beautiful and domineering Viking battleship..."

Then, silently took out a pen and paper...



"I wonder if you know anything about shipbuilding technology?"

"Mr. Ge is joking, I have been engaged in construction all my life, so I don't know anything about shipbuilding technology."

"This is troublesome."


"I suspect that you have been deceived, but it is not convincing."


"Games are always games, and it is difficult to present unreal things in reality. I admit that the person who sold you the blueprints is excellent in design, but... just like when we are engaged in architecture, can structural drawings and design drawings be compared? What's more There are also various construction drawings, such as main body construction, structural construction, hydropower construction..."


The old man froze for a moment, as if trying to understand something, he nodded subconsciously.

"According to the design of this ironclad ship, the thousand-ton class, even if it uses steel welding technology, it is very difficult to rely on the steam turbine system to sail at sea!"

"Damn North American!" The old Danish man was about to leave angrily.

"Wait, everything is possible!"

Ge Xiaotian pulled it back into the seat, "Tiancheng Shipyard has super-class ancient warship restoration technology on the mother star. In fact, it can be built with more research and research."

"Can it be made?"

"Yes, but it's more difficult!"

Ge Xiaotian spread out the design drawing, "We can make adjustments and transformations on this basis to ensure that the finished product is just like what you see in the drawing."

"Your shipyard is truly magnificent!"

"The cost may be higher."

"As long as it is made, this is not a problem!"

"Five million ships!"

"So expensive?"

"Think about it, that company didn't give you a gas turbine, and the drive system required by the Viking battleship is different from the gas turbine we use now. We need to come up with our own resources..."

As Ge Xiaotian said, he wrote and drew on paper, listing the renovation costs, gas turbine technology costs, gas turbine installation costs, ship helmsman and sailor training costs...

Even though the old man is a construction tycoon, he couldn't help showing a pained expression, hesitated for a long time, and finally nodded, "Ten ships, no more."

"All right!"

Ge Xiaotian stopped talking and signaled Seng San to draw up the contract.

"By the way, old man, it's a long journey from Okhotsk to Northern Europe. Whether it's consignment or self-sealing, the cost is high. Maybe you will meet real pirates..."

"what do you mean?"

"The transportation fee is 20 million."

"Huh?" The old Danish man subconsciously scratched his scalp.

"Of course, you can also drive back by yourself. However, just like the batch of ships bought by Holden in North America, before sailing, I repeatedly expressed that I could help transport them. Unfortunately, he thought it was too expensive...In the end Still sank fifteen ships."

Ge Xiaotian played Horton's video, "You see, Horton himself said that it's not our ship that has a problem. After all, wooden warships have crossed the Pacific Ocean. It's already unbelievable. The main problem is himself."


"As long as you entrust us to deliver, no matter what happens, we will take care of everything before it arrives at the port for delivery."

"Then sign it..."

After paying 50 million yuan, the old man was not short of 20 million yuan in shipping fees. He picked up the contract and handed it to the lawyer. After the latter nodded, he swished...

Not long after, the deposit arrived.

Afterwards, Ge Xiaotian took out the unsalable flight...

However, the other party is not interested.

(Horton wanted to buy it at the beginning, but Ge Xiaotian bragged that the UAE oil tycoon wanted to buy it, so he didn't sell it.)

After discussing the business, when the old man left, Director Sun who witnessed the whole process was a little puzzled.

"Boss, the Viking element, after all, is an IP. We can completely build our own industry overseas. Why leave it to him?"

"Northern Europe, it's too far away. Within three to five years, we will be beyond our reach. Instead of fooling him with poor quality, it is better to actually build a batch of high-quality Viking warships."

Ge Xiaotian spread out the blueprint designed by the game company, "This old Danish man will definitely get rich with this thing. If he makes money, he will think it is worth the money. We are half a distance away from his home star, so there is no competition. , the two sides are bound to establish a good relationship. After waiting for three to five years, we can entrust him to help Tiancheng purchase a piece of land near the seaport in Switzerland and Norway."

"Overseas Star Moon Bay?"

"No, no, old grandson, you have to keep a hand in business!"

Ge Xiaotian picked up a pen and sketched a few lines on the design drawing, "What he wants to build is a pirate ship community or a pirate amusement park, but what he wants is a mass-produced pirate ship, that is to say, the ship styles are all exactly the same!"

"Huh?" Director Sun seemed to understand something.

"The same type of communities and amusement parks we build can customize the ship type individually, that is, each ship has its own characteristics. For example, the first ship, a pirate ghost ship, a haunted house adventure. For example, the second ship, a pirate deserted ship, escape room .For example, the third pirate frigate, battle performance. For example, the fourth pirate main ship, eating, drinking and having fun. For example, the fifth pirate lair, gold and silver treasure..."

Director Sun was stunned.

"This old man built a pirate community and a pirate amusement park. Affected by the freshness, it was popular in the early stage, but after a year or two, because of the single type, even if he tried to add new elements, he would definitely not be able to compare with our real pirate ship. "

Ge Xiaotian put away the design drawings, "When the time comes, won't all the 'tourists', 'customers', and 'house buyers' raised by him be ours?"

"Then sell out the community, let's run?"

"No, no, no, the Vikings are rampant, and the Royal Fleet of England must sanction them. I can sell the ship again."



Eat and drink enough, take a lunch break, and negotiate bids in the afternoon.

Just after negotiating a big contract, Ge Xiaotian was in a good mood. No matter what amendments Nan Bangzi proposed to the design drawings, as long as the system drawing did not call the police, he would readily agree.

As a result, the bid negotiation went smoothly.

After a week of negotiation, the project was finally determined to be 21.38km in length, 12.3km in the sea part, 6 round-trip lanes, and 18km in the bridge section.

A cable-stayed bridge is set in the middle, and the inverted Y-shaped reinforced concrete main tower is 238m high, and the pier foundation adopts bored pile foundation. The main span of the bridge is 800m, and the navigation clearance is 74m. Under the bridge, 100,000-ton ships can travel in both directions, and can withstand strong winds at a speed of 72 meters per second and earthquakes of magnitude 7 on the Richter scale.

There are also anti-collision measures for ships, specially designed box-type energy-absorbing devices suitable for the bridge for the main pier, auxiliary pier and transition pier...

Others include quality inspection, completion delivery, follow-up maintenance, installation monitoring...

During the bidding period, the Nine Institutes sent a message to congratulate the successful launch of the Shenzhou-2 unmanned spacecraft...

This is exciting news.

Compared with No. 1 experimental spacecraft, No. 2 represents the real rise of China's aviation industry.

As a result, not only the newly formed Wanshi Technology Group received a new batch of orders for aerospace components, but Longtian Technology Group also received orders for 'bionic humans'.

The device can simulate human metabolism, simulate human physiological signals, replace astronauts, and generate various human activity parameters in space.

It is tentatively scheduled to be used for the experimental No. 3 unmanned spacecraft.

Very complicated.

However, it was delivered in 2002, and it took a year to study. With the newly upgraded town centers of various types, and the support of Qingshan Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Jiusuo and Tiancheng Secret Research Institute, it shouldn't be too difficult.

For some reason, after finishing all this, looking at the order requirements of Longtian Technology, Ge Xiaotian suddenly remembered the mother body of the smart card elf, and the bionic silicone...

Could it be that another industry is about to rise?

"Boss, a call from Chen Donghai, chairman of Huaxia Petrochemical."

"Oh? When did he leave the airport?"

"In the evening of the next day, although there was no official flight, there were other civil aviation and business planes landing."

"All right."

Ge Xiaotian picked up the smart card in the mute state, "Hello, Director Chen!"

"Mr. Ge, I have thought about it for a long time, and I feel that the conditions you proposed are too harsh, and I have to give up our cooperation."

"Oh? My conditions?"

Ge Xiaotian knew that the other party was already on the opposite side of Tian Cheng, so he didn't repeat who made the condition, "Okay, see you by fate."

Putting down the smart card, Ge Xiaotian pondered for a moment, then dialed Mr. Yu.

"Leader, I want to know about Old Qian."

"Him? Coincidentally, after retiring, he would come to my place every day to drink and drink, and he became a fool!"

"Then I won't go there, you help me ask him if he is willing to play a big one!"


"I'm afraid this matter will trouble you even more. You have an old team in Guangzhou Petrochemical."

"You don't have old money, are you really in trouble? Tell me carefully."

"I originally planned to cooperate with Huaxia Petroleum, but after much deliberation, they are a giant in the north, and there is no shortage of young players like Tiancheng. In the end, I feel that the cooperation with Huaxia CNOOC, which has just entered the market, is more stable. Tiancheng helps them expand market, by the way, popularize energy supply stations, both sides get what they need, and I can even give Dongshan one-third of the fuel market share to them.”

"The old money?"

"Old Qian is the main person in charge of my new energy project. Your old team can work in this system. I think you know how Tiancheng is treated."

"It's a good plan, and I have some doubts. Did you arrange it a long time ago when I introduced you to Lao Qian?"

"How is it possible, you are such a big leader, we didn't know each other before, where can I arrange for you?"

"Hehe, I recently studied the Romance of the Three Kingdoms and found out that Zhuge and Ge belong to the same family. I can't guarantee that your real name is: Zhuge Xiaotian... Well, Xiao Duong Kong, Tian Dui Ming, Zhuge Kongming, did I discover something?"

"You study ancient records, don't you even know the name and surname?"

"Haha, just kidding, I can arrange new energy projects for you, but for the cooperation between Tiancheng and CNOOC, it's not convenient for me to come forward, I need you to discuss it yourself."

"No problem. It just so happens that Tiancheng is engaged in a cross-sea project again. In his free time, he can drive the project island to help CNOOC build an oil production platform for free..."

"Heh, is this a coincidence, or did you plan it out long ago? I really suspect now that you have me circled!"

"No, how is it possible?!"

Ge Xiaotian was also a little puzzled, took out his small notebook, turned to the last few pages, and suddenly saw the word Yu Zong wrapped in a basket...

What a circle!

No, this is the layout of the future...

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