Build Madness

Chapter 587: Lao Shen sues Ge Laoer

Li Wei knew that the lawsuit could not be won, and Shen Zhipeng also knew that he could not win the lawsuit, but Shen Zhipeng and Ge Xiaotian had been fighting for so long, and they were more cunning than Li Wei.

Play a lawsuit with Ge Laoer before Tiancheng's opening, whether you win or not is another matter, but you can take the opportunity to hype your own real estate...

It's fine to splash black water, it's not because he's afraid of getting Ge Laoer, but because Tiancheng's water conservancy projects are very popular, if he is beaten up by the other party and arouses public anger, then it's a fool's errand.

So, early the next morning, Shen Zhipeng had someone make a two-meter-square piece of 'grievance' in black on a white background, and a white banner, and wrote: 'Tiancheng is a big liar, return my hard-earned money'. Hundreds of employees Surrounded by crowds, they appeared at the gate of Zaoshi Old City Intermediate Court...

This is the second largest entrepreneur in Dongshan!

After such a battle, it quickly aroused strong crowds from the whole city...

For 500 million yuan, Lao Shen decided to play tricks first, and then attract sympathy.

He's seen it off, it's shameless to fight Ge Lao Er!

For the Zaoshi Xincheng Ginza real estate, which is worth 60 to 70 billion yuan and will be commercially profitable in the future, this is a big deal!

So, when I walked to the gate of the middle courtyard, I fell to my knees with a plop, and shouted loudly:

"I am wronged!"

Maybe Lao Shen has been too decadent recently, or maybe because he smoked too much, he looks haggard, his voice is low, and his tone is sad...

Coupled with the white banner behind it, it is simply sad for those who hear it, and tears for those who see it...

Just look at Shen Zhipeng, who is kneeling at the gate of China-French gate, and then look at Zhong Xiaoxiao, who is standing next to her beautifully...

For some reason, the image of Wu Dalang immediately appeared in the minds of the onlookers...


"Is this old guy crazy?"

Ge Xiaotian asked the heavy cavalry to drag out the terrified enemy strong man, and before he had time to deal with the remaining enemy strong men, he received a message from Zaoshi Xincheng Tiancheng Office.


Check out the live video...

I couldn't hold back my smile anymore, "Hahaha...that's so funny!"

"Dao Si, ask the director of the Zaoshi office to add some special effects to the scene, suona song, Yellow River water or Erquan Yin will do, it is best to give him some snow, snow in April, Dou E's injustice..."

Dao Si quietly tugged on someone's sleeve, "Boss, is it too much?"

"What's too much, I'm afraid Li Wei can see what this guy is up to, maybe that girl will also run over, and the two families will sue our family. When the time comes, leader Xue will see the trouble , must have a private chat with me, you say, @_@ these two bridges, what should I do?"

Ge Xiaotian dropped the gavel, got up and left the county magistrate's seat, "So, make the scene a bit embarrassing for the person in charge, Li Wei will not participate in all likelihood because of face."

"Then she might as well just say give up and give up?"

"It depends on what the investor means!"

As Ge Xiaotian said, he looked at the strong enemy soldiers who remained in the lobby.

According to the information from the Ministry of Intelligence, he found that Nanyun Index Finger was not the final villain in "In the Name of the People", at best he was just a fringe outcast, and he might not even count as the character whose home was ransacked in the beginning of the TV series.

The overseas investment group used the other party's funds to invest in Zaoshi New City, because they were worried about the funds in the hands of the abandoned son, and followed the abandoned son to finish the calf.

As for what this abandoned son is going to do now, it is nothing more than wanting to take Lao Ge under his command and make money for him.

It's a pity that the other party took advantage of Qianqian's eyes and couldn't recognize the reality...

"This is the charm of money!"

Ge Xiaotian sighed, looking at the items collected from the enemy's strong men on the ground, while thinking about how to fight back.

If you compare reality with film and television.

Mr. Du is not Qi Twei, Chen Donghai is not Zhao Ronglong, Li Wei is not Gao Xqin, and the behind-the-scenes is more terrifying than Zhao Luchun.

Ge Xiaotian knew exactly how much energy Tian Cheng had.

You can only follow the layout and go step by step until you kill the opponent, not kill the opponent.

But now it seems that Tian Cheng has taken too big a step, and it has reached a certain point.

Fortunately, the bigger the stall, the more main characters you make friends with. Now it is not Ruijin and Dakang who are fighting head-on, but adding a few hidden characters, such as Wan Lao who seems to only care about the environment and who only seems to be engaged in technology The Nine Institutes, seems to be just the boss of the deputy director...

Tian Cheng was no longer an existence that the other party could move at will.

Therefore, Ge Xiaotian feels that as long as he is alive, it is more important than anything else!

I'm afraid the above think so too...

But now, his own life is threatened, so he can make things bigger.


These strong men of the enemy army don't seem to be Chinese veterans in green clothes...


Ge Xiaotian was stunned, and suddenly looked at the heavily tied enemy's strong man.

No wonder he said so much, but the other party kept silent!

Language barrier!


South Vietnam!

Could it be... South Vietnamese retired green clothes?

Figured this out, Ge Xiaotian switched the language system and turned on the projection again, "Since you have decided to help me raise wolves and bears..."

Unexpectedly, as soon as the words were blurted out, the strong men in the room full of enemy soldiers breathed a sigh of relief!


Seeing the change in the other party's expression, Ge Xiaotian was a little dazed, just now he was scared to pee a few times, why is he so courageous now?

"Boss, you might as well not translate!"

Dao Si had seen through the essence of the matter a long time ago, "They thought you were going to throw them to feed the wolves!"


Ge Xiaotian was stunned for a moment, returned to the throne of the county magistrate, and dropped a token, "Sure enough, people are good at being bullied, and Ma Shan is being ridden by others. If I have a little kindness, you will not give me face!"

When heavy cavalry saw the order sign, he quickly brought a tiger-headed guillotine, and then brought a bloody cow's leg...

"Do you want to try it? See how this thing cuts meat?"

The heavy cavalry raised the guillotine, faced the enemy's strong man with the cow's leg, placed it under the guillotine, and pressed down hard...

The blade cuts through the skin of the beef, and cuts off the bone with a click...

Bright red blood, scarlet bone marrow...

The heavy cavalry dragged a strong enemy soldier and raised his thigh...

The latter cried and struggled desperately, "No! I said, your leader interviewed the South Vietnamese military department some time ago and invited us to study in Huaxia. After that, his secretary took us to Dongshan and went to a construction site, and then asked us to help , Investigate the farms here, put in... yes, this is the thing."


Ge Xiaotian picked up the white plastic bag that the other party was staring at, "This?"

"Yes, yes, as long as we throw it into the feed of the farm, we can get five hundred red notes."


Ge Xiaotian frowned slightly, "Five hundred red notes? Isn't it five million red notes?"

"Five...five million?" The strong man of the enemy army who confessed was stunned, "South Vietnamese shield?"


Ge Xiaotian suddenly felt dull, "What the hell... are you asking me for trouble, five hundred red notes per person?"


The strong enemy army looked at the giant men surrounding him, then at the tiger's head, and at the wolves and war bears raised by humans in the projection... It seems to understand something.

"Honorable sir, we... we may have mistaken the target!"

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