Build Madness

Chapter 606: Antiquity Cultural Products Disturbance

"Okay, old Shen, you get the moon first if you are close to the water, and you are so close to the Tiancheng construction site, you have learned all the slogans!"

"That's right, old Shen, or is it that your employees went to the technical secondary school in batches to study and peeked at their military training?"

"In other words, this formation is indeed in line with the corporate image. This year, we have to recruit workers. It is said that Tiancheng has set up a training base in the form of a summer camp here?"

"Coincidentally, I thought so too, sign up together?"

"Must, there are discounts for more people..."

Hearing the discussion among a group of business partners starting with the word 'three', Shen Zhipeng felt relieved, no wonder his employees could understand Tiancheng's slogan, it turned out to be the case.

"Haha, studying is like sailing against the current. If you don't advance, you will retreat. If you don't learn, how can you make progress? It's like the climbing frame I bought. If I hadn't had a vicious vision and was reluctant to spend money to buy it, maybe the progress of the project would be delayed by Tian Cheng A lot! So, sign up, sign up!"

"Boss Shen is wise!"

"Why does it feel weird? Forget it, let's go, the employees have all gone in, let's follow!"

With that said, a group of people walked into the sales office.

In the hall, the light is soft and the seats are neat.

next moment.

Two rows of fairies clasped their sleeves in front of them, wearing silk inlaid robes made of milky white hard material, wearing platinum phoenix hairpins, purple gold beaded flowers on their heads, and hundreds of fairies with slim silk waists, appeared in front of them...

A group of big bosses blinked, blinked, and rubbed their eyes again, wanting to sigh, but facing the silent hall, they finally took their seats one after another step by step.

The owner of Santong motorcycle whispered: "It's really exciting! If there is a motorcycle exhibition..."

The boss of Sanlian next to him nodded, "I feel the same way. Standing next to every household appliance will definitely attract a lot of popularity!"

"Made, why is Ge Ergouzi so good at playing?"

"Mr. Shen, say something!"

"Don't disturb me, I'm sketching, wait a few days, this is ours!"

"Those garment factories of yours are about to close down, can you get them out?"

"It is indeed a problem."

"Mr. Shen, coincidentally, I know an old tailor in the Northeast. He used to make cheongsams. His craftsmanship is very good, but his business has not been tepid. Last year, I suddenly heard that he was going to open a large company. Maybe we can talk to him. , if this is true..."

Shen Zhipeng has started to buy goods from Tiancheng now, and his eyes lit up when he heard the words, "Yes, yes, as long as the other party has real skills, even if the scale is small, I dare to invest, and there will be no shortage of large orders... In this way, you can give me the phone number , I... went under the table and asked."

"In such a hurry?"

"Can you not be in a hurry? The south is controlled by the Shanghai Chamber of Commerce, the eastern mountain is occupied by Tiancheng, and there is not much light industry in the west, and one suddenly popped up in the northeast... You guys should also look for your previous relationship. Maybe the Ginza product supply, can you Get rid of Ge Laoer's control!"

A group of bosses who started with the word "three" immediately realized the seriousness of the problem, and took out their smart cards one after another to check their address book.

And Shen Zhipeng, who shrank under the table, dialed the number of the old tailor in Northeast China.


"Hello, old man, I'm Dongshan Shen Zhipeng."

"Did you make a mistake? I don't know Shen Peng..."

"No, old man, I am the president of Dongshan Jifu Chamber of Commerce."

"Oh, what is it?"

"It's not something, old man, it's like this, I heard that you have set up a large clothing company?"

"Oh, huh, huh, bragging, I didn't open it myself. I partnered with a big boss to do business. I invested 600 million to set up a 'Splendid China' ancient culture product company."

"Splendid China? Good name! 600 million! It sounds like a big company! So, old man, I plan to go to your place to investigate as soon as possible, big order, big order!"

"You're not a liar, are you?"

"How is it possible, if you don't change your name when you're going, or change your surname when you're sitting, my humble Dongshan Shen Zhipeng, there is no problem, everything is true, as long as you can afford it, you can guarantee a billion order, if you can't do it, I am your grandson!"

"That's not good. I just recognized five granddaughters, and here is another grandson..."

"You are blessed... No, I mean, I am the grandson if I don't give the order... Hey, this is what we are talking about, old man, please send me your address, and I will go there as soon as possible."

"No problem, No. 666, Xincheng Street, Heihe Port!"


After hanging up the communication, Shen Zhipeng didn't get up in a hurry, but squatted under the table to open the Baixiaotong information platform, and searched for the four characters of 'Splendid China'.


Numerous ancient costumes of different styles are presented in front of you. Let’s not look at the traditional Hanfu, cheongsam, and Confucian shirts. Only the improved modern styles and modern stand-up collar ancient costumes are dizzying...

"So, it is still sold as daily clothing?!"

Old Shen was even happier.

Then look at the size of the business.

Heilong Garment Factory, Qiqihacheng Garment Factory, Jiamu Garment Factory...

"Made, how come there is still a flagship store in Ge Laoer's Neobras?"

After Shen Zhipeng complained, he felt the power of this company again, "That's right, not ordinary people, dare to call it 'Splendid China'? Especially the names of each series, this Xuan, that pavilion... Tsk tsk, tasteful! Just listen to it I want to see it!"

Old Shen was excited.

"Boss Shen?"

"Huh? What's the matter?"

"I found a bean product supplier with a large scale. Last year, I followed Fengge Laoer to farm in Neobras!"

"Oh? Not Tianmao?"

"No, it's 'food is paramount to the people'!"

"Huh? That's an interesting name, here's the number..."

"Mr. Shen, I found a regular fur dealer. It is said that it used to be Dongshan Legend Fur Shangyang... I can't say the name."

"I understand!"

Old Shen almost laughed out loud, and lowered his voice, "There is no unparalleled road!"


the other side.

There are still five minutes before the commendation ceremony begins.

Seng Si put down his smart card, "Boss, there are a few strange things."


"Shen Zhipeng canceled the supply of low-priced soy products from Dongshan, and instead placed an order of 200 million yuan from our Heilong processing base of 'people depend on food' at a price 20% higher than our Dongshan shipment price, and he paid for the freight himself. bear."


"Also, the proprietress submitted a purchase request for semi-finished textile products from the ERP supply chain, one billion yuan. They said that Shen Zhipeng is going to investigate."


"In addition, Yang Dingfeng asked us to prepare a batch of furs. He said that Shen Zhipeng would start with 50 million yuan. Old Yang opened an Internet cafe and opened a bar. He no longer cares about the fur business, so..."

"What the hell?"

Ge Xiaotian was confused by Lao Shen's operation...

At this time, the New Town Developer Commendation Conference officially began.

The leaders turned on the microphones one after another to make speeches...

Afterwards, Shen Zhipeng took the stage to accept the award.

Gold certificate of honor, red pennant of honor, letters of various awards...

Kacha Kacha...

Radio and newspaper reporters pressed the shutter one after another.

Ge Xiaotian watched carefully, the old man actually cast a provocative look at him!

I'm going to go, the salted fish turned over?

While muttering, he also started to take the stage.

Golden certificate of honor, red pennant of honor, letters of various awards...

Kacha Kacha...

Radio and newspaper reporters pressed the shutter one after another.

Ge Xiaotian raised the two-meter-high honor banner with both hands, and took a group photo with several leaders. After stepping off the stage, for some reason, a certain scene in Sanmao's military record appeared in his mind...

He had been thinking about Lao Shen just now, but now he suddenly realized.

its not right!

A pennant two meters high!

I'm only 1.88 meters!

How can this capture me?

But looking back, you can't interrupt the vice president's speech in front of so many people, and go back to shoot again, right?

Ge Xiaotian was very entangled, returned to the seat, looked at Lao Hong who had returned from sweeping the toilet on the left, "Did you see me?"

"I saw it, I must have seen it!"

"Well, the question of possible angles..."

Noon banquet time.

Regardless of the audience in front of the TV or the netizens on the Baixiaotong information platform, seeing today's news feed, they marvel at the charm of ancient costumes and feel something weird at the same time.

"Strange, why is the certificate of honor in Mr. Ge's second hand so big? It's twice as big as the one in Shen Zhipeng's!"

"Did Tianyu help him modify and enlarge it?"

"There are no traces of modification, it's that big!"

"It's really that big. When you look at the group photo of the honor pennant, Ge Laoer is gone... Hahaha!"


"Don't make a fuss, watch the international news, the technology alliance sanctioned Pingguo!"

"You started fighting yourself?"

"No, it turns out that Pingguo mobile phones and touches have always used Longtian's chip architecture!"

"How can it be?"

"Are you kidding? Longtian's outdated multi-threaded MCU is different from Pingguo's dual ARM11!"

"It's just different. Long Tiancai and Pingguo have quietly reached a cooperation!"

"That's impossible. Longtian's own chip output can't supply the SG series and smart cards. How can there be more for Pingguo?"

"ARM11 is entrusted to Sanxing Electronics for production. In addition, Longtian secretly acquired a North American semiconductor company, no, it is three! There is also ATI in Canada and a lithography machine research and development institution in Europe that have not yet been exposed, but these three are all Unable to be extradited back to China, Long Tian recently entrusted international employment to help with the extradition, only to be discovered by North America!"

"It's awesome!"

"So, Long Tian was not extradited in the end?"

"North America failed, but all technical materials were destroyed. ATI personnel, equipment and materials from Canada were taken to Alaska by hired organizations. North America is intercepting..."

"Damn it, it's a blockbuster movie with a good sense of sight!"

"Which employment organization is so awesome?"

"It seems to be called the Holy Church? It's quite famous in Eastern Europe."

"So, the Ou district has succeeded?"

"Dragon and Tianniu are better than each other!"

"Where are you taking it to Alaska?"



"Notify Ge Laoer quickly, isn't he going to attack North America?"

"His fleet was divided up before leaving the shore. Besides, he knows the technology of a hammer. Last time we chatted on the forum, he didn't even know what 'external baseband' means..."

"Screenshot taken."

"Screenshot taken."



The news about the three advanced electronic component companies spread on the Internet, and Ge Xiaotian must have received detailed information long ago.

This action had been planned long ago when Zheng He's voyages were suspended. The extradition targets were: Canada's ATI, North America's Broadcom, and research institutes in Europe that cooperate with ASML lithography machines in the Netherlands.

However, since Broadcom Semiconductor is located in the hinterland of North America, and the success rate is less than 5%, Ge Xiaotian simply gave up the extradition and used it as a bait to attract the technology alliance and took the opportunity to take away ATI from Canada.

The evacuation route is definitely not Alaska, but the Arctic.

Dao 4 replaces Dao 1 and takes a polar-type town center to raise fish there. Relying on the polar armored ship, and the aircraft carrier made of wood chips + water, with the harsh weather as a natural barrier, coupled with electronic silence and some polar fighters, I am afraid that except for North America. With a peaceful world, there is no other way.

And the Peaceful North Pole...

I am afraid that countries like Wajima will be finished soon.

It seems that the Antarctic will be occupied someday...

It's just that North America found out about the extradition, and those Broadcom shares it bought by taking advantage of the graphene storm will most likely be in vain.

More than 6 billion Franklin and nearly 50 billion red notes disappeared in an instant.

Although these shares cannot be cashed out, they are worth tens of billions...

Fortunately, as long as one of them is successfully extradited, the family will not lose money.

ATI is a semiconductor company that is good at graphics processors. Although it has hollowed out 3Dfx, since it has decided to take the road of independent chips, it does not need to compete with North America in CPUs in the future. Integrate into the SG series.

Therefore, such enterprises are the urgently needed help for their own aerospace department.

And the next one is waiting for Ninja to bring back the camera technology...

In this way, the smart all-in-one card can be a real personal terminal that integrates computing, display, and photography, and once again throws off a large part of the technology alliance.

Develop computers?

Sex can be used on the line.

Tianyu will not launch large-scale 3D games in the near future, but will only be responsible for optimizing the existing Shenlong series and launching many small games.

Wait for three to five years, improve the peripherals of the smart card, transplant the terminal game to the mobile game, transplant the office software to the personal terminal, launch several football, basketball, comprehension, science fiction, stand-alone or online large-scale 3D games, computers... will eventually become a thing of the past.

As for semiconductor companies in the European region.

It can be regarded as a gift to Nong Qijiu, first develop the lithography machine, and transfer the results to Longtian, and then ask him to create an external hardware version of the 'Odyssey antivirus software' (similar to the small sentinel recovery card), and purchase Longtian and Weihua's Accessories, in the name of Heishan Technology Company, assemble Heishan self-owned brand smartphones and self-owned brand computers to help Tiancheng's smart card open the way ahead of time.

Another point is that if your own graphics processing technology reaches the top level, you can improve the projection equipment, thereby promoting the development of a series of industries, such as navigation display, satellite display, GIS display, projection effects, video and audio...

Going a step further, with the addition of photoelectric display technology, the elf in the smart card will run out of the screen and dance, which is not a dream at all.

What needs to be guarded is that in North America, the dog jumps over the wall in a hurry.

However, Nong Qijiu has grown up, and after September, he will occasionally come out to do something, enough for North America to drink a pot.

Ge Xiaotian thought about it, looking at Seng Si's new report.

This is Lao Shen's purchase intention sent to his own Black Dragon Industry again.

Special cement, alloy steel, a large amount of wood, cold water fish...

"What is this old guy doing?"

Seng Si was thoughtful, "Maybe he thought he had grasped the straw."

"The straw of the ghost, this is obviously a dung fork that will drive him into the abyss!"

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