Build Madness

Chapter 610 Horton's Arrival SG Pad

Ge Xiaotian was delighted to hear that the major computer manufacturers used Tiancheng's commercial sector as a battlefield to kill Longtian.

Originally, he thought that the advertising war would continue in this way until the dumping war officially started.

However, the next day, May 17th.

Just when he let go of his worries about Longtian and concentrated on discussing the design concept of the sports center with Professor Hu, communicating with the leader Xue Da about the site selection of the modern film and television city, and coordinating with the chamber of commerce to prepare to enter Jianfu, Holden came!

"Strange, this guy is having fun with various car dealers, what are you doing here?"

Ge Xiaotian received the news and arranged for someone to take the other party from Jifu Airport to Zaoshi Xincheng.

According to Tianwei's investigation, Holden not only owns a security company renamed as Holden, but also an investment group, which is responsible for earning extra money from various industries, with a total value of almost 500 million Franklin.

In addition, the "Holden General Motors" left by his old father in Canada has already risen in this car dealer war.

And Huo Duntianwei stole ATI's core personnel and equipment from Canada and transported them to the North Pole, all relying on his super-large car company as a cover.

Of course, Horton only knew that Ge Er Er was dark, but he didn't know the many plans that Ge Er Er secretly implemented.

The current cooperative relationship between the two parties is very simple and stable. Tiancheng sends out people, Horton arranges work, and makes money together.

As for film and television cooperation, investing in Neobras, helping Pingguo survive the crisis, and purchasing a large number of wooden warships, these are "small projects" launched by the two parties outside of cooperation. Whether they succeed or not has no effect on security cooperation.

There has been little cooperation between the two parties recently, and Ge Xiaotian is a little curious about Horton's intentions.

half an hour later.

Zaoshi Xincheng Xingyuewan Plaza.

The huge Mierliu slowly landed...

Ge Xiaotian led one left and one right, and two heavy cavalry stepped forward to greet them enthusiastically.

"Haha, Lao Huo, is it possible that North America has started the Civil War again, and you plan to flee to me for refuge?"

"I hope so! Haha... Dear Ge, long time no see, your outfit is so fashionable!"

"Give you a few sets!"

"Thank you so much!"

As Horton said, he turned sideways to give way to the two blond old men behind him, "Ge, let me introduce you. This is Sterling, David Sterling, a famous Wall Street investment tycoon!"


"This is Kerry, Alex Kerry, an important member of Wall Street, you may not have heard of it, but he owns half of the shares of the Technology Alliance!"

"Oh? It's really great!"


Seeing his excited appearance, the two old men were a little confused.

Fortunately, Horton is used to this kind of scene, "Kerry, Sterling, this is the head of NT, Ge!"


After exchanging greetings, Ge Xiaotian pulled the big yellow duck and took the lead towards the lake-view pavilion beside the artificial lake.

High-grade mahogany, precious flowers and plants, luxurious porcelain, beautiful girls in ancient costumes...

Xianli Xianqi!

"God, I seem to be in the Garden of Eden, this feeling is really wonderful!"

Holden didn't sit down immediately, but picked up the silver-white binoculars on the table and looked around, "I remember visiting your property last year, it seems that this place is still a wasteland!"

"Pretty isn't it?"

"No biu special!"

Holden walked to the lake, bypassed the gourd-shaped sales office, and looked at Xingyue Bay and the high-rise buildings on the north side, "It's unbelievable that you have built another city in just one year!"

"Haha, what a joke!"

Ge Xiaotian picked up the mother tree Dahongpao brewed by Seng Si, motioned to the two old men who were also quietly observing and marveling, and took a sip.

"Two distinguished guests, why don't you appreciate my new work with Lao Huo first?"

"Extremely honored!"


Not long after, everyone boarded the electric sightseeing car, set off from the gourd-shaped sales office, and walked along the peripheral avenue to watch the beautiful scenery of the new city.

Along the way, Ge Xiaotian personally introduced.

"This is Ge's Foreign Trade Building. Maybe in the near future, we will sign many cooperation agreements here."

"This is Tiancheng Commercial Building. The bottom is a shopping mall and a supermarket, and the upper floor is an office..."

"This is a new hotel invested by Hilton France..."

"This is Tiancheng Wuming No. 2 Hotel..."

"This is the Tiancheng Technology Commercial Building, and there will be a large number of electronic product merchants moving in soon..."

"This is Tiancheng's external training institution..."

"This is Area A of the office building..."

"This is the after-sales service center of various industries..."

"This is Tianrong Building..."

"This is……"

Horton turned his head to look at Xingyue Bay and the commercial street beside the Panlong River, and then turned his head to carefully look at the buildings in the central business district, "Unbelievable!"

The two old men also nodded.

But when the sightseeing car came to the subway construction site on the north side, all three people were dumbfounded.

"Subway? Oh, Ge, you want to build a subway here?"

"What do you say?"

"Your strength is incredible!"

"Not only that, I plan to build a sports center on the west side, which is about twice the size of the Lotus Sports Center. In addition, next to the lake on the west side, there is a super-large-scale modern building complex for filming...the place where the Allied forces landed in World War II type of film."


Holden and the two old men looked at each other, excitedly said: "Ge, do you need investment?"

"Do you think I'm short of money?"


"I said, this is a work! I have completely lost interest in money now, and I just want to carve a city that I like and imagine as I like."


"By the way, Lao Huo, I wonder if you are here today?"

"Oh, Ge, what's the matter, the computer brand invested by my two friends wants to start business in Dongshan in the near future, but they have encountered some troubles."

"Long Tian?"

"Yes, and no, mainly...can you be lenient and not take away their salesman?"

"Huh? Is there such a thing?" Ge Xiaotian looked at Seng Er.

The latter respectfully said: "Boss, there is no one in your school. You urged the people below to help find students. The general manager of Xincheng Tiancheng took the money from Old Wang Longtian and took the opportunity to recruit the waiter from the computer vendor to pretend to be a student."


"Yes, boss!"

Ge Xiaotian patted Holden on the shoulder, "I'm sorry, the company is too big, I don't bother to take care of it now, it's been almost a year since I have asked about operations, many things are just one sentence..."

"Understand, understand!"

Horton seemed to have introduced 'NT Ge' to the two investment tycoons before coming to Dongshan, and the latter had no doubts.

"Ge, there's no need to fire, it's a trivial matter."

"Then send it to Africa."


Horton opened his mouth and quickly changed the subject, "Ge, we are here today mainly to talk about advertising."

Seng Si pretended to tell someone about the recent advertising war between Longtian and the computer company.

Ge Xiaotian pondered for a moment, "Old Huo, to be honest, Tiancheng and Longtian have a cooperative relationship. Just like the batch of smart home appliances you took away, almost all of them were entrusted to Longtian for R\u0026D and production. On the one hand, take back the advertising space of Longtian, thus destroying its most profitable smart home brand."

"Ge, you misunderstood."

Holden asked people to take out his Shiguangji notebook that he bought a long time ago, put his five fingers on the touchpad and use gestures to open the Baixiaotong information platform.

"Ge, we all know that advertising is divided into offline and online. We are confident that we can win offline, but online... Longtian has local support, and we can't cooperate with radio and newspaper agencies. However, your Tianyu International We have strong publicity capabilities in China, and we plan to rent a batch of advertising spaces on the Baixiaotong information platform for a long time."

"That's it!"

Ge Xiaotian's heart moved, and he nodded without hesitation, "No problem, 20% discount, friendly price!"

"You agreed?" Horton was overjoyed.

And the two old men who were sitting silently next to each other cheered up even more.

"Small things!"

In the blink of an eye, Ge Xiaotian figured out why the other party had such a reaction.

Although Longtian listened to his arrangements in many matters, in the end he was still controlled by Jiusuo.

This time, Tiancheng gave Longtian 35 billion for anti-dumping, and the Nine Institutes also transferred 50 billion from Huaxia Head Office in order to maintain their controlling rights.

Long Tian does not have the slightest advantage against the Science and Technology Alliance. If the opponent is allowed to advertise, Long Tian may lose in the first round of the advertising battle.

In order to keep Longtian, the Nine Institutes must exert pressure on the radio and newspaper offices at some level to prevent computer business advertisements.

In this way, Tianyu, which almost represents the Huaxia Internet portal, has become the best choice for the Science and Technology Alliance.

This is……

Take my Xingyuewan industrial chain as an offline battlefield, and then use my Sky Entertainment International as an online battlefield!

Ge Xiaotian smiled slightly, "The radio station is worried that the local leaders will make trouble, I am not worried, I have a few grandpas in the capital."

Holden had such an expression as expected, "Ge, thank you so much!"

"Friends, I must help. Let's go, after talking about things, I invite you to try the rare food here: vegetable pancakes!"

"I wish I could!"



Almost at the same time that the contract was signed and Horton and his party were sent away, the Nine Institutes called.

The instant the connection was made, a voice came out in a panic:

"I said, what are you doing, boy? I managed to gain a slight advantage for Longtian, why did you agree to their advertising on the Tianyu International platform? You are paying for that advertising fee now?"

"Don't worry, old man, do you think I'm that stupid?"

"How to say?"

"The cost of ordinary advertising is indeed low, but once an advertising campaign starts, let alone you, I'm afraid even I don't know how much money I need."


"We signed a three-month contract. The other party will take away the top posts of each section of Baixiaotong's information platform, with a total investment of 200 million. So... can Long Tian spend 300 million and grab all A hot post on the forum?"

"you mean?"

"Let Longtian lead the battle, turn Baixiaotong's information platform into a battlefield like a 'meat grinder', and attract computer companies to continue to invest more... Longtian belongs to us, and Tianyu belongs to me. Application, the advertising fee is just a left hand for a right hand. Of course, the other party is not a fool, you can properly relax the control of the radio station and fan the flames from all angles. This is our territory in China, as long as you work hard to block some discordant voices, this time we will You can make a lot of money through the advertising campaign!"

"Good plan! However, we made a lot of money, which means their products are very popular. When the products are launched...don't tell me, you plan to burn the warehouse on the day they go on sale?"


Ge Xiaotian was almost choked, "I'm stupid, I burned the warehouse, what should they do if they blame me for the loss?"

"Then we?"

"You don't know much about business operations. There is a kind of advertisement called: It looks very popular and popular, but in fact, not many people buy its products. This is like... I like Coke, I hate kvass, But I ended up buying the code."


Jiusuo was silent for a moment, "I don't understand."

"This stems from the concept of product design. For example, HP desktops are sold at an average price of 6,000 yuan. The customer group they are facing belongs to the white-collar class. And the white-collar class all own office computers in the company, so when they buy them back, most of them choose Put it at home, and usually surf the Internet, listen to music, watch movies, and play games.”

"Indeed, the one at home basically only reads web pages."

"So, they spent 6,000 red notes to buy the Huipu desktop computer, and in the end they only used 10% of the functions, and these functions are all available in the high-end, atmospheric, and portable gaming version SG, that is, the pad. And its price is only 368 red notes, a full 20 times the price difference, which is called cost-effective!"

"I understand a little bit."

"The most important thing is that it uses the Shenlong system! Customers can exchange and share data with the smart card and SG series electronic products through the Shenlong account."

"It's obviously a game console, but when you say that, why do I feel like it's a sci-fi product?"

"Believe me, it is advanced! The most important thing is that it can be combined with smart card, SG notebook, SG desktop, SG TV, and SG wearable device: SG family bucket! Well, Longtian will hold the second At the next press conference, the family bucket concept will be proposed at that time."

"No, I can't listen to you blowing..."

"Then you find a way to help me increase the daily output to 500,000 units, and I promise to win this time beautifully."

"This...well, I'll make an application and mobilize the production line of the scientific research institute to help you...make game consoles!"

"It's not a game console, it's called: SG Pad from today on!"

"Beep beep..."

"Why don't you believe it!"

Ge Xiaotian sighed, shook his head, and contacted Old King Longtian.


May 18th.

Long Tian held the second press conference.

To be honest, Lao Wang really wanted to mess things up, and then go back to the brick kiln to smoke, drink, cook Ulu beef, and eat every meal until he is full.

But Lao Wang knew that after Longtian received the 35 billion transferred from Tiancheng through the Nine Institute, if he messed up this time, he might have to play guns with Nong Qijiu, or he would carry the explosives on his shoulders at the end. The one in front...

Therefore, Lao Wang started the show strictly according to the script given by Boss Ge Da.

"Longtian is an innovative technology company. Our aim is to create a more convenient lifestyle for busy people."

"To this end, we have invested heavily in research and development of many intelligent products and a series of interactive programs, which can add an average of 1.5 hours of leisure and entertainment time to each user per day."

"The reason why we are so good is not because of our powerful scientific research ability, but because of our humanized concept!"

"During the research and development of many devices, we pay attention to performance, practicability, and popularization, not so complicated that customers can't even install programs, reinstall systems, or even turn on and off..."

"During the last new product launch event, Longtian decided to launch a game version of SG, but it was only in the design stage and only gave a conceptual drawing. So today let us understand what the game version of SG is!"

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