Build Madness

Chapter 613 The Sports Center MV Released

Making a song requires six steps: writing, composing, arranging, recording, mixing, and demo.

Lyrics and composition need atmosphere, arrangement and recording need a recording studio, mixing needs a mixer, and demo needs a singer to audition.

Ge Xiaotian originally thought that it would take at least ten days and a half months to make "My Dream", but he never thought that, just as he was about to take Lao Shen to Nansi Lake to see the location of the Modern Film and Television City, an ordinary-looking man walked out of the crowd of artists. The young man waved his hand to stop the two of them.

"Boss, I have it!"


Ge Xiaotian looked at the work card on his chest. Wang Haitao, graduated from Beijing Medical University, is currently working as a surgeon at the headquarters of Qingshan Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Tiancheng Technical Certification: Silver Level 5 (Medical Surgery), entry: 377 days.

"Boss, I feel that my chance has come!"


Are you afraid you escaped from Qingshan Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital?

Ge Xiaotian was a little confused.

"Boss, well, let me introduce our temporary team first!" Wang Haitao calmed down his excitement, and pulled out a fat man and a thin girl from the artist crowd, "Boss, this is Lao He, my composing partner, this It’s Ake, my tuner, oh, the sound mixer, and we also have a temporary band, six symphony departments and three folk music departments.”

"Well, calm down and speak slowly."

Ge Xiaotian didn't know what the other party was going to do, but still motioned Seng Si to write it down.

"Boss, ever since our corporate promotional film appeared on the China Spring Festival Gala, I have been proud of Tiancheng and even more proud of my motherland. But for the past six months, I have been thinking all the time, why is there only background music for such a majestic documentary? My Huaxia Heart' kind of epic song?"


"Yes, boss, so, after more than half a year of hard work, our temporary team has made a demo that is still under revision. I think it's okay, I think it's very suitable!"

"what is it call?"

"The stars, the sea, the sky!"

"Oh?" Ge Xiaotian regained his energy.

This is exactly the same as the promotional slogan he wanted to put up for the sports center before!

"Boss, try?"

"Bring it?"

"Bring it!"

Wang Haitao quickly took out the smart card, opened it and put it outside.

I run, I climb, I fly...

I am invincible...

Break free from the shackles of yourself, break through the shackles of yourself...

I firmly believe that...

The past only represents the past, and cannot determine who we are now!

So I will work tirelessly until my dreams come true, until I can see the stars in the sky...

After hearing the beginning, Ge Xiaotian frowned slightly.

Very familiar, yet a little weird.

If you remove the muffled symphony...

Ge Xiaotian tasted it carefully, and suddenly his heart moved, this is the original version of my dream!

I will run, I will climb, I will soar

I'm undefeated

Jumping out of my skin, pulling the chord

Yeah I believe it...

Thinking of this, the way Ge Xiaotian looked at Wang Haitao also changed.

Could it be that this is the original lyrics?

"Boss, how are you?"

"Brother Tao, do you have any other works?"

"Yes, we Tianyu, including the outside world, many singers have used my works, such as the second song of Brother Jian's album this time, Homecoming, such as Quan Yu's beyond imagination, Rhapsody, such as Chen Kun Dance, dance, dance..."

"I can take the team to Jianfu and partner with a female DJ. There are six cities there, enough jobs, and three months of training..."

"Thank you boss, but, boss, we don't want to be supervisors..."


"I want to have an exclusive team and an exclusive venue. Of course, the personnel are composed of the current temporary team."

"That's it, no problem, Gao Song, you are responsible for the arrangements, if not in place, go back to Africa tonight!"


Ge Xiaotian listened to the demo again, and felt that the original Chinese lyrics were more flavorful than the Chinese lyrics adapted from another time and space.

Of course, the current symphony is a bit inferior, and it needs the kind of immersive piano music.

But choosing piano music, the lyrics seem to be unable to match the main theme...

Ge Xiaotian told Wang Haitao his request, asked the other party to make fine-tuning, and immediately looked at Gao Song.

"This song is called my dream. You sign that female singer as soon as possible, and within a week, I want to see new works, including the MV!"

"Boss, is it too hasty?"

"For a super entertainment company, a week, is it rushed? Or, you can't?"

"I'm sure!"


Artists were divided into teams, Gao Song led Wang Haitao and others back to Tianyu headquarters, and the other teams stayed behind to create similar songs.

My dream is just the theme song, and it is impossible for the big sports center to play this song repeatedly, so it is necessary to continue to create.

For the artists who had arranged to stay in Zaoshi Xincheng, Ge Xiaotian did not return to Xingyue Bay with the convoy, but followed Shen Zhipeng along the main road and walked to Nansi Lake.

Nansi Lake is under the jurisdiction of Ji City and belongs to the Wei County area.

If Zaoshi Modern Film and Television City wants to connect to Nansi Lake, it must first buy the embankment on the east side of Nansi Lake from Wei County, which is two miles wide and five miles long, so as to connect Zaoshi area.

The distance is very short, in other words, Nansi Lake is in Zaoshi, but the embankment and lake belong to Weixian County, Jishi.

As for why it wasn't assigned to Zaoshi...

Manage the Grand Canal.

Otherwise, Liang County would not be assigned to Jishi.

Ge Xiaotian has been to Nansi Lake several times, and has also conducted in-depth discussions on the Xingyuewan industrial chain with the leader of Weixian County, that is, the secretary of Shaobaitou.

The relationship between the two parties is already good, and now there is leader Xue Da communicating through it, so getting the land is not a problem.

According to the plan, the modern film and television city covers an area of ​​300,000 mu, including 200,000 mu of water, or about 200 million square meters.

The initial investment of the project is 10 billion, which is definitely not enough if the price of 100,000 red notes per mu of construction land is used.

However, for tourism development, just like Xiangxian County did everything possible to exchange Daqingshan from Liangxian County, and handed it over to Tiancheng for free, 300,000 mu of land + water area, Weixian County and Zaoshi City also did not ask for money, and even took the initiative to allocate funds for road repairs...

In this way, one-third of the 10 billion investment is used to build modern buildings that can be lived in, including streets, rails, cables, drainage, sewage and other facilities.

The remaining 7 billion, part of which is used to purchase modern props, such as classic cars, rickshaws, clothing tanks and various biubiu models. Part of it is used to decorate buildings and form a modern film and television city operating company.

At present, the project has been reported, and if it passes the approval, the next step is to start.

In the evening, on the east bank of Nansi Lake.

"Tianpeng Film and Television Base!"

Looking at the lonely concrete pillar by the lake, Ge Xiaotian was very dissatisfied with the name, "Old Shen, why don't you change your name to Pengcheng? Pengcheng Wanli, how nice it sounds!"

"No, just bring the word Tian, ​​yours must come first!"


"No reason, I can't beat you, let's go to the back!" Shen Zhipeng flipped through the renderings and changed the subject, "We're doing it here, it doesn't seem to help the Xucheng project in the south, it's too far away, more than fifty miles away .”

"You were detouring along the national highway on the east coast, and the waterway is only ten miles away."

"It's impossible for the residents to take the boat every day, right?"

"Yeah, so, have you heard of chain boats?"

"Huh? Burn Chibi?"

"God burn Chibi, I mean, take a boat to build an 'island in the middle of the lake', and then lay a few water corridors, the kind that can run a sports car."

"Damn it, how big is the project? Nansihu Lake alone is 660 square kilometers!"

"I didn't say full coverage. What I mean is that the viaduct on the lake is decorated as an ancient corridor to create a super-large water fairyland. You have played the legend of the dragon, and you should have seen the school residence of Qixiufang, peach blossoms, willow embankments, and stone arch bridges , this is Xiao Jiangnan!...Hey? Why are you going?"

"I'm going to buy land!" Old Shen ran away without looking back.


Seeing his back going away, Ge Xiaotian was a little puzzled, "Why does this old guy react so quickly?"

Seng Si leisurely said: "It was trained by you..."



May 25th.

In 2001, although there is a group of numbers 521, May 20 and May 21 have no special meaning.

In the past week, Longtian continued to engage in advertising battles with computer vendors, and the products they promoted were no longer limited to SG Pad, but also various types of smart homes.

Shen Zhipeng ran to the east side of Nansi Lake and took 2,000 mu of land, but since the modern film and television city project has not yet started, this guy contracted the land to Chen Feng to raise crayfish...

There was still no movement from the Shanghai Chamber of Commerce. Xu Wenqing, who came early, stayed at the Xinglin International construction site all day, urging Party B to speed up the progress of the real estate project. However, the other party has only sold ten sets of shops since the opening. It is said that the client is still a computer company.

Ge Xiaotian has been very busy in recent days.

On the 20th, the Beijing-Hangzhou Bridge in Jishi, which lasted for one year, was completed, and Chief Engineer Liang came from Nanbangzi to preside over the opening ceremony.

The bridge spans 1,300 meters. The upper floor has a glass floor, the middle floor can be used for sports cars, and the bottom floor is equipped with subway tracks. The mother star is unique.

However, the bridge is not big, and it only caused a stir in several surrounding cities.

On the 21st, the preparatory work for the zoo and botanical garden ended as scheduled.

Needless to say, plants come from all over the world.

Some animals come from zoos in Dongshan, some come from Jianfu and Xishan, and most come from Siberia.

There are seals, fur seals, sea lions, and dozens of birds domesticated by Seng Er, and brown bears, reindeer, foxes, etc. raised by You Dao San, as well as dozens of rare species.

It's a pity that in 2001, pandas were more precious than the future, and Tian Cheng couldn't get the right to keep them.

The zoo and botanical garden opened on June 1, and the publicity offensive directly overwhelmed Longtian and computer vendors.

At that time, Ah Huang will play the role of the director and lead the first batch of customers to experience the fantasy world...

On the 22nd, the water entertainment city built at the same time as the zoo and botanical garden will be completed, but it will not be open for the time being, and it will need to wait until the zoo and botanical garden is in the off-season.

On the 23rd, Ge Xiaotian was invited by the leaders of Huaxia Sports to watch two games in the volleyball hall of the Lianhua Sports Center in Jishi City.

What the leaders mean is that football has the Sancha Cup and basketball has the XBA, so it is better to have the XVBA or the Tiancheng Cup.

To be honest, Ge Xiaotian likes volleyball very much, especially the movement of jumping and swinging his arms like bending a bow to shoot a big eagle, and the force of hitting hard. In his heart, this moment is more exciting than a football shot or a basketball dunk.


It's not that I don't know how to play,'s too strong!

Think about it, normal volleyball players can use the ball to hit ordinary people into the air, or break the bones of ordinary people's hands, not to mention strong men, and stronger Tianwei, and ride them back?

If I shoot it all at once, I'm afraid it's not going to make a hole.

However, after Ge Xiaotian declined the leader's intention, he did not disappoint the other party, but agreed to hold the cup with college students and professional players from all over the country as the main members.

The style of the trophy is what he thinks a volleyball player will do when he smashes the ball, and the name is: Sancha Dali Cup!

On the 24th, the volleyball leader left contentedly and was busy with the cup competition. Ge Xiaotian was summoned by Mr. Zhu who inspected the water conservancy project.

And wait until the end, which is today, May 25th.

Tianyu's new work is finally released.

Different from Ge Xiaotian's imagination, the starting picture is not a sea of ​​stars, but various athletes training in a simple arena.

The 100-meter athlete is squatting and preparing to start, his arms are bulging, his legs are tense, and he is kicking the cinder track...

Shot putters hold heavy objects in their hands, twist their waists and tighten their stomachs, and face the muddy field...

The basketball player squatted down slightly, looking at the round ball on the tattered hoop...

At this time, the piano music sounded...

I will run, I will climb, I will soar

I'm undefeated...

With the singing, the motion picture dissipated, showing the slow motion of the worker wielding a sledgehammer to hit the red steel plate...

Sparks splashed, sweat and heat entangled...

Then, under the scorching sun, a young man gnawed on steamed buns, with a red and bronze upper body, picked up a thick strip of cloth, turned around and carried a large stack of red bricks on his back...

And as the song progresses, the screen changes again, showing a large number of students who are either immersed in their studies, or read aloud, or stay up late at night with the lamp on, including steel workers and young brick movers...

When the song enters the second half.

Athletes came to the dreamlike star-shaped stadium surrounded by aurora...

Cinder roads become plastic, mud fields become greenery, broken ball frames become brand new net bags...

In the surrounding stands, countless spectators shouted in unison...

And many students have also stepped into the examination room of the high school entrance examination and the college entrance examination...

And we'll dream it possible

(we will dream come true)


(come true)

And we'll dream it possible

(we will dream come true)

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