Build Madness

Chapter 618: During the Wedding East Lake Film and Television City

Outside the woman's house.

"Ah yo~"


"Cough babble~"

This situation, together with this song and this sound, perfectly interprets Ge Wangwang's mood at the moment.

His long tenor hair that suppresses his voice not only brought his singing skills to the extreme, but also brought his ended acting career to its peak.

After the song was sung, the suona team forgot the tune, the little hero's eyes were confused, the best man group fell silent, and the scene fell into an eerie silence...

a long time……


The door was gently opened...

Ge Wangwang subconsciously stepped into Lao Yue's house, and when he looked up, he saw stunned faces all over the room.

Even Shuai Bo, who has experienced strong winds and waves, was almost forgotten by Lei's emcee's lines, "Heh, ha... The blue sky shines in the daytime, the clear spring rocks flow upward, the green hills are surrounded by bright mirrors, and the blue sea reflects tall buildings. Fragrance, a beautiful look warms the heart. This is April in Qinggang, full of vitality and poetic. In this April, we will gather here to send Miss Zhu Xiaoyun out of the cabinet..."

In such an atmosphere, the woman's parents completely forgot that they were going to marry their daughter today, and followed Shuai Bo's instructions to complete the whole process in a daze, and sent their daughter out of the house inexplicably...

The loudspeaker equipment on the street switches songs:

'The clean, white wedding dress, holding flowers in hands, beautiful like a fairy tale...'

bang bang bang...


According to the customs of the old family, before the bride enters the man's house, her feet cannot touch the ground. Therefore, Ge Wangwang embraced the eighth-dan judo sister-in-law who is said to weigh more than 160 kilograms, and moved step by step to the silver-white car parked on the street 800 meters away. Mi Er Liu...

'Oh My Love let's get married...'

'I really want to have a home with you...'

"This life, the most beautiful dream..."

"With you to accompany me to travel to the end of the world..."

On both sides of the street, artists and employees from Tianyu's Qinggang Branch, Badaguan Wedding Photography Branch, and Qinggang Overseas Entertainment Company sang in a chorus to send the most sincere blessings to the eldest brother of the boss...

Ge Wangwang squeezed out a smile, took one step, two steps, and took firm and powerful steps...

"Brother, hold on!"

"My legs are weak..."

Hijab-covered sister-in-law: "You think I'm fat?"



The wedding ceremony will be held in the old house compound.

Times have changed, and many folk customs have also adjusted accordingly. The woman's parents, relatives and friends also came to Gejia Village by medium-sized helicopter to participate in the celebration that the daughter only had once in a lifetime.

However, when the pick-up team stopped outside the alley, looking at the colorful flowers and trees on both sides, and the distance of more than 50 meters from the old house compound, Ge Wangwang actually smiled...

"Brother, are you happy?"

"I'm so~happy!"

"Then get out of the car!"

"My legs are cramping..."


After a long, long time...

Shuai Bo originally wanted to add a few funny moments, but seeing that his boss's brother even put on mechanical legs, he had no choice but to get straight to the point.

"A bow to heaven and earth..."

"Second obeisance to the high hall..."

"Husband and wife salute..."


Countless candies are sprinkled on the roof...

After the ceremony, transfer to Qingshan Guyue Hotel...

With one arm around Li Xiuxiu, Ge Xiaotian stroked the blissful little hero's forehead with the other, strolling around to attend the banquet.

The little girl who came back yesterday afternoon walked on the left, followed by Ah Huang who sneaked home at some point.

"Second brother, you must have done it on purpose."

"How is it possible? I didn't even know that sister-in-law was so heavy."



"Why do I feel like you're lying again?"

Ge Xiaotian took out the dog food specially made for Ah Huang by the genetic research institute, and sprinkled it forward, "Oh, daughter-in-law, have I ever lied?"


Ge Sanni: "???"


Good times always fly by in the blink of an eye.

Ge Wangwang's wedding was a sensation in Dongshan and China. After all, during this period, no businessman could use nine helicopters, but all this was quickly overwhelmed by the advertisements of Longtian and the computer company.

two days later.

The little girl goes back to school.

The woman's parents, relatives and friends returned to Qinggang.

Comrade Ge Feng set off to return to Heilong.

Ge Wangwang and his sister-in-law took care of the children, while his mother and three 'local girlfriends' supervised.

Ge Xiaotian and Li Xiuxiu wandered all over the green hills, and led Ah Huang to the East Lake.

Another year has passed, and one-third of Daxing City was originally pieced together, but now it is peerlessly majestic, and it has become the first ancient imperial city to be completely restored on the mother planet.

The overall area is 20,000 mu, with a construction area of ​​5 million square meters.

In other words, there are at least 10,000 ancient courtyards of 500 square meters here.

In addition, there are dozens of characteristic scenic spots defined as fishing villages, farms, kiln towns, salt villages, refineries, bandit villages, ghost villages, etc., which are not included in the overall land area.

Between the east bank of the East Lake and the river sluice, there are many docks and corresponding ships divided according to the Qin, Han, Sui, Tang, Song and Ming dynasties.

It was June, and the sun was scorching hot.

Under the city wall, flags are flying, and there are strong men in various armors standing everywhere.

All kinds of machinery come and go around, several IMAX cameras come and go one after another, and many actors in costumes show their strengths...

The large-scale costume drama "Wan Chao Lai He", which lasted for a year, is still filming.

After Gao Song finished the theme song of Xincheng Sports Center, he went to supervise the audition of The Voice of China, and now Old Monster Xu is in charge of it.

Ge Xiaotian and Fat Xiu took the younger sister to enjoy several recent masterpieces of Tianyu together two days ago, such as The Legend of Shushan, the remake of A Chinese Ghost Story, The Second Under Heaven, and The Great Sage of the Monster Race (similar to Wukong, but there is no Wukong in this time and space) Biography, is an adaptation of Journey to the West).

There is no doubt about Mr. Xu's ability, and he can be called the strongest director in the Chinese martial arts series for his creation of ancient scenes.

It's a pity that ability belongs to ability, but box office is linked to business.

The popularity of martial arts, which emerged in the 1980s, has now dropped to a freezing point, and epic large-scale ancient war films, occasionally come to such a one, which can be called amazing, but always playing like this can easily cause visual fatigue and psychological boredom for the audience.

Therefore, Mr. Xu began to transform into a fairy man since the filming of Shenlong Continent last year.

But the first part of Shenlong Continent and Zuo Zhiyue became the swan song, and the second part of Bashu Yijiange has to make a breakthrough, otherwise it will be a bad movie and a retrogression...

However, the fine products accumulated by someone with the classics twenty years later are not so easy to be surpassed...

Because of this, Old Freak Xu has entered a bottleneck period.

Now in charge of the epic blockbuster Wanchao Laihe, it can be regarded as looking for inspiration.

Seeing Ge Xiaotian's arrival, the crew greeted him one after another.

"Hello boss, hello lady boss!"

Old Monster Xu put down the script, "Boss, the Magic City Chamber of Commerce is preparing a new blockbuster movie, and has invited me to lead it several times. Do you want it?"

"Poaching? Our family has no shortage of people. Buyout? Our family is full of scripts. Acquisition? Two-thirds of China's theaters are owned by us. If the film is good or the film is bad, the audience has to watch it. What are they doing? Let's call it back. It's gone." Ge Xiaotian went to the monitor to check the work.

Fat Xiu led Ah Huang to the "Ge Mansion" in the city to tidy up the bed. In the next few days, the two of them would sit here and experience the life of an ancient prince.

"Boss, they are filming a TV series this time."

"Oh? Make use of strengths and avoid weaknesses. I thought the other party was going to fight me with a movie. What TV series?"

"Large ancient costume, the Kangxi Dynasty."


"In addition, they also introduced deep affection."

"Where is our Xun Qin Ji?"

"Didn't you watch it? It aired in early April, two episodes a day, and it's the finale."

"Baoqiang's soldiers assault..."

Ge Xiaotian suddenly woke up. Last year's school military training film was broadcast as early as the second half of last year, and it didn't shoot the soldier assault, "It seems that the sword is about to shine!"

"Huh?" Old Freak Xu didn't understand why.

"No, Bright Sword will be left to Modern Film and Television City..."

Ge Xiaotian got up and walked around, thinking about how to compete with the other party for ratings.

Affected by the exchange of sports broadcasts for advertising space, the way to buy advertising space in this space-time is very different from that in another space-time.

First of all, the distribution company or entertainment company takes out the work and puts it on the radio station in exchange for a certain amount of advertising space, rather than asking for money.

Secondly, the value of these advertising spaces changes with the decline in ratings. If it is higher than the value negotiated by both parties, the station will rebate in cash;

In 2001, the ability of various radio stations to produce their own programs was limited, and film and television production partners needed to be snatched up. Tianyu had a lot of works, and if you didn’t sign, we signed.

But those who can survive are not ordinary people, they either have a background, or they still have a background. If it is another entertainment company, Ge Xiaotian will produce an ordinary work, but if it is the Magic City Chamber of Commerce, he has to consider this commercial war advertisement problem of publicity.

The two sides are fighting an all-out war.

As small as basic necessities of life, department stores, as large as automobile trade, real estate industry...

This requires ad slots, measured in billions.

Ge Xiaotian was thinking, pacing around twice, when he looked up, he suddenly saw a man who impressed him very much in the distance.

"Oboi? Worshiping the Moon Sect Master?"

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