Build Madness

Chapter 623 Hardcore Acceptance Test Operation of the Cross-sea Bridge

It is not without precedent to use tank to test the bridge.

Thirty years ago, General Xu mobilized 118 30-ton tanks to test the Yangtze River Bridge, which is still shocking.

Coincidentally, the Czech Republic has also done the same sensational test, but unfortunately the bridge broke on the spot, and it cost billions of money...

Ge Xiaotian dared to ask Nan Bangzi to ask tank to do the test, and he also had his own confidence.

First of all, how much weight the viaduct can bear is not only related to the design scheme and engineering quality, but also involves the gravity distribution of the vehicle.

For example, if a two-axle vehicle (two guide wheels at the front and two driving wheels at the rear) transports 100 tons of goods and drives into a bridge with a load of 50 tons, the latter will definitely be crushed.

However, if the two-axle car becomes a fifty-axle car, transporting 100 tons of goods, each axle is divided into 2 tons, and the layout is distributed, it will naturally not cause any harm to the bridge.

The Nanbangzi K1 tank is similar to the North American M1 tank as a whole, but it is flatter and shorter than the North American M1. The body is 9.67 meters long, 3.60 meters wide, and 2.25 meters high. The combat weight is only 50 tons.

Although this weight is the same as the load of the Incheon Bridge, the tank is a crawler vehicle. According to the performance of the K1tan, it can walk in wetlands and sandy environments, and its unit pressure will not exceed 90 kPa, that is to say, per square Centimeter load does not exceed 0.9 kg.

For the Incheon Bridge built by Tiancheng, it will not be a problem to arrange thousands of vehicles in a row...

Of course, science is fundamental to pretending to be X.

Ge Xiaotian also needs to consider the issue of 'resonance'.

For example, if a hundred tanks roar together, the sound wave energy exceeds the absorption limit of the box girders and bridges, plus the engine amplitude, the tanks and solids become assimilated to each other, and a collapse will occur.

For example, hundreds of tanks move forward together, accelerate together, and decelerate together. The kinetic energy and potential energy formed by tens of thousands of tons of iron bumps are integrated into one body, just like shaking the "net red bridge" with concerted efforts, which will inevitably lead to the overall displacement of the cross-sea bridge.

Therefore, it is necessary to adjust the entry order of the tank and the walking pattern.

However, Party A was frightened by using tank to test the acceptance method of the bridge, and Nanbangzi executives protested one after another.

"Mr. Ge, you can move your whole body by pulling one. If a certain part collapses, it doesn't matter if the tank falls into the sea, but it's not a matter of hundreds of millions to repair the bridge."

"Mr. Ge, trial operation is about to start, in case something unexpected happens..."

"Mr. Ge, we believe that Tiancheng's construction technology, like the Monkey King in Neobras, can stand tall in the world of ice and snow, which is enough to prove Tiancheng's achievements in the field of construction technology."

"Mr. Ge..."

"Gentlemen, as far as I know, according to the contract delivery date, we seem to be 46 days ahead of schedule. One and a half months is enough to build an auxiliary bridge and then adjust it to the main bridge. Besides, if it is crushed, what a sensational news? "

Ge Xiaotian walked to the bridge, and under the eyes of everyone, said proudly: "You should expect to be crushed and leave a 'no zuo no die' bridge ruins, so as to attract the attention of the whole mother planet and drive the development of tourism."

"???" Nan Bangzi's executives were instantly stunned by this thought.

"When it comes to business operations, I'm an expert. Every word I say is a golden idea. Do you want to make money?"


Nanbangzi's high-level executives collectively fell into deep thought...

"That's it. A hundred tanks will be dispatched as soon as possible, and the test will start in an hour."

hula la...

Several men in uniforms communicated with Chairman Nanbangzi and ran out first...


The tank is drawn over there, and there are so many high-level Nanbangzi here, they can't just wait.

Ge Xiaotian led everyone to the Incheon Bridge Management Office.

This is a multi-in-one control center integrating maintenance, emergency response, rescue, monitoring, etc.

As the saying goes, you get what you pay for, and you can cheat Franklin tens of billions, and you have to be more or less forceful.

The entrance and exit has the "multiple key system" that is put into commercial use for the first time in the whole parent star. It has multiple authentications such as fingerprints, pupils, faces, and sound waves. Only three of them must be met before the security door can be opened. The error rate is low and the confidentiality is high. To ensure that the staff of the Incheon Bridge can enter smoothly, and to effectively prevent criminals from mixing in.

In fact, Longtian can't make a single function 100% safe.

Entering the lobby, the first thing you see are ten emergency rescue and maintenance vehicles.

They use Tianji's new generation of aero-engines, which are powerful and fast, and can rescue the wounded or deal with damaged vehicles in the first place. Their huge and wide two-wheel design, which resembles the style of a Harley-Davidson motorcycle, can not only avoid traffic jams, but also It has the ability to drive on all terrains, and can also tow wheeled container cargo of less than 20 tons. The price is as high as 20 million. It is a customized model for the Incheon Bridge project.

In fact, Tianba Dongba tua can't be sold, so the engine is disassembled and reassembled...

But after appreciating these two high-end sci-fi products, Nanbangzi's executives were inexplicably excited and applauded vigorously...

Next is the whole monitoring and full bridge FM voice broadcast system.

The former adopts all-round and all-weather electronic capture and video recording, combined with the Shenlong system adopted by the SG series, which is easy to query and manage.

The latter uses Longtian Zigbee area network technology, which can effectively avoid ship signal interference and achieve the purpose of instant communication.

There is also a united front command office equipped with large-screen projection equipment. When necessary, the functions of the first two can be freely mobilized to make them complement each other and meet the needs of rapid processing.

The most important thing is that the entire bridge adopts the "remote control pressure measurement system" for the first time. The staff can monitor the force of each part through the pressure tester buried in each part of the bridge body. Once the load is exceeded, it can be broadcast through FM The system notifies the 'sabotage' to stop certain actions on the Incheon Bridge...

Stop and go, a group of people visited every corner of the management team, and all the top executives of Nanbangzi showed satisfaction...

Looking at that appearance, it seems that everyone said: It's worth it!

Ge Xiaotian looked at the time, "Gentlemen, how do you feel?"

"Tiancheng, this!" Chairman Nan Bangzi gave a thumbs up.

"Then let's proceed to the next step, testing and acceptance."


There must be acceptance standards and professional acceptance methods for acceptance, and the tank test is just a temporary project that Ge Xiaotian joined.

During the time of tank transfer, the three supervisory teams from Germany, Fargo, and Finland, accompanied by Professor Hu, Chief Engineer Liang, and Director Sun of the Overseas Investment Group, summarized the completion files, supervision files, and phased acceptance reports. With the person in charge of the Incheon Bridge project, they conducted a field visit to the Incheon Bridge.

When Ge Xiaotian and Nanbangzi executives returned to the site, the acceptance team hastily submitted a non-professional acceptance letter in a 'formal' manner.

The purpose must be to let the high-level and the public understand, and the more professional acceptance letter is uploaded to the Incheon Bridge section of the Baixiaotong information platform.

Being able to reach this stage is enough to prove that the whole project has no quality problems, and the equipment, water and electricity, and fire protection are also in place.

The chairman of Nanbangzi boarded the rostrum, faced the crowds of people around him, and announced the trial operation of the Incheon Bridge...

Not long after, a hundred semi-abandoned tanks transferred from the Incheon Military Headquarters and the nearby Seoul Base Camp, cooperated with Tian Cheng's command, and drove into the bridge head in an orderly manner...

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