Build Madness

Chapter 639 Really? Zheng He’s Treasure Ship

Chapter 639: True Zheng He Treasure Ship

During the sea festival.

Baixiaotong information platform.

Although Longtian launched six navigation satellites and three auxiliary satellites one after another, they are not network satellites after all. Coupled with the popularity of the GLONASS navigation system, more and more users are pouring into the satellite communication module. The proxy server bandwidth is getting less and less, therefore, Tianyu Media has not opened the live broadcast function of the 'Entertainment' section.

At present, it is still a live broadcast method that uses both text and voice.

eleven o'clock in the morning.

SG series, including Shiguang machine (graphene + optoelectronics, 668,000 units, performance surpasses server, must be made by Taoist priests by hand), SG notebook (cheap silicon chip), SG desktop, SG TV, SG projection, SG wheelchair smart The robot, as well as all devices including the smart card, have all received the notification of the 'Renaissance of the Great Discovery Era'. (SG pad is not listed)

All of a sudden, each section was overcrowded, and countless high-definition pictures and high-definition animations of the scene frequently swiped the screen.

"Excellent, I am Great Huaxia!"

"There is an ironclad ship this time?"

"It's on, it's on! Damn, there are at least sixty doors in one ship!"

"By the way, Ge Lao Er is not afraid of Haibu looking for trouble?"

"It's troublesome to find a fart. This guy has grandpa everywhere. After hearing about the car bombing, Ge Laoer ran to the capital and recognized three of them in one go. One is a military boss and two sea department chiefs!"


woo woo woo...

Just when netizens were discussing, after a horn audio was automatically played, all platforms seemed to be stuck, the posts were no longer refreshed, and tens of millions of netizens were collectively silenced.

Fifteen seconds later.

A high-definition animation appeared in front of everyone.

Under the blue sea and blue sky, a small wooden ship, accompanied by more than 60 small boats, approached from far away.

The gag ends.

"It's strange. Compared with the iron-clad ship, this ship seems to be less than 200 meters. Why do I's like an epic sea monster that can't be shaken by a super aircraft?"

"What's the air carrier? Ge Laoer's air carrier is selling tickets in various seaport cities. I went to see it. The size of more than 300 meters is not comparable to the three-seater ship developed by the Okhotsk Shipyard commissioned by Sino-Ocean Group. A 100,000-ton oil tanker, but now I feel that a 300,000-ton oil tanker is like a canoe next to this wooden battleship..."

"It's really strange..."

"Is this the visual effect?"

"Anyway, seeing such a huge fleet, although it is very backward, but the home planet is unique, I am full of pride!"

"Long live China!"

"The motherland rises!"


'Drip, activate the epic spectacle special effect: National Glory. '

After Ge Xiaotian finished reciting the sacrificial oration facing the sea breeze, the system prompt suddenly popped up, and when he looked up, it seemed that only the ancient warship, the treasure ship of Zhenghe, was left in the world.

This is not important, what is important is that a light blue frame that occupies almost the entire golden sand beach and covers thousands of ships appears above the hull at some point!

'Damn it, phantom? '

Seeing the light effect shrouded above the ship, Ge Xiaotian was startled.

Play big!

Fortunately, the hundreds of thousands of stunned people at the scene didn't seem to be able to see this phantom, or else they wouldn't be able to fry the pot?

This is the first time that the system has 'visualized' the spectacle function since time travel.

I can't tell, the way is unclear, just like the efficiency bonus given to employees by the town center. Although I feel strange, my heart is full of identity.

That's how I am, or that's what it is!


next moment.

When thousands of spectators woke up, roaring and shaking the sky, all of them were boiling!

If it weren't for the thousands of Heavenly Guards and tens of thousands of green-clothed and security officers trying their best to maintain order, I'm afraid someone would rush into the sea...


The young white-headed leader was stunned for a long time, sighed aloud, and had no regrets about taking the golden beach in exchange for the starting point for his voyage to the West.

The leader of Jianfu University beat his chest and stamped his feet on the spot, "It's a big loss!"

Other leaders, some are happy and some are worried...

This scene alone is priceless!


At the end of the sea festival, the crew took back hundreds of thousands of ancient costumes.

That's right, everyone entering the Golden Beach this time must wear the ancient costumes that Tianyu distributes for free.

As for the compensation for the clothes that were involuntarily torn or damaged due to emotional excitement...

Definitely follow the process.

Ge Xiaotian didn't have time to deal with these trivial matters, so he led hundreds of leaders and wealthy businessmen from all over China to board the real Zhenghe treasure ship.

The leader of Jianfu University had a lot of research on ancient ships, and the moment he stepped on the plywood, he was stunned.

"This, this is not a steel keel?"

"Yes, the main keel is made of extinct purple teak, the side keel is made of ebony wood, and the ribs of the boat are made of nanmu..."

There is a real Zheng Hebao ship. Ge Xiaotian was worried that it would not be restored after dismantling, so he did not dare to let people crack it, and he would definitely not sell it.

The leaders of Jianfu University heard the words, the corners of their mouths twitched, "Extinct purple teak?"

"Well, leader, there is a big difference between ancient and modern creatures, people are different, animals and plants are naturally different, just like Shennongjia's thousand-year-old cedar king, if it is not discovered, no one in the outside world can imagine that there will be such a big cedar tree The same is true for purple teak. Purple teak with a height of hundreds of meters is really hard to see, but we still found it in Nanyang, and it is also the most important wood for restoring Zheng He’s treasure ship. A hull of 160 meters."

Ge Xiaotian spread out the structural diagram copied from the system, "Technology is a difficult point to restore the treasure ship, but for hundreds of years, many towering ancient trees have disappeared or become extinct, so that the latecomers only think that the treasure ship is made of ordinary shipbuilding materials However, according to the literature, in the second year of Yongle in the Ming Dynasty, Nanyi Brunei offered several pieces of precious wood, which were thirty-eight feet long..."

"There are such documents? Why haven't I heard of them?" The leader of Jianfu University frowned slightly.

"In the second year of Yongle, General Jianwen Li Jinglong led 500,000 troops to attack the capital. Ming Renzong Zhu Gaochi resisted with 20,000 soldiers and horses in the city. Although he won, there will inevitably be omissions during the war. …It is located in the South Four Lakes of the Grand Canal, in ancient times, it was a transportation fortress and a military center.”

"Did the bandit jump into the river?"

"No, the tribute documents were picked up by the local residents and kept as family heirlooms. Luckily, if we didn't have them, maybe we wouldn't have thought of building materials, and we wouldn't have spent hundreds of millions to purchase this extinct purple teak wood."

"How many billion?" The leaders were all shocked.

Mr. Yu even grabbed Ge Xiaotian's sleeve, "How many millions did you spend to restore the treasure ship?"

"Purple teak! A set of solid wood furniture made of ordinary teak costs hundreds of thousands, not to mention the extinct purple teak? Moreover, this is only the main keel, and there are side keels made of black gold wood, made of hundreds of sandalwood Ribs, think about it, a string of sandalwood beads costs hundreds of dollars, how much does it take to make the ribs of a giant ship?"

Mr. Yu's hands trembled, "You prodigal son, how much did it cost to build this boat?"

"Three billion."

"How many?"

"That's less, two billion."


"I dare not say..."


"It's actually five billion."

"You think the money comes from the wind?"

"I earn so much money overseas, the U.S. dollar is easy to talk about, and my superiors help me exchange it. Japanese currency, Taiwan dollar, Thai baht, South Vietnamese dong... can't all be exchanged into red notes. It's useless for me to keep it, and you won't let me go 'block I can only buy some expensive things for entertainment... You know, when I have money in my pocket, I get flustered."

"Hey, what if someone else robs you?"

"You haven't snatched it? Eight billion water conservancy..."


"Five billion in agriculture..."


"The Olympic bid is successful, Dongshan's sports industry is on the rise, maybe you will ask me to spend some..."

"Speak the truth!"


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